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Cartaño, Rona Ericka C.

Humanities and Social Sciences 11- A

Growing Global Population

The world’s population has skyrocketed in the recent half-century and is believed to
continuously grow. But, what precisely do we mean by a growing global population? A growing
global population refers to the rise of the number of people in the world’s overall population.
Asia and Africa are some of the most populated continents, with a cumulative percentage of
77%, which is more than half of the globe’s population. But, just like any other factor of social
change, population growth has its pros and cons. So, in this essay on Growing Global
Population, I will address the causes and solutions of rapid population growth that may help us
and future generations.

The advantages of a growing global population include general economic and social
development; however, these aren’t always beneficial. The major disadvantage of economic and
social growth is the inflation effect, which is typically used to describe the rate at which the price
of products and services rises over time. Inflation often leads to increased inequality because this
may widen the income gap between those with a secured income and those with unsteady wages.
In short, the economic and social disparities are associated with classism, which means that this
only benefits the rich. The rapid population growth has been quite challenging for us to control;
however, it’s not unmanageable. Poverty is considered to be the leading cause of rapid
population growth. Poverty-stricken people lack access to educational resources such as family
planning, which leads to higher birth rates and causes overpopulation. The best approach we
could do is to make family planning programs accessible for everyone, prioritizing those in need.
Necessary supplies such as contraceptives should be available and affordable. By doing this, we
are also able to alleviate environmental problems that are aggravated by human overpopulation.

According to the former United States president, Lyndon B. Johnson, “The hungry world
cannot be fed until and unless the growth of its resources and the growth of its population come
into balance. Each man and woman and each nation must make decisions of conscience and
policy in the face of this great problem.” To conclude, let us help our world and its people to
have a good quality of life and live comfortably by having sense of responsibility when it comes
to reproducing life. Just always remember, let us reproduce responsibly and we can all live

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