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SECTION 6 International Medicine: Major Tropical Syndromes:

Systemic Infections
Dengue and Chikungunya

KEY CONCEPTS adapted to human habitats and has a preference for human blood
meals. Mosquitoes become infected after feeding on the blood of a
• Dengue and chikungunya are viral diseases transmitted by viremic human. More than 3 billion people living in over 100 countries
Aedes mosquitoes. throughout the tropics and sub-tropics are at risk of dengue (Figure
• Over 3 billion people are at risk of dengue. 133-1). Recent probabilistic mapping studies suggest there are approx-
imately 100 million clinically apparent cases of dengue each year, of
• Explosive outbreaks of chikungunya occur in the Indian Ocean which an estimated 2–5% are severe.2 The global scale of the public
region and infection is spreading rapidly across the Caribbean health risk posed by dengue is in part due to the geographic expansion
of A. aegypti into new territories. In endemic areas peak dengue trans-
• The pathogenesis of both viruses is complex and incompletely mission dynamics are influenced by factors such as mosquito density,
understood – it involves an interplay between virus and host human population density, co-circulation of dengue virus (DENV)
factors. serotypes, rainfall and humidity.
• Dengue treatment is currently limited to supportive care (fluid
replacement and careful monitoring of fluid balance).
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an alphavirus within the Togaviridae
• No vaccines are currently available for either virus. family, transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes.3 CHIKV was first isolated in
• Novel approaches to vector control may assist dengue control Tanzania in 1952. Chikungunya is the Makonde (an African dialect
efforts (e.g. release of Wolbachia-infected Aedes aegypti). spoken in parts of Tanzania) for ‘that which bends up’– the description
eludes to the severe joint pain that can be seen in those infected. Typi-
cally major epidemics of the disease occur cyclically with long inter-
epidemic periods.4 CHIKV disease has been reported from Africa, Asia
Epidemiology and Australasia; it has recently re-emerged resulting in millions of
infections in the Indian Ocean and Caribbean regions.5 Imported cases
DENGUE to Europe have resulted in autochthonous outbreaks in Italy. There is
Dengue is a vector-borne, systemic viral infection and a globally concern that a recent envelope mutation will result in increased infec-
important public health problem.1 Dengue is transmitted predomi- tivity to Aedes albopictus and a further spread of chikungunya’s geo-
nantly by the mosquito Aedes aegypti, which bites in the daytime, is graphic footprint.6

Distribution of dengue-affected countries

Areas infected with Aedes aegypti

Areas with Aedes aegypti
and dengue epidemic activity

Figure 133-1  Distribution of dengue-affected countries.


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1120 SECTION 6  International Medicine: Major Tropical Syndromes: Systemic Infections

An alternative approach to dengue and chikungunya prevention is

Key events in DHF pathogenesis during
secondary dengue virus infection
through the replacement of wild-type A. aegypti with A. aegypti infected
with the intracellular bacterium Wolbachia.16 Wolbachia-infected A.
aegypti are resistant to DENV infection and these modified mosquitoes
4–7 days
can be successfully established in the field.16 Alternative approaches to
mosquito control include the release of genetically modified mosqui-
toes that can suppress target populations – field trials of this approach
IgG are underway.17 It is possible that combining these novel approaches
with a partially efficacious vaccine may be a successful approach to
Viremia and dengue control.
NS1 Reduction of mosquito populations currently remains the best
antigenemia IgM method of preventing transmission of dengue and chikungunya. Nev-
ertheless, the relentless increase in the geographic footprint of dengue
and the recent explosive outbreaks of chikungunya, indicates most
vector control strategies in endemic areas are inadequate, not sustain-
Capillary able and/or poorly targeted. For travelers to tropical countries, the only
leakage practical method of prevention is to avoid bites from mosquitoes by
wearing protective clothing and using appropriate N,N-Diethyl-m-
toluamide (DEET)-based repellents.
Inflammatory cytokines, lymphocyte activation,
apoptosis, immune complex formation,
coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia
Clinical Features
Figure 133-2  Key events in dengue pathogenesis during secondary dengue DENV infection causes a range of manifestations from asymptomatic
virus infection.
infection through to fulminant shock and hemorrhage.18 The previ-
ously used classification system categorized dengue infection into
‘dengue fever’ and ‘dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)’. DHF was
Dengue Pathogenesis and Pathology further subdivided into four severity grades, and grades III and IV were
classified as dengue shock syndrome (DSS). Studies have shown that
The dengue viruses (DENV serotypes 1, 2, 3 and 4) are enveloped, this rigid classification system had a low sensitivity for severe disease
single-stranded RNA viruses of the Flaviviridae family. Infection with and that some cases resulting in shock and death did not meet the
any of the four serotypes of dengue virus can be clinically inapparent WHO case definitions for DHF/DSS.19 The current WHO guidelines
or, following an incubation period of 4–10 days, a systemic illness may recognize that dengue is a clinical continuum from uncomplicated to
develop that is characterized by fever, rash, headache, muscle and joint severe disease.18 This system places more emphasis on the early recog-
ache. Occasionally, more severe manifestations such as shock and nition of warning signs suggestive of severe disease, appreciating
hemorrhage occur, which are largely due to a transient increase in patients may move along the disease continuum during the course of
vascular permeability. Severe dengue is strongly associated with sec- their illness. These warning signs include abdominal pain, vomiting,
ondary, heterotypic infections (two sequential infections caused by liver enlargement, lethargy and restlessness.18 In the early stages of
different serotypes) (Figure 133-2).7 Severe dengue also occurs during illness the differential diagnosis of DENV infection is broad.20 The
primary DENV infection of infants born to DENV-immune mothers.8 differential diagnosis depends on the local epidemiology and includes
Infants born to DENV-immune mothers and previously infected chil- malaria, chikungunya, measles, typhoid, influenza, Rickettsial diseases
dren or adults have in common a single immune risk factor – DENV- and bacterial sepsis.
reactive IgG antibodies.9 The capacity of subneutralizing concentrations In ‘classic’ dengue there is typically an abrupt onset of fever
of DENV-reactive IgG antibodies to enhance DENV infections in after a 4–7 day incubation period. This is often accompanied by head-
Fc receptor-bearing cells, a phenomenon called antibody-dependent ache, myalgia and severe retro-orbital pain.21 Other clinical features
enhancement (ADE), might explain the increased risk of severe dengue seen are sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, conjunctival and
in secondary infections and in infants with primary infections.10 None- pharyngeal injection.18 Early in the illness the skin typically appears
theless, most secondary infections do not result in severe disease, sug- flushed, with petechiae appearing in the ‘critical’ phase and a macular
gesting there are other important factors involved. Young age, female rash developing in convalescence (Figure 133-3 and Figure 133-4).
gender, virus strain and genetic variants of the human major histo- Severe arthralgia and myalgia can be a feature of the illness and perhaps
compatibility complex class I-related sequence B and phospholipase C explains the use of the descriptive term ‘break-bone fever’.22 The early
epsilon 1 genes are also risk factors for severe dengue.11,12 febrile phase lasts for 2–7 days. Straddling the time of defervescence is
a 24–72 hour ‘critical’ phase when an increase in capillary permeability
Prevention with an associated rise in hematocrit can be observed. The degree of
There are currently no licensed vaccines for dengue or chikungunya. plasma leakage is variable – some patients will develop a detectable
Large phase III trials of a live-attenuated tetravalent dengue vaccine pleural effusion or ascites (Figure 133-5). When a critical volume of
(ChimeriVax-DEN) indicated this vaccine was safe and well tolerated plasma is lost patients will develop hypovolemic shock, called dengue
but delivered only partial efficacy (55–65%) against symptomatic shock syndrome (Figure 133-6). Thrombocytopenia is almost univer-
dengue (any severity) during the 25-month period of study observa- sally seen in DENV infection and minor mucosal bleeding can be a
tion. Promisingly ChimeriVax-DEN was more efficacious in prevent- feature of uncomplicated infection. In addition, in many cases eleva-
ing dengue hospitalizations.13,14 More recent results from longer-term tion of the PT and APTT with associated reduced fibrinogen levels
follow-up suggest a sustained benefit in vaccine recipients aged is observed. However, there is not the degree of FDP elevation that
between 9 and 16 years, but intriguingly showed higher rates of hos- would be consistent with disseminated intravascular coagulation.23
pitalization in vaccine recipients aged under 9 in the third year after Severe gastrointestinal hemorrhage can occur and this is well described
vaccination.15 There remain many questions about the potential place in patients with a history of peptic ulcer disease.24 Less commonly,
of this vaccine in dengue control and the results suggest that partial, intracerebral and pulmonary hemorrhage can occur.25 Other organs
waning immunity could be a problem in the development of an effica- can be affected in dengue, and it is possible that these ‘atypical’ pre-
cious dengue vaccine. sentations are under-appreciated.18 These ‘atypical presentations’

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Chapter 133  Dengue and Chikungunya 1121

Figure 133-3  Diffuse macular recovery rash in an adult patient with dengue. The
rash may appear between 3 and 6 days after fever onset. Note the ‘islands’ of
normal skin surrounded by erythematous skin.

Figure 133-5  (a) Anteroposterior chest radiograph showing a large pleural effu-
sion on the right side in an adult patient with dengue shock syndrome. (b) The
same patient at hospital discharge. Such severe radiologic findings occur in
dengue patients with capillary leakage and who have received an excessive
volume of intravenous fluid.

Figure 133-4  Hematoma in a patient with severe dengue. The combination of

increased vascular fragility, platelet dysfunction/thrombocytopenia and coagula-
tion disorders is believed to explain hemorrhagic manifestations in dengue. Frank
hemorrhage, as pictured here, is relatively uncommon given the overall disease

include encephalitis, myocarditis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, retinitis and


After infection with CHIKV there is an incubation period of 2–4
days.27 The onset of symptoms is abrupt with high fever, headache,
myalgia and arthralgia. The symptoms resemble those seen with DENV
infection. The skin is commonly involved, with maculopapular rashes
Figure 133-6  A patient with dengue shock syndrome. As shown in this image,
being observed frequently – a bullous rash has been described in chil- patients with severe dengue require fluids (or blood products in cases with severe
dren.28 The striking feature of CHIKV infection is severe arthralgia that bleeding) to maintain hemodynamic stability. Respiratory support can be required
can become chronic.4 Less common features are eye involvement, in cases with severe pleural effusion and respiratory compromise.

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1122 SECTION 6  International Medicine: Major Tropical Syndromes: Systemic Infections

minor bleeding, myocarditis and hepatitis.29 The shock characteristic Continuing parenteral fluids for longer than this carries a significant
of severe dengue is not seen and severe hemorrhage is very rare. The risk of fluid overloading the patient.
laboratory features of CHIKV infection are distinct from those In severe cases the administration of parenteral fluid is life-
observed in DENV – lymphopenia and hypocalcemia are common.30 saving.18,32 Patients with shock require more intensive management
Mild elevations of liver enzymes are observed but severe thrombocy- with an initial 20 ml/kg fluid bolus. Further fluid administration is
topenia is rare. guided by the patient’s clinical response. The use of isotonic fluids in
the resuscitation of children with shock is supported by clinical evi-
Diagnosis dence, and colloid solutions have been suggested for use in more severe
cases.32 In cases of hemorrhage the transfusion of blood products
is often indicated. However cases involving mucosal bleeding without
Virological confirmation of DENV infection can be obtained by detec- hemodynamic compromise require careful observation as opposed
tion of the virus-expressed NS1 protein in serum samples via enzyme- to transfusion.18 Platelet transfusions are advocated in some settings
linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) or rapid test. This method has as prophylaxis against hemorrhage. However this practice lacks
high specificity but variable sensitivity. Real time reverse transcription an evidence base, has the potential to cause harm and is not
(RT)-PCR can also be used to detect DENV nucleic acid and allow recommended.33
differentiation between serotypes, but this method is generally only Trials of both immunomodulatory and antiviral agents have been
used in research settings because of cost. Detection of NS1 and DENV conducted but no intervention has demonstrated efficacy.34
nucleic acid is most sensitive in the febrile phase of illness.
A presumptive diagnosis of dengue can be obtained by detection
of IgM antibodies in the acute phase. There are several commercially
available ELISA and rapid tests for detection of DENV-reactive IgM, There is currently no specific antiviral agent for CHIKV – management
and some of these rapid tests combine IgM and NS1 tests in the same is predominantly supportive with analgesia and antipyretics. There is
assay. some evidence that those who have joint symptoms persisting for more
than 2 weeks after the febrile illness may benefit from ribavirin.35
Diagnosis of CHIKV is often made on clinical and epidemiological Zika
grounds alone. Molecular assays are useful in the early stages of illness. Zika virus is a flavivirus that was first described in Uganda in 1947 and
RT-PCR assays are available that target the envelope or nonstructural until recently was a relatively mild and obscure infection confined to
protein genes.31 Serological diagnosis via ELISA is an option – IgM is central Africa. Since 2010, in a manner very analogous to the spread
detectable after 2–3 days of illness and can persist for 3 months (in of Chikungunya infection, it has crossed the world.36 It has appeared
some cases years).4 Rapid tests are also available but their reliability is in the Americas – initially in Brazil but then speading northwards to
uncertain.3 much of South America, Central America and the Caribbean. Addi-
tionally it has become endemic in South East Asia and Polynesia.
Management Sporadic cases in returning travelers have been seen elsewhere. The
DENGUE virus is transmitted by aedes mosquitoes, especially A. aegypti. In most
Supportive care is the mainstay of dengue case management. Uncom- cases, infection has been asymptomatic or mild with fever, muscle
plicated infections can be managed in the outpatient setting with aches, conjunctivitis and a maculopapular rash. Severe dengue-like
access to further clinical reviews to assess for the development of any infection has not been described. The most recent outbreaks have
complications.18 It is important that patients managed in the outpa- highlighted potential associations with severe neurological conse-
tient setting are able to tolerate oral fluids, and are encouraged to quences. An outbreak in French Polynesia was associated with a paral-
maintain a good oral intake.18 Paracetamol is the recommended anti- lel increase in Guillain-Barre syndrome. Of greatest concern is the
pyretic as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are associ- potential link between infection in pregnant women and subsequent
ated with an increased risk of hemorrhage and gastritis, and aspirin microcephaly in their infants. This was first noted in Brazil, but has
has an association with the development of Reye’s syndrome.18 been reported elsewhere. A cause and effect relationship remains
Patients with warning signs suggestive of severe disease should be unproven, but public health authorities in many countries are now
admitted. In addition, patients with co-morbidities and those who advising additional precautions for women of child-bearing age
cannot practically be managed as outpatients should also be admit- including avoidance of pregnancy or travel to affected countries.37
ted.18 Patients who have warning signs should have a baseline hema- There is no specific treatment for Zika other than supportive care.
tocrit measured and then should be started on parenteral isotonic Prevention efforts are similar to other arthropod-associated flavivi-
fluids commencing at 5–7 ml/kg/hour for 1–2 hours – this infusion ruses and center on vector avoidance and control.
rate should be reduced according to the clinical response.18 Parenteral
fluids are generally needed for only 24–48 hours – the ‘critical’ phase. References available online at

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cal factors associated with dengue shock syndrome and 384(9951):1358-1365. 139(7):1268-1278.
mortality in hospitalized dengue patients in Ho Chi Minh Dejnirattisai W., Jumnainsong A., Onsirisakul N., et al.: Simmons C.P., Farrar J.J., Nguyen v V., et al.: Dengue.
City, Vietnam. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2011; Cross-reacting antibodies enhance dengue virus infection N Engl J Med 2012; 366(15):1423-1432.
84(1):127-134. in humans. Science 2010; 328(5979):745-748. Villar L., Dayan G.H., Arredondo-Garcia J.L., et al.: Efficacy
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bution and burden of dengue. Nature 2013; tion study identifies susceptibility loci for dengue shock America. N Engl J Med 2015; 372(2):113-123.
496(7446):504-507. syndrome at MICB and PLCE1. Nat Genet 2011; Whitehorn J., Yacoub S., Anders K.L., et al.: Dengue thera-
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Clinical efficacy and safety of a novel tetravalent dengue

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