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Cartaño, Rona Ericka C.

Humanities and Social Sciences 11-A

The Irreversible Effects of Climate Change

Human activities have already resulted in severe climatic changes and considerable
damages to the entire planet. These disastrous changes are now irreversible and pose numerous
health risks to humankind and all different forms of life. Moreover, climate change can bring
tremendous challenges to landscapes and lifestyles. As a result, heat-related disorders are
becoming more common in almost all parts of the world as the temperature rises, and widespread
rainfalls and disasters are happening more frequently in equatorial zones. Furthermore, one of
the primary drivers of poverty is climate change.

Climate change has already been happening, and it poses the most massive threat to life
on Earth. Although the consequences are now irreversible, there are several measures and
approaches to mitigate the effects of climate change. The most optimal technique and response to
climate change is to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the Earth's atmosphere; it is a
gas that absorbs and traps the sun's heat, causing the greenhouse effect. There are several
methods to reduce these greenhouse gases, and these include: replacing primary energy resources
to clean and renewable energy, employing the use of light-emitting diode light bulbs, and using
bicycles and sustainable transport methods. These simple actions can help limit climate change
and make profound changes to the planet.

Survival at the present moment is deemed to be challenging for humanity because of the
numerous environmental issues that the planet faces today. The world is coming dangerously
close to its end, and great actions must be taken immediately. According to the inspirational
leader, Greta Thunberg, "The climate change has already been solved. We already have the facts
and solutions. All we have to do is wake up and change."

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