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Terms and Definition on Human Resource Management.

Added Value often refers to the analysis undertaken by management of the cost and
contribution made by employees involved at each stage in the process of producing a
product or providing a service.

Appraisal Schemes - an individual's performance is reviewed by their manager. Their past

performance is examined and future goals are set.

Benchmarking -measures standards of performance against others doing similar work.

Business Units often have their own Trading Accounts and operate with relative autonomy
from the rest of the company or service.

Total Quality Management (TQM) usually involves the introduction of continuous

monitoring. It refers to initiatives designed to improve the quality of products and services
to meet customer's requirements.

Empowerment/Enablement are strategies aimed to give people more control and

responsibility for their work .

Flexibility describes changes in the Management-by-Objectives

size of the workforce, depending on means each management team
short-term changes in market identifying its key tasks and goals
conditions and using these as a yardstick
against which performance is

Multi-Skilling is the increase of the

skills base of the workforce, usually
bringing in new technology

Multi-tasking requires for staff to

take on a wider range of tasks,
usually involving on-the-job training

Outsourcing occurs when

management invites external
contractors to undertake work that
was previously done by in-house

Performance Indicators measure

the improvements in throughputs,
Performance Related Pay (PRP) linksoutputs and outcomes.
an individuals performance with their pay.
Different schemes have been set up to measure .

Team Building brings together employers and employees, with the goal of increasing
performance by strengthening relationships within the workplace.

Flexibility describes changes in the size of the workforce, depending on short-term

changes in market conditions .
Terms and Definition on Human Resource Management.
Added Value often refers to the analysis undertaken by management of the cost and
contribution made by employees involved at each stage in the process of producing a
product or providing a service.

Appraisal Schemes - an individual's performance is reviewed by their manager. Their past

performance is examined and future goals are set.

Benchmarking -measures standards of performance against others doing similar work.

Business Units often have their own Trading Accounts and operate with relative autonomy
from the rest of the company or service.

Total Quality Management (TQM) usually involves the introduction of continuous

monitoring. It refers to initiatives designed to improve the quality of products and services
to meet customer's requirements.

Empowerment/Enablement are strategies aimed to give people more control and

responsibility for their work .

Flexibility describes changes in the Management-by-Objectives

size of the workforce, depending on means each management team
short-term changes in market identifying its key tasks and goals
conditions and using these as a yardstick
against which performance is

Multi-Skilling is the increase of the

skills base of the workforce, usually
bringing in new technology

Multi-tasking requires for staff to

take on a wider range of tasks,
usually involving on-the-job training

Outsourcing occurs when

management invites external
contractors to undertake work that
was previously done by in-house

Performance Indicators measure

the improvements in throughputs,
Outsourcing occurs when managementoutputs
invites and outcomes.
external contractors to undertake work that
was previously done by in-house staff.

360 Survey: An employee feedback program whereby an employee is rated by surveys distributed to his
or her co-workers, customers, and managers. HR departments may use this feedback to help develop an
individual's skill or they may integrate it into performance management programs.
Terms and Definition on Human Resource Management.
Added Value often refers to the analysis undertaken by management of the cost and
contribution made by employees involved at each stage in the process of producing a
product or providing a service.

Appraisal Schemes - an individual's performance is reviewed by their manager. Their past

performance is examined and future goals are set.

Benchmarking -measures standards of performance against others doing similar work.

Business Units often have their own Trading Accounts and operate with relative autonomy
from the rest of the company or service.

Total Quality Management (TQM) usually involves the introduction of continuous

monitoring. It refers to initiatives designed to improve the quality of products and services
to meet customer's requirements.

Empowerment/Enablement are strategies aimed to give people more control and

responsibility for their work .

Flexibility describes changes in the Management-by-Objectives

size of the workforce, depending on means each management team
short-term changes in market identifying its key tasks and goals
conditions and using these as a yardstick
against which performance is

Multi-Skilling is the increase of the

skills base of the workforce, usually
bringing in new technology

Multi-tasking requires for staff to

take on a wider range of tasks,
usually involving on-the-job training

Outsourcing occurs when

management invites external
contractors to undertake work that
was previously done by in-house

Performance Indicators measure

the improvements in throughputs,
outputs and outcomes.
Affirmative action: Proactive policies aimed at increasing the employment opportunities of certain
groups (typically, minority men and/or women of all racial groups). Title 5, Section 503 of the
Rehabilitation Act requires that affirmative action be taken in employment of persons with disabilities by
Federal contractors. Affirmative action was designed to rectify past discrimination but has been
controversial since its inception.
Terms and Definition on Human Resource Management.
Added Value often refers to the analysis undertaken by management of the cost and
contribution made by employees involved at each stage in the process of producing a
product or providing a service.

Appraisal Schemes - an individual's performance is reviewed by their manager. Their past

performance is examined and future goals are set.

Benchmarking -measures standards of performance against others doing similar work.

Business Units often have their own Trading Accounts and operate with relative autonomy
from the rest of the company or service.

Total Quality Management (TQM) usually involves the introduction of continuous

monitoring. It refers to initiatives designed to improve the quality of products and services
to meet customer's requirements.

Empowerment/Enablement are strategies aimed to give people more control and

responsibility for their work .

Flexibility describes changes in the Management-by-Objectives

size of the workforce, depending on means each management team
short-term changes in market identifying its key tasks and goals
conditions and using these as a yardstick
against which performance is

Multi-Skilling is the increase of the

skills base of the workforce, usually
bringing in new technology

Multi-tasking requires for staff to

take on a wider range of tasks,
usually involving on-the-job training

Outsourcing occurs when

management invites external
contractors to undertake work that
was previously done by in-house

Performance Indicators measure

the improvements in throughputs,
outputs and outcomes.
Absolute ratings

A rating method where the rater assigns a specific value on a fixed scale to the behavior or
performance of an individual instead of assigning ratings based on comparisons between other

Collective Bargaining

The process by which [an] employer[s] will negotiate employment contracts with [a] union[s].
Terms and Definition on Human Resource Management.
Added Value often refers to the analysis undertaken by management of the cost and
contribution made by employees involved at each stage in the process of producing a
product or providing a service.

Appraisal Schemes - an individual's performance is reviewed by their manager. Their past

performance is examined and future goals are set.

Benchmarking -measures standards of performance against others doing similar work.

Business Units often have their own Trading Accounts and operate with relative autonomy
from the rest of the company or service.

Total Quality Management (TQM) usually involves the introduction of continuous

monitoring. It refers to initiatives designed to improve the quality of products and services
to meet customer's requirements.

Empowerment/Enablement are strategies aimed to give people more control and

responsibility for their work .

Flexibility describes changes in the Management-by-Objectives

size of the workforce, depending on means each management team
short-term changes in market identifying its key tasks and goals
conditions and using these as a yardstick
against which performance is

Multi-Skilling is the increase of the

skills base of the workforce, usually
bringing in new technology

Multi-tasking requires for staff to

take on a wider range of tasks,
usually involving on-the-job training

Outsourcing occurs when

management invites external
contractors to undertake work that
was previously done by in-house

Performance Indicators measure

the improvements in throughputs,
outputs and outcomes.
popular strategic management concept developed in the early 1990's by Drs. Robert Kaplan and
David Norton, the balanced scorecard is a management and measurement system which enables
organizations to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action. The goal of the
balanced scorecard is to tie business performance to organizational strategy by measuring results
in four areas: financial performance, customer knowledge, internal business processes, and
learning and growth.
Terms and Definition on Human Resource Management.
Added Value often refers to the analysis undertaken by management of the cost and
contribution made by employees involved at each stage in the process of producing a
product or providing a service.

Appraisal Schemes - an individual's performance is reviewed by their manager. Their past

performance is examined and future goals are set.

Benchmarking -measures standards of performance against others doing similar work.

Business Units often have their own Trading Accounts and operate with relative autonomy
from the rest of the company or service.

Total Quality Management (TQM) usually involves the introduction of continuous

monitoring. It refers to initiatives designed to improve the quality of products and services
to meet customer's requirements.

Empowerment/Enablement are strategies aimed to give people more control and

responsibility for their work .

Flexibility describes changes in the Management-by-Objectives

size of the workforce, depending on means each management team
short-term changes in market identifying its key tasks and goals
conditions and using these as a yardstick
against which performance is

Multi-Skilling is the increase of the

skills base of the workforce, usually
bringing in new technology

Multi-tasking requires for staff to

take on a wider range of tasks,
usually involving on-the-job training

Outsourcing occurs when

management invites external
contractors to undertake work that
was previously done by in-house

Performance Indicators measure

the improvements in throughputs,
outputs and outcomes.
Autocratic leadership

Leader determines policy of the organization, instructs members what to do/make, subjective in
approach, aloof and impersonal.

Affirmative action

Also : Positive discrimination.

Terms and Definition on Human Resource Management.
Added Value often refers to the analysis undertaken by management of the cost and
contribution made by employees involved at each stage in the process of producing a
product or providing a service.

Appraisal Schemes - an individual's performance is reviewed by their manager. Their past

performance is examined and future goals are set.

Benchmarking -measures standards of performance against others doing similar work.

Business Units often have their own Trading Accounts and operate with relative autonomy
from the rest of the company or service.

Total Quality Management (TQM) usually involves the introduction of continuous

monitoring. It refers to initiatives designed to improve the quality of products and services
to meet customer's requirements.

Empowerment/Enablement are strategies aimed to give people more control and

responsibility for their work .

Flexibility describes changes in the Management-by-Objectives

size of the workforce, depending on means each management team
short-term changes in market identifying its key tasks and goals
conditions and using these as a yardstick
against which performance is

Multi-Skilling is the increase of the

skills base of the workforce, usually
bringing in new technology

Multi-tasking requires for staff to

take on a wider range of tasks,
usually involving on-the-job training

Outsourcing occurs when

management invites external
contractors to undertake work that
was previously done by in-house

Performance Indicators measure

the improvements in throughputs,
outputs and outcomes.
Carried out on behalf of women and disadvantaged groups and members of such groups are
placed in dominant positions. Bereavement leave

Paid days off following the death of an employee’s spouse, parent, child grandparent or in-law so
that the employee may attend funeral proceedings, etc.
Terms and Definition on Human Resource Management.
Added Value often refers to the analysis undertaken by management of the cost and
contribution made by employees involved at each stage in the process of producing a
product or providing a service.

Appraisal Schemes - an individual's performance is reviewed by their manager. Their past

performance is examined and future goals are set.

Benchmarking -measures standards of performance against others doing similar work.

Business Units often have their own Trading Accounts and operate with relative autonomy
from the rest of the company or service.

Total Quality Management (TQM) usually involves the introduction of continuous

monitoring. It refers to initiatives designed to improve the quality of products and services
to meet customer's requirements.

Empowerment/Enablement are strategies aimed to give people more control and

responsibility for their work .

Flexibility describes changes in the Management-by-Objectives

size of the workforce, depending on means each management team
short-term changes in market identifying its key tasks and goals
conditions and using these as a yardstick
against which performance is

Multi-Skilling is the increase of the

skills base of the workforce, usually
bringing in new technology

Multi-tasking requires for staff to

take on a wider range of tasks,
usually involving on-the-job training

Outsourcing occurs when

management invites external
contractors to undertake work that
was previously done by in-house

Performance Indicators measure

the improvements in throughputs,
outputs and outcomes.
Confidentiality agreement

An agreement restricting an employee from disclosing confidential or proprietary information.

Contract for services

An agreement with an independent contractor.

Terms and Definition on Human Resource Management.
Added Value often refers to the analysis undertaken by management of the cost and
contribution made by employees involved at each stage in the process of producing a
product or providing a service.

Appraisal Schemes - an individual's performance is reviewed by their manager. Their past

performance is examined and future goals are set.

Benchmarking -measures standards of performance against others doing similar work.

Business Units often have their own Trading Accounts and operate with relative autonomy
from the rest of the company or service.

Total Quality Management (TQM) usually involves the introduction of continuous

monitoring. It refers to initiatives designed to improve the quality of products and services
to meet customer's requirements.

Empowerment/Enablement are strategies aimed to give people more control and

responsibility for their work .

Flexibility describes changes in the Management-by-Objectives

size of the workforce, depending on means each management team
short-term changes in market identifying its key tasks and goals
conditions and using these as a yardstick
against which performance is

Multi-Skilling is the increase of the

skills base of the workforce, usually
bringing in new technology

Multi-tasking requires for staff to

take on a wider range of tasks,
usually involving on-the-job training

Outsourcing occurs when

management invites external
contractors to undertake work that
was previously done by in-house

Performance Indicators measure

the improvements in throughputs,
outputs and outcomes.
Distributive bargaining

Related to the process of Negotiation. Known also as Competitive bargaining – The parties are
concerned with their respective shares of the benefits available and compete and conflict with
each other until one side wins an increased share at the expense of the other.
Forced Ranking
Forced ranking systems direct managers to evaluate their employees' performance against other employees, rather than the more
common (and often grade inflated) measure of evaluating performance against pre-determined standards. The result of such a
process is often brutally blunt: The top 20 percent of performers are amply rewarded, and the bottom 10 percent are shown the
Terms and Definition on Human Resource Management.
Added Value often refers to the analysis undertaken by management of the cost and
contribution made by employees involved at each stage in the process of producing a
product or providing a service.

Appraisal Schemes - an individual's performance is reviewed by their manager. Their past

performance is examined and future goals are set.

Benchmarking -measures standards of performance against others doing similar work.

Business Units often have their own Trading Accounts and operate with relative autonomy
from the rest of the company or service.

Total Quality Management (TQM) usually involves the introduction of continuous

monitoring. It refers to initiatives designed to improve the quality of products and services
to meet customer's requirements.

Empowerment/Enablement are strategies aimed to give people more control and

responsibility for their work .

Flexibility describes changes in the Management-by-Objectives

size of the workforce, depending on means each management team
short-term changes in market identifying its key tasks and goals
conditions and using these as a yardstick
against which performance is

Multi-Skilling is the increase of the

skills base of the workforce, usually
bringing in new technology

Multi-tasking requires for staff to

take on a wider range of tasks,
usually involving on-the-job training

Outsourcing occurs when

management invites external
contractors to undertake work that
was previously done by in-house

Performance Indicators measure

the improvements in throughputs,
outputs and outcomes.
Terms and Definition on Human Resource Management.
Added Value often refers to the analysis undertaken by management of the cost and
contribution made by employees involved at each stage in the process of producing a
product or providing a service.

Appraisal Schemes - an individual's performance is reviewed by their manager. Their past

performance is examined and future goals are set.

Benchmarking -measures standards of performance against others doing similar work.

Business Units often have their own Trading Accounts and operate with relative autonomy
from the rest of the company or service.

Total Quality Management (TQM) usually involves the introduction of continuous

monitoring. It refers to initiatives designed to improve the quality of products and services
to meet customer's requirements.

Empowerment/Enablement are strategies aimed to give people more control and

responsibility for their work .

Flexibility describes changes in the Management-by-Objectives

size of the workforce, depending on means each management team
short-term changes in market identifying its key tasks and goals
conditions and using these as a yardstick
against which performance is

Multi-Skilling is the increase of the

skills base of the workforce, usually
bringing in new technology

Multi-tasking requires for staff to

take on a wider range of tasks,
usually involving on-the-job training

Outsourcing occurs when

management invites external
contractors to undertake work that
was previously done by in-house

Performance Indicators measure

the improvements in throughputs,
outputs and outcomes.
Terms and Definition on Human Resource Management.
Added Value often refers to the analysis undertaken by management of the cost and
contribution made by employees involved at each stage in the process of producing a
product or providing a service.

Appraisal Schemes - an individual's performance is reviewed by their manager. Their past

performance is examined and future goals are set.

Benchmarking -measures standards of performance against others doing similar work.

Business Units often have their own Trading Accounts and operate with relative autonomy
from the rest of the company or service.

Total Quality Management (TQM) usually involves the introduction of continuous

monitoring. It refers to initiatives designed to improve the quality of products and services
to meet customer's requirements.

Empowerment/Enablement are strategies aimed to give people more control and

responsibility for their work .

Flexibility describes changes in the Management-by-Objectives

size of the workforce, depending on means each management team
short-term changes in market identifying its key tasks and goals
conditions and using these as a yardstick
against which performance is

Multi-Skilling is the increase of the

skills base of the workforce, usually
bringing in new technology

Multi-tasking requires for staff to

take on a wider range of tasks,
usually involving on-the-job training

Outsourcing occurs when

management invites external
contractors to undertake work that
was previously done by in-house

Performance Indicators measure

the improvements in throughputs,
outputs and outcomes.

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