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MODULE 2 & 3
First Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022

GED0106 Art Appreciation


Instructions: Read each of the following statements. Write True on the space provided if the
statement is correct. Otherwise, write False.

_______1. Loosely defined, the term humanities refer to the arts-the visual arts such as
architecture, painting, sculpture, music, dance, theater or drama, and literature.
However, they are branches of learning that do not concern human thought and

_______2. Art, as a term is taken from the Italian word, “artis,” which means craftmanship, skill,
mastery of form, inventiveness and the association that exist between form and ideas
and between material and techniques.

_______3. Art, like love, is very important in our lives as it is concerned with the
communication of certain ideas and feelings by means of a sensuous medium-color,
sound, bronze, marble, words, film and literature.
_______4. The subject of art is varied. All arts have subjects called non-representational; others
don’t have subjects which are representational or non-objective arts.
_______5. Not all arts have functions for people since they don’t satisfy a particular need for
_______6. Visual arts, or space arts are those that we perceive with our eye and which occupy
_______7. Auditory or time arts are those that can be heard and are expressed in time.
_______8. Combined arts are those that can be both seen and heard and these exist in both space
and time.
_______9. Fine arts or aesthetic arts are industrial art, applied or household art, civic art,
commercial art, etc.
_______10. Sculpture and decorative materials are plastic arts.

Instructions: Answer the following questions.

1. Must art communicate? What is communicated then by a church? By a ceramic vase? By

a piece of furniture?
2. In what ways does art contribute to the physical, social and spiritual well-being of man?
3. What are the functions of art in the context of enhancing your personality.

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