Cartaño Rona Ericka Infographic Gender Equality

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According to surveys, one in four Filipino

women age 15-49 has experienced physical,

emotional and sexual violence. But we can
stop this by raising awareness, educating
girls and training women of ways to protect
themselves from any kind of violence

Misogyny has taken shape in multiple forms The Philippine educational system provides
such as male privilege, patriarchy, gender access to education to both males and
discrimination, sexual harassment, belittling females. However, not every country allows
of women, violence against women, and girls to go to school but In accordance with
sexual objectification. But, it is time to put an Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of
end to it. Do not be afraid to step in and speak Human Rights, “everyone has the right to


Individuals can vote to stand up for equality. Individuals can not only educate
themselves, but educate those around them. Individuals, especially those who have
privilege, can use their privilege to protect the oppressed

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