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The most visible institution in India is Political Parties.

A political party is a group of people who come together to participate in

elections and
hold power in government.
Particsian Ship: A person is strongly committed to a particular party, they are
loyal to their party.
->It is the party members who select the person who will stand for elections as a
->Put up policies and programes, each political party come together because they
have the same ideology,
they agree to some common policies and prograammes, they join the party to put
forth these policies and
programmes, the people will decide, which party's political party has best
-> Political executives take the decisions.
->The Lok sabha has a lot of power because they nare the political executives.
-> the party which loses the election plays the role of opposition. The minimum of
seats required to
become an opposition is 55.
-> Party shape public opinion.
-India has a representative democracy, we elect the government, we have large and
complex society with variable needs. Thus representative democracies need parties.
-We need political party to take responsibility.
-We choose different representatives from groups, we need these groups together to
make a mechanism to support the government.
to make policies we need parties.
-The rise of political parties is directly linked to emergence of representative
-We need parties to restrain the government.
-We need parties to make policies.
There are 2698 parties (8 are national parties), there are 2638 unrecognised
parties. Thus India is a multi party sytem. [best form of government]
A uniparty system is a system in which there is only one party. (China, Communist
BiParty system is with two parties only (US [{democratic party} and republican] and
UK [{Conservative} and Labour]).
Coalition of BJP (NDA National Democratic Alliances), of Congress (UPA United Party
- Democracy gives you the right to freely create a political party.
- Since in India there are more parties, other parties are able to come to power.
- When large parties join hands with a smaller party, its called an Allaince, to
form a coalition government.
Lok Sabha Elections: Electing representatives for entire country, when the party
wins they elect pm. To qualify for this election, they need to have 6% votes in
Assembly (Lok Sabha) elections
in four states. Should win atleast 4 seats in Lok sabha to be recognised as a
national party.


The symbol of BSP is elephant.

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