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= 4 has = he Ti = a aie oe ee Elise Pritchard Workbook & ac} Sa © How do people have fun? © why do people move to new places? Unit 3. Unit 4. Why do people write poems? Unit 5. Unit 6. e © How do we measure time? 6 10 Workbook Elise Pritchard © How do people make music? Unit 11. 7 Unit 12. 2105 @ How do inventions change our lives? Unit 13 Unit 14 © why do we need plants? U 5 Unit 16 © why do we explore? Unit 17. 154 Unit 18... . 162 Where does energy come from? Student's Writing Resource ... 173 Unit 9. Unit 10 . UNIVERSITY PRESS BIG QUESTION @ How do you and your family have fun? How people have! fun?) Write your three favorite activities. Why do you like these acti ies? j Words Qo Look and write. Get Ready score familyreunion wedding festival player 4acé fair team folkdance winner 2 Unit1 Vocabulary: Sports and Leisure “Student Book pages 6-8 © Circle the correct answers. 1 She'sa @_ player @ fair b family reunion © race 3 They're doing a oO Circle True or False. 1 Awedding is a time when two people get married. 2 Inmany sports, the winners are the players with the highest score. 3 Araceis a competition to see who is the slowest to do something. 4 A family reunion is for people who see each other often. Student Book page 8 2 What's the 2 @ winner b player © score @ festival b wedding © folk dance 4 They'eina False True False True False True False Vocabulary: Sports and Leisure Unit? 3 Read o Read the article. What do the people of Harbin do? oO Read the article again. What are the facts in the article? Remember, you can check a fact to see that it’s true. Harbin [cs and Festival Harbin is a town in northeast China. In winter, itis very cold. The average temperature in January is about -18°C. Some people call Harbin the “Ice City” 2 During the Qing ne, Dynasty, the people in Harbin made ice lanterns. The ice lanterns were very o beautiful. Think Underline two facts in this paragraph. Years later, the people | sentence a fac of Harbin decided to have an ice and snow festival. Artists from all over the world go to Harbin to make the sculptures. First, the artists collect piles of ice from the countryside. Then they carve the ice into buildings, gardens, flowers, dragons, and other things. There are a lot of exciting activities during the festival. There are team competitions in ice hockey and winter swimming. There are also skiing races. If you are interested, you can see people doing folk dances and singing folk songs. There are even weddings on the ice. There is something for everyone at the festival. There are trade fairs for buying and selling things. People from all over the world can visit the ice sculptures, enjoy the fun activities, and learn about products made in Harbin. 4 Unit1 Read Student Book pages 10-11 Understand Comprehension oO How do people have fun at the Harbin Ice and Snow Festival? © Answer the questions. 1 Why is Harbin a good place to have an ice festival? 2 How do artists in Harbin make ice sculptures? eo Words in Context Read and write. championship bands envelope athletes For the Chinese New Year, children often get money in a red envelope N It's exciting to watch the World Cup soccer 3 from all over the world compete in the Olympic Games. + Sometimes people have that play music at weddings. oO About You Answer the questions. 1 What is your favorite festival in your country? 2 What are two fun things you can do at the festival? Shudent Book page 12 Comprehension Unit 5 Grammar in Use Qo Study the grammar. oD ETc tat-tal Adjectives with -edand -ing Adjectives That End in -ed Adjectives That End in -ing Im so tired. That race was tiring. Iwasn't excited to see it. Itwasn'ta very exciting game. Were you bored at the game? Was the game boring? © Make two sentences for each picture. te te D> 1 amazed / amazing 2 tired / tiring @ The festival was amazing _. @ Was the festival ? b Hewas amazed. b Yes, was very TRADE FAIR ado 3 interested / interesting 4 excited / exciting @ Were you inthe @_ The swimming races weren't trade fair? very b Was the trade fair 2 b She wasn't very 6 Unit1 Grammar: Adjectives with -ed and -ing Student Book page 13 © Unscramble the sentences and questions to make a dialogue. 1 race /Was / the / exciting A: Was the race exciting? 2 very/was/No,/boring/it Br 3 interested /dances/the/in/ A: folk / you / Were + was / them /1/to/Yes, / Farrel ieee amazed / see 5 dancers /The/amazing/were At 6 weren't/they/And/tired —B: © Look and write. 1 (She /tired) 2 (The festival / amazing) She was tired. 3 (He/ excited) 4 (The folk dance / interesting) e Write sentences about you. Use adjectives with -ing and -ed. ‘Student Book page 13 Grammar: Adjectives with -edand-ing Unit1 7 Word Study laugh place answer paint end show Qo Read the sentences. Circle the nouns. Underline the verbs. 1 Let's use red@ainto paint the room. Her laugh was very funny. It made me laugh. Point to the place where I should place the chair. 2 3 4 Answer me. Tell me the answer to the question. 5 Where is the horse show? Can you show me the way? 6 Did you see the end of the movie? What time did it end? © complete the sentences with the words from the box above. Then write noun or verb. 3 | Ey f 1 Place _ the letter 2 He wants to 3. Stand at the in the envelope. the room blue. of the line. verb 4 [know the . 5 Itwas very funny. I 6 The started to : was great! 8 Unit1 Word Study: Nouns and Verbs ‘Student Book page 15 Writing Study Qo Match the sentence parts. Monday 1 Igotup e © a at4:00p.m. 2 Iatelunch oe © b inthe afternoon. 3 Ihadadream © ¢ at7:00am. 4 Iwenttobed d_atnoon. 5 Iplayed soccer © © e lastnight. oO Now write the order in which the actions in €) happened. 3 © write about an event you enjoyed. Read the example. Use time words in your writing, such as Monday, last weekend, or last night. Use adjectives with -ed and -ing. For example: I was excited. The fair was amazing. Last weekend, I went to a fair. In the morning, I saw the pumpkin competition. The winner was amazing. It weighed 225 kilograms! After lunch, I saw the donkey races. I was excited. My favorite donkey won the race. Shudent Book page 15 Writing Study: Time Words Unit1 4 Get Ready >» Words Qo Look at the clues. Complete the crossword. 4ag skip bounce plain lake canyon cliff stream oO Circle the correct words. When you play jacks, you drop / ° tag the ball. 10 Unit2 Vocabulary: Sports and Leisure, The World Around Us When you play soccer, you bounce / kick the ball to make a goal. Siudent Book page 16 @ Look and label. © Look and write. kick drops bounce skip 1 She uses her hand to the ball on the ground. bounce 2. He's a good player, but sometimes he the ball. 3 He loves to walk and a ball at the same time. Student Book page 16 4 The two friends learned to when they were little. Vocabulary: Sports and Leisure, The World Around Us Unit2 11 © Read the story. What does the writer do for fun? oO Read the story again. What's the main idea in the story? Remember, the main idea tells us what the reading is about. Playing Footbag for Fun Ilive in Colombia, in a small town near Medellin. My town is in the Andes Mountains, about 1,500 meters above sea level, Around my town, there are large plains, deep canyons, and wide valleys. What do I do for fun? I play footbag. A footbag is a soft bag filled with plastic beads. Today, I'm playing footbag with my friends in the park. We're playing next to a lake. QW Here's how you play. Today, it's my turn to start. I kick the bag in the air and pass itto Manuel. We all take turns kicking the bag. We're careful not to drop it. Footbags aren't like balls. When they fall, they don't bounce. Main Idea: I play footbag for fun. 12° Unit2 Read There are different ways to play footbag. The most popular is called “circle kicking” That's what my friends and I play. We stand in a circle and take turns kicking the footbag. It isn’t easy, because the footbag can only touch your body below the knee, You have to pass the footbag to the next person in the circle, but it can’t touch the ground. Some of the older kids play “freestyle footbag! That's really hard, and you have to learn to do tricks. For now, I enjoy playing footbag with my friends. But one day, I want to learn to do tricks. Think What's the main idea of this section? § Student Book pages 18-14 Understand Comprehension oO Do you think footbag is challenging? Why / Why not? What's fun about it? © Answer the questions. 1. What are the rules for playing footbag? 2. Which form of footbag would you like to play? Why? eo Words in Context Match. 1 boa constrictor © @ to throw something quickly and in a gentle way 2 toss © b to keep steady and not fall over 3. landin 9 @ ¢ alarge snake that kills animals by squeezing them 4 balance ¢ d-coming down to the ground from the air © About You Answer the questions. 1 What's your favorite sport? 2 Whyisitfun? ‘Student Book page 20 Comprehension Unit2 13 Grammar in Use Qo Study the grammar. The kids like skipping. He enjoys swimming. Winning isn't easy. I don't enjoy jogging. Is cooking difficult? Do you like dancing? © Look and write. swimming cooking dancing skipping jogging playing 1 Shelikes skipping. 2 Does he like 2 =a | a} i ¥ fF sy 5 3 They don't like 5s 4 Do they enjoy ? ee \ 5 Idon't enjoy : 6 They enjoy footbag. 14 Unit2 Grammar: Gerunds ‘Student Book page 21 © complete the chart. Then write one more verb and noun. bouncing jumping Jogging oO Look and write. running bouncing kicking dropping skipping tagging © Rewrite the sentences to tell what the people like / enjoy doing. 1 She rides a bicycle. (enjoy) 3. They bounce the ball. (like) She enjoys riding a bicycle. 2. He plays footbag. (like) 4 They don't draw pictures. (enjoy) ‘Student Book page 21 Grammar:Gerunds Unit2 15 Word Study getalong getby getover getaway getaround getdown © Circle the word get in the sentences. Underline the word that comes after it. Then match the sentences to the pictures. 1 IGeljalong with all of my friends. b N My dad gets by with just five hours of sleep every night. w When I catch a cold, I usually get over itin a day or two. + Be careful! Don't let him get away. w My aunt doesn't have a car, so she gets around by bicycle. a My little brother climbed on the fence in our yard, so I told him to get down. oO Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of get. 16 Unit2 Word Study: Verb Phrases with Ger 1 My brother andI get.along well. 2 Ihopel this cough soon. 3. Mylittle sister is trying to from me. 41 by skateboard. 5 He with very little studying. 6 Dad told him to from the ladder. Student Book page 23 Writing Study Qo Circle and write the correct question words. 1 What is your favorite game? @hady who 2 do you like the game? Who /Why 3 is your favorite player? When /Who 4 do you play the game? What / Where 5 is the game over? When /What 6 is the winner? What / Who oO Write about how you have fun. Read the example. Use gerunds in your writing. For example: Ilike running, hiking, and swimming, Write questions using question words (who, what, where, when, why). What do I do for fun? I enjoy hiking with my family. We wear sneakers and carry backpacks with water. Where do we go? ‘Sometimes we go hiking in the mountains. My favorite hike is to the lake. Why? We can go swimming in the lake. Student Book page 23 Writing Study: Questions Unit2 17 Writing © Read the play about fun places the characters visited. Label the parts of the play. (____} Fun Here, Fun There! = Co yearns Sami Carol Clara Tony [The four characters are sitting together in the center of the stage.] Coe areata ee eel eae ee Ter Sami: | went to a festival. There were lots of lights and a lot of good food. People wore colorful costumes. Tony: My family and | went hiking in the canyon. It was beautiful. We had a picnic lunch. Then we went swimming in the lake. What about you, Carol? The best place is here! I's fun because I'm with my best friends! [Carol reaches out her arms toward all her friends. All laugh.] © Prepare to write a play about fun places you and your friends visit. Organize your ideas. Write them in the character maps. (sve eae T T T Place | Why it's fun Place Why it's fun (‘some (ene T T T Place Why it’s fun Place Why it's fun © Now go to your notebook to write your own play. Then read and revise it. Use the Student's Writing Resource on pages 173-176 for extra writing help. My writing (_) I wrote about each character's © included what each character checklist: fun place. says about why it's fun. Tincluded a list of characters. (© Tread and revised my play. 18 Units 1-2 Writing [Student Book page 2 BIG QUESTION @ How/do) havelfun?) Look back through Units 1 and 2: Which reading text did you enjoy more? Why? Write three words you learned from the reading texts. Write two new activities you want to try. © Look and write. team laugh race athlete bounce paint toss get along © Two of the three words are correct. Cross out (x) the wrong answer. 1 People usually receive invitations to go here. a wedding b faim — ¢ family reunion 2. Thisis an area of water. acanyon b stream ¢ lake 3. These are people. a winners b races ¢ players Review Units1-2 19 © complete the sentences with the words in the box. When _ was the tennis match? was the winner? did they play? At the park? 1 2 3 was the score? 4 5 is he your favorite player? Who What Why Where © Check (V) the correct words. 1 Gliding is . 2 She was ©) a amazed O a excited O b exciting 4 the ballisfun. 5 They like © a Dropping © a skipping ©) b Bouncing OC) b swimming e Circle the time words. Underline the verbs in the past. Then number the sentences in order to tell a story. © At 10:00 a.m., we went hiking in the mountains. (© Atnight, we were very tired. 20 = Units 1-2 Review eee eee e eee ee ce cans 3 Heis op ©) We ate breakfast at 8:30 a.m. ©) Inthe afternoon, we went © We had a picnic at noon. swimming in the lake. (We woke up aro0 om) O a ice skating BIG QUESTION @ Think about someone you know who movedtoanew ais do) place. Where did he or she move from?Wheredidhe or she move to? : Why did he or she move? j Words Qo Read and number. “Get Ready’ Weneunennenat 1 packing 4 shopping 7 raking leaves 2 moving 5 ice skating i s 3. meeting neighbors 6 fishing 4 sledding Student Book pages 26-28 Vocabulary: Sports and Leisure, Moving Unit3 21 © Look, read, and check (V). 1 What's he doing? 2. What's she doing? pss ln re " Qa te’ fishing. Ca She's sledding. b He'sdancing. Ob he: thie 3 What's he doing? 4 What's she doing? Oa He’s raking leaves. _ (4 She's moving. Cb He's meeting Ob She's packing. neighbors. 1 Tomis with his friends today, 2. Ana Maria is Tomorrow is her sister's birthday, ~ ae TAC", y 3. Sunil ; 4 Mrs, Weber He doesn't think it’s boring. She wants to make new friends. 22) Unit3_ Vocabulary: Sports and Leisure, Moving Student Book page 28 Read © Read the journal. What does Carrie write about? oO Read the journal again. Where does Carrie live first? Where does she live next? Remember, as you read a story, think about the order in which things happen. Carrie’s April 9 Today, my dad told me that we're moving to Florida, He said is hot and sunny in Florida. My mom is from Florida, and she doesn’t like the snow and ice, And Grandma and Grandpa live in Florida, March 12 i \d snowy. day, i's cold an a Sandy and {he lake. fp, we went This morning, went ice skating 0” lunel it was fun. After side to make a snowm along, He threw indy. So T threw ly. The three jpalls at each an. outs Think What happens first? Carrie goes Then Billy came ‘a snowball at Sar ‘a snowball at Bill of us threw snow! other: I love the snow. ice skating. Then Carrie makes a snowman, Think What is the order ~ of events in this entry? ‘Student Book pages 30-31 Journal May 28 Today, I finished packing my foys, my books, and my clothes. Tomorrow, we are moving. I'm going to miss the snow. I can't throw snowballs in Florida. June 3 This morning, I finished unpacking all my clothes and toys. Then Mom said, “Let's go to the beach, We can go swimming, and Dad can go fishing.’ So we put on our bathing Suits and went to the beach, The water was warm, We swam for a long time. I couldn't swim in the ocean in Vermont. Now I can swim in the ocean every day, Tdanced with joy on the warm sand, Read Unit3 23 .., Understand Comprehension Qo Why does Carrie's family move from Vermont to Florida? © Answer the questions. 1 Why's Carrie sad about moving to Florida? 2. How do her feelings change? © Words in Context Read, write, and match. classmavé curry monsoons surgeon Emily is Sati’s neighbor and classmate. N Satis dad isa w There are in Mumbai in July. Itrains a lot. = Sati’s favorite food is lentil © About You Answer the questions. 1 Would you like to move to a new place? Why / Why not? 2. What would you miss about the place where you live now? 24 = Unit3 Comprehension Student Book page 32 Grammar in Use 0 Study the grammar. oD Learn Grammar [erriter) Then Now + We could go swimming. + can’t swim. + When I was four, couldn't swim. | + Now I'm eight, and I can swim! + Could you ride a bicyclewhen —_| + Can you go ice skating in Mumbai? you were five years old? © Look and write. 1 She dance. 2 He ride a bicycle. 4 they go sledding? Yes they Yes, they Then 5 she swim? 6 She ice skate. No, he Grammar: Can and Could Unit3 25 Student Book page 33 © complete the sentences with the words in the box. can When I Was 4 Now can't read words. _________ read books. could couldn't dance. dance. ice skate. ice skate. © Unscramble the sentences and question. 1 4,/ couldn't / When / ice / was /1/ skate. /1 2 I'm/can/ skate. / and /10,/1/Now/ ice 3. dance? / you / could / 4, /When / were / you 4 couldn't / when /4/1/ dance. / was / No, /I © Look and write. Use can, can’t, could, and couldn't. 26 = Unit3 Grammar: Can and Could ‘Student Book page 33 Word Study © Match and write. 1 sun-+tied 2 = un-+wrapped 3. un-+plugged 4 un- + buttoned 5 un-+tangled unties 6 un-+covered 7 oO Read the story. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. unplugged unwrapped unbuttoned untied uncovered _untangled plugged wrapped buttoned tied covered tangled It’s moving day! Time to get dressed! I my shirt and 1 2 my shoes. Then I my computer and it in bubble wrap. 3 ‘ I put the computer in a large box. Finally, I the box and labeled it. 5 Now Iam ready to move! Moving day is over! We are finally in our new home. I the box é and the computer. The cord was 150 7 3 I it before I in the computer. I 3 v0 ti my shirt and my shoes. Then I put on my pajamas and went to sleep. ‘Student Book page 35 Word Study: The Prefixun- Unit3 27 Writing Study oO Combine the two sentences using the word but. 1 InVermont, Carrie could throw snowballs. In Florida there isn’t any snow. In Vermont, Carrie could throw snowballs, but in Florida there isn’t any snow. N In Vermont it's cold and snowy. In Florida it’s sunny and hot. w In Florida, Carrie can swim in the ocean. In Vermont there's no ocean. = Carrie's friends live in Vermont. Her grandparents live in Florida. © write about why people move to your town. Read the example. Use can, can’t, could, or couldn't. Use but to combine sentences. Now I live in Morrisville, but I lived in Elmford before. People move to Morrisville because it is beautiful. It is in the mountains, so you can go skiing and mountain climbing. In Elmford we couldn’t go skiing, but we could go fishing in the lake. Morrisville has a very good university, but it doesn’t have a good hospital. 28 = Unit3 Writing Study: But Student Book page 35, >» Words Get ReadY¥ oO Find and circle. > © country suburb furabared urban area shopping mall university hospital factory clinic 200 a}olu|ala}-|o}o|n|> a} w|<|al4|ula|m|<|—\2ic z/<|x|o/z/o|N|m|z\s/>) e|n|>|alol|c|z|a|»/<]> rl>lal—|clulolz|> leq vla|nlo|v/z|<|m|x]<]> blalcl|>|4|el<|a}alc]> w/o|z|<|z|/>|2|>|0/=|m a|nlo|x|a\<|~}c|air o|<|xl|o|e|cl|a|nlol-Ja x|>|m|~|>|/z|>|o| a] cl]r tlolalalr|alz|4|alolu ricl|e|>|-|nlolo|Nio|< oO Look and write. Student Book page 36 Vocabulary: Places Unit4 24 @ Circle True or False. 1 oN aw FWwn A factory is a place where people make things. You can buy amazing pets at a zoo. Aclinicis a place where you can learn how to be a doctor. Arural area is right outside a city. You can find a lot of different stores at a shopping mall. Asuburb is land that is far from a city. In hospital, nurses and doctors help you get better. Auniversity is a kind of school. True False Trve False Trve False True False True False True False True False Trve False oO Are the places indoors, outdoors, or both? Write the words from the box in the graphic organizer. country factory hospital university urbar-area” z00 ruralarea suburb shopping mall clinic Outdoors 30° Unit4 Vocabulary: Places urban area Student Book page 36 © Read the article. What kinds of places do people move to in China? oO Read the article again. Why did people in China move from rural areas to the cities? Remember, the main idea is the most important thing in the text. Details help you understand the main idea. People on the Move Over the past 25 years, large numbers of people in China have moved to new places. Some moved from rural areas to urban areas. Others moved to countries outside of China. Why are all these Chinese people moving? There are several reasons. Move from rural areas to the cities Before the 1980s, few people in China moved from one place to another. It was not allowed. But in the mid-1980s, the rules began to change. Industry in China was growing. More and more products were made in factories in the cities, so many people from rural areas moved to the cities. They wanted to work in the factories. They wanted a better life. They thought they could find it in the cities. Today, more than half of the people in China live in urban areas. ® Move from China to other countries In the 1960s, some Chinese people began to move out of rural China to Southeast Asia. In the 1980s, many Chinese students moved to the US and the UK to study at a university. Think Whats When they finished school, they got jobs in the main idea of places like hospitals and big companies. this paragraph? By the year 2000, there were 33 million What details help Chinese people living outside of China. Most you understand? of these people moved to find better jobs and oo a better life for themselves and their families. Think What's the main idea of this paragraph? Student Book pages 38-34 Read Unit4 31 Understand Comprehension oO Why do some people move from a rural area to a city, while others move to other countries? oO What is the main idea of the article? Check (/) the correct answer. © a Chinese people moved to the suburbs because it is quieter there than in the cities. Cb Chinese people moved to new places, looking for a better life. Read each paragraph. Complete the graphic organizers. Paragraph 1 - Main Idea Paragraph 2 - Main Idea Chinese people move from rural areas to the cities. I Detail 1 I Detail 2 They want a better life. I I Detail 1 Detail 2 © Words in Context Complete the sentences with the words in the box. belongings immigrant move abroad experiences 1. Chinese people move from China to North America. They 2 When people move, they have to pack up all their 3 Aperson who moves from China to the UK is an 4 People expect to have new in their new homes. oO About You Do you live in a rural or urban area? How do you know? 32 = Unit4 Comprehension ‘Student Book page 40 Grammar in Use 6 Study the grammar. oD etek ttl Present Real Conditional If I'm hungry, Ihave a snack. What do you do if you're hungry? When I'm not hungry, I don’t have a snack. oO Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the phrases in the box. Ifhe’scold If Imsleepy _When-Fnrthirsty” When she'shungry If they'rehot_ When we're happy 1 When I'm thirsty 5 I drink water. co oy ah , + . she eats an apple. they go swimming. 2S Ben OQ Ss ke ay : ‘Student Book page #1 Grammar: Present Real Conditional Unit 33 Take a nap. we sing. © Match the sentence parts. 1 If people want to live e e a they meet in a quieter place, new people. 2 When another place © b they think has better services, about moving. 3 When peoplemove © ¢ they move to anew area, to the suburbs. 4 If people want ° d people want new experiences, to move there. © Unscramble the sentences and question. 1 a better life? / What do / if / they want / people do 2 rural areas, /life is hard / in the / to the cities. / If / people move 3. they get /When students / good jobs. / study abroad, 4 don’t have / good life. / a / When / good jobs, / they don't have / people © complete the sentences. Use the correct verb form. 1 If people __want _ (want) a new life, they think about moving. 2 people (get) older, they move to a place with better weather. 3 people (be) hungry, they look for food. 4 people (move) abroad, they have to learn a new language. 34 Unit4 Grammar: Present Real Conditional ‘Student Book page #1 Communicate | Word Study © choose the correct suffix. Write the words in the chart. Ireland Brazil China Australia Japan Sweden -ese -ian -ish Chinese © Look and write. 1. She's from China. h 3. She's from Brazil. She's _Chinese . He's “ She's SS; 1 oN fea \\ 4 He's from Australia. 5 She's from Ireland. 6 He's from Japan. He's . She's . He's ‘Student Book page 43 Word Study: Suffixes for Countries. Unit4 35, Writing Study Qo Combine the two sentences using the word because. 1 Igo to the gym every day. I love to exercise. Igo to the gym every day because I love to exercise. N My sister takes piano lessons. She wants to learn to play the piano. w My mother makes big holiday dinners. She loves to cook. + My brother won an important race. He runs very fast. © write about a place you or a friend might like to move to. Read the example. Use if or when to tell what life might be like there. Use because in complete sentences to give reasons why you might like to move there. Kemal and his family live in Morocco. If his father gets a new job, the family might pack their belongings and move. They can move to my town in the UK. I live near London. Kemal's father is a doctor. They might like my town because the hospitals are very good. If they stay in the UK, we can spend time together in London. 36 = Unit4 Writing Study: Using Complete Sentences ‘Student Book page 43, Wrap Up Writing © Read the letter from Sunita to her best friend, Nikki. Label the parts of the letter. Ces Dear Nikki, What a long trip! First, let me tell you about our trip. The trip lasted ten hours. My brother and I watched movies on the plane. When the plane landed, we took a toxi to our new house. Our furniture and boxes were already there. [have my Me own bedroom. And we have a big backyard. We moved here because the weather is better for my little brother. He needs to live in a dry climate, and it was very damp where we lived before. Now we can play outside together in our own yard. COs hope you will be able to visit me when school is over. I miss you. Your friend, © Prepare to write a letter to your best friend. Brainstorm ideas you would like to tell your friend. Choose one and write it here. Organize your ideas. Write them in the chart. My Ideas Begin with the date and a salutation. Add details that you want to share. Choose a friendly closing. @© Now go to your notebook to write your own letter. Then read and revise it. My writing (_) Lincluded the date anda salutation. (_) Ichose a friendly closing. checklist: ©) Igave a reason for writing and © Iread and revised my letter. shared details. Student Book page 44] Writing Units3-4 37 CTU) move to)new) Look back through Units 3 and 4: Which reading text did you think was the more interesting? Why? Write two reasons why people move. Where would you like to move to? Why? When our neighbor fell in his yard, my father took him to thehospital)/ factory. My friend Mike and his family are Chinese. / Irish. Indira wanted to do something outdoors, so she went fishing. / ice skating. Henry had a wonderful day today. He went shopping. / sledding. Itisn't safe to walk around with your sneakers unbuttoned. / untied. We're shopping / packing our things because we're moving to a bigger house. Carla’s mother is a special kind of doctor. She's an immigrant. / a surgeon. If people want to work in industry, they usually move to rural areas. / urban areas. You need to pack up all your belongings / experiences when you move. Tim not sure why the TV doesn't turn on, Maybe it’s untangled. / unplugged. 38 Units 3-4 Review © Look and wri 1 -. What can she do? \ What could he do? fish. What can he do? 1 2 Iwas _ Now Iam ten, and I three, I 5 swim. aa, 3 Iwas Now I can ride a bike, four, 1 butl ice skate. ride a tricycle. oO Match the sentence parts. Then complete the sentences with but and because. 1 Now Carrie lives in Florida, ° ea now I can. 2 She moved to Florida . eb they want a better life. 3 People around the world move ec before, she lived in Vermont. 4 When I was four, I couldn't . ed the weather is warmer. speak English, Review Units3-4 34 BIG QUESTION @ Why/do) poems? Do you like reading poems? Why /Why not? Do you have a favorite poem? If so, what is it called? Who is the author? Why do you like this poem? j Words Qo Match the words to the pictures. a OM . Get Ready 1 ladybug N cricket ° w grasshopper ° = e beetle . eb ; - katydid . oe w 6 bee ° “ Fie butterfly ” i thicket ed x 2 kangaroo ° . eer ej YO Unit Vocabulary: Insects, The World Around Us Student Book pages 46-48 10 raisins ° © Check (V) the correct words. Then match the sentences to the pictures. 1A is red with black spots. °. OC a grasshopper b ladybug oA Oc bee 2A has beautiful, colorful wings. & O a butterfly © b katydid eB O « raisin 3A has hard wings like shells. . O a kangaroo O b beetle aes © © grasshopper 4A has lots of bushes and small trees. © CO a katydid O b cricket t O « thicket : eo Write the words insert words from €) in the graphic organizer. 7%, ‘Student Book page 48 Vocabulary: Insects, The World Around Us Unit 41 © Read the information. What kind of poem will you learn to write? oO Read the information again. What is the theme? Remember, the theme is the most important thing the writer wants you to understand. How To Write a Funny Poem All you need to write a poem is a pencil and a piece of paper. And you'll need a little imagination, too. Here's how to begin. 1 Choose a topic. Look around you and choose something you see. If youre inside, you can choose your little brother, the kitchen, or something in your bedroom. If youre outside, you can probably see trees, plants, and insects. 2. Make the last words rhyme. Two words rhyme when they end with the same sound. To find a rhyming word, say the word to yourself. Then add new sounds at the beginning of the word. Think about each letter of the alphabet. Not all lines have to rhyme. You can rhyme the last word of every other line. 3 Make it funny. You can use funny words or opposites. You can exaggerate, or you can write a surprise ending. 42° Units Read Here is a funny poem about insects. It includes lots of insects, and it has two sets of rhyming words and a surprise ending. A Grasshopper Landed Grasshopper, ladybug, cricket, Grasshopper, katydid, bee. I was sitting in the grass in the thicket When a grasshopper landed on me! 2 Now write your own funny poem! Think What is the theme of this poem? Student Book pages 50-51 Comprehension 0 Why is a surprise ending funny? © Answer the questions. 1 Whats the poem about? 2. Where is the rhyme in a poem? eo Words in Context Complete the sentences with the words in the box. leaping insects escaping shooting stars 1 Inthe summer, you can see a lot of in the sky. 2 Akangaroo is in the air. 3 Anelephant is from the zoo. 4 Grasshoppers, beetles, and katydids are oO About You Answer the questions. 1 What would you write a funny poem about? Why? 2. What do you think makes a poem different from a story? ‘Student Book page 52 Comprehension UnitS 43 Grammar in Use Qo Study the grammar. Iwas sitting in the grass. They were eating lunch together. Was she walking? The sun wasn't shining. 1 She ___was sitting __inthegrass 2 The grasshopper in the thicket. (sit) in the grass. (not sleep) 3 Theboy SS a poem. «= 4 She her poem (not write) to the class. (read) Gee WS | 0 o s 5. The boys 6 The birds inthe basketball. (play) tree. (sing) 44 Unit Grammar: Past Continuous ‘Student Book page 53 © complete the chart. Then write one more verb in the present and in the past continuous. Present Past Continuous run was jumping fly was buzzing © Look, read, and check (V). 1 Was the kangaroo hopping? Oa Yes, it was. Ob No, it wasn't. 3. What was the butterfly doing? Oa The butterfly was flying. Ob The butterflies lies. sy) were flying. 2 Were they writing poems? Oa Yes, they were. Cb No, they weren't. 4 What was going on outside? (a Thebee D> bs was buzzing. = ~s_ (Jb Thebees e Rewrite the sentences in the past continuous. 1. The butterfly flies through the air. The butterfly was flying through the air. The sun is shining. N Student Book page 53 3. The kangaroo leaps in the air. 4. The katydid jumps. Grammar: Past Continuous Units 45, single bubble gentle article handle staple Qo Read the sentences aloud. Circle the words that end with -le, Underline the consonant that comes before -le. Then match the sentences to the pictures. 1 AGentl8 breeze blew across the plain. 4 Tread an article about insects. —_f_ 5 Pick up the shovel by its handle. 2. Ineed one single baseball card to complete my collection. 6 Lused a staple to hold my report 3. Blowing bubbles is fun. together. © Read the story. Complete the sentences with the words from the box above. Blowing Bubbles Iwas reading an about bubbles when my mom called me for dinner. I ate 1 my dinner. Then I went outside. I took my wand and soapy water. I wanted to make a really big_____.Theld the __of the wand and dipped it in the soapy 2 3 water. I blew softly and made a big bubble. There wasa__ breeze. It blew my bubble higher and higher, one bubble rising up to the clouds. 5 46 Unit Word Study: Words That End with -le ‘Student Book page 55 Writing Study Qo Complete the sentences with the adjectives in parentheses. 1 A__small red ladybug sat on a leaf. (red / small) 2A grasshopper landed on me. (big / green) 3 Akangaroo has legs. (brown / large) 4 Abee has and stripes on its body. (black / small / yellow) 5 Iwas wearing a dress with and butterflies on it. (green / little / pink) 6 The sun was setting. There were and clouds in the sky. (blue / purple / big) © write about something you would like to describe in a poem. Read the example. Use adjectives in your writing. Remember to put size and color adjectives in the correct order. Use verbs in the past continuous. For example: The small yellow butterfly was flying We were singing. A beautiful butterfly was flying in the garden. It had big blue wings with small yellow spots. It landed on a big red flower. It looked up at the sun, and then it flew away. Student Book page 55 Writing Study: Adjective Order Unit 5 47 Get Ready >» Words Qo Read the clues. Complete the crossword. noun letter snowflakes robin sentence adjective syllable verb 7 2 Down 4 2 Aword that is the name of a person, place, thing, oridea 3. Aword that tells you what someone does or what happens 4 Apart of a word that has one vowel sound when, 6 you say it Across > 1 Agroup of words that tells you something or asks a question 4 Pieces of falling snow 5 Asmall bird with a red front 6 Aword that tells you more about a noun 7 Asign that you use to write words oO Circle the correct words. robin / angelfish snowflake / syllable 48 Unité Vocabulary: Animals, Language Terms Student Book page 56 @ Look and write. letter rhyming words adjective verbs noun sentence a 2 3 Jump enowtiake beautiful verb © Circle True or False. 1 Asentence expresses a complete idea. Trve False 2. There are 25 letters in the alphabet. True False 3. There are two syllables in the word bicycle. True False 4 An angelfish is a colorful bird that lives in a tree. True False 5 Arobin lays blue eggs in a nest. True False 6 No two snowflakes are the same. They are all different. True False © complete the sentences with words from the box in @. You may need to change the form of the words. 1 Bed and red are 2. The words write and read are 3 The words big and small are 4 An alphabet is made up of Student Book page 56 Vocabulary: Animals, Language Terms Unité 44 © Read the story. How many different types of poems does the boy know? oO Read the story again. How does the boy describe what he visualizes? Remember, poets choose words carefully to help readers see pictures in their minds. VISUALIZING NATURE Yesterday afternoon, I was watching TV when I fell asleep. While I was sleeping, pictures floated through my mind. First, I saw a robin with a bright red front. Itwas hopping on dry, colorful leaves in our yard. In my mind, I visualized the robin joining other robins. The robins were beautiful as they flew through the sky. oo Think What pictures does the writer see in his mind? Then I saw snowflakes dancing in the air. They were big and white. They looked like frozen dancers performing an icy dance. When I woke up, I decided to write a poem to tell what Isaw in my dreams. “What words should Tuse?"I asked myself. Iwill use action verbs to describe the robin flying and hopping. I will use an adjective to describe how the robins looked when they flew all together. And I will use lots of other adjectives to describe the snowflakes: big, white, frozen. Think What pictures does the writer see in his mind? 50 Unité Read I think about poems I know: acrostic poems, haikus, cinquain poems, nature poems, and funny poems. Some of the poems use rhyming words. Others have a specific number of syllables. I ask myself, "What kind of poem do I want to write?" I sit down at my desk and take out a piece of paper and a pencil. And then I begin to write. Student Book pages 58-58 Understand Comprehension 0 Why does the boy write a poem? What was the second thing he visualized? What did he say they looked like to him? oO Answer the questions. Check (/) more than one answer for some questions. 1 What happens when the boy 3. What kinds of words will he use? falls asleep? Ca adverts O a Hewrites a poem. O b verbs O B He gets hungry. OO « adjectives © © He sees pictures in his mind. 4 Which words rhyme? 2) What will he write about? Oa fly O a robins Ob sky © b ladybugs O € robin C « snowflakes © Words in Context Match the words to the definitions. 1 describe e © a to watch or see someone or something 2 observe © b tomake a picture of something in your mind 3 imagine © ¢ completely correct 4 exact ° © d_ to say what someone or something is like oO About You Answer the questions. 1 What do you have dreams about? 2 Write three adjectives to describe your dreams. Sfudent Book page 60 Comprehension Unité 51 Grammar in Use Qo Study the grammar. Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t. What were they doing when the bell rang? They were reading their books. Jim was reading an article when the doorbell rang. False Were you studying when I called? Yes, I was. True False Was he eating dinner when Jim called? Yes, he was. True U False 52. Unit6 Grammar: Past Continuous and Simple Past Mike was reading a book when he fell asleep. Were you doing your homework when I called you? Ellie was ice skating when she saw Mia. True False What was he doing when it started to rain? He was ice skating. True False She was studying when the bell rang. True False Student Book page 61 @ Look and write. Use the past continuous and the simple past. 1 The robin was hopping onthe grass 2 I_______onabench whena when the dog —_barked _. (hop / bark) butterfly on me. (sit / land) 5 — 3 They toschoolwhen 4 I about Hawaii it to snow. (walk / start) when I asleep. (think / fall) oO Unscramble the sentences. Then circle the past continuous verbs. Underline the simple past verbs. 1 was watching TV / my mother called. / when / I 2. she saw / to school / when / She / a kangaroo. / was walking 3 he fell / when / He / and hurt his knee. / was ice skating 4 in the park / They / to rain. / when / were walking / it started © Answer the questions. | Poa What was she doing Be A when it started to snow? Gs What was he doing when his mother called? a ‘Student Book page 61 Grammar: Past Continuous and Simple Past Unité 53 Communicate Word Study thermometer secretary calendar automobile © Look and write. 1 television understand oO Complete the chart with the words from the box above. Then write three more words in each column. Three-syllable Words understand Four-syllable Words television 54 Unité Word Study: Syllables Student Book page 63 Writing Study Qo Read the sentences. Circle the action verbs. Underline the noun that does each action. The snowflakes are@ancing} The butterfly is flying through the air. in the frozen air. The stars are winking at the moon. The water is whistling in the teapot. Bubbles are floating over our heads. aurwn a The sun is smiling through the clouds. © write a description about things you can picture in your mind. Read the example, Use nouns and verbs in the past continuous in your writing. For example: The sun was shining. The birds were flying. Use both the simple past and past continuous together in some sentences. For example: I was reading when I fell asleep. Iwas watching TV when I fell asleep. I saw pictures in my mind. I saw a cold, clear night. The stars were winking at the moon. A few snowflakes were dancing in the air, and the moon was smiling down at me. Student Book page 63 Writing Study: Action Verbs Unité 55 Writing © Read the acrostic poem written by Jamal. He explains why he wrote the poem and chose the words. Label the parts of the poem. Topic eautiful beaches written up mazing water sports ealy plants and down sland music Why I Wrote My Poem }-= | chose the topic word BALI because it is my favorite place in the whole world. It is so beautiful that | wanted to write a poem to describe it. It has beautiful, white sandy beaches. The sand shines in the bright sunlight. We went swimming and body surfing. You can also go scuba diving. When you are not at the beach, you can visit lush jungles and green rice fields. And at dinner, you can eat delicious food and listen to amazing island music. oO Prepare to write an acrostic poem about something that is interesting to you. Write the word vertically (up and down). Then brainstorm some words beginning with each letter that describe your topic. © Now go to your notebook to write your own poem. Then write a short paragraph telling why you wanted to write about the topic. When you are finished, read and revise your writing. My writing checklist: (_] I wrote the topic word up and down. © I chose words that begin with each letter to describe the topic. © Iwrote a short paragraph telling why I wrote the poem. © Tread and revised my writing. 56 Units5-6 Writing [Student Book pages? Ce Ts) Look back through Units 5 and 6: Which reading text gave you the most ideas for writing poems? Why? Write three different types of poems. Why do you think people enjoy writing poems? Review Sees © Two of the three words are correct. Cross out (x) the wrong answer. 1. This flies in the air. a bee b staple ¢ robin 2. This gives you important information. a calendar b thermometer thicket 3. This hops. grasshopper b bubble ¢ kangaroo 4 This is a verb. a observe b escape beautiful 5 You should look up to see this. a snowflake b raisin ¢ shooting star oO Look and write. sees eeeecceeceseceeeeeseeeeey, | Review Units5-6 57 © Look at the picture. Answer the question. What were they doing when it started to rain? 1 He was riding a bike when it 3 started to rain. started to rain. 2 They when 4 it started to rain. when it oO Complete the sentences with a size and a color word. Put the adjectives in the correct order. 1 The ladybug landed on a leaf. 2 Some crickets have legs. 3 Isawa bear in the forest. 4 Bali has sandy beaches. e Write sentences using the words. Be creative! red small long green brown big white long 1 Balloons were floating over our heads. (balloons / float) 2 (wind / whistle) 3 (sun / shine) 4 (stars / wink) 58 = Units5-6 Review BIG QUESTION ©) u Cb What time do you get up in the morning? we measure) What do you use to tell the time? Why? When do you need to tell the time? Why? j Words Qo Read and number. Get Ready 1 second 5 year 8 orbit 2 minute 6 noon @ time zone 3 hour 7 spin 10 multiply 4 month LJ + ae how AUSTRALIA | | | Student Book pages 66-68 Vocabulary:Time, The World AroundUs Unit7 54 © Circle the correct answers. 1 Sulyis my favorite 2 The planets around of the year. the sun. —————— a minute a multiply $4 nw 8 wb second b orbit BBM B® © month © spin 3 Sydney is ina different 4 There are 60 in from Perth, an hour. @ timezone a months a b year b seconds had ¢ hour ¢ minutes © complete the text with the correct form of the words in the box. noon hour minute year multiply second month timezone Math Class There are 60 minutes in an hour. How many are there in 1 2 a minute? Correct. There are 60. How can we calculate the number of seconds in an hour? We 60 times 60 to get the answer. So there are 3,600 seconds 3 inan There are 30 or 31 days in most . How many months are there in a 7 Yes, there are 12. Does anyone know how many time zones there are? 6 There are 24 , one for each hour of the day. When it’s 7 a in New York, what time is it in California? Yes, it’s 9:00 a.m. Time for math class! 60 Unit7 Vocabulary: Time, The World Around Us 8 Read © Read the article. What is in Earth's solar system? oO Read the article again. What can you learn from the diagram of the planets? Remember, a picture or a diagram in a text can help you understand important ideas. ur Solar Syste Earth's solar system consists of the sun and the bodies that orbit it. The largest bodies are planets, and there are eight in our solar system. Each planet spins on its axis. An axis is an imaginary stick that goes through the center a of the planet. It takes one day for a planet to spin © around completely. Each planet is a different size, so the time it takes to spin around is different, too. Not all days have the same length. L ~ Think Point to the fifth planet from the sun, What is it called? & ) Let's take a look at our planet, Earth. It is the third planet from the sun. It takes 23 hours and 56 minutes for Earth to spin around. So that is the length of each day here on Earth. It will take 365 days for Earth to orbit around the sun. Now let's take a look at Mercury. It is much closer to the sun than Earth. And itis smaller, too. So it will take less time to orbit around the sun: just 88 days. Each day on Mercury is 58 days and 16 hours long. How about Jupiter? It is farther away from the sun than Earth, And it is much bigger. It will take 12 years for Jupiter to orbit the sun. Each day on Jupiter is 9 hours and 50 minutes long. There are five more planets in our solar system: Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Read the chart to find out the length of one day on some of these planets. Planet | Diameter | DistancefromSun | TimetoOrbitSun | Length of One Day Mercury | 4,880 km 57,910,000 km 88 days 58 days,16 hours Earth 12,756 km, 149,600,000 km 365 days 23 hours, 56 minutes Jupiter | 142,984 km 778,330,000 km 12 years (hours, 50 minutes Student Book pages 70-71 Read Unit7 61 Understand Comprehension oO Look at the diagram of our solar system. Will it take Uranus more or less time than Jupiter to orbit around the sun? Why? © Answer the questions. 1 How long is one day on Earth? What does the Earth do in that time? 2 How do the planets spin? What is an axis? eo Words in Context Label the diagram. Then complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. opposite axis planet accurate o 3 When it’s midnight where you live, it noon on the side of the world. 4 The numbers in the chart are not exact; they could be more © About You Answer the questions. 1 What is your favorite thing about the solar system? 2. What do you think is the most interesting fact about the solar system? 62 = Unit7 Comprehension ‘Student Book page 72

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