Cardona Pinero Enrique LE03 Tarea

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Vocabulary and Grammar (10 marks)

1. Match the words with the suitable meaning (0,25 points each)

a. Kidneys. 4
b. Inflammation. 5
c. heart attack. 2
d. fracture. 3
e. hemorrhage. 1

1. profuse bleeding from ruptured blood vessels

2. any sudden severe instance of abnormal heart functioning
3. the breaking or cracking of a bone or the tearing of a cartilage
4. they maintain water and filter waste products from the blood,
which are excreted as urine
5. the reaction of living tissue to injury or infection, characterized by
heat, redness

2. Write these questions in the right order. (0,25 points each)

a. pain / has / tom / his / a / in / neck

Tom has a pain in his neck.

b. inflammation / in / she / breast bone / has / an / the

She has an inflammation in the breast bone.

c. heart attack an / call / it / like / ambulance / looks / a

lt looks like a heart attack call an ambulance.

d. to / difficulties / patient / unconscious / and / presents / is / breath

Patient is unconscious and presents difficulties to breath.

e. hemorrhage / difficult / to / very / this / is / cut

This hemorrhage is very difficult to cut.

3. Classify the words into these three categories: pains(P), part of the
body(B) or bones (BO). (0,25 points each)

a. breast bone (BO ) b. inflammation (P) c. hips (B) d. dislocated (P)

e. bruise (P) f. cartilage (B) g. liver (B) h. collar bone (BO)
i. lungs(B) j. neck (B) k. pelvis (BO) l. asthma (P) m.
joint (B) n. brain (B)

4. Write the missing part of the past simple form of these verbs. (0,25
points each)
a. work b. tell c. want d. open e. talk f. arrive g.
brush h. see i. do j. have

1. He worked in that hospital four years ago.

2. She didn’t tell him what she wanted .
3. We opened the window because we were hot.
4. I talked to him when I arrived .
5. Did you brush your teeth?
6. Did they see the film last night?
7. I didn’t do it because I didn’t have time.

5. Write the verbs in brackets in simple past or present perfect. (0,3

points each)

1. They have got married and are now on their honeymoon. (to get
2. I finished studying Medicine ten years ago.(to finish)
3. Have you seen the doctor? I can’t find him. (you / to see)
4. I have finished a very interesting book about emergency
assistance. (To finísh)
5. This morning I have been to the new hospital.(to be)

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