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These are some general guidelines we use at my work:

1. For your queries, try to set the Processing property to Database Only. It runs faster than
Limited Local.

2. Try to use fixed column widths where possible. We have found that dynamic sizing
sometimes runs queries twice--once to find the largest data content, then again to
dynamically size the columns based on the largest data content.

3. Try to move as many calculations as possible into the model so your query doesn't have
to do them for every row of data pulled.

4. Try to use as many filters as possible up front to minimize the data you must pull in and

5. Simple CASE statements run faster than Search CASE statements.

6. Place calculations strategically. Rather than include a calculation in a CASE statement in

multiple places, do it once in a separate field and then refer to it in multiple places. This
minimizes processing time.

7. Create logical and useful index fields and logical table structures to make searching and
pulling the data as efficient as possible.

8. When sorting a field, sort it either at the tabular model level OR the query level but NOT

9. Where possible, use database functions for calculations instead of their equivalent
Cognos functions. See #1.

10. When using direct facts in the report do not create shortcuts, use
directly in facts under Qurey.

11. Cognos configuration by default font is Times new roman

the best practices are saying change the font to Arial - it will use less memory.

The process of tuning and optimizing IBM Cognos 8 environment may looking at the
following settings:
 Set usage peak periods - for instance set the number of connections and
processes to low during peak hours (business operation hours)
 Adjust the maximum number of processes and connections for the report service, the
batch report service and the data movement service
 Adjust queue time limits for interactive requests
 Adjust PDF output settings - file character encoding, font embedding and compression
 Maximum execution time for the report service, batch report service and data
movement service
 Adjust retention time for watch list report output (for Analysis Studio and Report
 Change compression for email attachments
 Adjust the report size limit for the report data service
 Server group names for advanced dispatcher routing
 Load balancing - balancing requests among dispatchers by adjusting weights
 Within a load balancing infrastructure, use a cluster compatible mode for dispatchers
(load balancing)

Description:What are some recommendations to tune Cognos Reportnet or Cognos 8 to improve performance?


Performance tuning is unique to each environment and each setting must be tried in isolation to determine the optimal setting
through trial and error.

The following changes can be applied in Cognos Configuration.

· Change the default gateway(Cognos.cgi) to the alternate gateways (such as ISAPI, Apache_mod ).

· If you have more than 2.0 Gig of RAM then create a medium configuration for the BIBus process. (Small, Medium and Large
configurations refer to the Java Memory environment that is set up for the ReportNet process (BiBus). The size is dependent upon
the memory available on the server. Small refers to a size of 768 Megs, Medium refers to a size of 1152 Megs and large refers to
1536 Megs).

· Increase the sort memory to 16 MB. The default value is 4 MB.

· Change the default font from Andale WT Unicode (International characters size of 26 Mb) to a light-weight font such as Arial (100

This change will improve PDF rendering time. Please refer to the documentation for specific steps

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