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Private Bitcoin & Crypto Currency Educational Update Get Membership here
4 January 2020 (USA Time Zone UTC-5)
Private & Confidential Algorithm Analysis

Report #137 and Blog Post #137

Always read and follow the latest date Report, Blog Post, weekly LIVE Webinar and/or the Webinar recording. Release of new Reports and important Updates &
Notifications are posted in the Private Telegram Channel. See last page of this report or the private members area for access details to Telegram Broadcast Channel.

Let’s recap what occurred from July 2019 till today 4 January 2020, then let’s look at how the future may play out:

- For the most part of 5 months, between 17 July 2019 till exactly 17 December 2019, Bitcoin has been in a 154-day downtrend by
following a 30/31-day variance-cycle. Prior to the 30/31-day cycle Bitcoin was in a 53-day cycle that we followed into June/July
of 2019 [see A B C D on left side of chart below].
- Recall in previous reports & videos we mentioned the 53-day cycle will change direction into a 30-day cycle and on 27 July during
the LIVE Weekly Webinars for the weeks following we stated Litecoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCashABC and many other coins/tokens
will drop into a phycological low (a Disbelief Stage, Blog Post #98+), and that this low will go on for months.
- My team and I predicted Litecoin towards $49, Ethereum towards $119, BitcoinCash towards $186, XRP towards $0.19 and
DigiByte towards $0.006 range.
- All Reports, Blog Posts & charts indicated NOT TO FOLLOW the date or time but to follow the pattern into the low as time and
date has been expanded and used to drag out patterns to bring about disbelief. No doubt, the last 5 months created “fear”,
“anxiety” and “depression” which we now call #FAD. The good news is, we believe the DROP or disbelief stage is complete.
- On 16 December 2018 Bitcoin hit the LOW and on 17 December 2019, 1 year later, Bitcoin hit a second low (chart below).
- The 53-day cycle changed in June/July 2019 and then followed a 30/31-day cycle. This 30/31-day cycle changed yet again during
December 2019/January 2020 back into a potential 53-day UP-cycle. We are now in an upwards trend direction.
- The Algorithm Major Trend Reversal (AMTR) is now complete and we should see short term upside.
- The yellow block on the right side of this chart below indicate the upwards algorithm cycle pattern. There are three (3) possible
scenarios and my team have identified two (2) potential patterns marked [1-purple] and [2-black] in chart below. Over the next
few weeks I will discuss all three potential cycle date patterns in detail – look out for new updates.
- In short, if this up-cycle plays out, it is expected to hit resistance at an average parameter of $12,000 Bitcoin, $100/$107 Litecoin.
The longer we go sideways the lower the mathematical algorithmic high point will be. Ensure you read the latest date report.
- Looking at the algorithmic cycle date we could see a high point (perhaps not THE high point) at or around 9-11 February 2020.
- Keep in mind, our algorithm analysis is taking into account the last 154 days of slow price action and based upon this we have
the potential to move slowly upwards unless there is a significant spike or #Catapult to break the current slow trade pattern.
- Regardless of date and time (I am stating this again), we look for our first target high at the Bitcoin $12,000 price target and the
Litecoin $100/$107 price target.


*Legal disclaimer: Information on this website and in TREND FORECAST reports are the analyst opinion of Mr Landman, based on data available at this point in time. These opinions are not recommendations to buy or sell
securities/commodities (and/or currencies). Trading and investing is a risk and you should not rely on this data to make any financial decisions. You must consult a financial advisory licensed by regulatory agencies in your
legal jurisdiction. Mr Landman is not a financial advisor/adviser nor a Registered Securities Advisor and the intend of this website and documents/reports is not to give financial advice. It's merely research and data
compiled for entertainment and/or educational purposes. All information stated here and in reports apply ONLY to the Australian jurisdiction. For and in any other jurisdiction in the world you use this data at your own risk.
This statement applies to Twitter comments, posts and Direct Messages. Do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial implications. Update 2020.

Bitcoin – the next up-cycle discussed further

- The expectation, looking at algorithm data, is that the high point for Bitcoin may be a nominal $12K and Litecoin $100/$107.
- The PythonY-Axis (purple line) in the Bitcoin chart is holding perfectly as resistance to the downside and Bitcoin is finding
support here. Bitcoin has not significantly broken the PythonY-Axis but is now trading yet again above this indicator.
- The identified AMTR at Points 1-2-3-4 in chart below, is now complete and this normally indicates a major trend reversal is about
to occur (as per Apple Inc 1999-2004). Apple went from $1 towards $7 (upwards trend direction).
- Just like Apple, Bitcoin will go upwards but be warned as there may be a surprise when Bitcoin hits $12K and LTC $100/$107. I
have mentioned the Wall-street Kings Crown (WKC) before and if Bitcoin does form the WKC, the markets will drop like a rock
(this is not a bad statement, regard it as a good statement/comment because in general terms a trader wants to sell the top and
buy the bottom).
- So, stay tuned, read the latest Report, Blog Post and discard data older than 1 week.
- For now, before we get carried away to what comes after the first HIGH, lets just make it simple and follow the up-cycle for
January and February 2020.
- In the chart below, we have Scenarios 1 (purple), 2 (black) and 3 (green).
- Point 3 (green) is the fast spike upwards to a high on 18 January 2020 and then the formation of a Wall-street Kings Crown.
Notice the 4 jumps in price action followed by the 5th jump being the potential Wall-street Kings Crown. Jump 1a is already
complete and as I write this report jump 1b is in the process to be formed, followed by jump 3. This jump in price structure is
true for all three (3) scenarios mentioned in this report. One jump is expected to take Bitcoin upwards by +$1200 points.
- Point 1 (red) is the mid-range expansion of time with a high at or around 9 February (end of 53-day cycle).
- Point 2 (black) is the extended range high point into 10 March.
- Regardless of date or time, we are going to focus on Bitcoin to hit $12K and Litecoin $100/$107 first.
- On page 3 we will discuss the short-term price action and our unique patent-pending Algorithm A-B-C-D cycle pattern that will
eventually turn into a Bearish Pennant and instead of breaking down it will defy Elliott Wave theory and break out upwards.

Also note: I am not ruling out a huge breakout when Bitcoin hits $12,000. The probability in my algorithm data, based on past
history in Apple Inc (data used with permission), is only 7%. But this is therefore still a probability that we will take into account here
at our main office in Australia where we convert all raw data from around the world into a workable format as per this report.

The chance of a break downwards is more than 43%. However, we know that Wall-street is attempting to buy up all major ALT coins
and if their baskets are not filled yet when the top arrives, expect a short-term drop. As long as we play with Wall-street and do
what they do we will make enormous gains.

Therefore, it is your responsibly to keep this data private and not disseminate it across social media. Do the right thing.
*Legal disclaimer: Information on this website and in TREND FORECAST reports are the analyst opinion of Mr Landman, based on data available at this point in time. These opinions are not recommendations to buy or sell
securities/commodities (and/or currencies). Trading and investing is a risk and you should not rely on this data to make any financial decisions. You must consult a financial advisory licensed by regulatory agencies in your
legal jurisdiction. Mr Landman is not a financial advisor/adviser nor a Registered Securities Advisor and the intend of this website and documents/reports is not to give financial advice. It's merely research and data
compiled for entertainment and/or educational purposes. All information stated here and in reports apply ONLY to the Australian jurisdiction. For and in any other jurisdiction in the world you use this data at your own risk.
This statement applies to Twitter comments, posts and Direct Messages. Do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial implications. Update 2020.

Let’s discuss the Algorithm A-B-C-D pattern cycle

- For discussion of the Algorithm A-B-C-D cycle, I will use Litecoin on the Bitfinex exchange as the example to follow for all of the
crypto world. Litecoin is the first ALT coin we will look at and nothing in the crypto world will start moving unless Litecoin does it
first. Litecoin is expected to outperform Bitcoin by almost 35% during this next upward cycle.
- In the chart below, notice the five (5) pink circles. They resemble the A-B-C-D pattern upwards and similar to Bitcoin the
expected upcycle targets are expected to be the same format as per Scenarios 1 (purple), 2 (black) and 3 (green).
- Let’s look a bit more closely to the first two (2) bottom pink circles.

- Short term Litecoin is expected to complete the second A-B-C-D pattern at price target of between $45 and $48 and with some
momentum it could hit the $50 mark (possible).

- Ultimately, regardless of date and time, we are looking for Litecoin to form a Bearisj Pennant (marked in black lines), then comes
the breakout. I am therefore expecting a slow moving Litecoin and cryptocurrency across the board with a break upwards no
later than 18 January 2020. This is unless we have a spike or #Catapult event prior to the 18 th of January 2020. In terms of the
Bitcoin three (3) scenarios, scenario 1 (red), with the 53-day cycle, sounds a bit more plausible in terms of date and time.
- Remember, markets are moving a lot slower than usual and therefore, be a bit more patient.


*Legal disclaimer: Information on this website and in TREND FORECAST reports are the analyst opinion of Mr Landman, based on data available at this point in time. These opinions are not recommendations to buy or sell
securities/commodities (and/or currencies). Trading and investing is a risk and you should not rely on this data to make any financial decisions. You must consult a financial advisory licensed by regulatory agencies in your
legal jurisdiction. Mr Landman is not a financial advisor/adviser nor a Registered Securities Advisor and the intend of this website and documents/reports is not to give financial advice. It's merely research and data
compiled for entertainment and/or educational purposes. All information stated here and in reports apply ONLY to the Australian jurisdiction. For and in any other jurisdiction in the world you use this data at your own risk.
This statement applies to Twitter comments, posts and Direct Messages. Do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial implications. Update 2020.

The June July 2019 drop followed by the 154 day down cycle

- 27 July during LIVE Weekly Webinars for the weeks following we stated Litecoin, Ethereum, BitcoinCashABC and many other
coins/tokens will drop into a phycological low (a Disbelief Stage, Blog Post #98+ videos and reports), and that this low will go on
for months.
- My team and I predicted Litecoin towards $49, Ethereum towards $119, BitcoinCash towards $186, XRP towards $0.19 and
DigiByte towards $0.006 range.
- Below is a snippet of the price action events that followed.
- On Page 5 onward we will discuss Ethereum and BitcoinCash

Date Call How it played out Evidence Review

27 July – 24 #Litecoin is expected to Litecoin dropped towards $42. We were $7 off but made Prediction was made on 27 July Long term trade
September drop from $93 towards this call 127 days in advance. We cannot find anybody who 2019 in a video released on 26 call good
$53 and later on around a made a call this far in advance. Timeline was a bit off and in July and during the LIVE Weekly
low of $49 subsequent updates we notified our members each week Webinar of Thursday 26 July Date and time
not to look at dates but rather the pattern. To make these 2019 not called
calls this far in advance can only be done with an advance
27 July – 24 #Ethereum is expected to ETH dropped into $132 on 25 November 2019. The low Prediction was made 27 July Long term trade
September drop into as low as $119 point for 24 September 2019 was $149. 2019; subsequent updates have call good
and possible could stop at We never gave a date and always stated look at the been posted and reviewed each
$130. patterns. Each chart indicated – “do not follow dates, follow week on LIVE Weekly Webinars.
the patterns”
27 July #BitcoinCashABC will drop BitcoinCashABC dropped exactly into $192.52 (we were off 27 July Blog Post #99 and Long term trade
2019 into as low as $186.28 by $6.24) subsequent LIVE weekly call good
Webinars (see members area for
past recordings)
27 July #XRP – stated it will drop XRP dropped into $0.19 range Subsequent LIVE weekly Long term trade
2019 into $0.19 range Webinars – ample evidence call accurate
27 July #DigiByte - stated DGB is DGB dropped into as low as $0.0059 Subsequent LIVE weekly Long term trade
2019 to drop into $0.006 range Webinars – ample evidence call accurate

Our next prediction long term is now an upwards move where we shall see significant growth. When markets are at the bottom, it is
normal for it to take a bit of time as price in general starts reversing upwards. Therefore, in some cases, some coins/tokens may
slightly drop lower while others may expand upwards. In general, we have called the LOW in all of crypto world to be 24 September
2019 with most coins bottoming on or around 24 November and/or 17 December 2019.

A number of coins/tokens have not gone lower than the 24 September or 24 November 2019 low. Therefore, markets are slowly
turning upwards and will gain momentum as time moves on. Remember, we have now completed the DISBELIEF stage. Just as we
called the DISBELIEF stage (Blog Post #100 + video on 26 July 2019), we are now stating, the up-cycle #Catapult2 has started. But be
warned, the top will come swift and without notice so ensure you plug into the LIVE Webinars and or watch every recording to stay
up to date.

The LIVE Webinars are held weekly on a Friday Australian time – see members area for more details. We attempt to accommodate
the entire world and if you miss any LIVE Webinar, you can listen to the recording at your own peril. But it is important that you take
the effort to listen to all information. The first 30 minutes is more than adequate but it is your responsibility to stay up to date so
you can make informed decisions. As I said multiple times, do not rely on old data older than 1 week. Always ensure to read the
latest Blog post and/or report/video.

Reminder to study and then use the TOP 40 Crypto Report. It is free to current subscribed members and it is in your Private
Members Area page named TOP 40 Crypto Report for January 2020. This report contains valuable information of the expected high
or top points for almost 42 coins. We will also update this report by mid to late January. Ensure to follow the latest TOP 40 crypto
Report as well.

*Legal disclaimer: Information on this website and in TREND FORECAST reports are the analyst opinion of Mr Landman, based on data available at this point in time. These opinions are not recommendations to buy or sell
securities/commodities (and/or currencies). Trading and investing is a risk and you should not rely on this data to make any financial decisions. You must consult a financial advisory licensed by regulatory agencies in your
legal jurisdiction. Mr Landman is not a financial advisor/adviser nor a Registered Securities Advisor and the intend of this website and documents/reports is not to give financial advice. It's merely research and data
compiled for entertainment and/or educational purposes. All information stated here and in reports apply ONLY to the Australian jurisdiction. For and in any other jurisdiction in the world you use this data at your own risk.
This statement applies to Twitter comments, posts and Direct Messages. Do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial implications. Update 2020.

Etheruem #ETH
- Litecoin is the ruling ALT coin. If Litecoin moves upwards first then all of cryptocurrencies will move upwards. Ethereum depends
on Litecoin to make a move first and then ETH will follow in price action. Litecoin is the kick starter while Bitcoin will bring the
momentum. To find the expected high point for most to 90% of ALT coins, we need to look at where Litecoin and Bitcoin
simultaneously will stop. However, data indicate ETH has a resistance point at three levels being $200, $237 and then $319.
- The end result should be a 100% gain in minimal terms and upwards to approximately 171% from the bottom of 17 December

BitcoinCash #BCH
- Targets for BCH stay at $365 to $430. There is a possibility for a spike above $500.


*Legal disclaimer: Information on this website and in TREND FORECAST reports are the analyst opinion of Mr Landman, based on data available at this point in time. These opinions are not recommendations to buy or sell
securities/commodities (and/or currencies). Trading and investing is a risk and you should not rely on this data to make any financial decisions. You must consult a financial advisory licensed by regulatory agencies in your
legal jurisdiction. Mr Landman is not a financial advisor/adviser nor a Registered Securities Advisor and the intend of this website and documents/reports is not to give financial advice. It's merely research and data
compiled for entertainment and/or educational purposes. All information stated here and in reports apply ONLY to the Australian jurisdiction. For and in any other jurisdiction in the world you use this data at your own risk.
This statement applies to Twitter comments, posts and Direct Messages. Do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial implications. Update 2020.


Training purposes only – not financial advice

Keep your Model Portfolio simple. Follow our reports, read each one carefully, then work out your strategy (portfolio plan)
and execute your plan with your own financial portfolio advisor. Trade the Algorithm Trend, no/not day trading.
Let’s assume you have $100,000 (70% of portfolio goes here)
- The same percentage applies if you have $10,000, $1,000 or any different amount invested
- This is not a set-in stone portfolio and you could remove non-performing ALTS and replace with other ALTs you follow

For more up to date ALT coins, follow the ALT coins in the TOP 40 Crypto Report. Choose the coins you are familiar with and use the
Model Portfolio Example below as an EXAMPLE only. For more up to date data please ensure to visit the LIVE Webinars.

Our Top 10 Coins Ticker Percentage Notes (70%)

Primary Coins
Bitcoin BTC 10 - 16% Consider perhaps 10% -16% (depends on your strategy and
money involved, risk and your portfolio).
Litecoin LTC 12 - 25%

BitcoinCash and/or BSV BCH/BSV 7 -12% See Secondary Coins as well

OmiseGO or XRP/DGB OMG 5 - 11% Feel free to displace OMG with another ALT or with BCHABC
Neo and/or EOS BNB NEO EOS BNB 7 -11%
Ethereum ETH 7 -12% Adding DASH on 15 December 2018
Populous or XRP/DGB PPT 5%
Qtum or DGB Qtum 5% As high as 7%
Internet of Things IOTA 5%
Stellar or XRP XLM (STR) 5% Even as high as 7%

Let’s assume you have $100,000 (20% to 30% of portfolio goes here, pending tertiary portfolio below)
Secondary Coins Ticker Dollars Notes (30%)
DigiByte / BitcoinCashABC DGB You could include BCH here
This Secondary Section can Reminder that DGB is a Top 5 Coin. It is up to you to build
be used to EXCHANGE bad your portfolio but these coins in this portfolio may be a good
performing cryptos with solid base to start with. Keep it simple.
better performers.

Ripple XRP
LINK Added October 2019
Veritaseum VERI
Hold some Cash - Cash allows you to buy DIPS and add to portfolios

5% of portfolio from Secondary Coins can go here

Tertiary Coins Ticker Dollars Notes
THETA Spread as you see fit ($500 per coin) – low risk high reward.
WAX Reminder that WAX, AGI and WTC are the three cryptos we
AGI hold that could give an average of 6000% gains plus going
WTC into the 2019 Bitcoin year. These are all long term holds.
ZRX ZRX / 0x

*Legal disclaimer: Information on this website and in TREND FORECAST reports are the analyst opinion of Mr Landman, based on data available at this point in time. These opinions are not recommendations to buy or sell
securities/commodities (and/or currencies). Trading and investing is a risk and you should not rely on this data to make any financial decisions. You must consult a financial advisory licensed by regulatory agencies in your
legal jurisdiction. Mr Landman is not a financial advisor/adviser nor a Registered Securities Advisor and the intend of this website and documents/reports is not to give financial advice. It's merely research and data
compiled for entertainment and/or educational purposes. All information stated here and in reports apply ONLY to the Australian jurisdiction. For and in any other jurisdiction in the world you use this data at your own risk.
This statement applies to Twitter comments, posts and Direct Messages. Do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial implications. Update 2020.


Despite the Bitcoin drop during 2018,

the downtrend cycle has ended and
Bitcoin went upwards during 2019 till
June/July and then dropped further.
A low was identified at the end of the
AMTR at 17 December 2019 and we
are expected to see some upwards
movement going into 2020.

In 2018, Bitcoin gradually dropped

from $19,666 on 16 December 2017
when we here at Bitcoin Trend &
Forecast made our call to subscribers
to exit the markets at $19,500:
Report of 5 December 2017 to left.

On 28 June 2018 we called

the World Bitcoin LOW and
recommended our
subscribers get into the
market. On 24 July 2018 we
called the Bitcoin high and
recommended our
subscribers exit markets.

We are mentioning these two

examples to show you how to
read our reports. These
reports are not day trading
reports. They are used as
“swing trades” over a set
period of time - 3 weeks to 2
months. Our goal is to find
you the LOW point and then find the HIGH point in the market. We get in on the LOW and we sell at the HIGH and that is how we
eventually make SUPER profits and gains. Keep in mind that we do not provide financial advice.
Going forward, we provide 2/3 reports and/or videos per week, provide in excess of 10 – 20 Private Telegram Bitcoin
updates/messages weekly on our Private Telegram Channels worldwide and a Private Blog where we post important information
daily. We also provide an exclusive Private Weekly Webinar to our subscribers and we recommend you attend these webinars to
gain and in depth understanding of the overall crypto and world stock markets. This will help you immensely. To find the updated
links for Telegram and Webinars please visit our website or see the members area back office.

How we gather data and provide the Bitcoin & ALT reports:
- Technical, Methodological Analysis, Advanced Algorithm Artificial Intelligence (weight 34%)
- Linguistic Algorithm for USA Political & world Economic Trends (8%)
- Wall Street Price & Time suppression (6%), Wall Street Playbook from insiders’ sources (2%)
- Proprietary and Conventional Behaviour Standards (8%), Market Conditions (weight 5%)
- Market Cap (weight 7%), Marketing Capability (weight 5%)
- Market Sentimentality & Attitude/emotions (weight 8%), Social Media Status and Reporting (weight 7%)
- NEW - Induced Operational Manipulation (3%), Undisclosed (7%)

Always read the latest report. Things change rapidly as Bitcoin moves about 6x faster than the Apple trading stock. It is therefore
important you follow the proprietary algorithm pattern and not necessarily price or time stamp (this could be correct in some cases
but time can always contract or expand). Both price and date can be manipulated short term but the “pattern” cannot be altered and



*Legal disclaimer: Information on this website and in TREND FORECAST reports are the analyst opinion of Mr Landman, based on data available at this point in time. These opinions are not recommendations to buy or sell
securities/commodities (and/or currencies). Trading and investing is a risk and you should not rely on this data to make any financial decisions. You must consult a financial advisory licensed by regulatory agencies in your
legal jurisdiction. Mr Landman is not a financial advisor/adviser nor a Registered Securities Advisor and the intend of this website and documents/reports is not to give financial advice. It's merely research and data
compiled for entertainment and/or educational purposes. All information stated here and in reports apply ONLY to the Australian jurisdiction. For and in any other jurisdiction in the world you use this data at your own risk.
This statement applies to Twitter comments, posts and Direct Messages. Do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial implications. Update 2020.


1. Exchanges to use worldwide:

1. Binance: TOP 1 - Binance (click link and setup a free account)

2. Bitfinex: TOP 2 -
3. If you trade high volume anywhere in the world then use: Caleb & Brown. They will assign a special Crypto Manager
to you and it is hassle free – setup a free account Caleb & Brown
4. HotBit - Buy ETH based Tokens
8. (Australia for OTC as well)
9. (its ok to use but negotiate fees)
10. Coinbase Pro or CB Commercial - low volume though
11. Old and trusted exchange

2. Ledger Nano-S or Ledger-Bluetooth for Hardware Security & storage of coins

o Click this link to purchase your Ledger Nano -

3. Gold Debit card from KaratBit

o Click this link and follow instructions:

4. Private Telegram Channel – click this link:

5. Private Premium Members Telegram Channel Message Board (Subscribers only):

o All Premium Members have access:

6. Premium Membership and Webinar Access:

o Click here for Access to private reports:

7. Follow us on Social Media:

1. Bitcoin Trend & Forecast Facebook Group: Facebook
2. Telegram for Premium Members see website
3. Telegram Public
4. Public YouTube Channel: YouTube
5. LinkedIn -
6. Marius Landman on LinkedIn -

Important: Time can contract or expand (price & time suppression). Ensure you read the latest report. We provide 2/3 reports per week and our team release new
reports as new data becomes available. Login to your back office to view reports. Ensure you are connected to our private Telegram groups worldwide.

See Legal & Disclaimer below


*Legal disclaimer: Information on this website and in TREND FORECAST reports are the analyst opinion of Mr Landman, based on data available at this point in time. These opinions are not recommendations to buy or sell
securities/commodities (and/or currencies). Trading and investing is a risk and you should not rely on this data to make any financial decisions. You must consult a financial advisory licensed by regulatory agencies in your
legal jurisdiction. Mr Landman is not a financial advisor/adviser nor a Registered Securities Advisor and the intend of this website and documents/reports is not to give financial advice. It's merely research and data
compiled for entertainment and/or educational purposes. All information stated here and in reports apply ONLY to the Australian jurisdiction. For and in any other jurisdiction in the world you use this data at your own risk.
This statement applies to Twitter comments, posts and Direct Messages. Do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial implications. Update 2020.

Reminder, this report is not financial advice and you should not rely on this data to buy and sell any assets. You must still do your own research. All data and
information in this report is fully copyright protected and no part of this is to be made “public” except by the author stated.
Trading digital currencies is risky and you should only use capital that you can afford to lose. Any services we provide in connection with cryptocurrencies or their
exchanges are not subject to the Australian Financial Services Licence regime. If you use this report in your country or any jurisdiction outside Australia you do it at
your own risk. Whilst the information in this website is believed to be reliable, we make no representations as to its accuracy or completeness. The financial products
(if any) and other assets or commodities discussed within this report may not be suitable for all investors.

Any recommendation provided for cryptocurrency or their exchanges is not financial product advice. Where we compare cryptocurrencies to financial products
(attempting to exclude such comparisons), any financial product information is general advice only. Any financial product advice included in this website and
documents/reports has been prepared without taking into account your purposes, financial situation and/or needs (or gaols/strategies). Before acting on the
information, you should consider whether it’s appropriate to you, in light of your purposes, financial situation and/or needs. Many digital currencies are not financial
products, and Australian digital currency exchanges are not typically subject to capital regulation, as mentioned before.

This report is provided for informational purpose only. It is not an offer or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any financial instruments or to participate in any
particular trading idea or plan. Any advice within this report is provided on a general advice only. Investors must make their own informed investment decisions and
seek professional investment advice.

Also note that prices and availability of financial instruments are subject to change without notice and investment transactions can lead to losses because of price
fluctuations, extreme volatility and other major unforeseen influences.

*Note: Safe Zone Entry and Exit figures are my own personal buy and sell zones and in no way am I suggesting you follow my exit and entry points.


*Legal disclaimer: Information on this website and in TREND FORECAST reports are the analyst opinion of Mr Landman, based on data available at this point in time. These opinions are not recommendations to buy or sell
securities/commodities (and/or currencies). Trading and investing is a risk and you should not rely on this data to make any financial decisions. You must consult a financial advisory licensed by regulatory agencies in your
legal jurisdiction. Mr Landman is not a financial advisor/adviser nor a Registered Securities Advisor and the intend of this website and documents/reports is not to give financial advice. It's merely research and data
compiled for entertainment and/or educational purposes. All information stated here and in reports apply ONLY to the Australian jurisdiction. For and in any other jurisdiction in the world you use this data at your own risk.
This statement applies to Twitter comments, posts and Direct Messages. Do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial implications. Update 2020.

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