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1. Jawaban dikerjakan pada lembar jawaban komputer (LJK) untuk jawaban pilihan ganda.
2. Pergunakan pensil hitam khusus komputer (2B), tulislah dengan jelas ; Nama, Nomor Peserta, Madrasah asal,
Tanggal Ujian, Jam Ke, dan Tanda Tangan kemudian menghitamkan bulatan kecil pada LJK sesuai dengan
3. Apabila menjawab dengan jawaban yang keliru/salah, dan ingin memperbaikinya, maka hapuslah jawaban
yang keliru dengan karet penghapus pensil, kemudian menghitamkan bulatan lain sesuai dengan jawaban yang
dianggap benar.
Contoh : pilihan semula  B C D E dibetulkan menjadi A  C D E
4. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang dianggap mudah
5. Awali dengan membaca Basmallah dan akhiri dengan Hamdallah
I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan menghitamkan bulatan pada huruf A, B, C, D,
atau E pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan !

1. Dani : “Would you like to play badminton this weekend? “

Sam : “I can't, I don’t have a racket.” . . . playing basketball!
A. Can we  D. I think
B. Let's  E. Do you think
C. What about 

2. Doctor : . . . smoking if you don't want to get sick.

Patient : Yes sir, I will try.
A. What if you stop D. Maybe you can stop
B. You should stop E. What about
C. How about

3. Eris : I think our city is very hot at the moment.

Erin : I don’t think so . . . Our city is much cooler than other cities in this country.
Complete the dialogue above ....
A. I know it D. In my opinion
B. I am thinking of E. See you
C. He forget it

4. Dani : So what do you think of my singing?

Jono : I think it’s really good, but I suggest to try singing in a high tune.
Dani : Thanks Jon.
Jono : No problem, Dani.
From the dialogue above we know that Jono….
A. Asking for help D. Giving help
B. Giving an opinion E. Giving attention
C. Asking for an opinion

5. Doni : Where were you yesterday morning, Tin?

Titin : I . . . to Malang with my parents. Why?
Doni : I dropped in your house and you were not at home.
A. Was D. Was to go
B. Went E. Going to
C. Were going
6. Beny : Where did you go on your last holiday?
Yany : ...
Beny : Yeah. It was a great place.
A. I have a great holiday D. We are going to Maninjau lake.
B. I went to Pindul cave E. No we didn’t go
C. We were very happy there

7. Mr Bean : Hello, Miss Smith. Would you like a cup of coffee? I'm just making some.
Miss Smith : Oh, yes please, that would be lovely.
Mr Bean : How do you take it?
Miss Smith : With milk and sugar please.
Mr Bean : Here you are.
Miss Smith : Thank you.
The underlined expression expresses ...
A. Offering something D. Declining an offer
B. Offering help E. Refusing an offer
C. Accepting an offer

This text is for questions 8 to 10

Jl. Jambu 129

30th January 2017

Dear Fred,

It was a real sorrow that I heard this morning of your great loss. I knew your mother was ill, for your
brother told me several weeks ago. However, as he at that time did not seem to think the illness was
very serious, the news of your mother’s death came to me as a shock. You have my sincere and
heartfelt sympathy, my dear fellow, in your sorrow. I know you will feel it deeply, for you always
thought so much of your mother and loved her so truely. I feel it also as a personal loss to myself, for
your mother was always very kind to me. Her death must be a terrible grief to your father, too. Please
assure him of my sincere sympathy.

Words, I know, are poor comforters. “The heart knows its own sorrow”, and in such sorrows we are
always alone. However, it is not mere words when I say that I feel with you in your sorrow.

Your sincere friend,

8. What is the possible relation between the sender and the recipient?
A. Relatives D. Siblings
B. Employers E. Employees
C. Friends

9. “You have my sincere and heartfelt sympathy, my dear fellow, in your sorrow.”

What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
A. Real D. Honest 
B. Caring E. Curious
D. Generous

10. From the letter above, we know that . . .

A. Fred’s mother was not ill before her death
B. Jack sent letter to Fred several weeks ago
C. Jack was very sorrowful to send the letter to his mother
D. Jack had known Fred’s mother before
E. Fred is the only child in his family
This text is for questions 11 to 13
Paris is the capital of a European nation, France. It is also one of the most beautiful and most famous cities in the

Paris is called the city of the Light. It is also an international fashion center. What stylish women are wearing in
Paris will be worn by women all over the world. Paris is also famous for its world center of education. For
intance, it is the headquarters of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

The Seine River divides the city into two parts. Thirty-two bridges cross this scenic river. The oldest and perhaps
the most well-known is Pon Neuf, which was built in the sixteenth century. Sorbonne, a famous university, is
located on the left bank (south side) of the river. The beautiful white church Sacre Coeur lies on the top of the hill
called Montmartre on the right bank (north side) of the Seine.

There are many other famous place in Paris, such as the famous museum the Louvre as well the cathedral of
Notre Dame. However, the most famous landmark in this city must be the Eiffel Tower.

Paris in named after a group of people called Parisii. They built a small village on an island in the middle of the
Seine River about two thousand years ago. This island is called Lie De La Cite. It is where Notre Dame located.
Today around eight million people live in Paris area.

11. The fifth paragraph tells about ...
A. The origin of the word Paris D. A village built a thousand years ago
B. About the Paris E. An island in the middle of the Seine River
C. The location of Notre Dame

12. What is generic structure of the text above?

A. Orientation-Complication-Resolution D. Orientation-Description
B. Classification-Description  E. Introduction-Events-Reorientation
C. Identification-Description 

13. What is the eldest and the most well-known part of the city?
A. The Seine River  D. The Notre Dame 
B. The Pont Neuf E. The Montmarte
C. The Sorbonne 

Soft and Sweet, a state of bliss

Our mommy-to be expecting a girl
14. From the text we can infer that ... Let’s shower Desi Bestiana with love
A. Desi Bestiana is going to deliver a baby girl  Friday, December 19th, 2020
B. The party will be held in the morning  At 4 p.m
C. Desi Bestiana has delivered a baby boy  At Bestiana’s villa
D. Desi Bestiana is a mother to be RSVP by December 16th, 2020-11-27
E. The party will take place in House of Bestiana

You are Invited !

Garden Party

Birthday Party for Laras Suhito

Saturday, 14 March 2020-01-30 2 P.M
Suhito Home
(Km-IF! 1 No. 13, Ciganjur Jakarta
RSVP Laras Suhito

15. The party will be held in ...

A. The morning D. The satnight
B. The afternoon E. The midnight
C. The evening
This text is for questions 16 to 18
CORONA VIRUS : What’s happening in Wuhan ?

The city's residents are enduring an isolated, frightening time. Most forms of traffic have been banned, and 11
million people are shut up in their homes, trying to minimise the spread of the Corona Virus.

The phrase has been trending on Weibo, China's Twitter-like social media site, with people from around the
country posting supportive messages."We will get through this. Wuhan jiayou, the whole country is
supporting you," read one comment on Weibo. "This is the first day since the lockdown that I've had to go
out," a man in his 50s told the AFP news agency on Wednesday, on a mostly-deserted street."I have no choice
because I need to buy food."

The city's residents are enduring an isolated, frightening time. Most forms of traffic have been banned, and 11
million people are shut up in their homes, trying to minimise the spread of the virus.

How deadly is this virus? It is a basic question, but the answer is elusive. It is far too simplistic to take the
130 deaths and the 6,000 cases and come up with a death rate of 2%. We're in the middle of the outbreak and
thousands of those patients are still being treated. We don't know if they will live or die, so they can't be used
in these calculations. We also don't know how many mild and undetected cases are out there.

"It is very early to make any statements on what the overall mortality rate may be," the WHO's Maria Van
Kerkhove has warned. Also, the deadliness of the new virus is only one component of its threat.

Flu kills hundreds of thousands of people each year not because it is super-deadly, but because it is able to
infect so many people.

16. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the text?

A. Almost forms of traffic in Wuhan have been opened recently
B. The virus is weak and easy to be cured.
C. About eight thousands cases are confirmed infected by Corona Virus
D. According to WHO, It was the right time to make any statements on what the overall mortality rate.
E. Thousands of people are killed by Flu every year because it is able to contaminate alot of people.

17. Based on the text above, What is the meaning of “Wuhan jiayou”? (Paragraph : 2)
A. Entired country is giving spirit of you D. Many Countries are affording you
B. Each country is supporting you E. All countries are shouting you
C. Some country is supported by you

18. “... are enduring an isolated, frightening time”. (Paragraph : 3)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. Exciting B. Shocking C. Interesting D. Scaring E. Depressing

19. Azizy : I heard that you won in English Speech Contest last week.
Raka : Thanks God. I got the first prize in this contest.
Azizy :...
Raka : Thank you, it’s very kind of you to say that.
A. Sure, Good luck.
B. I’m sorry to hear that
C. Wow Great. Congratulations, Azizy. You deserve it, man.
D. Thanks, I will do my best
E. Don’t mention it
20. Afika : Hi Blina!
Blina : Oh hi, what’s up? You look like a panda with the swelled eye.
Afika : I have been crying, actually my mother was angry because I don’t pass the exam
Blina : Oh honey, I see. If . . . well, you would have passed the exam
Afika : Yeah, I regretted.
Blina : How about you talk to your teacher and ask her to give you a second chance?
Afika : That’s sounds good.
A. You study. D. You have studied
B. You are studying E. You had studied
C. You studied
21. Andrea : Coronavirus has been a big problem today in the world.
Reza : Yeah, I think the people shouldn’t travel to China. . . . the risks of coronavirus.
A. Because B. Because of C. For D. By E. Since
22. Sasha : "Why can't I find the file on the annual report in the computer?"
Ameera : "Because it .... in the hard disk."
A. Was not saving B. Not saved C. Did not saved D. Not being saved E. Was not saved
23. Anwar : Have you been informed about the exact number of victims of the airplane crash?"
Official :"Yes, ....... to the headquarters of Garuda."
A. They are faxed D. It has been fixed
B. Has faxed E. Was faxed
C. The victims fax
24. Zammia : How many time your sister always practice Karate ?.
Hana : She always . . . Karate every week.
A. Practices B. Practiced C. Is practicing D. Have practice E.. Had practice
25. Doni : What did you buy last night on a big sale?
Qori : ...
A. I buy a jacket D. I am buying a jacket
B. I will buy a jacket E. I bought a jacket
C. I have bought a jacket
26. Hello Alia! Let me introduce myselft . My name is Hannah. I know your name from my friend,
Caroline. She told me that you sent her an email telling her that you would like to have more pen
pals from the US. I’d really like to be yours E-Pal. You sound really cool!
How many possesive adjective used in the text above?
A. Five B. Six C. Seven D. Eight E. Nine

27. I don’t know what should I do In wuhan China now, . . . you help me to find the way?
A. Can B. Should C. Would D. Could E. Shall we

28. The deadly new corona virus is starting to spread . . . the US. protect yourself with healthy lifestyle
A. On B. At C. In D. The E. As

29. We must avoid high cholesterol . . . be healthy

A. Finally B. In order to C. Consequently D. Provided E. Moreover

This text is for questions 30 to 33

How to make chocolate Dipped Strawberries
To make chocolate dipped strawberries, first, prepare all the following ingridient:
- 2 Chopped Squares semisweet or bitterssweet chocolate
- ½ tablespoon whipping cream
- Dash almond extract
-8 strawberries
Second, combine the chocolate and the whipping cream in a glass measuring cup or bowl. Microwave
at medium power for 1 minute untill the chocolate melts, stirring after 30 seconds. Stir in the almond
extract and cool slightly.
Finally, dip each strawberry into the melted chocolate, allowing the excess to drip off. Place on a
waxed paper-lined baking sheet. Refrigerate or freeze for approximately 15 minutes until the
chocolate is set.

30. Find out the synonyms of ‘’dip’’.

A. Immerse B. Drop C. Splash D. Beat E. Mix

31. In the second step, Why should it be cooled slightly?

A. To make a chocolate  melt D. To make the strawberry melt
B. To keep the strawberry dipped into it E. To keep the chocolate melt
C. To make a cream 

32. “allowing the excess to drip off” (step 3). The underlined word means …. 
A. Until it melt
B. A few Minutes 
C. Until dry 
D. Until the chocolate stop dripping and then put into waxed paper-lined baking sheet
E. Until it freezes
33. The author puts steps in making the chocolate dipped strawberries. What’s the author’s purpose?
A. To inform about the way to make chocolate dipped strawberries.
B. To find out the ingredients
C. To prepare all ingredient
D. To retell about how to make chocolate dipped strawberries
E. To entertain the reader
The text is for questions number 34-37.

The Goose and The Golden Egg

One day a country man was going to the nest of his goose and found there was an egg with
a yellow and glittering color. When he took it up, it was a heavy as lead and he was going
to throw it away, because he thought a trick had been played upon him. But he took it home
in the second thought, and soon found to his delight that it was pure gold. Every morning
the same thing occurred and he soon became rich by selling the eggs. As he grew greedy
and greedy he thought to get at once all the gold the goose could give. He killed the goose
opened and opened it: only to find nothing.

34. Where did the countryman get a gold egg?

A. At the nest of his goose. D. In his goose stomach.
B. At his own house. E. In the gold mine.
C. At the goldsmith.

35. “Every morning the same thing occurred and……….”

The synonym of the word “occurred” is…….
A. Happened D. Disappeared
B. Arose E. Transpired
C. Took part

36. Why did he kill the goose?

A. The goose has many eggs in its stomach.
B. The goose didn’t give eggs anymore.
C. The egg was pure gold.
D. He became rich and greedy.
E. He thought the goose had a lot of gold in its body.

37. The topic of the text is about …………..

A.The countryman activities. D. The yellow and glittering eggs.
B. The golden egg. E. The trick played on the countryman
C.The greedy countryman.
The text is for questions number 38-39.

Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985, in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.

Manchester United paid £12 million to sign him in 2003 – a record fee for a player of
his age. In the 2004 FA Cup Final, he scored Manchester’s first three goals and helped
them capture the championship. In 2008, he set a franchise record for goals score. In
38. What was Ronaldo action for MU in year 2004?
A. Signed new contract D. Got payment of $131 million for his service
B. Scored Manchester’s first three goals E. Paid $12 million
C. Won FA Cup Championship

39. We can learn from paragraph 2 that…

A. Ronaldo was a talented football player
B. Ronaldo was a very energetic football player
C. Ronaldo gained his success by his early teens
D. Ronaldo was a legendary young football player
E. Ronaldo became the youngest player in Manchester

This text is for question 40-41

Attention Please!
Students of grade XII are welcome to attend a morning seminar on :
You can learn a lot from Mr. Budi Umar, a well-known education consultant.
Date   : July, 27th, 2018
Time   : 07.30
Venue  : School main hall
Don’t miss this free event. Seats are limited.
To reserve your seat, please call Kemal : 0812 69795677 0r 085234576
40. The advantages of attending the seminar that students get are able ….
A. To meet the education consultant
B. To prepare for the final examination
C. To teach strategies for the final examination
D. To get the free chance of joining the seminar
E. To be a presenter in that seminar

41. Who will come to the morning seminar?

A. All students D. All students  and their neighbours
B. Mr. Budi Umar E. Student who is the best in class XII
C. Students of class XII

This text is for questions no. 42 – 43

42. What is the caption about?
A. A Sao Paulo researcher.
B. Snakes on the island.
C. University of Sao Paulo.
D. Marcio Martins.
E. A hapless fisherman.

43. The profession of Marcio Martins is …

A. A student of Sao Paulo University.
B. A researcher.
C. A snake lover.
The golden lancehead viper (Bothrops insularis), pictured is D. A fisherman.
only found on this one island. Here, University of Sao Paulo E. An officer.
researcher, Marcio Martins, Holds one snake while watching
another. The snakes have been known to kill humans in the
past, including a hapless fisherman who stumble across the

This text is for questios no. 44 – 48.

The internet connects all parts of the world without borders between them. Many people take advantages of
the internet network. One of them is by opening virtual stores, meaning people are providing shops in cyberspace.
They show photographs of goods with all their characteristics. They also reflect prices, discounts and quality of
goods. In addition to all the convenience of shopping online, we have to be very careful and cautious in doing
transactions through cyberspace. Many people have experienced bad impacts of shopping online. Here are some
examples of negative impacts of shopping online.
First, people tend to become consumptive because quality goods are often sold cheaply and buyers don’t
need to go anywhere. Such convenience raises the desire to continue shopping and it’s hard to resist.
Second, online shopping habits create crimes, such as deception. Many people take advantages of this
consumer psyche to open fake online stores aiming to get as much money as possible. Many prospective buyers
are deceived by such stores only because they offer bigger discounts than usual. Without thinking people will
immediately transfer money and hope to get good stuff at very cheap price, but they never receive the goods they
Third, shopping online may create a feeling of disappointment because the items that buyers receive do not
match what they ordered. Unfortunately, the goods cannot be returned which means they have lost their money
and hope for getting good items.
Fourth, people tend to look at their cellphone very often to browse various virtual stores. They began to
ignore people and events that happen around them. Gradually, they will lose their social empathy.
Knowing that there are many negative impacts of shopping online, we have to remain cautions of scams and not
shop online too often. We need to browse in real shops, so we are not ignorant of people and events around us.
44. What is the topic of the text?
A. The advantages of shopping online.
B. The disappointment of shopping online.
C. The negative effects of internet connection.
D. The characteristics of goods in online shop.
E. The negative consequences of shopping online.

45. The essence of the main idea of the third paragraph is . . .

A. Criminals like doing online shopping.
B. All online stores in the internet are fake.
C. Unusual big discounts can mislead buyers.
D. Many people get benefits from online shopping.
E. Buyers receive the goods after they transfer money

46. Possibility, People who have a habit of looking at cellphone very often …
A. Like to browse online shops D. Make them ignore their cellphones
B. Can lose their social sensitivity E. May help them visit various virtual stores
C. Will lose their important events

47. “. . . , we have to remain cautions of scams and not shop online too often.” (Last paragraph)
The command order from the sentence above is ….
A. Remain cautions of scams and not shop online too often !
B. have to remain cautions of scams and not shop online too often !
C. To remain cautions of scams and not shop online too often !
D. Have we to remain cautions of scams and not shop online too often !
E. Cautions of scams and not shop online too often !

48. . . the word ‘ goods’ has the same meaning with …

A. Fine B. Well C. Things D. Kind E. Friendly

Keep, smiling, keep shining

Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
‘Cause I tell you, that’s what friend are for
For goods times and the bad times
I’ll be on your side forever more
That’s what friends are for
(That’s what friends are for,
by Dionne warwick)

49. What is the theme of the song lyrics?

A. Family D. World peace
B. Friendship E. Social critique
C. Love

There can be miracles

When you believe
Through hope is frail
It’s hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe
(When You Believe, by Mariah Carey
and Whitney Houston)
50. From the lyrics, we know that we should …
A. Trust our hope D. Achieve something
B. Have miracles E. Have a belief
C. Dream a lot

1 C 26 A
2 B 27 A
3 D 28 C
4 B 29 B
5 B 30 A
6 B 31 B
7 C 32 D
8 C 33 A
9 D 34 A
10 D 35 A
11 A 36 D
12 C 37 C
13 B 38 B
14 D 39 A
15 B 40 B
16 E 41 C
17 A 42 B
18 D 43 B
19 C 44 E
20 E 45 C
21 B 46 B
22 E 47 A
23 D 48 C
24 A 49 B
25 E 50 A

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