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CHANGE TITLE LINTAS Port Services and LINTAS Logistic Base (Release 1) – Sprint 1, 2, and 3
COMPANY PT. Interport Mandiri Utama 31 August – 1 September 2021
PROJECT PREPARED Sudrajat Kertonegoro
NO/DEPARTMENT BY Manarul Hidayat
Lintas Port Services and Lintas Logistic


The following UAT summary as follows:

 Users can understand the process flow and functions of each module in the system
 Users can understand how to operate the system
 System can provide several scenarios in operation
 Minimum bugs
 URL:



Login (Interport, Client, Agent)

Open address :
User able to see welcome page with blank username and pasword field
When user input wrong username and password, there's a pop up windows
notification for wrong email and password. If user dismiss the pop
notification error, system will open welcome page with previosly filled
username and password
When user input with the right credential, user able to view Home page
LINTAS - Master Data Material
On LINTAS web page user able to see "Master data" on page header. When
1 user click on "Master data" show all the master data that are available.
When user click "Material", system will load master data material page
On Material master page, use is able to see details :
a. Filter Section :
 Material Code
 Material Number
 Material Group
 Location
b. Description Grid tabel Master Material with column :
 No
 Action
 Material Number
 Material group
 Description
 UoM
 Asset Type
 Location
 Work permit required
User is able to synch material master data from SAP by clicking on button
"Synchronize with SAP"
When user add or edit material data on SAP and click on "Synchronize with
4 SAP" button in LINTAS, then the system will load the new data or updated
it changes value
5 User is able to filter data using available field on filter section

6 User is able to refresh data after filtered using "Refresh" button

7 User only able to change the "status" and "location" per data material.

LINTAS - Master Data Contract

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IMU-CORP-BI-FO-013 Rev. 0 Page 1 of 13
On LINTAS web page user able to see "Master data" on page header. When
user click on "Master data" show all the master data that are available.
When user click "Contract Client", system will load master data material
On Material master page, use is able to see details :
a. Filter Section :
 Company Code
 Client
 Head Contract
 Agreement No
 SAP Contract No
 Contract Title
 Project Location
 Head Client Name
b. Status Grid tabel Master Material with column :
 No
 Action
 Company Code
 Sales Area
 Head Contract
 Client
 PO No
 Agreement No
 SAP Contract No
 Contract title
 Project Location
User is able to synch client master data from SAP by clicking on button
"Synchronize with SAP"
When user add or edit Contract on SAP and click on "Synchronize with
4 SAP" button in LINTAS, then the system will load the new data or updated
it changes value
5 User is able to filter data using available field on filter section.

6 User is able to refresh data after filtered using "Refresh" button

7 User is able to see contract detail on contract detail Tab.

On contract detail Tab, user is able to search any value that contain in
contract detail data.
On PO List Tab, user can see list of PO number available on that agreement
10 On PO List Tab, user can add PO No per agreement number.

11 On PO List Tab, user can edit and delete PO list

12 On PO List Tab, user is able to search any value that contain on PO list row.

LINTAS - Master Data Approval

On LINTAS web page user able to see "Master data" on page header. When
1 user click on "Master data" show all the master data that are available.
When user click "Approval", system will load master data material page
On Approval master page, use is able to see details :
a. Filter Section :
 Module
 Location
 Approval Level
 Approval Type
b. Status Grid tabel Master Material with column :
2  No
 Action
 Code
 Module
 Location
 Approval Level
 Approval Type
 Status
3 User is able to filter data using available field on filter section.

4 User is able to refresh data after filtered using "Refresh" button

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5 User can add approval using "Add Approval" button.
User cannot add approval with the same module, location, approval level,
and approval type
User can edit approval data (Approval data cannot be delete once its
created, user can only inactive the approval)
Approval workflow will work on each module, role, and level based on the
approval data that been made on aprroval master data
Service Request Module (Interport, Client, Agent)

Sync Approval Master Data

When user update/add data approval master data, the notification approval
should be appear(not appear if its inactive) based on location, modul,
approval level, approval type, and role based on what is set on approval
master data
Synch Contract Header & detail Master Data
Any update/delete/add on contract master data will impact the view and list
value on this module
Service Request Menu

1 User is able to cancel SR with status "In Review"

User is able to see cancellation remarks for every SR with "Cancelled"
There are two ways to check/open Track and Trace each SR :
1. On grid table SR, user can click on Status of each SR to open Track n
3 trace modal
2. On view detail SR, user can also click on its status to open the track n
trace modal
On Track n Trace with Status "Cancelled" user can see details :
a. Header status progress
- Image 1 : Submitted (Green Highlight)
- Image 2 : Cancelled (Gren Highlight)
- Image 3 : Waiting for Approval (Grey)
- Image 4 : In Progress (Grey)
- Image 5 : Waiting for confirmation (Grey)

b. Detail Information tracking status :

- "Request has been cancel" [Day, Date
month Year] = Cancelled on
Remarks : [Cancellation remarks]

- "Request has been Created and Waiting for Review" [Day, Date
month Year] = Created on
On Track n Trace with Status "In review" user can see details :
a. Header status progress
- Image 1 : Submitted (Green Highlight)
- Image 2 : Reviewed (Grey)
- Image 3 : Approved (Grey)
- Image 4 : In Progress (Grey)
5 - Image 5 : Waiting for confirmation (Grey)

b. Detail Information tracking status

- "Request has been Created and Waiting for Review" [Day, Date
month Year] = Created on
6 On Track n Trace with Status "Waiting for approval" (When planner Submit
planning) user can see details :
a. Header status progress
- Image 1 : Submitted (Green Highlight)
- Image 2 : Reviewed (Green Highlight)
- Image 3 : Waiting for Approval (Green Highlight)
- Image 4 : In Progress (Grey)
- Image 5 : Waiting for confirmation (Grey)

b. Detail Information tracking status

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- "Request has been Reviewed and Waiting for Approval" [Day, Date
month Year] = Submitted On
- "Request has been Created and Waiting for Review" [Day, Date
month Year] = Created On
On Track n Trace with Status "Approved" user can see details :
a. Header status progress
- Image 1 : Submitted (Green Highlight)
- Image 2 : Reviewed (Green Highlight)
- Image 3 : Approved (Green Highlight)
- Image 4 : In Progress (Grey)
- Image 5 : Waiting for confirmation (Grey)

b. Detail Information tracking status

- "Request has been Approved" [Day,
7 Date month Year] => Approved on
- "Request has been Reviewed and Waiting for Approval 1" [Day, Date
month Year] => Submitted on
- "Request has been Created and Waiting for Review" [Day, Date
month Year] => created on
On Track n Trace with Status "In Progress" user can see details :
a. Header status progress
- Image 1 : Submitted (Green Highlight)
- Image 2 : Reviewed (Green Highlight)
- Image 3 : Approved (Green Highlight)
- Image 4 : In Progress (Green Highlight)
- Image 5 : Waiting for confirmation (Grey)

b. Detail Information tracking status

- "[Activity Name]" [Day,
Date month Year] => Started on
- "Request has been Approved" [Day,
Date month Year] => Approved on
- "Request has been Reviewed and Waiting for Approval 1" [Day,
Date month Year] => Submitted on
- "Request has been Created and Waiting for Review" [Day, Date
month Year] => Created on
On "In Progress" status, every started activity user will be able to see it in
track and trace
10 On Track n Trace with Status "Completed" user can see details :
a. Header status progress
- Image 1 : Submitted (Green Highlight)
- Image 2 : Reviewed (Green Highlight)
- Image 3 : Approved (Green Highlight)
- Image 4 : Completed (Green Highlight)
- Image 5 : Waiting for confirmation (Grey)

b. Detail Information tracking status

- "Request has been Completed [Day,
Date month Year] => Last started "Finish activity"

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- "[Activity Name]" [Day,

Date month Year] => Started on

- "[Activity Name]" [Day,

Date month Year] => Started on

- "Request has been Approved" [Day,

Date month Year] => Approved on
- "Request has been Reviewed and Waiting for Approval 1" [Day, Date
month Year] => Submitted on
- "Request has been Created and Waiting for Review" [Day, Date
month Year] => Created on
On Track n Trace with Status "Waiting for Confirmation" user can see
details :
a. Header status progress
- Image 1 : Submitted (Green Highlight)
- Image 2 : Reviewed (Green Highlight)
- Image 3 : Approved (Green Highlight)
- Image 4 : Completed (Green Highlight)
- Image 5 : Waiting for confirmation (Green Highlight)

b. Detail Information tracking status

- "Request has been submitted and waiting for confirmation" [Day,
Date month Year] => Submitted On

- "Request has been Completed
[Day, Date month Year] => Last started "Finish activity"

- "[Activity Name]"
[Day, Date month Year] => Started on

- "[Activity Name]"
[Day, Date month Year] => Started on

- "Request has been Approved"
[Day, Date month Year] => Approved on

- "Request has been Reviewed and Waiting for Approval" [Day,
Date month Year] => Submitted on

- "Request has been Created and Waiting for Review" [Day,
Date month Year] => Created on

12 On Track n Trace with Status "Finalized" user can see details :
a. Header status progress
- Image 1 : Submitted (Green Highlight)
- Image 2 : Reviewed (Green Highlight)
- Image 3 : Approved (Green Highlight)
- Image 4 : Completed (Green Highlight)
- Image 5 : Finalized (Green Highlight)

b. Detail Information tracking status

- "Request has been Finalized"
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[Day, Date month Year] => Approved On
- "Request has been submitted and waiting for confirmation" [Day,
Date month Year] => Submitted On

- "Request has been Completed
[Day, Date month Year] => Last started "Finish activity"

- "[Activity Name]"
[Day, Date month Year] => Started on

- "[Activity Name]"
[Day, Date month Year] => Started on

- "Request has been Approved"
[Day, Date month Year] => Approved on

- "Request has been Reviewed and Waiting for Approval" [Day,
Date month Year] => Submitted on

- "Request has been Created and Waiting for Review" [Day,
Date month Year] => Created on

(Internal view) In SR detail, on activity tab user can see grid table activity
with detail column :
a. List activity with grid task on each activity, with detail column :
- Task Name
- Actual Start
- Actual Finish
- Actual Duration
- Billing Start
- Billing finish
- Billing duration
- Delay (User can click icon pop up to see details delay. information that
are shown on grid are only total of delay)
b. On each task, user can expand/collapse if there are equipment/labour that
being used for that task(Default view collapse). Detail column on
equipment/labour grid are :
- Equipment/labour
- Unit/Name
- Qty
- Actual Start
- Actual Finish
- Actual Duration
- Breaktime
- Total Duration
- Remarks
14 (Client view) In SR detail, on activity tab user can see grid table activity
with detail column :
a. List activity with grid task on each activity, with detail column :
- Task Name
- Planning Start
- Planning Finish
- Planning Duration
- Actual Start (Get data from billing start)
- Actual finish (Get data from billing finish)
- Actual duration (Get data from billing duration)
- Delay (User can click icon pop up to see details delay. information that
are shown on grid are only total of delay)
b. On each task, user can expand/collapse if there are equipment/labour that
being used for that task(Default view collapse). Detail column on
equipment/labour grid are :
- Equipment/labour
- Unit/Name
- Qty
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- Actual Start
- Actual Finish
- Actual Duration
- Breaktime
- Total Duration
- Remarks
If there are user who accidentally open SR that has been cancel, then when
1 the time user click "Submit" button, show pop up message "SR has been
When planner add additional service on planning (Parent SR), copy all
2 information on tab SR, and tab planning into the SR child. (detail
information that been copied only if parent and child has the same field)
If parent have different detail fields of information with its Child, then when
3 user made SR child/ additional service the data on parent will not be copied
to SR child.
When user submitted SR Planning, then the notification for approval will be
sent to the approver email. On the email, user will be able to see detail :
a. SR Number
4 b. Service type
c. Plan start
d. Plan Finish
e. "action" button
If user click on "action" button on the email, the system will directly open
that SR detail
Service Meter Unit (SMU)
When user click on SMU menu, system will open SMU pages. On SMU
user is able to see detail pages :
a. Grid SMU, with details column :
- Unit Code
- Description
1 - Project Location
- Prebious Reading
- Last Reading
- Daily Use
- SMU Date
- Machine Life
2 User can filter on each column to find specific asset data.
User can sort data by ascending or descending by clicking on label each
User can add new data SMU by clicking on "Create New SMU" button.
When user click on that button, system will load new page containing all
the asset on SMU menu.
A. Unit Code (Block)
B. Description (Block)
C. Project Location (Block)
4 D. Last Entry Date (get from latest SMU date)
F. Previous Reading (Get from last reading on latest SMU date)
G. Last Reading ( Default get Last reading on latest SMU date)
H. Daily Use (Last Reading - Previous Reading)
I. SMU Date (automatically +24 hours from latest SMU date,uneditable
except time picker)
J. Machine Life (total of last reading)
When user click "save" button, system will close page create SMU and back
to SMU page with latest data will shown on grid SMU
When user click "cancel", system will load pages bact to SMU menu and
the data will not be saved.
User is able to open view detail of each SMU by clicking on its unit code,
and see detail information :
8 On SMU details, there are two cards information available :
A. Information detail for that assest, that contain details :
- Unit Code
- Description
- Project location
- Daily use (Latest daily use)
- Previous Reading (Latest previoues reading)
- SMU Date (Latest SMU date)
- Last Reading (latest last reading)
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- Machine Life

B. Grid table, that contain history list of "add new", "reset", and "adjust"
data, with detail column :
- SMU date
- Previous Reading (hour)
- Last Reading (Hour)
- SMU Type
- Adjustment/reset reason
- Modified By
- Modified On
User can "reset" data SMU by clicking on button "Reset", the date is
autmatically will use latest SMU date and date cannot be changed
10 User can "Adjust" SMU data, by clickin on "Adjust" button.


Master CCU
If user click on menu "Cargo Carrying Unit", open Submenu :
a. Master CCU
b. Colour Code Configuration
c. Re-certification and Maintenane
When user click on submenu "Master CCU", system will open page for
CCU master data
On CCU master data, user is able to see detail pages :
a. Grid CCU, with detail column :
- Code
- Description
- CCU Type
3 - CCU Owner
- Location
- On hire Status
- Status

b. Button "Add new" on top of the grid list CCU

4 User is able to search data on filter column

5 User is able to sort data by ascending or descending on each column

6 User is able to add new data for CCU by clicking on "Add New" button
User is able to edit all of CCU data by clicking on "Pencil" icon (All fields
7 are editable, except CCU code, on hire status, modified on, and modified
All CCU data that appear on master data CCU and have status "enable" can
be choose on planning menu based on their location.
All "Off hire" CCU cannot be selected or used on Execution and settlement
When the CCU are already selected on execution or settlement, and the start
date is already input by user, then the status will automatically be "On Hire"
CCU status will automatically be On Hire when user add CCU on Execution
(LBS/PORT) and set its start date.
CCU status will automatically be Off hire when user filled its finish date
and SR status is completed
CCU Colour Code Configuration
On CCU colour code configuration, user is able to see detail pages :
a. Grid colour code, with detail column :
- Colour configuration code
- Project Location
- Year
- Period
- Colour Code
- Status

b. Button "Add new" on top of the grid list CCU

2 User is able to search data on filter column

3 User is able to sort data by ascending or descending on each column

4 User is able to add new data for CCU by clicking on "Add New" button
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User is able to edit the colour code configuration by clicking on
"pencil/edit" icon.
6 User is able to delete the colour code configuration by clickin on "bin" icon
When user add new certification on CCU, the colour that appear is based on
period and colour that been setting in this menu
Re-Certification & Maintenance
On Re-certification & maintenance pages, user is able to see detail pages :
a. Grid colour code, with detail column :
- Colour code
- Code
- Description
- CCU Type
- CCU Owner
- Location
- On hire status
- Status
- Next Inspection

On the top right of the grid user can pick view CCU by "Outstanding", or

A. If user click on "outstanding", then system only show CCU that will have
2 next inspection in next 30 days(based on current date), CCU that doesn't
have next inspection, and all the CCU that already over the nextinspection
(based on current date).

B. If user click on "All", that show all CCU data.

User can click on CCU code to see detail information about certification,
maintenance, and others information.
When user open CCU detail on re-certification & maintenance pages, there
are 4 tabs availble :
A. General
B. Usage
C. Certificate
D. Maintenance
On Tab General, this contain all information about that CCU and the details
it’s the same like the CCU master data
On tab Usage, user can see grid table with detail coloumn :
A. SR Number
B. Client
C. SR Type
D. Status
E. Start Date
F. Finish Date
6 G. Duration

Data that shown on grid based on selection that user choose whether its
"Forecast" or " History"
a. Forecast = All data SR that contain that CCU and have SR status "In
Review", "waiting approval", and "Approved"
b. History = All data SR that contain that CCU and have SR status
"Completed", "waiting for Confirmation", and "Finalized"
On Tab Certificate, user can see gridlist ccu certification history, with
details column :
a. Action
b. Colour Code
c. Report No
d. Issued By
e. Issued Date
f. Inspection Type
g. Date of Next
h. Reason for
i. Safe to Use
j. Modified By
k.Modified On

8 User can add new certification by clicking on "Add new" button.

9 On Tab Maintenance, user can see grid list ccu maintenance history, with
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details column :
a. Action
b. Maintenance Start
c. Maintenance End
d. Maintenance Duration
e. Maintenance Description
f. Maintenance By
g. Modified By
h. Modified On
User can click on "add new" button to create new maintenance data. User
can only add new maintenance when the CCU is Off Hire- Available, when
CCU status is On Hire - Available user cannot add new maintenance data
and the button will be block.
When user add new maintenance ,the CCU status is automatically be Off
11 Hire - Maintenance if the current date is in range of that maintenance
Vessel Master Data
On Vessel master data, user is able to see detail pages :
a. Grid Vessel, with detail column :
- Action
- Vessel Code
- Vessel Name
- Vessel Type
- Length Overal
- IMO No
- Registerred in Marine Trafic
- Status

b. Button "Add new" on top of the grid list vessel

2 User is able to filter view by descending or ascending on each table column

3 User can search the data by input desiree value on each column available
On the bottom of the page there is information on how much data showed
4 on the grid list, and user is able to change the displayed data per page by 20,
50 , and 100.
When user click on specific page number the system will load that specific
page number
6 User can add new vessel by clicking on "Add new" button
When user add new data vessel, if there are any mandatory fields that yet to
7 be filled then when user click "save" button, the system will not saved the
new data and warning text on each mandatory fields will appear.
If the IMO no already registerred in marine traffic then the field
8 "Registerred in marine traffic" will automatically set to "registerred", if not
then "Not Registerred"
9 User can edit the vessel data by clicking on "Pencil" icon

10 User can delete the vessel data by clicking on "bin" icon

If vessel has IMO number and already registtere in marine traffic, then user
11 can search that vessel in PORT modul on Maps menu by its vessel name,
imo number, etc to view the location of the vessel
All the image vessel that appear and its size in PORT module on maps jetty,
is based on Vessel type, and LOA in vessel master data details
Is user set vessel status to "disable" then the vessel will not appear on list
vessel type on Planning SR
Logistic Base System Module (Interport)

Sync Data Approval

When user update/add data approval master data, the notification approval
should be appear(not appear if its inactive) based on location, modul,
approval level, approval type, and role based on what is set on approval
master data
Synch Contract Header & detail Master Data
Any update/delete/add on contract master data will impact the view and list
value on this module
Sync CCU master data
1 Update/add on CCU master data that are related to description, tare weight,
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and max gross field will also automatically update those data on this module
Synch Vessel Master Data
Update/add/delete on master data vessel will impact the data vessel on this
Synch Material Master Data
Update/add/delete on master data vessel will impact the data vessel on this
Execution Menu (Interport)
On Tab Cargo Estimation in SR detail, when user click on "add new" button
to add cargo data, user can filled material status, and material information
On Tab Cargo Estimation in SR detail, when user click on "add new" button
2 to add Equipment/labour data, user can now add the quantity for that
On Tab Activity in SR detail, when user add new equipment on task, user
3 can now select the unit code to set on specific item that being used for that
Settlement Menu (Interport)
When SR has been completed then there will be push notification email for
SR "Completed" to the PIC and creator
On Tab Cargo Estimation in SR detail, when user click on "add new" button
to add cargo data, user can filled material status, and material information
On Tab Cargo Estimation in SR detail, when user click on "add new" button
3 to add Equipment/labour data, user can now add the quantity for that
On Tab Activity in SR detail, when user add new equipment that being used
4 for specific task, user can now select the unit code to set on specific item
that being used for that equipment.
When user open SR detail in Settlement, on tab activity if there are no
5 equipment/labour data then hide equipment/labour table. (The default is
collapse even when there are data on equipment/labour)
User can Unfinalized for SR that already been Finalized, by clicking on
6 "Unfinalized" button. (The one who can unfinalized SR only use that have
role for rollback)
There are two option in unfinalized function that user can choose based on
their needs :
1. Unfinalized with approval = The SR status will revert backagain to
"Completed", for SR to be finalized again user need to re-submit the SR,
7 and all the approver need to approve that SR again.

2. Unfinalized without approval = The SR status will revert back again to

"Completed", for that SR to be finalized user need to re-submit the SR, after
it re-submitted only user with role for rollback that can finalized it again.
When SR already approved and Finalized there will be push notification
email sent to the PIC and creator
PORT Module (Interport)

Sync Data Approval

When user update/add data approval master data, the notification approval
should be appear(not appear if its inactive) based on location, modul,
approval level, approval type, and role based on what is set on approval
master data
Synch Contract Header & detail Master Data
Any update/delete/add on contract master data will impact the view and list
value on this module
Sync CCU master data
Update/add on CCU master data that are related to description, tare weight,
and max gross field will also automatically update those data on this module
Synch Vessel Master Data
Update/add/delete on master data vessel will impact the data vessel on this
Synch Material Master Data
Update/add/delete on master data vessel will impact the data vessel on this

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Service Request
When user open view detail SR, On tab Service Request user can see
following information :
a. Actual Time Arrival
b. Actual Time Departure
1 c. Actual Berthing Duration
f. Billing Arrival
g. Billing Time Depart
h. Billing berthing Duration

Execution Menu (Interport)

When user open SR detail, on tab Service Request user can see Actual Time
Arrival information
On Tab Cargo Estimation SR detail in Execution, when user click on "add
2 new" button to add cargo data, user can filled material status, and material
On Tab Cargo Estimation SR detail in Execution, when user click on "add
3 new" button to add Equipment/labour data, user can now add the quantity
for that equipment/labour
On Tab Activity SR detail in execution, when user add new equipment that
4 being used for specific task, user can now select the unit code to set on
specific item that being used for that equipment.
Settlement Menu (Interport)
When SR has been completed then there will be push notification email for
SR "Completed" to the PIC and creator
When user open view detail SR, On tab Service Request user can see
following information :
a. Actual Time Arrival
b. Actual Time Departure
1 c. Actual Berthing Duration
f. Billing Arrival
g. Billing Time Depart
h. Billing berthing Duration

On Tab Cargo Estimation SR detail in Settlement, when user click on "add

2 new" button to add cargo data, user can filled material status, and material
On Tab Cargo Estimation SR detail in Settlement, when user click on "add
3 new" button to add Equipment/labour data, user can now add the quantity
for that equipment/labour
On Tab Activity SR detail in Settlement, when user add new equipment that
4 being used for specific task, user can now select the unit code to set on
specific item that being used for that equipment.
User can Unfinalized for SR that already been Finalized, by clicking on
5 "Unfinalized" button. (The one who can unfinalized SR only use that have
role for rollback)
There are two option in unfinalized function that user can choose based on
their needs :
1. Unfinalized with approval = The SR status will revert backagain to
"Completed", for SR to be finalized again user need to re-submit the SR,
6 and all the approver need to approve that SR again.

2. Unfinalized without approval = The SR status will revert back again to

"Completed", for that SR to be finalized user need to re-submit the SR, after
it re-submitted only user with role for rollback that can finalized it again.
When SR already approved and Finalized there will be push notification
email sent to the PIC and creator



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Dwi Khusnia PBMS Administrator

TESTED BY Muhammad Aries Dispatch Supervisor

Muhammad Chose Control Room Supervisor

Account Receivable
Renata Febry Tj

Account Receivable
Deece Nora Angelia Hutapea

Account Receivable

Dian Eldiyanti S. T. Arrang Purchasing Officer

Adhitya Syafta Project Control Officer

Operational Finance
Heri Leo Gustanto

Blandly Rembangan Senior Accountant

Tegar Perkasa Darmawan Management Acct. Supervisor

Fitriani A Buraena Control Room Supervisor

Asnawi Operation Manager

Head of Business
Prayogi Akbar Putra

Wella Diniati System & Innovation Manager

Head of Interport Business


APPROVED BY Yusuf Indrawarman General Manager Operation

Head of Business
Dian Mei Fallahati


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