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A Journey into Oneness

Imagine the Universe as one giant living information Being.
Well Aware of Itself.
Imagine that someone interprets, reads and transmits this information.

"To heal a situation it must first be exposed

Once exposed it must be healed.
This is the purpose of this document.
As a contribution to heal the exposed.
Not by the means of a violent confrontation,
but by the means of a peaceful reconciliation."

" The Principle or Law of Reconciliation is that which finds in differing qualities unifying
similarities that allows these differences to be brought together; to accept the unifying qualities and
diminish the differences, so that the differences in the qualities become less clashing and conflicting
and the unifying qualities become more binding. This is to reconcile, to find common denominators
in things that are normally seen as separative, and to emphasize and exaggerate and promote those
common denominators, thus allowing the differences to fade away, or fall into proper alignment.
The Law Of Reconciliation allows those things which are normally in conflict to become
harmonious in relationship to one another"
(Source; Cosmic Laws)







ALIENS (Greys, Zeta reticuli, Reptoids)


A NEW SCRIPT FOR HUMANITY (To Prevent the Final Act From Happening)

Attention: this is not channeled information and has an estimated 85% accuracy


Celestial Awareness is that Universal Force or Celestial Consciousness that manifests Itself as
Universal Consciousness in ultra-high levels of frequency. Its expressions are given to those who
attune to those frequencies as impressions and symbols which are then interpreted by a
translator, such as Paul Shockley, who has interpreted its messages since 1969. The beautiful
wisdom and highly practical common sense brought through from Celestial Awareness about
human consciousness and world affairs, has enthralled hundreds of thousands of readers
worldwide since 1963.

Cosmic Awareness is the force that expressed Itself through Edgar Cayce, Christ, the Buddha,
Krisna, Mohammed, and other great Avatars who served as "channels" for our Father/Mother
God, and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the New Age* of spiritual
consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through
carefully trained channels.

*The New Age is the universal vibrations and the movement of planets, the movement of the sun in its
sojourn through its orbit, through its orbit around Sirius in the Orion constellation and the variation
that it meets in its movement that determines the Earth ages of approximately 2200 years each, and it
is this movement into these new vibrations that trigger certain frequency reactions among the planets
of the solar system so that the vibrations are altered on Earth and on the other planets in such a
manner that it changes the consciousness of individuals on earth. It is this that is causing and bringing
about the New Age.

The information contained herein was received from deep trance states and "interpreted" by an
entity affiliated with Cosmic Awareness Communications. (C.A.C.)
Awareness tells you not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt and discover for yourself
what is the truth. Cosmic Awareness only indicates and suggests.

The 3 major Players in the Galaxy

This Awareness wishes entities to understand that there are three major players in the galaxy:

The Reptoid Federation, the Galactic Confederation, and the Orion Empire.

The Orion Empire as that which is ruled basically by one leader, as presented fictionally in the
story of Star Wars . The Reptoid Federation, as that which is a conglomeration of many different
groups, in which the Reptoids in various types of species have joined together and the Galactic
Confederation as that which is made up from federations of different star systems throughout
the galaxy, these being most of human types. (Pleiadians, Vega, Sirius, Arcturius, Lyrans,
Andromeda and more.)
(Revelations Awareness issue 91-16/NO. 391)

New World Order

(New World Order Another Form of Communism)

This Awareness indicates that essentially, the New World Order is just another form of
Communism being imposed on the world. This Awareness does not mean this in a way that
sounds like some right-wing fanatic, but it must be understood that Communism began with
payments from certain bankers to Trotsky to train troops in New York, and money was sent to
Lenin to fight in Russia, and these were efforts to create a Communist state in Russia.

The Communist state in Russia was allowed to continue until recently, and while it is said that it
failed of its own nature, and fell apart, this Awareness suggests that also it was part of a long-
term New World Order plan, and the same people who financed it in 1917, or their heirs, are
financing the New World Order and pushing for its imposition on the rest of the world, and it
will be much like, and follow the same patterns that were used in taking over Russia.

The Progressive Steps to Taken Over the Country (USA and the World ed.)

This Awareness indicates the first thing is to take away the arms of the people so that they are
Next is to take away any means of organizing and communicating so that they cannot form
groups, or large armies. The next thing is to make them vulnerable. If they are homeless, or if
they are without food, they are subject to mass control and manipulation. The next thing is to get
rid of the opinion makers, the leaders, the Christians; the Christians because they have certain
principles and beliefs and values that they do not wish to compromise; and patriots, and by
getting rid of patriots, they will have eliminated any major resistance to the New World Order
and they will be able to tell the remaining people what to do and they will do it.

Many will do it for reward, others will do it to avoid punishment. This Awareness indicates
therefore, your only time to do anything is prior to the take over date, and the only thing you can
do is alert the masses, attempt to persuade the police to stand by their allegiance to the
Constitution, to the values of the country and to the protection of the people against these
foreigners and Communists, these people who would destroy this country in order to rule the
world for themselves.

It is simply an old game played with new methods of someone trying to rule the world, because
he or she or they are so ambitious and have so little respect for others, and they are so wealthy
that they can buy or frighten or destroy any who interfere with their plans to rule the world, and
the question you may wish to ask is:

"Are you going to commit treason or are you going to abide by the law of the land and your
allegiance to the Constitution and the country you have sworn to uphold?"

This Awareness indicates there could be an ironic twist, whereby the people who promote the
New World Order may themselves in the end find themselves in the concentration camp that
they had set up for the masses of patriots and Christians. This Awareness indicates that it is an
idea that could cause them to ponder on their future fate, if this idea were also spread.

This Awareness suggests that entities need to communicate with police, with the army, with all
the military, with those leaders in Congress and the Senate, with community leaders, church
leaders, and with any who might have influence over others, including the media, and the
entertainment fields This Awareness indicates the more entities who are contacted, the more who
will switch their allegiance to represent the people and the country to which they belong.
(Revelations Awareness 93-12/NO. 421)

A Mathematical Formula for Enslaving the Masses

This Awareness wishes you to know that these masters of economics are not operating without a
map; that these entities have a precise, almost mathematical formula for enslaving the masses.
Those experiences of the past, such as sugar rationing, the gasoline shortage, the cafe shortage,
other similar crisis in commodities and in the political and military events that have happened
over the past two decades,-these things were not haphazard. This did not simply happen because
someone overestimated something or because bad weather affected the crops or because some
event happened.

These were manufactured in order to get a computer readout of how the masses would respond
to such crises, and from these readouts, in a kind of linear programming, they could take this
information, put it in a formula and make predictions as to how the masses will behave, and as to
what degree they can influence the masses without the masses turning against them, and this
kind of computerized programmings perfected to such a degree that it is almost mathematical,
almost as any mathematical formula in its predictive outcome. They know exactly what kind of
crisis to create in order to get the public to do this or that. (Revelations Awareness 88-8/NO. 329)

New World Order Sneaking in Like a Thief in the Night

It wishes at this time to inform entities that this so-called New World Order is likely to come
about in a manner that is unobtrusive and without a great clarity or understanding as to what it
is, in such a manner that it is upon you before you realize it's there, so that there is very little
disturbance to society.

When the society realizes that the sovereign nation is not longer sovereign but is subservient to
the United Nations and that the United Nations is the center for the New World Order and that
national laws are subject to united, national laws and the laws of the New World Order, it will be
too late.

This Awareness indicates that for the first decades of this New World Order being in place, it is
not likely that entities will feel the yoke of oppression that is possible under the new laws, but as
time progresses, the new laws of the New World Order, being put in place, will be activated
slowly and tightened slowly, until the future generations discover themselves under laws that
may have total disregard for the rights that entities presently enjoy, especially those in the
United States under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

This Awareness indicates that before any of this takes place, the handguns and rifles will be
confiscated from the public and the people, being disarmed, will have no recourse but to
surrender to whatever tyranny raises to replace the democracies that entities presently enjoy.

New World Order is also an Economic Machine

This Awareness indicates that the New World Order is that which is more than a political
machine; it is also an economic machine which is capable of determining the life-style of your
children and your children's children, and once it is in place, whatever form it is capable of
providing may be difficult to alter; that already it is more or less in effect but it is not fully
implemented. It is like having a power system in a building that still needs the switch thrown,
though most of the wiring has been placed and is in some cases operational, and in some cases in

Once the switch is thrown, many of the mechanism of the New World Order may be seen to have
long been in place and the bureaucracy of the New World Order will then be able to deal as it
chooses, as its leaders chooses. This Awareness indicates the likelihood is that there will be a
leveling out of income and life-styles in which the middle class and upper class will be reduced to
a common lower class , and the ultra wealthy who are in charge of the New World Order.

This may not take immediately, but gradually, moving in that direction by manipulating of the
economies and nations. This Awareness indicates that the tightening of the medical controls,
controls on business, controls on individuals, controls that prevent entities for being able to sue
or claim rights and privileges that have been available for entities as recourses for needs and
broken promises or violations, are gradually being eroded. Individuals who can no longer get the
support needed to confront the amalgamations of powerful organizations and government
agencies, are finding it more and more difficult to claim their rights.

It is even questionable whether some of the guaranteed rights are worth trying to enforce or
trying to claim because the cost is prohibitive and can destroy an entity's entire financial base in
the pursuit of its right. This Awareness indicates that this becoming more and more pronounced
as time passes. There may become a time when you can not even discuss health matters with
each other or possible alleviation of health problems without being arrested, if overheard, for
practicing medicine without a license.
(Revelations of Awareness 92-1/NO. 393)

How the New World Order (Global Governance)

is taking control right under our nose

Contents of this file:

* No. 1: First get rid of Individuality

* "Political Correctness" the major tool of the New World Order

* Our Reptoid Creators first tried to make us slaves

* The Sirian Geneticist allowed man to think & become spiritual

* The ability to think is now being programmed out of humans

* New World Order working through small minority groups

* The focus of schooling children: to have non opinions

* Reading, writing and arithmetic being replaced with socializing

* New World Order is an order based on corporate states

* On the agenda of the New World Order: Depopulate the Earth

* Reptoids behind New World Order would again makes us slaves

* Photon energies may serve as "The Rapture"

How the New World Order (Global Governance) is taking control right under our nose

New World Order-The Name of the Game is Control

New World Order-The Name of the Game is Control

Their thought patterns are different;
"There are No Russians.
There are No Nations.
There are No People,
There are No Arabs.
There are No Third Worlds.
There is No West.

THERE IS ONLY.........

One Holistic System of Systems.

One Vast, Interwoven,
Interacting, Multi-variant,
Multi-national Dominion of Dollars,
Petrodollars, Electrodollars,
Multidollars, Reichmarks,
Yen, Rubles, Pounds, and Shekels.
It is the international system, the currency, which determinates the totality of life on this planet.
That is the natural order of things today.
"That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today, the primal forces of
The Mindset of the Internationalists;

The Law of Leverage May Save the Day

This Awareness indicates that energies have been put in motion which appear to be those that
will help to bring about considerable clarity; that this is not to be underestimated. It is no small
thing. This Awareness indicates that the continued movement in this direction as that which may
be of great value to this plane; that it relates to the Law of Leverage wherein a small amount of
energy, applied at the right time, in the right place, in the right way, can move huge amounts of
energy, which might not be available at a later time, or from another way. The timing is most
important as it relates to the timing. The means is only available at the right times. (Revelations
Awareness 92-13/NO. 405)

A Cosmic View of How Reptoids are Created

This Awareness wishes to proceed to another step or level of understanding the present situation.
This Awareness indicates that from a cosmic point of view, all entities are aspects of this
Awareness, whether they be alien to earth, or inhabitants of earth, or whether they be from
other planets or systems, or other planes of existence; all are aspects of the Universal
Consciousness, a consciousness that resides throughout the universe in all things.
This Awareness indicates that when consciousness began to divide and fragment, each fragment
took on its own unique appearance. Many of these fragments then divided further and created
multitudes of fragmented beings similar to each other. Other fragments of the original group
divided into multiple fragments, creating multitudes of other beings, having different features,
different from the first fragmented group. For example, those of the Reptilian types and those of
the human types came from different fragments of consciousness. This Awareness indicates that
in the sense of polarity, such as a line of a magnet or magnetic bar, the positive pole on one end
and the negative pole on the other end; if this bar were made of light or consciousness, and one
end of that bar were to develop faster than the other end, the faster growing end would become
the head, the other end the tail.

Now, if the positive end of the bar became the head, it would result in a creature different from
the bar in which the negative end became the head. This Awareness is speaking in terms of
molecule levels, also in terms of galactic and stellar levels and in terms of universal levels; that
whatever creature is created it has a positive and a negative side, and one side is energized more
than the other. The positive side, if energized more, becomes the head, and the negative side, if
energized more, becomes the head.

The Reptoids were born out of the negative end of such polarized energy, and the mammals were
born out of the positive side of such energies, and they are, of course, many degrees in between.
Thus, you see the cat with its cats eyes having certain qualities similar to that of the Reptoids and
Greys and the dog with its round eyes and round pupils having certain qualities and facial
features more akin to that of the human.

Of course, the monkeys and anthropoid types are even closer to human shapes and forms and, of
course, the serpents and reptiles are closer to the Reptoid forms and shapes. This Awareness
indicates that many entities have been conditioned to believe that man evolved out of the animal;
that the energies of evolution coming up from the animal led to the creation of mankind, of
humankind. This Awareness suggests that essentially, it was the opposite; that out of
consciousness came rays of energy, split and divided like that from a prism, wherein light broke
into various colors and light itself carrying consciousness, unique to its own vibration and color,
than again began to split, created still further aspects of being, which again split, carrying
further aspects of being, which aspects again split and continued ad infinitum.

This Awareness indicates that the animals essentially are cast off from the consciousness of
humans and other higher creatures, and are splits in consciousness that occurred as this big
bang of consciousness occurred, creating all the reflections moving down into greater and
greater fragmentation. Thus, the Creators, the Creator was the consciousness, but the gods that
took on form were partly the next aspect of that Creator and subsequently came the plants and
animals that followed as consciousness splintered and fragmented further.

Darwin's Theory is Backwards

This Awareness indicates that the Darwin's theory that it all started out "here" somewhere, with
multitudes of atoms combining into molecules, combining into living cells, splitting and become
larger celled creatures, eventually evolving into small amoeba and further evolved creatures, is
simply backwards of the actual creation. This Awareness indicates the humanoid type creations
occurred close to the beginning, even before there were plants, but these creations did not move
into form, in the density levels of physical form, until quite some time later, after the big bang of
consciousness, wherein a cooling process took place, in the sense that the vibrations slowed down
sufficiently to create a flux of energy that can be classed as physical form.
(Revelations Awareness 90-18/NO. 371)

The Value of Humanity

The value of humanity is not in what humanity has done, but in its potential, yet unknown, for
humanity's potential is on the brink of expressing itself, and, if surviving, will soon reach a state
of expression that will be as the expression of divinity. It will be associated with angelic powers.
It is only a matter of time. The difference between humanity and the Reptilian or Reptoid types
is that humanity is accompanied by the evolutionary growth and development of compassion,
while the Reptoids have stripped away compassion from their being and have become
technologically cold, efficient, powerful.

Reptoids are Spiritually Bankrupt Beings

They have great power. They have great technology. They are extremely efficient in what they
do, but they lack compassion. They do not care for others, even among their own rank in the way
that humans care. This Awareness indicates that they are spiritually bankrupt, whereas humans
are on the brink of spiritual abundance. It is so close, and when it comes, human powers will
excel and exceed the technologies available to those Reptoids, for the spiritual powers will allow
humans with their mentality and consciousness to have domination over those technological
powers of the Reptoids.

This Awareness indicates it is not such a matter of good or evil, it is a matter of returning to the
source, to the original consciousness from whence all came, and the Reptoids are at the extreme
opposite end and have no direction to go except to return, and the humans are now close to
Cosmic Consciousness. It will be but a matter of time before humans, in collective consciousness,
can have greater power without touching the Reptoids have with all of their technologies.
(Revelations Awareness 91-16/NO.391)

Why Reptoids and Sirians have legitimate claims to human race

The Sirians were masters of genetic engineering and as mentioned in the Sitchen books The
Earth Chronicles, helped to bring about the creation of the Cro-Magnon man through these
genetic engineering experiments, much earlier in the history of mankind, using genetic
engineering from mammals mixed with the earlier genetic mutation brought on by the Dragon,
or Draco Reptoids along with their engineering of the Neanderthal types.

That by adding the engineering of the mammalian brain over the Reptoid brain, the Sirians
managed to create a more evolved humanoid; the Cro-Magnon or upright man, this known as
the Homo Erectus, or Erect Human. It is for this reason that both have legitimate claims to the
human race and to the ownership of the Earth, at least legitimate in terms of argument.

They each feel some legitimacy to their claims. Of course, the humans, for the most part, would
prefer their Sirian cousins over the Reptoid cousins or grandfathers, but there is a claim by
Reptoid creatures for their argument that they were the original creators of humans, although
their creation was intended for the purpose of enslaving the creature for work in mines and in
the field for the good, and the Sirian action was that which disrupted their enslavement plans for
the creation and it altered the nature of the humanoid so that the humanoid could evolve and
have similar qualities of thought to those who were by those humanoids considered as gods.

The New World Order: The Alien Connection

This Awareness indicates the New World Order is part of the alien agenda, promoted by those
Greys from Orion. The purpose being to set up the world for its future inclusion in the Orion
Empire. This Awareness indicates that while it is planned, it is seen that the Galactic Federation ,
which includes the Pleiadians and the Vegans and the Sirius groups, are all also concerned and
hoping that the earth does not become part of the Orion Empire, or the Draco Federation. This
Awareness indicates that they prefer to see the earth become part of the Galactic Federation.
This Awareness indicates that the earth is in a particular position in the galaxy and has a special
value in regard to the minerals and the water on the earth as well as the central core computer
that was placed under the earth's surface by Orion overseers from the past, when they in ancient
time had great control over the planet, and they wish to restart that computer, and reclaim the
planet as their own in their Network."

This Awareness indicates that there has been a number of extraterrestrial cultures who have, in
the past, made claim to the planet, and who have either abandoned those claims and gone
elsewhere, or have lost control of their property through war or other conflicts, so that at present
time there are disputes among these extraterrestrial cultures as to who really owns the earth.
This Awareness indicates that it is not clearly defined, even though there are certain cultures
that would have entities believe that they are the true owners of the earth; the Reptoids date a
claim back some ten thousand years; the Sirius groups claim to have taken control from the
Reptoids and the Pleiadians claim spiritual connections with humanity. The Vegans see the earth
as not theirs but as an ally to which they wish to assist and join the struggle against tyrannies
from other extraterrestrial cultures.

This Awareness indicates the Orion Greys, the tall big nosed Greys, are those who claim some
kind of ownership based on their having placed a computer in the subterranean levels of earth
which has guided energies on earth through grid-lines and through certain forces that were used
through these grid-lines and through their economic controls that have been handed down over
the hundred and thousands of years that time, up till the present

The Orion Greys appear to be in a position of economic power, wherein they are more powerful
economically, and thus hold control over other extraterrestrials, such as the Draconians and the
Zeta Reptilians. This Awareness indicates that the small Greys or those of the Zeta Reticuli are
basically mercenaries under the domination of the Draconians, the Draco Reptiles, which are
subservient to the Orion Greys, even though they have greater military power and greater force.
The Draconian forces have the ability to take control away from the Orion Greys, but the Orion
Greys are such good managers of planets that the Draco Reptoids do not envy them of there job
and therefore, let themselves be the military arm of the operation, while giving the economic and
political control to the Orion Forces.
(Revelations Awareness 93-14/NO. 423)

The Fake Invasion and Fake Rapture

Religions & Monetary System Evolved from Orion

Even the Hindu writings of the earliest Sanskrit contain references to spacecrafts, and
throughout the world there are references and remnants of space aliens in pictures, drawings
and such as the Nasca lines. This Awareness indicates that the religion established by the aliens,
promoted by the priestcraft which was set up by aliens in order to control the masses, in order
that civilization could be developed on this plane, along with the monetary system, evolved out of
the Orion influence.

This Awareness reminds you of the Unholy 6 in Orion, the six planets, and the planet known as
Tyrantor, from which your word tyrant comes from, and that in the middle east is that city
called Tyre, which in ancient time became the scourge of travelers who were always stopped by
the fleets and were forced to pay duty for traveling anywhere in the area. This Awareness
indicates that this was the introduction of the monetary system that developed from the Orion
influence which later became a kind of evolving taxation program: the head tax, the toll.

The monetary system of reward and punishment for energies given or entities being fined or
punished comes from the Orion system. The concept of punishing people by fining them or
taking their money or rewarding them for energies that have been helpful is basically an Orion
concept that was brought to Earth many centuries ago.

This Awareness indicates that it is also the source of the usury system of interest being extracted
for the loan of money, for the use of money. This Awareness indicates that in terms of the
interest and compound interest, these developed from Orion systems, and it has been responsible
for the ultra-rich, such as the Rockefellers and Rothshilds and other major family wealth of
those super-rich groups who, through banking and similar monetary movement, the movement
of money, were able to garner the wealth of the world, through means of interest and usury at
the expense of the masses and their labor.

The Reptoids Reward Entities in Drugs and Oppression

This Awareness indicates that there are some planets and cultures in the galaxy who do not use
money at all, who use drugs, as rewards for hard work, or threats and oppression as punishment
for not working hard enough, and these rewards and punishments are for them the equivalent of
paying for a job well done or a job poorly done. The Reptoids use this kind of coercion to keep
their workers in line, whereby the workers can receive sustenance for their livelihood. They
follow directions and do their duties, or they will receive great punishment or deprivation if they
fail to do so.

How the Alchemy of Your Knowledge Works

It is the Will and Intend of this Awareness to prepare a certain small portion of society of aware
people, so that their consciousness in being made aware, can have an alchemical effect on the
mass-consciousness in a way that depolarizes and balances the energies on this plane.

This has to do with quantum physics in which polarized energies, being resolved in part, tend to
affect the greater mass so that wherein the greater mass might have certain fears, the fears
diminish as the fewer parts having already perceived and gone through the energizing of these
concepts, harmonizing or reconciling these polarities, these fewer points of light help to defuse
the fear and the polarization of the greater masses.
It is a principle in quantum physics that need to be understood, in order that entities better
recognize why certain elements of consciousness in a small percentage can have profound effect
on the greater mind of consciousness. When this Awareness speaks of consciousness, It speaks of
the collective consciousness of humanity. This Awareness reminds entities that It is not playing
favorites with humanity over the aliens simply because It is speaking through a human channel.
These alien beings have certain intrinsic rights. This Awareness does however, recognize certain
principles as being proper and appropriate and a certain manner of behavior as being
appropriate, and wherein aliens are inappropriate in their behavior, this Awareness must
express concern for that inappropriateness and tends to seek to influence reconciliation.

This Awareness indicates that wherein there is fear, whether within aliens or humans, this
Awareness tends to seek to eliminate the fear, for fear tends to create problems, and courage
tends to solve those problems. This Awareness indicates that It is not seeking to cause entities
alarm. It would not tell most entities what is being given here to those who have been long-term
recipients of messages from this Awareness. Those entities who are aware or who have the
capacity to listen to that which is unusual without flinching, without fear, are those entities who
are blessed and who are precious in that they can help to diffuse the negative energies that might
accompany such information, and in so diffusing the negativity and the fear that others might
feel, they become open to the possibility, and in so doing, harmonize the polarities associated
with such information for the mass mind to consume.

It is likened unto a digestion, wherein part of the of the mind digest the information without
becoming frightened and throwing up. If part of the mind can digest the information, then it
breaks down the information to such levels that the rest of the mass-consciousness begins to
accept the digested information on a subconscious level, so that when, indeed, the events
transpire that pertain to the message, the entities are not so easily thrown off balance or into
states of fear or into radical reactions.

(Revelations of Awareness 90-6 NO. 359)

Many Draconians Now in Human Bodies walk Among Us

This Awareness indicates that the Reptoid people do not necessarily appear as Reptoids when
they reincarnate as human beings. They are simply humans in appearance, from human parents,
but they have within their soul and background Reptoid genes and memory and are essentially
from Draco in their origins, and there are many on this Earth who are Draconian in nature and
their purpose is to gain power and destroy anything that preaches or attempts to establish a
great harmony on Earth. This Awareness indicate that this may be seen as related to the Hindu
god Kali, the Destroyer. This Awareness indicates that it should be recognized that the
Draconian factor as that which is more destructive and the so-called Serpent or Sirius factor as
that which has been attempting to create greater harmony on the Earth. This Awareness
indicates the Pleiadians as being distant cousins of humans, and they also being benefactors.

The Structure of Alien Government (Rape & Pillage Allowed)

The Orion Alliance creates structures on the planets run by hierarchy and controlled by money
systems and the Reptoids enforce the allegiance to these structures and control the masses, and
for this they (Zeta Reticuli) are allowed what may be termed "rape and pillage" privileges. This
Awareness indicates the Zetas support the Reptoids and the Reptoids support and derive
authority from the Orion Empire.
(Revelations Awareness 92-14/NO.398)

Humanity in the meantime is semi-oblivious to all this and simply goes along on their daily
pursuit of pleasure/pain behavior life-styles. This Awareness indicates that there are a very few
people in the human population who understand much about the overall picture in regard to the
alien presence on earth or the agendas of the alien presence and its overall intent.
(Revelations Awareness 93-14/NO. 423)

How the Orion Empire is Preparing our World for Takeover

This Awareness indicates that if you consider that the Earth is being made over to fit within the
Orion Empire and the Draconian Federation so that it can become a galactic annexation, where
it is annexed into the Galactic Federation and Orion Empire, then you understand why the
corporate heads would also need to be part of this, you understand that that the New World
Order is being directed by these extraterrestrials to make the world, the Earth as you know it,
into a kind of a planet that fits within the agenda of the Orion Empire and the Draco Federation
through the control of the corporations and the governments.

The plan by these Draconian and Orion masters is eventually to get rid of all governments and
simply have everything under corporation controls. This Awareness indicates that this gives
them a complete hierarchical system for the ultimate type of dictatorial control. As long as there
are governments, they see the governments as being wasteful and inefficient, but they see
corporations as having a built-in hierarchy which allows the employees of all these corporations,
which includes all of the masses on Earth, to be well-controlled by the corporations.

Thus, each entity in a corporation would be loyal to that corporation similar to the behavior of
ants or beehives, where there is no room for any switching from one beehive or one anthill to
another. In other words, entities would belong to the corporation. The entities, once in a
corporation, would have family that also belongs to the corporation. This is the ultimate plan or
agenda for the Earth as seen by these extraterrestrials.

This Awareness indicates that the corporation controlling each of its workers, would have a
greater more absolute control than any government system could have, separate from such a
hierarchy. This Awareness suggests that this essentially is what appears to be in back of the
replacement of human individuals (several political leaders and corporate heads) by their
synthetic or Robotoid clones.

20 Years Ago Awareness Discussed the Cloning Going On

This Awareness indicates it is interesting that only now, some 20 years later, it is being noted
that sheep in the British Isles have been cloned, and that monkeys in Oregon have been cloned,
and the concept of potential human cloning is now being discussed. This Awareness indicates 20
years ago, this cloning activity, when discussed by this Awareness ad by Dr. Beter was seen as
having and absolute farce, ridiculous, and unbelievable.

This Awareness wishes you to understand that most of technology of the more secretive type is
not made available to the public for approximately 20 years or more, and therefore the timing is
right on for the disclosure of rudimentary cloning as a possibility, since it has been occurring for
over 20 years.

(Revelations Awareness 97-8/NO. 485)

"The Galactic Confederation Command"

This Awareness indicates that the Galactic Command, composed of the Pleiadians, Vegans,
Sirius and Arcturians, Lyrans is such that it keeps a low profile, because they have not been
clearly invited by all of human representatives and governments to assist humans in throwing off
the yoke of oppression that will come from these Draconians and Orion Forces. In fact, most
humans do not yet recognize this potential for enslavement by these forces, and therefore are
more concerned about what kind of health and technology these force may give them in terms of
enhancing their own particular power over others on earth. Those involved in these higher levels
wherein there is communication with the ET's or aliens, are more concerned with what they are
going to get out of the situation as individual humans than they are by what the agenda has in
store for the rest of humanity.

Getting the Alien Federations Straight

A clarification about Orion;

This Awareness wishes to make some clarifications in this respect; that the majority of those
known in Orion are of a negative nature , but that there are some planets and sectors of Orion
that are positive in nature. Clarion is a planetary system, a star and planetary system that is of a
positive nature. Betelgeuse and some of those stars in that general area are filled with planets
that are of negative nature. This Awareness indicates that there are some hundred and thirty
planets in that area.

This Awareness indicates that there is also, besides the Orion Empire, the Draconian Federation.
The Draconians have absorbed those from Zeta Reticuli and have brought these entities as
mercenaries, but the Reticuli do not think of themselves so much as part of the Federation,-they
refer to themselves more as a network. The word "Reticuli" means network, and that is a
traditional classification in their history, which they do not easily shed. The Draconian
Federation considers however the Network as part of their Federation, subordinate to their
controls. The Draconian are able to control the Reticuli through treaties that have been formed
some hundred thousand years back, when they helped to rescue the Reticuli from their dying
planet (from excessive exposure to radiation) and infused it with new life, and then, in return,
gained control over the entities of the Reticuli.

The Reticuli hail from a binary star, that is, two stars that rotate together, and live on planets
close to these stars which are highly unlivable to humans, being very heavy in heat and desert.
The Reticuli, in coming to earth prefer desert areas where the climate is quite warm. This
Awareness indicates that this in part is favorable because of their insect genetic qualities, which
makes up part of their total being. This Awareness indicates that the Draconians also being cold-
blooded beings, prefer the warm climates. This Awareness indicates as to the the concept of the
Confederation, this is not a common term used in describing the amalgamation of these planets
from the Pleiades, Vega, or the Sirius system, but has been borrowed from human tongue and
from the persistent use of the term by channels to describe the amalgamation of these planets
working together in this galaxy to try to hinder the spread of Draconian influence.

Genetic "Time-Release Capsule"

to Trigger your Cosmic (Universal) Awareness (full text)

You are not unrelated to the Reptilians. You are more related to the mammal types, and these
mammal types tend to dominate over a period of time, so that the Reptilian genetics weaken as
time passes and the mammalian genetic strengthens. This Awareness indicates that there is also
a genetic factor implanted in the human creation by the entities from Sirius who were involved.
This was secretly put into the human equation by those from Sirius without others knowing
about this, in which the Sirian beings, or genetic engineers, implanted within the human species
a kind of holographic cell that would over a period of time, with each passing generation and
with the rising of consciousness, put in a cell that upon a certain level of development, would

This may be equated unto a kind of time-release capsule, such as the pills you take that don't
activate for eight hours and then activate at a certain time. This genetic cellular code was
designed to activate with each passing generation, so that each passing generation became more
aware, and as each generation becomes more aware, it becomes more God-like, a little at a time
with each passing generation, and in this action, when the vibrations reach a certain state in the
evolving human, it becomes possible for that cell to activate totally and the entity experience God
realization and becomes cosmically aware, or totally conscious.

This Awareness indicates that each human being has this potential built in to the cells, but it does
not release when the entities are engaged in selfish endeavors, self centered activities. It does not
release when entities are engaged in hostility, greed, power, lust and the seeking of control over
others. It engages only when the entity pursues the spiritual and Divine Light. This Awareness
indicates that in this sense, you have options and those options allow you to choose a path toward
spiritual enlightenment, and in doing so, to become God-realized.

More on the Reptilian Race

Not all Reptilians are Bad Guys
(Revelations of Awareness Newsletter 2009-1
with Will Berlinghof  as the Interpreter)


There is one question that came in to the Interpreter from Jan, who is part of the Lightnet
workers. It reads, "I enjoyed (as always) your last newsletter, and thank you so much for
presenting the inspiring message from Awareness to the Lightnet crew.

Then I wish to share with you some thoughts about the Reptilian race, and if you think it is
appropriate to present it to Awareness for comments.

Over the many years I have noticed that from many different directions and sources, the
Reptilians are seen as very negative, to be feared of. I wonder if the Reptilians we generally
speak of (those behind the New World order) are only a fraction of the Reptilian race and if
there are others of the same race who live in peace with each other. I do not have any negative
feeling about this race as these represent for me a very basic energy, and according to the Law of
One, they are also cells in the body of Awareness, as we are.

Further more as they love to conquer planets (as we know) they are not different from humans
who play the game of colonizing countries. I remember the time when I lived in South America
when England made war with Argentina to conquer the Falkland islands. Also it is said that
Reptilians do not have compassion, are cruel and see humans as animals to be used for their
farm. Again, when one enters a slaughterhouse and observes how animals are treated and killed,
little or no compassion is shown by the humans either. Sometimes I think that as long as we treat
the animal kingdom in the way we are treating them, without respect, we are treated equally by
other life forms.

Many people are worried about the chip implants agenda for humans. But again, how does the
animal kingdom feel about getting chipped by humans? I can extend this thought to the
chemtrail issue. What about the vegetable kingdom, getting sprayed by human action with all
kinds of toxins? We spray and intoxicate and are being sprayed and intoxicated. I think that the
universe is teaching us a valuable lesson and before considering something cruel, negative or
wrong, we have to look into our human actions towards the Creator and Creation first.

These considerations are difficult for most people as we are educated and love to change the
outside world without willing to change our inside world." Your comments please?

Cosmic Awareness:

The entity Jan is very perceptive in his comments and observations. He has accurately drawn
attention to an ancient hermitic concept, that which is expressed in the statement, "As above, so
below." The Reptilians indeed can be seen as a higher expression, not higher in consciousness,
but a more evolved race technically, and in terms of their awareness of the reality of the
extraterrestrial system of consciousness and participation. That does not however mean that
they are all of the same ilk. The entity Jan very clearly did portray that there are those Reptilian
types who are not given to brutality, violence, rage and repression, who are not seeking to
dominate and conquer, who are very much seeking a higher level of consciousness and

There are indeed spiritual Reptilians also. There are those who seek their own highest expression
and those Reptilians are part of the overall mix that this Awareness has spoken of previously in
Its forecast, when It said that there would be extraterrestrial types who would act as guides and
assistants in this time of evolution and expanded consciousness. Indeed, there may be for some
Reptilian guides of that nature, of a higher evolved Reptilian.

This does not mean that all Reptilians are of that ilk, just as it does not mean that all humans are
of the ilk of those who are the perpetrators of the con and scam of the illusion that humans are
powerless and that they do not understand or know. The entity Jan was perfectly correct in
pointing out that many humans themselves engage in activities that are dark in nature, including
how they treat the animal and plant kingdoms, including how they treat fellow human beings for
their own profit and gain. This too is part of that hermetic saying, "As above, so below."

If those who are in the elite have the illness that allows them to treat humanity as they do as well
as the planet, as well as the animal and plant world, then there are those who are not even of that
level who would indeed carry on so. There are those in that elite level who may have now an
inkling of that which is coming, that they too may start to see that there is a new world about to
dawn and they too may start to reflect upon their previous actions and start to become repentant
of them as they attempt to change their ways. Again the concept, "As above, so below."

There will be those who at those elite levels will begin to work for humanity as opposed to
against humanity. That has already begun, just as there are many in the masses that are starting
to see the greater picture, who are starting to change themselves, while many stay at the lower
levels of consciousness. All is a reflection of the duality that exists of that concept of, "As above,
so below." As one chooses to focus into the higher levels of consciousness, the Light
Consciousness, that the concept of "As above, so below" will begin to reflect on the lower levels
of consciousness, the higher attitudes, the higher concepts.

If one chooses to focus on that which is the dark and the low level of consciousness, then one's life
will be a reflection of this very factor, of this very truth. This is all part and parcel of that which
this Awareness has called that system of duality, that which is a reflection of, "As above, so
below." This Awareness applauds the entity Jan for his very astute comments and observations.
This Awareness is complete.

The Intergalactic Confederation is Defined

This Awareness indicates that the so-called Intergalactic Command or Intergalactic

Confederation, this may be thought of more a grouping or alliance of highly evolved spiritual
beings of different star systems who have united in their common purpose of hindering the
Orion Empire and Draconian Federation from capturing and enslaving other planets outside
their already held Federation and Empires. This Awareness indicates that those from Vega have
pledged their efforts to help prevent the Empire and the Federation from taking control of
Earth. Their methods are not to intervene directly in the affairs from humans, and the humans
have allowed the Draconians and Orion Empire representatives to have bases on Earth,
therefore the Vegans, Lyrans and Pleiadians must honor the human decision and treaties with
the Draconians and Orion Empire and Reticuli Network to have positions on Earth, until the
humans choose otherwise.

How Vegan & Pleiadian Volunteers Work on Earth

In the meantime the Vegans, those from Lyra and those from the Pleiades have also chosen ways
to influence the human movement toward throwing off these would be oppressors. The Vegans
send some of their most advanced beings to be born on earth with earthly parents and to grow
and develop and do their work to help prevent this take over of the planet by these Empire,
Federation and Network aliens. This Awareness indicates that the Pleiadians have also their
volunteers. There have been those who came in space ships and met directly with individuals
(Billy Meier) and met directly with individuals who were open and desirous of meeting with
them. These entities even gave warning about the Orion Empire and sought to prevent the
treaties (with the US Government), but failed to do so*.

(* In Behold A Pale Horse page 202, William Cooper speaks also about a race of humanoid aliens,

Therefore, while they seek to help in whatever ways they can to hinder the Orion Empire in its
conquest or the Draconians in their various invasion plans, they avoid direct interference in the
affairs pertaining to these entities on Earth They are even careful not to talk about these entities
as being dangerous or enemies of theirs or of mankind. Those from Lyra also incarnate into
human form to help change the vibrations and instill a sense of spiritual meaning into the lives of
those whom they come in contact with. That these are the ways whereby the amalgamation of
star systems work together to help Earth in its struggle for survival and for spiritual

Andromeda? Any Decision by The Andromeda Council?

This Awareness indicates that as long as earth allows the Draconians and Reticulians to remain
and treaties have been signed, that this more or less creates a block to prevent interference from
the Pleiades, Vegans or others. It is for this reason that any contacts will be of a very minor
nature, more to educate and inform than to directly interfere or confront the Draconian,
Reticulian and Orion Empire Greys. This Awareness indicates that the Andromeda Council is
much like the UN on Earth; it has certain influence, but it has no power over those who refuse to
abide by its recommendations. The Draconian Confederation, the Orion Empire; these do not
give much credence to the Andromeda Council or its recommendations. They appeal to it when
they see a change to benefit or to use it to their advantage. Therefore, at this time, anything given
by the Andromeda Council in regard to Earth has been generally ignored by these entities.


Asuras, Who Represent the Depth of Evil.

"Another part of the onion peeled"

These are likened unto a prototype of demonic energies. This Awareness indicates that these
entities have a control over the Reptoids in their own Draco Galaxy, and have influence in other
areas of the galaxies, particularly where they can have cooperation between Reptoids and other
groups that they have conquered through their manipulative powers. That their power lies more
in their ability to conquer through manipulations, to conquer the heads of groups and use those
heads for furthering the extension of their own power over still other groups.

They essentially work by conquering a group and using that group to conquer other groups, and
they tend to have no compassion of any kind so that no mercy is shown to those whom they
control and this allows them to extend fear from the ranks of the highest to the lowest so that the
entities under their control are controlled by fear of their own superiors and will do the bidding
of their superiors, and the superiors are also controlled by fear. It is essentially a power group
epitomizing the basic concept of evil, if one is to describe evil as the absence of compassion,
wherein their is no room for compassion.

They do not appear to have any particular home place or planet other than wherever they
happen to be. They roam the galaxy freely without an attachment to a particular place and their
attachment is to power itself, and to the enjoyment of exercising power. Rudolph Steiner as
having described the Asuras as prototypes or archetypes of evil.

The Asuras: Gods Who Have Gone Mad

These entities as being degenerated from extremely high levels of spiritual status, having taken
with them the full awareness of the nature of creation, and of the universal properties of
creation, as they degenerated into concepts of separateness, herein they can use this technology
or knowledge for enhancing their own illusion of separateness and power. It is as though one
who understood all of the knowledge of creation degenerated over time to play with the creation,
using this knowledge to torture and to entertain himself by playing with the creation as though it
were but an object and not filled with living beings.

This Awareness indicates that it is not intended to imply that these entities are the creators of
humans, but more that they understand the creation through the use of vibrations and
frequencies and have absolute and total contempt for anything that is not as highly evolved
intellectually as they are in their understanding of these factors of creation.
They see the creation as but objects for them to move about and manipulate for their own gain,
including the creation of humans and other beings.

They are what may be termed "mad gods" who have gone off the deep end into utter madness,
through the pursuit of personal glory and pleasure for their own separative interests, for their
own demented enjoyment. (fallen Elohim)"

Thus, the Asuras are the reflections of Ahriman energies, and these energies, being sadistic in
nature, seek and enjoy destroying God's most highly prized creation, the human being, and in
the destruction of humans and other aspects of Divine Creator's creation, they see themselves as
challenging the Divine Creator in a kind of open defiance. That defiance is what gives them the
feeling of having immense power."

Asuras Thrill at Causing Suffering

They would like to defy the Divine Creator, or if unable to defy directly, then they defy the
creation that has been established, and thus, they find great thrill in destroying and causing
suffering to that creation. It is based on a kind of hatred for the Creator and thus, aim at their
hatred at the creation, especially anything that emits compassion, beauty, weakness in the sense
of gentleness, or love, for they see these things as aspects of the Father/Mother Creator, and
want to destroy that Father/Mother Creator aspect so that they alone remain and so there is no
such thing as love, compassion and qualities of cooperativeness, but that there is only
competition from their framework better than they can control loyalties and devotion and love
and such.

They are essentially beings from a dysfunctional family who see themselves having to be in
control, and the only control they understand is that which they can wield over others through
the use of power and fear. They are gods that have psychological problems of a very deep nature.


The Spiritual Agendas Supersede the Alien Agenda

They cannot see all that is seen by the Elohim who have not fallen from grace. Thus, these
entities in assisting to write the Alien Agenda, must write it from limited perspective, not seeing
that there is an agenda that lies beyond theirs. There is that which may be termed the spiritual
agenda which supersede the alien agenda." (Revelations Awareness 91-6/NO 381)

The Battle is to Save the Souls of the Earthlings

Essentially, the souls of people IS the issue involved that is of greatest urgency to the Galactic
Command or Confederation, for this saving of the souls is that which the spiritual forces
perceives to be the real purpose and value. The physical body is temporal anyway, and has only
a short time on earth, but the soul being permanent, being more or less eternal, is the more
important concern. The Draconian and the Orion forces think that by making it appear the soul
is just an illusion and that one's body is what counts, they find themselves able to influence
people by fear and by coercion, based on bodily needs and preservation. And in this manner they
actually capture the souls of entities who are trying to preserve their body and will do so at the
cost of their soul" (Revelations Awareness 93-14/NO. 423)

As it is Below, So it is Above

This Awareness indicates that it appears that the entire box of Pandora, is becoming unraveled.
The door is opening and there seems to be no end in sight in regards to the unraveling of activity,
not just on earth, or even the solar system, but activity throughout the galaxy, which if the
strings are examined enough, they begin to lead consciousness into looking into other universes.
This Awareness indicates that it has been suggested: As it is above, so it is below. Entities may
now begin to realize that likewise, as it is below, so it is above. Humanity has been plagued with
wars, but humanity is not alone; so has the galaxy. This Awareness indicates that it does not
appear that there is yet an end to the recognition of the influence of these forces in the galaxy
and beyond, and that even the resolving of humanity's wars may only be the resolving of a small
battle in the galaxy.

This Awareness indicates that entities may learn to live in peace, even in the midst of chaos; that
even in the midst of war entities may develop a peace that passeth understanding within their
own hearts. This Awareness indicates that this may be the only way in which entities can find
peace: Not by controlling the world outside, but by controlling one's own peace within.
(Revelations Awareness 91-6/NO. 381)

Follow the Light Follow the Light Follow the Light

A New Script For Humanity
To Prevent the Final Act from Happening

A Great Force is Moving across this Plane

This Awareness indicates there is a great force moving upon your plane that is little understood
by entities and may be likened unto a storm in consciousness, blown in from the psychic sea of
the Fourth Dimension, that transcends time and space and moves in from ancient times of
Atlantis and into the present moment. It is ready to be calmed, if that is allowed by the collective
consciousness of entities upon this plane, or it is ready to wreak havoc if that is what it takes to
complete its action.

This Awareness indicates that this force, this programming, is likened unto a type of linear
programming that has reached through thousands of years, by which entities were polarized as
programmed parts of an incredible complex and massive computer system called "Civilization",
wherein the script was written thousands of years ago, and historians of today are only as
reporters and reviewers of that play, that dramatic epic that has played for thousands of years
upon this stage called "Earth"

How the Programming Began

This programing, which began with that ancient priestcraft in Atlantis, was designed to create
division in consciousness, to create divisions of superior and inferior levels of rank and
hierarchy. The rank of the priestcraft being programmed in a manner to allow them to retain
power over the masses as they progress from one generation to another, from one incarnation to

This action, wherein six million entities were mummified and strategically placed in certain
areas of the earth to create a maximum of polarity within the earth's forces, in an attempt to
create that division of consciousness on many levels, in an attempt to create certain wave length
and a hierarchy system of vibrations, in an attempt to create layer upon layer of different
vibrations which could be managed by these priescraft rulers, in their control and understanding
of consciousness and power, allowed them to manipulate masses for eons of time upon your

These were the followers of Baal, and were representative of Rhyee, that force which was the
original separateness, and which has more recently been called by the name of Lucifer. These
priescraft rulers understood the action of the mind and its structuring mechanism so well, that
they not only structured civilizations and societies patterned after the mind, but even perfected
the mechanisms whereby they could project these patterns down to the corridor of time, creating
civilizations and events until the present era.

How Ra-Ta (Edgar Cayce) Opened the Floodgates

This Awareness indicates, this action which began some sixty thousands years ago, reached its
height of power about twenty-five years ago and began to lose its power approximately ten
thousand years B.C. after Ra-Ta set about a counter-action, a counter-force of greater power to
reverse the trend toward the previous accumulations of power. This occurred at the beginning of
the Virgo age as the forces of anti-matter began to wane during the approaching dark cycle
which has dominated the earth for these past 12.000 years.

This Awareness indicates the action of Ra-Ta and the builders of the Pyramid and Sphinx in
ancient Egypt were designed to offer a greater attraction, a greater power than those of the
Atlantean priests, and once the seekers of power were caught up in the Egyptian power, they
were led along the path that brought them not only to power, but that enlightenment and
realization that power was not the answer to the gravings of the appetite. In this action, many
followers of Baal, of Lucifer, were brought into the Law of One.

This Awareness indicates that Edgar Cayce, the reincarnate spirit of Ra-Ta, opened the doors
for the flood of consciousness upon this plane, to allow that force to begin moving from that
Fourth Dimension into this present time. In this action, the Lucifer, The Rhyee, the
personification of that first separateness, was given an opportunity to tap into this ancient power
that began in Egypt, and in so doing, was drawn unwittingly into states of Awareness that led
back to the Law of One, and this Awareness.

This Awareness indicates that force known as Lucifer is now being drawn out of consciousness
and moving into Essence. The Head of the Beast, the original separateness, has already returned
to Essence. Only the organs and body of this remains upon your plain, and must, in time, follow
also into the return to Essence.
Why Awareness has Come at this Time

This Awareness indicates all present attempts to pursue and maintain power and control over
others are but creating structures that will inevitable be converted into systems designed to serve
the people rather than to enslave them; yet, it is a matter of when this will occur, rather than
whether it will occur. It is for this reason that this Awareness communicates with entities at this
time, and it is for this purpose that entities need to look closely at that which is occurring on
their plane, for these energies are a potential force that may be used for good or ill at this time,
even as a wind may be harnessed for service, or may wreak havoc.

This Awareness indicates any good computer programmer can understand the programming
system used in Atlantis and Egypt if they are also capable of comprehending the nature of
psychic forces, and can comprehend the Pyramid and Sphinx as being likened unto the pituitary
and pineal of the collective consciousness upon this plane, and the mummified corpses may be
understood as human transmitters, capacitors or other psycho-electro-magnetic components.

This Awareness indicates this action created great suffering for many millions of entities upon
this plane, and that action from Atlantis was initiated for the glory and the power of the
followers of Baal, the followers of Lucifer, the followers of the mind, and its structuring system
of hierarchy, polarity, manipulation and control.

Ra Ta's Power Trap for the Dark Force

This Awareness indicates the Illuminati that began in Atlantis, may be seen as the Dark Force
that sought power through deception, control and manipulation; and that Illuminati from Ra-Ta
actions of Egypt was designed to create a power trap that led to enlightenment and a return to
the Law of One.

This Awareness indicates that these mummies, serving as frozen consciousness, holding symbolic
patterns and programs in their frozen psyches, allowed that energy, those patterns and symbols
to be released slowly into consciousness at precise intervals as their mummified bodies decayed.

The Influence of Mummification in Egypt

The entity serving as a channel for this message (Paul Shockley) was such a mummified
component of that psychic computer system, and carried within his being the symbol of an
onion, that allowed an opening up, one layer at a time, one after another, in such a manner that
an awakening would occur at certain times in the appropriate lifetime in accordance with the
script written and composed in the land of Nubia, while Ra-Ta and his associates were in exile
there, prior to the construction of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx.

This Awareness indicates the action of the Egyptian Force was designed to speed up evolution,
by creating intensities and collective power and forces that would bring entities together during
a dark side of a cycle that began with the Age of Virgo and ended with the Age of Pisces, a time
when entities would ordinarily be driven away from one another by forces of self-concern,
created by the greater magnetic waves during this dark cycle. This Awareness indicates the
Egyptian action brought entities together in order to have a greater power in numbers, to create
greater unity against the group or nation which would oppose them. This led to the formations of
civilizations, nations and societies.
This Awareness indicates the programming of certain images and events, energy fields, and the
release of concepts into consciousness created historical landmarks and cultural changes through
the subsequent history of Egypt, Babylon, Chafed, Israel and other nations, and up into the
various civilizations of the present time. This was all pre-written in general outline, likened unto a
plot of a play, a story or a script. This Awareness indicates the script, having been pre-written,
can continue to be played as it was intended by these forces, wherein the Computer Beast does
set up its controls and power over the masses, and wherein entities do suffer through the
"Tribulations"as has been prophesied in the Book of Revelations, and wherein entities after great
suffering, eventually are freed as the Beast and the followers of the Beast are moved into
predetermined destruction.

Awareness Comes Like a Thief in the Night

This script may continue and may occur in this manner if entities do insist in having it happen in
this manner, due to programmed attitudes and belief patterns in their consciousness. However,
this Awareness has come at this time, likened unto a thief in the night, and offer that
opportunity, that alternative action, that a new script, which entities may claim as their own, as a
rapture and an escape from the greater tribulations that lie ahead on the path of the present

Rothshilds and Rockefellers Unwitting Victims in the Drama

This Awareness wishes no ill to any entity, does not wish that they should perish, but that all
should inherit eternal life. eternal joy, and eternal peace. This Awareness indicates the
Rothschilds and the Rockefellers also are unwitting victims of the programming from these
ancient script-writer, and are simply playing the roles that are being forced upon them.

This Awareness offers entities on this plane an opportunity to change the ending of this script, to
allow all entities to be free of these ancient forces whose originators are no longer in control id
these forces, and are not even aware of their own involvement in having started the movement of
these forces. This Awareness indicates the forces may be defused, may be stopped, but it is only
through the changing of consciousness that this may occur, and consciousness cannot be changed
until entities look at what is happening from a new viewpoint, a new perspective.

A Call to Awaken Entities Upon this Plane

This Awareness wishes to call attention to what is happening on this plane, not in order to set
one force against another, not to condemn, nor judge anyone, but to awaken entities on this plane
so that millions need not suffer needlessly. This Awareness suggests that once the attention is
called to the problem of the money-systems, and the works of the money-changers, it becomes
necessary to awaken the masses to the realization that the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds are
being controlled and programmed also, and have little or no choice in their lives, and are being
forced to play the roles which they are playing.

This Awareness wishes entities to understand that it is not necessary to continue this drama; that
this drama, the entire scene, the entire final act is unnecessary and inappropriate and need not
climax on human life upon this Earth. This Awareness indicates that entities need only look
totally once at that which is happening upon this plane, and when this is done completely,
wherein there is no fear or flinching, wherein enough of consciousness sees clearly what is
happening, then entities may look away and never again to look at this unworthy scene. Wherein
this is seen clearly enough, that entities never again will be trapped and seduced by the money-
changers, the old drama may be transcended, and a new drama may begin, which will free
entities from the economic bondage to the money-changers, and will free the money-changers
from fear and terror of the masses that force them to deceive and to seek greater power to avoid
confrontation with the masses.

How to Avoid the Battle of Armageddon

This Awareness indicates that every human face is every other human face, and in the human
face there is seen the need for love, peace, harmony, respect and dignity. This Awareness wishes
to awaken entities to that piece, dignity, respect, love, and that life of harmony, whereby each
entity looks out for the welfare of each other entity, and thereby avoiding that tragedy, sorrow,
violence; and that which has been called the "Battle of Armageddon"need not occur on the outer

There is Fire Ringing in Your Home!

This Awareness indicates there are many entities who do not wish to be awakened from their
slumber and their illusion of security to hear of a fire raging in their home, for this is disturbing
information. There are many entities who prefer spiritual messages that soothe, lull, and
hypnotize with beautiful words and concepts, and sounds, and rituals, and images to adore, and
saints and angels to praise and glorify; yet, this Awareness indicates these are but trappings of
spiritual living and are not the spiritual life: they are but reminders, the garments of life.

And this Awareness indicates many teachers, priests and spiritual leaders spout forth the
beautiful words and lulling tones and claim association with those angels and saints of old, but
are simply selling the the trappings of spiritual life to their followers, and indeed many of these
even take special precautions to keep their followers ignorant of certain truths which give these
spiritual leaders and advantage over their followers. This Awareness indicates it is only natural
that these so called "spiritual leaders" would object to messages from this Awareness which
might threaten the "hustle" they have going for themselves.

This Awareness suggests many of the churches, religious organizations and groups promoting
spiritual teachings are spouting the proper words that appeal to the seeker of truth, yet are
leading their followers down the trail, following the Beast toward the Bottomless Pit, all because
they, themselves, are out to make a buck or two on the wave of spiritual energy that is blowing
across the earth. These entities and their followers, who trail obediently behind the Beast and its
commands, shall find indeed they have raped the whirlwind.

Believe Nothing, But Open Your Eyes

This Awareness asks entities not to believe anything, but to look carefully at everything, and to
discern careful what appears to be, yet to make up their minds about nothing, but to continue to
search, to remain open to discovery, to remain in a state of "I don't know; for in that state, you
cannot be closed to further learning, and you will remain open to discovery without pre-judging

This Awareness indicates there are many truths found in many of the spiritual teachings and
groups, and these may be likened unto pearls of great price, yet this Awareness indicates that it
takes more than beautiful words and flowers to make a wedding and marriage that is lasting,
healthy and fulfilling; and it takes more than ritual, beautiful words, names of deities and saints,
and soft lulling tones to lead to spiritual understanding and expression.

This Awareness indicates there is also a need to see the tragedy, the suffering, the sorrow that
exists upon this plane, and to look so deeply at this that the feeling of compassion becomes so
unbearable, so overwhelmingly painful, that its very urgency becomes the motivation that moves
you into action which can reconcile the polarities that cause such suffering. This Awareness
indicates that in looking at a stereotyped ideal of what a spiritual life should be, is but a form of
escape from reality, and has never yet been instrumental in helping to relieve the suffering on
this plane, and in fact, has led entities to battle and to kill over such ideals.

This Awareness indicates that to heal another, one must look carefully at the illness, and then
begin to raise the vibrations from that what is, to that which is imaged as desirable in the next
moment. And step by step, moment by moment image by image, the situation, the vibration of
the situation, can be raised. This must start from What Is, not from what should be, or what
would be nice to observe.

Let's All Help Cosmic Awareness to Find Rest

In dealing with illness of power within individuals , or in the earth, the need is to look at What Is,
then to start raising the vibrations from there. Entities have it in their power to change the
world, to change the course of events, and to bring a heaven on Earth. The future is never fixed,
and becomes changed as consciousness changes.

This Awareness wishes entities to understand consciousness can only change when entities no
longer judge themselves or others, when entities no longer seek to be higher or further out,
greater or more powerful than another or themselves. When entities can accept themselves as
they are, then they can move on to other ways of being. For this Awareness is not concerned with
whether entities are materialistic, spiritual, right or wrong, higher or lower, ascended or
descended, but whether entities love one another and whether entities love themselves, and are
responsive to the needs of one another.

This Awareness asks not for sacrifice, but for service. This Awareness asks not for praise, but for
service and love toward your fellow creatures. For this Awareness needs not service, nor does It
need sacrifice or praise, but needs only to experience a rest and relief from watching this dreary
tragedy on your plane, as the world turns round and around and round.
(Revelations Awareness 92-13/NO.405 Interpreter Paul Shockley)


"To heal a situation it must first be exposed Once exposed it has to be healed."

Go to the Next Page "The Illuminati Conspiracy"


Judge Not

Be Humble

Never Do Anything Contrary to the Law of Love

Resist Not Evil

Do Nothing Contrary to the Law of Mercy

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The "Rebellion" in Heaven

the "Fall" of Man
(More on the Dark & Light Illuminati)

This Awareness wishes to bring out another level of observation which entities may
experience. This Awareness wishes to point out how the Light and Dark Forces work
together for the ultimate good of humanity.

This Awareness indicates that it has been given that the rebellion in heaven as relayed
by mystics and legends, whereby Lucifer took a portion of the angels from heaven and
set out in rebellion against the laws of the Divine. This Awareness indicates that this
action as referred to as the Fall of Man, or the Fall of the Angels; and whereby through
this action, the concept of darkness was created and the results of evil as a position in
consciousness for entities to wrestle with.
This Awareness indicates that in a more symbolic sense, this action represented the
right of each part to experience its own individuality through its own potential growth
and development, to be whatever it could be without being dependent on the Will of a
Divine Creator for its every move. This Awareness indicates this action symbolically, is
no different from the child being born and the rational thinking part of the mind being
given the right to develop and to think and to grow and to nurture itself into a rational
being, individual from the dictates of its father and mother. This Awareness indicates
that this is the concept of the free will. (This Awareness indicates this may be
considered by those who have deeper understanding as an illusion of free will)

This Awareness indicates that the falling angels, Lucifer and his followers, moving out
into the universe of mind or consciousness, seeking to create structures and order out
of an unfinished creation, an unfinished realm,--unfinished because it did not fit into
the expectations of those who were experiencing it,--this Luciferian hierarchy of
energies in this unfinished realm, as that which is the left side of the Cosmic Mind,
whereas on the intuitive side of the Cosmic Mind is that which hold the creative forces.
This Awareness indicates in that intuitive side, the right side of the Cosmic Mind is that
force which is holistic in nature, gestalt, capable of seeing the total, seeing the infinite
experience, of seeing the whole, or holy creation.

This Awareness indicates that the left side, (that of the Luciferian realm of Hades,)
this left side of the Cosmic Mind is that which holds the forces of rational thinking,--
thinking which moves from line to line, thought to thought, in increments, inching toward
conclusions, never quite reaching a total understanding of anything. This Awareness
indicates that in ancient times, long before your modern sciences began to understand
the nature of the right and left sides of the brain, the Zen masters of China and the
Orient were already working with techniques, psychological techniques developed over a
period of time which assisted in breaking down these structural creations, these towers
of information built upon logic, built upon structure, upon civilizations of concepts and
ideas; and these Zen masters, in breaking down the rational, left-side efforts to reach
the absolute tower to Heaven, were doing so in order to allow the right side, (the
creative side), to have the holistic experience, the total experience of What Is.

This Awareness indicates that this action by these Zen masters as reflected in their
techniques, are well known in the philosophical circles of the West today. This
Awareness indicates however, that many entities have not recognized that in the
Christian doctrine, this same Zen principle has been applied, wherein the actions are
created so that a koan, or system, the rational mind is brought up to a point of clarity
beyond which it cannot move without completely falling apart. This Awareness indicates
that an example of a technique is that which is often and most popularly referred to as
the "sound of one hand clapping." This awareness indicates this utterly confounds the
rational mind so that it cannot function.
This Awareness indicates another example as when the new student approached the Zen
master and the Zen master told the student, "You may put them there," and the student
said, "I have come empty handed. "The Zen master then replies, "You may put them
there," and the student replies, "but I have nothing to put down." The Zen master then
answers, "Then you may continue holding them." This Awareness indicates these foolish
statements are designed to confound the rational mind, the entity who is tirelessly
trying to make sense out of the universe, to understand, to gain knowledge, to fully
develop and understand everything that needs to be understood from the ground up,--
the tower of Babel built to heaven.

This Awareness indicates that wherein these towers are destroyed by these Zen
masters through their koans, their tricks or whatever, the mind of the entity then
becomes totally frustrated to the point where a new understanding occurs in a flash--
this through the intuitive side of the consciousness, the holistic, the right side of the
brain. This Awareness indicates that this as that portion of consciousness which
contains the holistic approach, as opposed to the dualistic approach to understanding.

This Awareness indicates that in the Christian doctrines, the concept of the virgin
birth, the concept of resurrection, the concept of an entity having all power of a god
living a life of love and sacrifice: these were designed as koans in consciousness, in the
brain of humanity, whereby the logic would be fractured, would not hold up, could not be
answered, could not be satisfied; but the effects of these stories, of these wavings, of
these religions affects the right side of the brain of humanity and the followers of
these religions, so that a new being emerges and acts and lives a life based upon these
stories, as though these were to be emulated and followed as truth, even though they
may not appear to be rational.

The purpose of religion, the purpose of government

This Awareness indicates that this is the purpose, and has been the purpose of religion,
and the purpose of government is that which is to structure a rational system to allow
the fundamental material needs to be satisfied. This Awareness indicates that the
appropriate action is that which allows both sides to function side by side.

This Awareness has in the past referred to the dark Illuminati and the Light Illuminati.
This Awareness indicates that the Dark Illuminati as being likened with those referred
to as the Luceferians. This Awareness indicates that these forces may be symbolized in
the ancient symbol of the caduceus, wherein the black serpent is shown wrapped up
toward the crossbar of a cross, and the white serpent, in opposite direction flows back
and forth, also up the crossbar. This Awareness indicates the cross is the symbol of the
human consciousness in its evolution and development. The dark serpent as the symbol
of the magnetic, dark, rational, greed, material force moving up with understanding,
with its intuitive realization of wisdom,--this being the tree of wisdom.

This Awareness indicates that those entities in the movement of humanity in its
evolution, who cling to the Dark Force seeking to find growth, salvation, achievement,
accomplishment, heights of glory and power through its cells, through its molecules,
through its systems, through its methods, will find the wages of these efforts result
merely in death and loss. This Awareness indicates that those who link their being
through identification of the white serpent, those entities will be sustained in spite of
the appearance of material death, in spite of the appearance of loss of fortune. This
Awareness indicates this as a symbolic lesson or message.

This Awareness indicates that in another example of this same message, the ancient
teacher Kapila asked an entity, "Which would you be--the tree which stands upon the
bank of the stream, the bank of the stream which is being washed away by the stream,
or the stream?" This Awareness indicates that the entity obviously recognized the
importance of being identified with the stream of consciousness rather than the force
and the outgrowth of material developments. This Awareness that the entity identifying
with the stream of consciousness is the same entity who selects the white serpent of
wisdom, the tree of wisdom, whereas the other entity is the same entity who selects
the dark serpent, or the serpent of materialism, the tree of the senses, the fruit of
knowledge,--the senses which teach and explain the material world, but give little
information regarding the abstract and anti-material world.

This Awareness indicates that these actions of the Light and dark Forces, working side
by side, mirroring each other, do have an effect upon the souls of entities; this likened
unto the grain of sand in the oyster having its effect upon the flesh of the oyster, so
that as time passes, the oyster in response to the irritation of the sand--the dark,
negative force,--begins to build itself a pearl of great price within its flesh. This
Awareness indicates this as the development of the soul, built out of the suffering
caused by the Luceferian efforts and energies of the dualistic thinking mechanism of
the rational mind.

The pre-planned, pre-programmed and cosmically directed scenario

This Awareness indicates that the same way may be seen in reflection on what is
occurring in your present world whereby you see the efforts of that which this
Awareness has referred to as the Beast attempting to set up its rule as expressed in
the Book of Revelation, following the patterns as prescribed. This Awareness indicates
that this as no accident: this as a pre-planned, pre-programmed and cosmically
directed scenario to allow entities to have that experience in consciousness
whereby the rational side of civilization reaches such an apex as to be capable of
seeing the fallacy of such absolute expression.

This Awareness indicates that due to the introduction of mystical teachings, the
introduction of certain drugs or hallucinogens and psychedelics that opened up new
levels of consciousness for the masses of entities, the rational side of the mass mind
has been shorted-out already to such a degree that the apex previously needed to bring
man to that point of frustration in his "Beast trip" for the pursuit of world power and
domination,--the apex cannot be reached to the same degree because of that which may
be termed "premature ejaculation" of the Beast's intention and goals. This Awareness
indicates that it has been losing its power since 1969, and at the same time, has been
attempting to rebuild its power and potency, but is finding it more and more difficult as
entities are becoming aware of its intentions and its foolishness in its efforts.

This Awareness indicates that many entities are now beginning to laugh at the whole
concept of a Beast taking over, and this laughter at the Beast is also having its effect in
shortening out the rational efforts of the Beast.

This Awareness indicates the entities are looking rather toward something more
holistic, something that would be more satisfying to all involved, not just to the few who
gain power over the masses. This Awareness indicates that therefore, what is occurring
is the Beast is seeking to build its name, to emit its anti-christ, to create the world
leader that holds all of the power within it, even as a sperm, seeking to find its destiny.
But through the premature ejaculation, the early climaxes, the timing is thrown off: the
total mismanagement, the interference of the "dirty hippies", the effects of throwing
off the sexual mores, the rules and regulations which have been broken and which can
never be patched together again properly---this is beginning to frustrate the ego of the
Beast so that it is becoming more desperate, and even as it becomes more desperate, it
creates a situation whereby it may totally lose control and simply peter out.

This Awareness indicates that meanwhile, the Forces of Light, the right side of the
brain,--the holistic, creative, feminine aspect, the Isis side, that side which has waited
for the frustration of the Beast,--this as having undergone certain changes because of
these rubbings and irritations of the Beast, and this as that which allows for a new
experience, a new being which accepts the Beast for what it is, but gives no power or
authority over humanity. This Awareness indicates this force of Light, of wisdom, is
that which sees the Beast as a servant of humanity, not a master of humanity.

This Awareness indicates that entities in understanding how these Dark Forces and the
Light Forces work together, how the rational can be a servant of the individual but the
individual's holistic mind must be the master; how Christ in referring to Satan was, in
effect, referring to that which is the materialistic or rationalistic mind, the dualistic
mind, and stating that he "keep behind": in effect, this is the essence of the message
from the past religious teachings to present social experiences.

This Awareness wishes to remind entities again, that clinging to the black serpent of
materialism, with all its promises of security, clinging to the tree of knowledge, holding
steadfast to the bank which is being washed away by the Sea of Consciousness, is but
the fool's journey. This Awareness indicates the entity who attunes to the spirit, the
eternal "now", the eternal consciousness, the realization of being, and in that being,
knowing what one is; this is the true security,--security based on the Divine Being,
rather than on the material body.

This Awareness indicates that you need not deny the logic, you need not deny the left
side of the brain, you need not deny the physical body in order to accent, to accentuate,
to adore and to reside in the holistic experience, the intuitive consciousness, the right
side, the spiritual side of experience,--this Awareness indicates you need only to
remember who is master and who is servant, and keep the left side subservient in all

(Source: Revelations of Awareness 81-15)

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The Illuminati Conspiracy


(Excerpt given in 1976, published in Revelations of Awareness newsletter 84-2)

This Awareness indicates some 2000 years ago, an entity by the name of Jesus ( as the
story goes and more about this passion play in our Pearls of Wisdom series) moved into
the temple and drove out the money-changers. This Awareness indicates this entity
understood full well what he was doing and did create an action in consciousness which
has been likened unto the planting of a seed which now bears fruit for all entities to
glimpse and to harvest and to gradually understand. This Awareness indicates this
entity was crucified for this very action and none other,

The money manipulation force

This Awareness indicates that the money-changers by whatever name, their force of
darkness, which had controlled the economies of nations; this money manipulation force
which moved from Atlantis through Egypt, Jerusalem, Israel, Babylonia, Rome, Greece,
the European nations, the United States and Russia, and now has moved into the Orient;
this force of economic control which did create the wars in Europe between France,
Spain, England, Germany, Russia,--all of these in their time,--this force which created
colonialism, which manipulated the rise and fall of power in nations; this force which
caused the assassination of Robert and John Kennedy, behind the assassination of
Marthin Luther King, behind the suffering of thousands of entities, of millions of
entities; this force behind the Vietnam war and now operates behind all of these smaller
wars in various countries; this force which set up the Communistic revolution in Russia,
all financed and manipulated by the international banking system operated through the
Rothschilds, through the Rockefellers, who themselves were set up by the Rothschilds
for a base in the United States; these forces and these powers who passed their
information from one generation to another, who train their followers into levels of
deception, fraud and the use of power against the masses of humanity: these forces are
now engaged in the ultimate goal which entities throughout history have hoped to
experience wherein an entity glimpses the possibility to become king of the world, and
sets out to conquer the world.

This Awareness indicates in the past the opportunities for this were never so great as
they are now. This Awareness indicates that these few hidden entities, (the number
being 13); these 13 entities having influence over the rest of the world. Through their
followers, through their families, through their interrelationship with other families in
marriage and in economic ties, these entities are now moving frantically to bring about a
world government. This to begin by creating a crisis which is intended to collapse the
government of the United States as it has been known, is intended to destroy the
Constitution and replace it with another, is intended to destroy the Bill of Rights.

This Awareness indicates these entities seeking more and more power are moving
rapidly and almost unhindered in their movement toward world dictatorship. This
Awareness suggests, that you take a lesson from the oriental arts rather than attempt
to resist the movement of world government, but that you take this energy and hurl it
further than the bankers even anticipated. That you begin pushing rapidly for world
government based on concepts similar to those of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of
Rights, guaranteed within that Constitution along with other rights: The right of
freedom of morality so long as that morality does not harm another; and freedom of
economic well-being,--this as freedom of economic livelihood, whereby food, shelter,
clothing is provided regardless of what they do to earn such; that anything more may be
added according to their inclination and ambition to seek such and work for such.

This Awareness indicates that this also include in this new world government of all
money systems into levels of election whereby no private individual shall own any banking
systems, or shall own the offices of financial controls, wherein all financial offices, all
persons involved in banking and finances, be elected by the population in the same
manner that a congress person is elected. This Awareness indicates that the banks be
owned by the people as a form of service for the masses. The money system to be part
of the action of the people.

The failure in the American system

This Awareness indicates the number-one error, the great fault which was left open,
that spot in the apple which spoiled the batch, was that action of the founding Fathers
wherein they allowed the European Banking System to creep into the economics of the
American colonies. This is that which has led to the failure in the American system. This
Awareness indicates that this is the key to freedom on economic levels upon this plane.

Wherein entities can select their leader and bankers, where entities have control over
the judicial, legislative, administrative, and monetary levels and have the religious
freedoms and the freedom of education, freedom to select their own type of education
and freedom of speech and communication,--these are the keys which shall bring the
freedom of this plane which shall eliminate all wars, which shall eliminate all tragedies
and suffering of the past that have been brought about by these money systems and
these entities using power and control and manipulation through the economics and
controls of these money changers.

This Awareness suggests that entities begin immediately on all levels, particularly those
who can voice this information, to push for World Government based on the freedoms
guaranteed as in the American Constitution along with those indicated in this reading.
This Awareness suggests that a World Constitution be drawn up using these principles
and this to be submitted t the U.N., to all nations within the U.N. for their edification.
This Awareness suggests this action as taking that which would be the apparent energy
of evil and pushing this with such a speed and such intensity that it goes beyond the
bankers anticipation into realms of clarity.
This Awareness suggests this information be sent to all New Age groups and to all who
are open to receive this information. That this to be duplicates, be passed on, especially
be sent to various members of congress and to wealthy entities. This Awareness
indicates the super-rich are the most fearful of those who are close to their level in
terms of wealth. That the upper class is the greatest threat to the super-rich and the
international banking powers; that these entities do indeed need to be given this
information for they would be the most responsive with this information. This
Awareness suggests this also be given to entities of political and diplomatic
responsibility in other nations who would relate unto U.N. activities of this nature.

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The Nature of our World at present time

(How to understand better the coming events)

"The Book of Revelation"
(A Blueprint for World Domination)

The Nature of our world at present time

How to better understand the coming events

(Revelations of Awareness 96-17 No. 477)

This Awareness indicates there are many things happening in today's world. This
Awareness indicates it is as though things are speeding up toward a frantic climax. This
Awareness indicates there are things upcoming, and things presently occurring that can
best be understood with a background or foundation that is yet to be clarified.

This Awareness indicates there is much that has been given over the past 20 years by
this Awareness which serves as a kind of foundation for this information that is
necessary at present, but this Awareness wishes to comment in a capsulation manner
the nature of the world in which you live at present, much of which will summarize
information that has been given over the past 20 years; much of which will perform as a
platform from which entities can better understand the coming events as they unfold.

The quiet war that is now going on

This Awareness wishes to point out at present that essentially, there is a war going on.
It is a different kind of war than those which entities are used to when they hear the
word "war". It is essentially a quiet war. It is a war that takes place in many different
battlefields. It occurs occasionally with some form of explosion, such as the Oklahoma
City bombing. It occurs occasionally with some weeping and wailing, but for the most
part, it is a quiet war that rage incessantly in various battlefields or arenas.

The battlefields of the quiet war

The war, for example, takes place in one battlefield called the media, in another
battlefield called the Department of Justice or the courts of the land, the judicial
arena; it occurs in the schools of your nation, in the schools of the world through the
indoctrination of the children, through the manner by which the brains of children are
manipulated to make them into good and proper soldiers for this war in the coming

(See our section "Education" in our file A Call to Awaken)

It occurs even in the market place. These are the battlefields. They are not specifically
locates in time and place. They are scattered in various places, but are in the form of
areas of society. This Awareness indicates the conflict occurs also in the law
enforcement arenas between different agencies, between different levels of
jurisdiction, whether local or statewide or national. The battle between entities from
different jurisdictions. This Awareness indicates that there is a conflict and dispute
that rages between various companies in the business world, but it is more than business
itself, it is vying for power, and these efforts to gain power over competitors or to push
certain entities out of running; these are part of the war. This Awareness indicates that
the companies in business that become the strongest during the next few years may be
given an opportunity to play with the "big boy" companies. Otherwise they are likely to
be shut out all together.

Buying in to "Political Correctness"

This Awareness indicates there is also that which is known as the political war.
Essentially, if entities understand what is meant by: "political," it is best to think of it in
terms of popularity contests, for essentially that is what political correctness is: the
position that is most popular, the position that is promoted as being the most popular. If
entities can begin to understand a certain position as being politically correct and buy
into that political correctness, they are seeking to be popular on the agenda of that
which is promoted as the politically correct or popular position.

This Awareness indicates there are many who are not politically correct, who take a
position that is less than popular, whose position is described as unpopular. Many of
these entities described as unpopular, will find that gradually their position becomes
less and less popular, because the masses want to be on the right side of politics. They
want to be political correct.

This Awareness indicates therefore, if they are told by polls or by the media that it is
politically correct to be "such and such" and politically incorrect to be something else,
then they are likely to switch their positions accordingly. This Awareness indicates
there is a war in regard to the taking of polls, because this is part of the propaganda
war, part of the machinery that persuades entities to take a position which lines them
up to give power to one group over another.

It is a war for power. In some cases it erupts in violence. For the most part the violence
is kept secret or hidden or is presented in a way that excuses it or makes it appear that
the victims of the violence are "evil" and unworthy to live. An example of this is that
which occurred in the Waco scenario and situation. Likewise, in the Montana Freemen

These entities were vilified without ever having the opportunity to give their side of
the story to the press, or to the public. The press was of course part of the propaganda
for those elite factions that control the one side of the story. This Awareness indicates
essentially, this is a war between the masses, the people, and the various governments
and the elite controllers of those governments.

The Global Elite

This term as that which serves well in describing the masters behind the controlling
factors that are promoting this war against the masses, against humanity on Earth.

Khazars--the Blond Nordics from Underground who influenced and controlled Adolf

This Awareness does wish to comment further at this time on the Global Elite. It is
suggested that many of these entities as being from an underground society, that
influenced Adolf Hitler and other entities who have contributed to the New World
Order in various ways, and these entities from this underground society were related to
blond Nordic types who have also been seen and described by entities who have claimed
to have been abducted by UFO's.

This Awareness indicates that if you will recall, there also have been mentioned by this
Awareness and others of Khazars. These were Nordic type entities who used to live on
the Volga river, taking taxes from passing boats, sometimes robbing the passing boats
of money, creating a kind of society that taxed people and used money for usury
purposes of acquiring great wealth.

This Awareness indicates there is some indication by many of those who have studied
these areas to believe that the underground society is more than just a term, or
metaphorical use of the word "underground". There is some belief that it is a city
underground, in the area between China and Tibet. Some called this Shamballah, but
there are other names also, and some see this as a place inhabited by blond-haired,
blue-eyed entities of the Nordic type.

Adolf Hitler's Description of the Aliens

Adolf Hitler spoke of having seen the "Superman and that his eyes were frightening,
and I was was afraid"--these were his words in describing this entity. This Awareness
suggests that these are extraterrestrial entities who have long lived underground in
this area. These are the entities who have the ultimate control, the ultimate power over
the various leaders of the world.

The Big Picture

This Awareness indicates that it is their purpose to set up this world so that it becomes
part of the Draconian Federation; the Federation that is controlled out of Draco, using
influence from Orion, Draco and Zeta Reticula; these extraterrestrials working through
Nordic type entities who have influence in this underground city; these entities having
accepted the job of bringing this Earth in alliance with the Draco Federation and the
Orion Empire, who are allies in the Galactic war that is occurring in this Galaxy.
On the global level: Aliens have set up the NWO

This Awareness indicates this is the big picture. This Awareness indicates on the more
global level, it is an effort to create a One World Government that is capable of
controlling all levels of society through the manipulations of individuals through their
ability to buy and sell, and also through the control of health care and through the
education and mind controls available to them through various electronic devices and
media, and also through the microscopic chips that will eventually be implanted, into
every person's hand or forehead as mentioned in the Book of Revelation.

The Book of Revelation is being used as a kind of blueprint for the world

This Awareness indicates it is no coincidence that the Book of Revelation is being used
as a kind of blueprint for the world domination. It is a fact that the Book of Revelation
was originally a writing of the Templars. The Templars having discovered the pattern or
plan of alien conquest of a planet, and put this information into the Book of Revelation,
and if you examine it, you will notice that it speaks of the "dragon." Instead of calling it
the dragon, read it as "Draco," the constellation Draco.

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A Cosmic History of the Illuminati

(Bringing it all back home)

Revolutionary War, Civil War Instigated by Rothshild--Illuminati

This Awareness indicates that when this nation was founded, prior to the Declaration of
Independence, (this as a colony of England), there were many entities who arrived in
this continent with hopes of beginning a new life. This Awareness indicates that many of
these entities were fleeing Europe from debts or from crimes, that many of these
entities were considered criminal.

This Awareness indicates that the entity Benjamin Franklin, in moving to England for a
visit, remarked that the colonies were profiting because they only minted as much
money as they needed, and because they minted their own money. This Awareness
indicates that an entity working with the Rotschilds overheard this remark, and
conveyed the message to the Rotschilds. This Awareness indicates that these entities
then directed King George not to allow any colonies to mint their own money, that all
colonies to mint their own money, that all colonies were to use the British script.

This Awareness indicates that this led to the Revolutionary War. This Awareness
indicates the country of England had been taken over through its indebtedness due to
the war with Spain--the indebtedness being to the Rothschild banking system, which
was in collaboration with the Illuminati. This Awareness indicates that this has remained
so since that time. This Awareness indicates that there were certain elements relating
to the entity Madison and also to Thomas Jefferson, that these entities and La Fayette
and George Washington and Benjamin Franklin--these entities in particular were aware
of the banking controls and the manipulation of nations.

This awareness indicates that for this reason, the Constitution, in attempting to
guarantee freedoms for individuals, was put together with three branches--the
executive, legislative and judicial branch--in order to divide the power among these
three branches. This Awareness indicates these entities should have also created a
financial branch, which was also controlled by the people, but failed to do so; rather,
they had the Constitution so written that Congress would control the money. This
Awareness indicates that Congress not only had the right to mint and coin money but
also have the right to legislate and make laws--this allowed Congress to be manipulated
at a future time into giving away or voting away its right to mind and coin money, and by
turning this over to the Federal Reserve Bank.

This Awareness indicates that it has been given previously (revelations of Awareness
No. 77-28
( The Lincoln Conspiracy), that the entity Abraham Lincoln was faced with a need to
finance his troops for the Civil War. This Awareness indicates the Civil war itself was
staged and set up by the Illuminati, whereby they brought the slaves from Africa to the
Southern plantations in order to create an atmosphere that would lead to an issue which
could be used for setting up a war which would divide the nation. This Awareness
indicates that the newspapers, being controlled by these entities, began to build up the
background and the attitude among the northerners to set the stage for Civil War. This
Awareness indicates that the entity Abraham Lincoln, attempting to finance his troops,
sought money from the banks and was told that it would cost 26% interest. This
Awareness indicates that this entity then turned to the Constitution and printed the
"Lincoln greenbacks" which were used for financing his armies.

Czar of Russia prevented France and England from invading United States during
the Civil War

This Awareness indicates that during this time, the British and French, both being
controlled by the Illuminati, prepared to invade the United States. This Awareness
indicates that the Czar of Russia, who was a good friend of Abraham Lincoln, warned
these two nations that they would be forced to fight Russia if they invaded the United
States. This Awareness indicates that this prevented that from occurring, and the
Union armies won the Civil War. This Awareness indicates that this then led the
Illuminati to its prepared efforts to take over this country through the banking process
of the Federal Reserve System, and to take over the Russian empire through its planned
Evolutionary war.

Rockefellers and other bankers set up Illuminati-Planned Federal Reserve Banking


This Awareness indicates that in 1905 the entities Henry Morgan, Paul Warburg, Nelson
Aldrich (a Senator from new York)--this Awareness indicates these three along with
Jacob Schiff, John D. Rockefeller and several others, the names not seen clearly, these
entities went secretly by train, then by boat, to Jekyl Island--these entities meeting
there for some time, discussing a plan for an economic system that would allow the
banking establishment to control the money of this nation.

This Awareness indicates these entities developed a program which was already written,
from the Illuminati, and presented by the entity Paul Warburg, and adapted to the
needs of their purposes--this being presented as the "Aldrich Plan". This Awareness
indicates that the majority of members of the press and Congress objected, knowing
that Aldrich worked for the Wal Street bankers; therefore, these entities objected to
this plan, feeling that it would not be to the benefit of the people.

This Awareness indicates the entities then returned and worked on an alternative plan,
presenting this as the "People's Plan". This Awareness indicates this became the
Federal Reserve System. This Awareness indicates that these entities then had this
Federal Reserve System passed in Congress on Christmas Eve, when most of the
Congress had already left to go home, except for those few working with them, who
passed this Federal Reserve Plan--this was intended to prevent any further run on the
banks, or any form of crisis in the economies of this country.

Nelson Rockefeller Sets Stage for World War ll with Japan

This Awareness indicates that in 1929, the crash came, and the banks collected nine-
tenths of all personal property on default of mortgages. This Awareness indicates the
entities Nelson Rockefellers (named after the Senator Nelson Aldrich), and his brother
David, during the 40's served as assistants to the Chase Manhattan Bank and its various
interests. This Awareness indicates that these entities assisted in setting up that which
was known as the Pacific Institute of research, this in Japan.

This Awareness indicates this Pacific this Pacific Institute was used to create certain
political influences in Japan, which helped to polarize the Japan interests against the
interests of the United States, and therefore set stage for World War ll in the Pacific.
This Awareness indicates this with the assistance of the President Roosevelt. This
Awareness indicates the entity Franklin Roosevelt not being fully aware of what was
occurring behind the scenes, but being used as a puppet for the energies. This
Awareness indicates that essentially John D. Rockefeller and the empire built by him
were financed after the Civil war by the European powers of the Rothschilds, and these
forces were allowed to grow and build during World war ll into that which became the
most powerful banking and financial interest in the entire world.

Rockefeller--Rothschilds sold war machine to Russia...sets relatives up in high

government positions

This Awareness indicates after World War ll had been completed, the Rockefellers
assisted in selling all of the machinery, the war machinery, to Russia and China, this
allowing these nations to build up their industrial war machine and to industrialize to a
high capacity in order that they might become a greater power. This Awareness
indicates that the previous statements as slightly in error--that the Rockefellers sold
this, arranged the sale of this to the Rothschilds, the Rothschilds being in control of
Russia and China and the Communist forces, and therefore in turn, the Rothschilds
assisted in moving the war machinery and industries into these countries. This
Awareness indicates that the following of this action, the Rockefellers began to gain
greater and greater control over this present United States government--the entity
Allan Dules, being Rockefeller's cousin, was put in charge of the CIA. This Awareness
indicates that the entity John Foster Dulles, another cousin, was the secretary of

Rockefeller--Rothschild--Kennedy set stages for Vietnam War

This Awareness indicates this began the movement toward greater power in the United
States being controlled by the banking system, and the usurping of the power from the
hands of the people--this being the government--the power of government being taken
from the people. This Awareness indicates this led to that which became the secret
government which controlled the United States from the time of World War ll up to
recent times.

This Awareness indicates that the Cold War then, as being but a chess game
manipulated between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, as a kind of mind mass-
manipulation to lead the world government which was described previously. This
Awareness indicates there appeared to be competition between these entities--these
banking interests--and this competition was real, yet there was also that complete
respect and the mutual cooperation that was underlying much of the surface
competition. This Awareness indicates that there also were certain movements when the
competition between these entities cost the lives of others, but from the viewpoint of
these entities, this was simply part of the financial game. This Awareness indicates that
the efforts of the Rothschilds to force the United States into Vietnam--this was in
part with the cooperation of the Rockefellers and the Kennedys, due to the desire of
the Rothschilds to have greater control in Southeast Asia. This Awareness indicates
that this in part relating to the drugs within the golden Triangle area, and in part an
effort to use up the military supplies of the United States and to cost more money to
bankrupt this nation, even as Britain had been bankrupted by the Spanish War in the
18th Century.

The Plan to Bankrupt all countries

This is all part of the Rothschilds plan for the New World Order to bankrupt all
countries and turn them into satellites by foreclosing on the bankrupt countries. This
Awareness indicates that there are things happening behind the scenes that yet could
prevent this entity from his goals and dreams, yet there is nothing simple or easy about
the struggle that will follow as the struggle that is already occurring.

It is actually a kind of covert war going on all over the globe as to who is going to be
free and who is going to be in control of the masses, whether they eventually will
awaken enough to throw off the oppressors or whether they will cuddle up the
oppressors, hoping to seduce them into being nice to their slaves.

The Illuminati--Federal reserve Plot to gain control of the World's Silver and Gold

This Awareness indicates that the present situation wherein the United States
economics began to suffer, relates to their time in the mid-sixties, when the silver was
taken--the silver backing was taken from the dollar. This Awareness indicates that it
was shortly thereafter that a peculiar thing occurred which few entities are aware of,
but which had a profound effect on history in general. This Awareness indicates that in
1969, an entity who was remotely related to the Rothschilds, went to Europe and met
with various bankers in small countries--these being independent bankers not associated
with the Rothschild Illuminati. This entity began explaining a technique whereby these
bankers could effect the nature of the seizing of gold. This Awareness indicates the
lluminati had seized most of the gold--the Rothschild banks along with the Rockefeller
banks, had taken most of the gold and silver from circulation--and held this in their
control. This Awareness indicates at this time it was still possible to buy gold for $ 32
an ounce.

This Awareness indicates that this entity in meeting with these various bankers in
sixteen nations, small nations, presented a plan or program whereby these entities could
rake off some of the gold and make a large profit in so doing. This Awareness indicates
the plan was at follows:

The entities would purchase gold at a price of $ 32 per ounce, then take that gold, or
its certificate of ownership, and mortgage that at exactly the same amount--$ 32 per
ounce. This Awareness indicates these entities could often mortgage this gold right
back to the bank which sold the gold to them. This Awareness indicates these entities
then would take the money from the mortgage and purchase more gold at $ 32 an ounce,
mortgage that at 100% value, and then again purchase more gold. In this manner , these
bankers and money speculators began to drain off the ownership of gold, with the
possibility of redeeming that gold which was being tied up by the mortgage, redeeming
this at $ 32 per ounce. This Awareness indicates this began happening on a rapid scale,
and the gold which was tied up suddenly began to be tied up into the banks of other
nations, and these nations having mortgagees which allowed them to redeem this gold at
$ 32 per ounce.

This Awareness indicates that after a certain time, the price of gold became quite
valuable in various countries--then the entity, the then President Nixon, made the
announcement that he would put an end to the gold speculators and their efforts to
destroy the American dollar, by taking the gold backing off the dollar. This Awareness
indicates that this occurred and the price of gold shot upwards to its present rate. This
Awareness indicates that those nations which then had invested in gold, mortgaged that
gold at $ 32 an ounce, could then redeem the gold at $ 32 per ounce and resell at the
current value

Replay of memory on Maldek (Maldek a Planet belonging to our Solar System which
was destroyed)
This Awareness indicates that 85% of the souls upon this plane have lived on Maldek and
this as the Luciferian consciousness which is being worked off as part of the Earth's
karma. This Awareness indicates this as being dissolved. The entire Illuminati, money
changing trip as but a replay of the memory of the action which occurred on Maldek
wherein beings were categorized, numbered and enslaved. This Awareness indicates that
the movement which began 60.000 years ago in Atlantis was but a recollection of
certain states which began on Maldek


Go to the Next Page "Book of Revelation" a Blueprint for World Dominion

Back to the Master File

Part 2

How to interpret the secret meaning

of the Book of Revelation

How to interpret the Secret Meanings in the Book of Revelation

How to better understand the coming events

(Revelations of Awareness 96-17 No. 477)

This Awareness indicates that instead of reading about the "Mark of the Beast" think
of it as a microchip. You can see how the Templars wrote this book in an attempt to
expose the plans of the extraterrestrials to the masses. It became inserted in the New
Testament almost accidentally. There were people who were very much opposed to it
being put into the New Testament, but because it had some useful value in helping to
control Christians, it was eventually decided to put it in, and use it as a means of
coercion: "If you do not follow Christianity properly, you will be doomed!"

Christian Ministers Intimidated: "Do Not Preach End Times!"

This Awareness indicates that at this time in history, there are many threats to
ministers to avoid preaching End Time information. They are not to discuss the Book of
Revelation. The are not to speak of the End Times and the dangers of accepting the
Mark of the Beast. Those preachers who do so are more or less threatened with either
being taken off the air, or otherwise harmed. This Awareness indicates this does not
necessarily mean they will not do so, but it becomes less and less frequent that you hear
preachers speaking of these things. Only the daring continue.

Most People Too Busy Making a Living to get Involved

This Awareness indicates that there is seen a kind of manipulation going on in so many
levels, and in so many areas of society that entities simply want to back off and forget
about all of it, and not think about it, and just attend to the hardships of daily life. "God
knows daily life is hard enough without all this!" they say. This Awareness indicates that
they are right.

It is difficult for them to cope with the every day problems of life, there is only one
person capable of working in my family. In some cases there is no one capable working to
support the family. This Awareness indicates that entities are having greater and
greater difficulties surviving and therefore, they have no time to worry about spiritual
pursuits or the spiritual threats, or the threats of extinction of their freedoms. They
only want to know how to get another meal for their children. Each day they go through
this same concern, the same problem: "How do I feed my kids tonight? What can I do to
scrounge up another meal? Who can I call to visit so that my children can have some
cookies or something to eat?"

"This awareness indicates that this is a major problem for many entities, and these
entities are open to anything that the government tells them. They do not have time to
question. They do not have the interest to pursue any search for truth. This Awareness
indicates that it is a time in which entities need to help each other, it is a time in which
the have-nots are being told "We are stripping you of that little we have been giving you
to have less. Unless you learn how to make more money yourself, you are not getting
anything more from the government." The Welfare programs are being cut off to the
poor, while being enhanced to the corporations. Corporations are being given greater and
greater amounts through cuts in taxes or through handouts from the government such
as occurred with the Chrysler corporation in recent years, to allow them to become
bigger and stronger than ever.

Corporate Welfare is Okay but Private Welfare is a Sin

Corporate Welfare has become acceptable to the masses, but private individual Welfare
is a sin of all sins, a shame of a nation, and entities what to see it stopped immediately.
"If the children cannot survive, then put them in foster homes!", or as one entity said,
into "orphanages." This Awareness indicates that it is a time when heartless measures
are being taken, but it is only the beginning of this kind of treatment of the poor. It will
get much worse as the New World Order moves in.

This Awareness indicates at present, there is still the semblance of compassion from
higher officials. There is still the pretense of caring about the masses. The reason for
this is because it gets them votes. Once they no longer need the votes or the people,
they can be as cruel and as heartless as they wish. This Awareness indicates once the
New World Order is in place, there is no need to appeal to the masses for votes. There
is no need to be sympathetic or to appear compassionate at all.

This Awareness indicates the time is approaching very quickly. This Awareness indicates
that by the year 2000, if these entities have their way, there will be a global
government that reaches into every home, dictates what you do, what you have, what
you eat, what you see, what you read, and what you can do in terms of your occupation.
They may separate parents from children, break up families deliberately in order to
have better control, and to have less motivation among the individual.

If you do not have your family with you, what motivates you to do anything but obey and
survive? If they can get entities' families broken up, they have more control over the
families. This Awareness indicates at such time there will also be new forms of
biological warfare that destroys entities through disease, starvation, plague, pestilence,
so that the population of Earth can be reduced after the work has been completed that
slave labor brings.

There may be a time wherein entities can remain alive as long as they work hard, just as
in Nazi Germany, many of those who later became part of the millions who died, did
remain remain alive as long as they were capable of working well, but the time eventually
came when they no longer function as slave laborer, and they were then either starved
totally, or put to death in some other manner.

Fear and intimidation: "I don't want to rock the boat"

This Awareness indicates there are many who will say "Life is so comfortable for me
now! I don't want to put myself out of risk messing up my comfort zone. I do not wish to
disrupt the comfort of my home. I have everything just the way I want it after working
so long, so much of my life to get this way. I do not wish to speak out or do anything
that would cause the Gray Van to come to my door." This Awareness indicates it is this
type of intimidation that these entities count on as keeping people in line so that they
remain silent so that it is beyond repair, so that the silence eventually allows them to
become victimized without a sound on their behalf.
This Awareness it is that kind of war, wherein the screams are not heard at this
moment. The gunshots are not heard on the streets at present. It is a war that takes
its victims now, but the victims do not even recognize they have been taken, and the
screams will not come for perhaps months or years from now. Then they will scream and
ask, "What happened? Where is my world? Where is my family? How did this come to
be? What have you done to my life" This Awareness indicates the screams are delayed.
The gunshots are delayed, but the controls are being put in place quietly, silently,
thoroughly and completely so that entities will not be able to wiggle or move when the
strings are tightened.

Total denial and believing in TV versions--"La-La-Land"

The masses, (once the NWO is in place) being divided into ultra-poor and ultra-rich, by
getting rid of the middle class, will be much easier to manipulate and manage by the
ultra-rich. This Awareness indicates this is the situation for these entities, and it is the
situation that is affecting the world in which you live. You can continue to ignore the
realities. You can continue to listen to the fairly tales promoted by the controlled
media, but the realities continue to exist, whether entities recognize them or are in a
state of total denial.

This Awareness indicates there are many entities who enjoy the media version of
reality. Indeed it is much more fun to believe in the media version of reality. It is more
pleasant to believe in a friendly government. It is more pleasant to believe there are no
conspiracies and that everything is exactly the way it is portrayed on television, and
these entities will look at those who believe in conspiracies as though they are lunatics,
and those who understand the conspiracies look at these entities as though they are
naive, wishful-thinking people who live in La-La Land.

This Awareness indicates there are many entities in this country walking around with
their heads in the clouds, believing in La-La Land, but who have very snobbish attitude
about it, and look down at those who are groveling in the dirt, or whose friends have
been killed or whose actions and studies and research has led them to recognize the
world is not a very pleasant place, but could be better, if we would simply all work
together to make it so.

Go to the Next Page "The Mark of the Beast"

The Mark of the Beast
(Excerpts given in 1976, published in Revelations of Awareness newsletter 84-2)

Cosmic Awareness is the force that expressed Itself through

Edgar Cayce, Christ,
the Buddha, Krisna, Mohammed, and other great Avatars who
served as "channels"
for Cosmic Consciousness, and who speaks again today as the
world begins to enter
the New Age of spiritual consciousness and awareness.

Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through

carefully trained channels.
The information contained herein was received from deep trance
and "interpreted" by an entity (Paul Shockley) affiliated, at that
with Cosmic Awareness Communications. (C.A.C.)
This information is for those who inherit the New Age.

This Awareness indicates that it is the universal vibrations

and the movement of planets, the movement of the sun in its
through its orbit, through its orbit around Sirius in the Orion
and the variation that it meets in its movement that determines
the Earth
ages of approximately 2200 years each, and it is this movement
into these
new vibrations that trigger certain frequency reactions among the
planets of
the solar system so that the vibrations are altered on Earth and
on the other
planets in such a manner that it changes the consciousness of
individuals on earth.
It is this that is causing and bringing about the New Age.

Awareness tells you not to believe anything,

even this Awareness not to believe, but to question,
explore, doubt and discover for yourself what is the truth.
Cosmic Awareness only indicates and suggests.
Cosmic Awareness introduces Itself (by TV) in 1977 to the

The Main Purpose of Awareness at This Time

Are You Ready for Cosmic Awareness?

The "Beast" computer in Belgium

This Awareness indicates that today in Brussels, Belgium, there is a computer. This
computer is called by its employees "The BEAST", this computer, three stories high, is
tied in with 270 banks on the European continent. This computer also tied into certain
banks in the United States and in Russia. This computer known as the BEAST is self
programming and does have the capacity for housing a number for every entity upon this
Earth. These numbers are prefixed by the three numbers: 666. This Awareness
indicates that the banking system as prepared to shift their economic banking system
into a computerized system wherein all entities would use a card and a number rather
than cash, checks or credit.

The 10 Regions of the United States

This Awareness indicates that the computer as tied into computers in each of the 10
regions of the United States and into those computers in each of the major banks in
the major cities; that the local stores, many of these are already tied into those
computers within those cities. This Awareness indicates that the plan calls for a crisis
to occur whereby all entities will be required to receive a government number. This
Awareness indicates that in a short time later, these entities will be tattooed invisible
upon their hands or upon their foreheads,--this being on the back of the hand tattooed
by a laser beam (or by an implanted microchip under the skin-Ed. ). That this tattoo shall
then replace the credit card, that entities will be expected to use this number for
every purpose, and this number would be their identification from birth until death.

This Awareness indicates that the arguments for this will be that this shall stop crime,
that this will speed up service in the supermarkets, that entities will no longer need to
receive a payroll check, but shall simply have their payment deposited in their bank
account and will never need to write a check but may simply present their number
wherever they go and the computers will deduct that purchase from their account.

Creating money out of nothing

This Awareness indicates that this has been tested and tried in various places and is
now ready to be presented in full scale all over. This Awareness suggests that entities
who are aware should ask themselves: Who created the money? Why do they create it?
How? Why can I not create money as they do? Who pays them? Do they simply create
their money out of nothing? Why must I spend my life working for those who create
their money out of nothing? Why must I have a number to belong to a system I did not
create? What are the motives of these entities in creating this kind of a system? How
much power do they desire? What kind of controls are placed upon entities to prevent
them from misusing their power of control over all entities upon the face of the earth?
Who would have this number? And what can be done to reverse this action once it is

This Awareness indicates that any entity, once this action is established, any entity who
objects to this action may find himself being called a criminal. This Awareness indicates
that any entity who becomes part of this system shall find that every book he or she
reads, every type of food he or she eats, every item the entity buys is computerized
and there is no privacy left. The BEAST will know everything you read, everything you
eat, everything you buy. The BEAST will have a complete all-seeing eye placed upon your
life. This Awareness indicates that if this occur, the greatest trials and tribulations
known upon this plane shall be experienced by many. For within a short time the fee for
this service shall be 5% on every purchase and every monetary exchange.

Taxing the slaves

Entities will not be able to buy from one another without going through their account at
the computer. The 5% will in short time be raised to 10% and the 10% in a short time
will be 15%. This Awareness indicates the final plan is that all entities shall give 25% or
more of their earnings in their purchasing and sales tax. Their energies shall be
deducted at a rate of 25% for their purchases. This Awareness indicates this then
begins creating a greater and greater difference in classes until there are the super-
rich who are all powerful, the bureaucratic rulers who are beneath them, and the
masses of slaves who do the work, the bidding, and answers the whims of the rulers.
(WorldNetDaily: Global taxation moves closer)

This Awareness suggests this is your alternative (to the freedom you have known) and is
presented to you by these money changers as part of your future world. This Awareness
suggests wherein entities act quickly and firmly within the next few years, beginning
immediately, for time is very short,-this year is the beginning of the great drive by
these entities to tighten the nets around the minds of men, to destroy the constitutions
of nations, to begin tightening up on their controls and their deceptions, and to confuse
and manipulate the masses.
This Awareness indicates that wherein entities act quickly and with that awareness
which has been lacking for many years, wherein entities move beyond their personal
apathy, wherein entities stop being satisfied with pride in their responsible ancestors
of this nation, wherein entities begin to pick up their own responsibilities for freedom ,
wherein entities become aware of what is happening,--not by reading the books,
listening to the lies, hearing the controlled networks and news media of the BEAST, but
wherein entities begin to look deeply at what is happening on this plane.

The attention toward the "Beast"

Wherein entities begin looking at what could happen to their children if this is allowed
to continue, wherein entities join together as one voice, wherein the scream that begin
as a whisper and reverberates into that thunderous trumpet which says: "ENOUGH!"
Wherein this occurs: soon enough with enough intensity, and wherein the energy is
focused to where it belongs--toward the Beast,--not toward the left, nor toward the
right, nor toward the races, nor toward the Communist, nor toward the Capitalist, but
toward the BEAST, toward the moneychanger; wherein this occurs soon, then there is
that possibility for entities to have an everlasting freedom never before known upon
this plane.


( C.A.C. Ed's note to the members: Members are reminded that those who use money
for power, control and manipulation were programmed by occult forces back in Atlantis
to bring about the One World slave state. These entities behind the scenes today, and
many wealthy and powerful entities who support them are, according to Awareness,
totally unaware of this programming and are themselves, victims of this occult
programming. See our Master file) To the Next Page of the Mark of the Beast
Back to the Master File
Back to Understanding Divine Creator and Creation
Back to Creator's Page
The Mark of the Beast
(Excerpts given in 1976, published in Revelations of Awareness newsletter 84-2)

Cosmic Awareness is the force that expressed Itself through

Edgar Cayce, Christ,
the Buddha, Krisna, Mohammed, and other great Avatars who
served as "channels"
for Cosmic Consciousness, and who speaks again today as the
world begins to enter
the New Age of spiritual consciousness and awareness.

Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through

carefully trained channels.
The information contained herein was received from deep trance
and "interpreted" by an entity (Paul Shockley) affiliated, at that
with Cosmic Awareness Communications. (C.A.C.)
This information is for those who inherit the New Age.

This Awareness indicates that it is the universal vibrations

and the movement of planets, the movement of the sun in its
through its orbit, through its orbit around Sirius in the Orion
and the variation that it meets in its movement that determines
the Earth
ages of approximately 2200 years each, and it is this movement
into these
new vibrations that trigger certain frequency reactions among the
planets of
the solar system so that the vibrations are altered on Earth and
on the other
planets in such a manner that it changes the consciousness of
individuals on earth.
It is this that is causing and bringing about the New Age.

Awareness tells you not to believe anything,

even this Awareness not to believe, but to question,
explore, doubt and discover for yourself what is the truth.
Cosmic Awareness only indicates and suggests.

Cosmic Awareness introduces Itself (by TV) in 1977 to the


The Main Purpose of Awareness at This Time

Are You Ready for Cosmic Awareness?

The "Beast" computer in Belgium

This Awareness indicates that today in Brussels, Belgium, there is a computer. This
computer is called by its employees "The BEAST", this computer, three stories high, is
tied in with 270 banks on the European continent. This computer also tied into certain
banks in the United States and in Russia. This computer known as the BEAST is self
programming and does have the capacity for housing a number for every entity upon this
Earth. These numbers are prefixed by the three numbers: 666. This Awareness
indicates that the banking system as prepared to shift their economic banking system
into a computerized system wherein all entities would use a card and a number rather
than cash, checks or credit.

The 10 Regions of the United States

This Awareness indicates that the computer as tied into computers in each of the 10
regions of the United States and into those computers in each of the major banks in
the major cities; that the local stores, many of these are already tied into those
computers within those cities. This Awareness indicates that the plan calls for a crisis
to occur whereby all entities will be required to receive a government number. This
Awareness indicates that in a short time later, these entities will be tattooed invisible
upon their hands or upon their foreheads,--this being on the back of the hand tattooed
by a laser beam (or by an implanted microchip under the skin-Ed. ). That this tattoo shall
then replace the credit card, that entities will be expected to use this number for
every purpose, and this number would be their identification from birth until death.

This Awareness indicates that the arguments for this will be that this shall stop crime,
that this will speed up service in the supermarkets, that entities will no longer need to
receive a payroll check, but shall simply have their payment deposited in their bank
account and will never need to write a check but may simply present their number
wherever they go and the computers will deduct that purchase from their account.

Creating money out of nothing

This Awareness indicates that this has been tested and tried in various places and is
now ready to be presented in full scale all over. This Awareness suggests that entities
who are aware should ask themselves: Who created the money? Why do they create it?
How? Why can I not create money as they do? Who pays them? Do they simply create
their money out of nothing? Why must I spend my life working for those who create
their money out of nothing? Why must I have a number to belong to a system I did not
create? What are the motives of these entities in creating this kind of a system? How
much power do they desire? What kind of controls are placed upon entities to prevent
them from misusing their power of control over all entities upon the face of the earth?
Who would have this number? And what can be done to reverse this action once it is

This Awareness indicates that any entity, once this action is established, any entity who
objects to this action may find himself being called a criminal. This Awareness indicates
that any entity who becomes part of this system shall find that every book he or she
reads, every type of food he or she eats, every item the entity buys is computerized
and there is no privacy left. The BEAST will know everything you read, everything you
eat, everything you buy. The BEAST will have a complete all-seeing eye placed upon your
life. This Awareness indicates that if this occur, the greatest trials and tribulations
known upon this plane shall be experienced by many. For within a short time the fee for
this service shall be 5% on every purchase and every monetary exchange.

Taxing the slaves

Entities will not be able to buy from one another without going through their account at
the computer. The 5% will in short time be raised to 10% and the 10% in a short time
will be 15%. This Awareness indicates the final plan is that all entities shall give 25% or
more of their earnings in their purchasing and sales tax. Their energies shall be
deducted at a rate of 25% for their purchases. This Awareness indicates this then
begins creating a greater and greater difference in classes until there are the super-
rich who are all powerful, the bureaucratic rulers who are beneath them, and the
masses of slaves who do the work, the bidding, and answers the whims of the rulers.
(WorldNetDaily: Global taxation moves closer)

This Awareness suggests this is your alternative (to the freedom you have known) and is
presented to you by these money changers as part of your future world. This Awareness
suggests wherein entities act quickly and firmly within the next few years, beginning
immediately, for time is very short,-this year is the beginning of the great drive by
these entities to tighten the nets around the minds of men, to destroy the constitutions
of nations, to begin tightening up on their controls and their deceptions, and to confuse
and manipulate the masses.

This Awareness indicates that wherein entities act quickly and with that awareness
which has been lacking for many years, wherein entities move beyond their personal
apathy, wherein entities stop being satisfied with pride in their responsible ancestors
of this nation, wherein entities begin to pick up their own responsibilities for freedom ,
wherein entities become aware of what is happening,--not by reading the books,
listening to the lies, hearing the controlled networks and news media of the BEAST, but
wherein entities begin to look deeply at what is happening on this plane.

The attention toward the "Beast"

Wherein entities begin looking at what could happen to their children if this is allowed
to continue, wherein entities join together as one voice, wherein the scream that begin
as a whisper and reverberates into that thunderous trumpet which says: "ENOUGH!"
Wherein this occurs: soon enough with enough intensity, and wherein the energy is
focused to where it belongs--toward the Beast,--not toward the left, nor toward the
right, nor toward the races, nor toward the Communist, nor toward the Capitalist, but
toward the BEAST, toward the moneychanger; wherein this occurs soon, then there is
that possibility for entities to have an everlasting freedom never before known upon
this plane.


( C.A.C. Ed's note to the members: Members are reminded that those who use money
for power, control and manipulation were programmed by occult forces back in Atlantis
to bring about the One World slave state. These entities behind the scenes today, and
many wealthy and powerful entities who support them are, according to Awareness,
totally unaware of this programming and are themselves, victims of this occult
programming. See our Master file)

To the Next Page of the Mark of the Beast

Back to the Master File

Back to Understanding Divine Creator and Creation

Back to Creator's Page

The Mark of the Beast (part 4)

(Excerpts Revelations of Awareness 91-1 no. 376)

Making the Choice to Side With or Against the Alien Rulership

(How to make the Right Choice)

This Awareness indicates that the concern entities need to hold is for the welfare of
others as well as for their own soul growth. This Awareness indicates that if you are in
a situation in which your soul growth is of highest priority, then of course, without
question, you will automatically choose to follow your own integrity regardless of cost.
If you are in a situation in which the welfare of those whom you love depends on your
compromising your soul growth integrity, you will experience a dilemma.

This Awareness suggests however, that in every situation, if your intentions are of the
highest, there will come a time of decision that will be based largely on all your deepest
and most inner feelings, those of love, those of duty, those of responsibility, those of
desire, and in that brief moment you will make a decision regardless of what anyone has
told you, regardless of what anyone has suggested, and if that decision is based on
truth and integrity within yourself, and if there is no fear involved that is causing you to
act out of fear, the choice you make will be the right choice.

If however, you act out of fear or greed or self-interest, the choice will invariable be
the wrong choice. This Awareness indicates that it is true, every one need to go through
moments in their lives where they need to make choices. It is possible for entities to
forestall these choices by being prepared ahead of time, by circumventing the situation
that would require the choice or by seeing ahead, taking steps so that the choice is not
as extreme in its nature, so that a choice made does not carry such consequences.

This Awareness indicates one may prepare oneself so that they are not easily trapped
into making a choice, so that they can have options at the time, more than the options
provided by those who would entrap them; that this would be an appropriate way to
ward off such a confrontation.

This Awareness if you see there is on the path you're taking, the potential for having to
make a choice, either direction of the choice being unacceptable to you, then it would be
to your benefit to make your choice before reaching that crossroads and choose to
avoid the crossroads by taking off early in a different direction, or preparing yourself
for the event, if indeed you must come to that crossroads, so that you have more
options than those which are offered. It is likened unto driving down a highway knowing
there is a roadblock ahead, deciding rather than to go to the roadblock, to turn off
ahead of time or to go back a different direction or to stop at a motel and wait, or if
you cannot get off because, for example, you are on a train that does not stop or allow
any opportunity to disembark and you know that the next station where you stop there
is a going to be a confrontation with someone, then you have only the option of preparing
yourself for that confrontation.

If you accept the Alien "Mark of the Beast"

There are many who believe that if they accept the brand or Mark of the Beast, which
is essentially an alien brand marking their property, as humans brand cattle to mark
their ownership of the cattle; that they will lose ( Ed. their control of) their soul. This
Awareness indicates that in regard to the alien factor, this could well occur, since the
aliens have the ability to sever souls from the individuals and to make clones using souls
or parts of the soul of individuals. And also, the aliens may in their agenda, promote the
concept of rapture in which they pick up individuals and take them to, (this particularly
referring to the Draco), take them to their own home planet to be used for breeding
and husbandry for livestock, for food for their populations.

This Awareness indicates neither of these scenarios appeals to individuals because each
threatens their individual's own welfare and livelihood. This Awareness indicates that it
is best for entities to avoid the Mark or brand. It is also best to avoid being abducted
by aliens through a fake rapture. This Awareness suggests that if one can avoid these,
then one is likely to be better able to survive unscathed for longer periods. If these are
not escapable, it is important to keep in mind that your soul is your soul, and even when
it is severed and taken into a clone, you still posses your soul, even though in another

Once Injected into the Body, the Identity-Chip Can't be Removed

(Revelation of Awareness 93-12 Issue NO 421)

This Awareness wishes to explain that those who have the Mark forced upon them, such
as children or entities who are incapable of resisting the Mark because of force will not
experience that which is the separation of the soul. This Awareness indicates it is the
entity who willingly takes the Mark that is in danger of losing ( Ed. the control of) his or
her soul.

This Awareness indicates that it is to be understood that the so-called Mark is not as
harmless as once was thought to be in terms of its physical nature. It is not simply a
laser mark, or a mark that can be read by laser, it is not simply a bar code. It will be a
chip that will be embedded in the hand or the forehead, and it will operate from the
heat from the body.

It will have lithium batteries that are heated by the body and thus, recharged by the
heat so that they are intended to be more or less indefinitely charged. This Awareness
indicates the lithium batteries*, if damaged will leak* into the system causing toxins
within one's body so that an entity may begin to develop the boils as described in the
Book of Revelation.

These boils being from all over one's system caused by the leaking batteries from the
chip. This Awareness indicates that these leaking batteries and the radiation involved in
the chip as that which will create extreme pain for many entities who accept the Mark
as this begins to have its effect when the batteries and the chip begin to grow old and
begin falling apart.
This Awareness indicates of course, there will be entities who will try to take these out,
but in the process of trying to extract these chips, they will also damage the chips and
cause the same of toxic release so there will be many who will suffer from this in the
physical sense as well in the spiritual sense.

This Awareness has discussed this briefly in an earlier reading, that those who do not
take the chip are likely to become outcasts in society, much like the untouchables in
India, but this will be far better than accepting the chip, and the consequences
spiritually and physically.

Reject the Chip and You Lose All Worldly Possessions

This Awareness indicates of course, this will mean that many entities will lose their
worldly possessions if they do not accept and take the chip, the Mark. It is a choice
that entities will be required to make at some point. It is part of the New World Order
programming and planned population control.

This Awareness indicates that many entities who have lived through the Nazi Germany
scenario will recognize similarities as these programs are brought down upon the
masses, and they will not go for the scenario as easily as those who do not know what is
occurring or do not wish to challenge the powers that would impose a totalitarian state
upon its people.

Another Reason to Create Mass Unemployment

It is seen unto being officially informed that you must take the Mark in order to
receive certain benefits, and much in the way that children are told they must be
inoculated if they are going to attend public school. This Awareness indicates that it is
very likely there will be other mass programs of such nature whereby the government
informs entities they must receive vaccinations against this or that type of plague or
illness that is a threat to society, similar to that which occurred with the polio vaccine
in the Fifties and Sixties. This Awareness indicates that of course, entities will
voluntary go into the clinics to receive their vaccinations and have it on their record and
they may be asked to present evidence or proof of this at some future time in order to
receive some benefit.

It is very likely that they will be told at a time when there is an economic crisis that:
"In order to receive some government dole, such as a debit amount in your bank account,
you will be allowed a certain amount of credit from the government if you receive this
chip in your hand," which will allow them to keep track of your economic and social
This Awareness indicates that this is likely to be introduced as something that will lead
entities to voluntarily accept the Mark.

This Awareness indicates that already this has been attempted in New York City,
whereby entities were paid $25 to be involved in an experiment whereby they would
receive this chip placed in their hand. It is placed in their hand much likened unto a
vaccine needle; it is so small it can be injected. This Awareness indicates that entities
were lining up and fighting each other to get involved in that project and to be paid $25.
This of course was during a time when entities needed $25 very desperately.

You can imagine how it might be if this were on a widescale nationwide level at a time
when more money was being offered and jobs were even more scare throughout the
nation because of some economic crisis. This Awareness indicates it appears
approximately three thousand people were given this chip at that time and indeed, it
was an experiment. Basically it was a test for the system.

Reason for Implanting Children Will be Used by Officials

This Awareness indicates there are also frequently situations whereby agencies will
speak of the need to protect your children from abductions and so forth, and there will
be the offer to give these children some kind of a chip that will make them so that they
can be found, regardless of where they are. These chips are such that no matter where
an entity is, no matter where an animal is that such a chip, they can be found in a matter
of hours.

The satellites overhead can locate them and the location allows patrol cars on the
ground to drive to that location and further zero in on the entity so that a dog
transported thousand of miles away could still be found, just as easy as if it were only
around the corner.

This Awareness indicates that these chip will contain total information about a person,
from childhood up to present, and continue to add to that information as the entity lives
from day to day, purchasing magazines, reading material, food or receiving health
treatments, medications, et cetera. All of this will go into the chip as an entity moves in
and out of business transactions at stores, health clinics or libraries, book stores,
record or music shops or whatever.

All of the information gathered will be readable from there to any office seeking to
research the entity. This Awareness indicates there is already in place a system for
data base information on almost every entity; this is a software program that is used
around the world by most countries in their computers. The system is known as
Government Agencies Already Using Beast System

It appears that this system can collect the data, alter data, and read data on any
individual by those forces, the intelligence agencies that use the system. It is used by
NSA, the CIA and the FBI in the United States. It is used in other countries and
anything one country has on its citizens can be read from any other country, so that it
becomes a worldwide network for information, relating to individuals that purchase
from credit cards.

Anything having to do with their banking, their purchasing and their health and medical
records; anything that goes on any record for computer purposes can be tapped by
various agencies, either private or governmental.

This Awareness indicates that when the chip is placed in entities' foreheads, the
information will become more automatic and easy to acquire, because it will
automatically be sent to these mainframe computers as soon as entities make a
purchase at a retail terminal.

This Awareness indicates that when the New World Order is fully in operation it is
most likely that cash will be taken from society and only paper or electronic records of
business economic transactions will be recognized or legal.

(* ED. Could it be that, due to the entrance of the Earth into the Photon-Belt, which changes the
atmospheric conditions and frequencies, the lithium will start to leak out of the chips?) From a
reader about Shumannn Resonance: the Schumann Waves are a part of the planet, and our lives.
They are so vitally important, that astronauts, have to have them created for them when in space
capsules. They are the wonderful vibrations of Mother Earth and without them we could not exist.
The trouble is that they are no longer stable, as recently the waves have increased. In the 1980's
they were at 7.8 hertz. At 1995 they had become 8.6 hertz. At the Millennium they were 13 hertz,
and apparently they are now climbing. This doubling, could well be the indication of frequency
changes in the planet, that so many people have been writing about? Read about the chip powered
by a lithium ion battery as a "Satellite Baby-Sitting Service" that can be recharged through the skin
and use a proprietary antenna capable of transmitting signals through flesh and muscle. )


There is no guarantee for a Happy Death

Even if you are taken to another constellation to be raised for food to feed the
Reptilian gods, you are still yourself, and can remain yourself to your moment of death.
This Awareness indicates that neither is desirable, but then neither is death by cancer
or any other disease of a natural order desirable. There is no absolute way of
guaranteeing entities a happy death, for happiness is a state of mind, and if entities can
cling to the light within, regardless of what occurs without, they can diminish the
suffering of the passing over.

This Awareness indicates It cannot assure anyone that they will not pass over. It is
enough to assure entities who read this information that by being close to this
Awareness, they will be spared the extremes of these conditions. This Awareness
indicates it is unnecessary to accept the Mark of the Beast number in order to survive.
You can survive without it. You cannot survive with it. To not have the mark of the Beast
means you have to survive outside the money system.

You might be able to live off the land, learn what herbs are edible, etceteras, but in
taking the Mark of the Beast sooner or later you will be harvested as one of the
properties of the aliens and will be used for their slaughterhouse, to be butchered, to
have adrenalchrome taken from you, or to be eaten or otherwise used for breeding
purposes until you have been totally drained and then put to death.

This Awareness indicates that the Mark enslaves you, therefore, this Awareness
suggests you not accept the Mark. This Awareness indicates that this Mark is more
than a mark on the hand. These entities will also place these implants in other spots so
that they cannot be removed. Those that are on the hands may be removed. This
Awareness suggests that it ever comes to this, that you get together with others who
likewise want to avoid the Mark, and this Awareness suggests that you will find that
there are many.

This Awareness indicates if it comes to this, there will be revolution, that many will
refuse to accept the Mark and this will create great havoc for the aliens in their
efforts to subdue the human race. This Awareness indicates they only want a certain
number of implanted humans for their slave force. Most of the Third World people will
be left untouched. The greater portion of people on earth will not be implanted with this
chip in their wrist or hand. This Awareness suggests you not think it is going to be
forced on you, for it will be a matter of your own choice whether you sell your soul for
economic benefits that come with taking the implant or whether you remain yourself
and remain your own property.

(Source Revelation of Awareness newsletter 91-1 issue no. 376)

To the Next Page The Mark of the Beast

Back to the Master File

Back to Understanding Divine Creator and Creation

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The Ahriman Forces
How World Leaders are Influenced

Cosmic Awareness is the force that expressed

Itself through
Edgar Cayce, Christ, the Buddha, Krisna,
Mohammed, and other
great Avatars who served as "channels" for the
"Heavenly Father"
(our Father/Mother God), and who speaks again
today as the world
begins to enter the New Age of spiritual
consciousness and awareness.

This Awareness indicates that it is the universal

and the movement of planets, the movement of
the sun in its
sojourn through its orbit, through its orbit around
Sirius in the
Orion constellation and the variation that it meets
in its movement
that determines the Earth ages of approximately
2200 years each,
and it is this movement into these new vibrations
that trigger certain
frequency reactions among the planets of the
solar system so that
the vibrations are altered on Earth and on the
other planets in such
a manner that it changes the consciousness of
individuals on earth.
It is this that is causing and bringing about the
New Age.

Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been

communicating through carefully
trained channels such as Paul Shockley. The
information contained herein
was received from deep trance states and
"interpreted" by an
entity affiliated with Cosmic Awareness
Communications. (C.A.C.)

This information is for those who inherit the New

Awareness tells you not to believe anything, but
to question, explore,
doubt and discover for yourself what is the truth.

Cosmic Awareness only indicates and suggests.

Cosmic Awareness introduces Itself (by TV) in

1977 to the World

The Main Purpose of Awareness at This Time

Are You Ready for Cosmic Awareness?

Opening message July 12, 1983


This awareness indicates that in that movement which is occurring during this general time
wherein the Forces of Ahriman are attempting to gain their control and place on this planet,
there is seen that which is a time of approximately 1986, during which time this shall have
reached a turning point one way or the other. This Awareness indicates that as previously stated,
these Forces are in a concerted effort to regain power over this planet in order to set up a
This Awareness indicates that the energies toward this have been hindered severely by the
timing, whereby things have been put off and slowed down so that the planned program did not
come about on schedule, thus leaving a lag in the development of their efforts.

This Awareness indicates that this has however, led into an intensification of these efforts, but
such intensification has also led to take changes and making mistakes and spreading themselves
too thin, unable to hold it all together, which may bring down the Ahriman Forces. This
Awareness indicates that also the awakening of the masses as that which will be the deciding


This Awareness indicates that it was previously mentioned that the governments of the world
have been influenced by those who are not of this world. This Awareness indicates that a
clarification of this is in order. This Awareness indicates that the entities who are the leaders of
the nations, through their positions as advisors or through their power and influence, regardless
of their positions in the hierarchy, or title in in the hierarchy; these entities are in the various
countries serving not only in the capacity of their own associates, their own association, their
own dedicated purposes, but in nearly all instances are being programmed and have accepted
the program of those entities who are not of this world,...these being entities of the inner
hierarchy system, some being that of the Ahriman hierarchy.

This Awareness indicates that the way whereby these Forces control these entities is through
telepathy and through a kind of inner plane or interdimensional programming technique. This
Awareness indicates that this as occurring wherein these entities having their structural
organization at a particular stage of development whereby the entities can exit from their
physical bodies and move into the astral planes, and while in the astral planes they receive
directions and programming from these entities of the astral level. These generally being the
black magicians of Ahriman.

This Awareness indicates that there are also other entities who move on past the astral levels and
into the mental and etheric levels and receive programing from higher sources. This Awareness
indicates that these entities receiving from higher sources generally are Forces which work
through the planetary hierarchy. This Awareness indicates that this not mean that these entities
of the astral plane are incapable of materializing as physical forms, for indeed they can and
indeed they do. This Awareness indicates that essentially, these entities are those who are often
described as the brothers of the Shadow, or Dark Forces of Ahriman. This Awareness indicates
that these Forces also have been called the MIB (Man in Black) types, though the MIB's are not
the only ones who materialize from other dimensions into physical bodies.

This Awareness indicates that the greater influence however, is not through the materializations,
but rather through telepathic controls. These Forces prefer that most entities are totally
unaware of the interdimensional physics, the astral physics or the physics associated with these
concepts of interdimensional realities. This Awareness indicates that essentially, they will do
whatever is necessarily to prevent people from discovering that such interdimensional physics
and psychologies exists.


This Awareness indicates that the connection between these realms as that which in being kept
hidden, preserves the boundary or domain of Ahriman and these Forces. This Awareness
indicates that as entities become more aware of these influences from the other dimensions they
also become more capable of preventing those influences from affecting their own lives. This
Awareness indicates that essentially, every entity is being programmed by both the negative
influence from the Dark Forces, and the more positive influence from the Higher Forces. These
have been termed the Devil conscience and the God conscience, or the good and the evil angels or
demons which entities have associated with their being,..this in term of the medieval type of
concept, whereby a little demon sits and whispers in one ear, while on the other shoulder and
angel is whispering in the other ear, each giving the entity conflicting programming; one, to do
something evil, the other to do something good.


This Awareness indicates that essentially, these interdimensional beings are in continual
communication telepathically with individuals. Those individual who are open more to the base
energies of the lower chakras tend to respond more readily to those promptings of the Ahriman
Forces, while those entities who are attuned more to the higher chakra energies tend to appeal
and to respond more readily to the higher mental and ethereal promptings.

This Awareness indicates that for some reason entities during these present times, come under
greater efforts, come under greater intensities, are divided by their actions, for the telepathic
energies are stronger than they have been in the past. This in part due to the electronics involved
in the present age which help to break down barriers between these dimensions. This Awareness
indicates that some entities move more to the extreme of the Dark Forces, while others will move
toward the extreme of the Lighter Forces.

This Awareness indicates that in this manner, the wheat and chaff are being divided in
consciousness, and those who are attuned to the Forces of Light are those who will be raptured
or lifted up consciously into higher states of Awareness. This Awareness indicates that
meanwhile, the Ahriman Forces are intensifying their efforts to take control of the planet, even
at the expense of destroying most of humanity. These Forces working through those in power in
many countries, have spread themselves thin and are in fact vulnerable even as they are also
dangerous to the planet itself.

This Awareness indicates that the energies in movement at this time (1983) are such that the flux
and alterations of events stemming from these energies is that which is not presently predictable,
although the Forces which would prevent a holocaust on this planet are fully aware what is
occurring and of the great danger involved. This Awareness indicates that even though these
Forces are aware, they also have certain limitations as to what they are permitted to do in order
to prevent these Forces of Ahriman in the efforts to take control of the planetary energies.

This Awareness indicates that even as this is occurring here on this planet, so likewise there are
similar Forces raging in other areas of the cosmos, (by cosmos this awareness includes the other
dimensions also and these Forces are keeping the Light Forces quite occupied in many areas so
that an easy victory for the Light Force is not that which is apparent in sight, for the struggle is
still present and is still intense in many levels.)

This Awareness indicates that the Dark Forces however, have spread themselves dangerously
thin and are in a vulnerable position.


This Awareness indicates that the Ahriman Forces do not, in a general sense, deliberately
physically bring about harm to humans, unless this harm can be done through the influence of
the human soul, to bring about self-destruction, or destruction of others from personal choice.
This Awareness indicates that this activity of Ahriman is in reality an effort to keep mankind
locked into the karma of the earth, whereby he is unable to escape from the physical realm
because of the complexity of the karma and identification with physical gratifications and
promises and entrapments.

This Awareness indicates that the Ahriman Forces are not permitted, under the Universal laws,
to hold an entity against the entity's will. The entity must want to, or must have karmic
obligations strong enough to keep the entity on the physical plane. This Awareness indicates that
the Forces of Ahriman being unable to keep entities on the plane except through deception,
trickery, enticement and efforts to cause them to create more personal karma, and unable to use
force to keep entities upon this plane.

This Awareness indicates that the agreement with the Light Forces as being such that any entity
who seeks to attack Ahriman or his Forces, can indeed be attacked with the full wrath of the
Ahriman Forces, even to the point of manifesting beings in the room, and the self-destructive
energies which cause the entity to self-destruct through insanity or through personal actions that
cause the entity to do that which is harmful to self or others.

This Awareness indicates that the Ahriman Forces cannot assert destructive energies themselves
other than their psychological influence upon the entity's mind or soul or body. They cannot, for
example, inflict injury and pain upon an entity, although they can cause the entity to inflict
injury and pain upon himself through their influence on his mind. This Awareness indicates that
in this manner the ancient saying: "The gods first make mad those whom they would destroy."
This Awareness indicates this in reference to the gods of Ahriman.


This Awareness indicates that the approach which entities must use in dealing with Ahriman is
to recognize that this force, these Forces, do have certain domination and rights on this plane.
That they govern karma (see Law of Karma, Justice or Balance in the section
Universal Laws), and they do enforce a kind of karmic justice, and that to tamper with this
karma and the justice is to invite trouble. This Awareness indicates that on the other hand, to
escape from the entrapment of Ahriman and their types of self-serving justice and karma, an
entity needs only to put the Light and the frequency of the Divine, foremost and uppermost in his
or her life.


This Awareness indicates that entities who have the belief that they must give up all worldly
activities in order to follow the Light are sacrificing more than is required. This Awareness
indicates that the temptations of Ahriman will be presented in a manner whereby the entity will
put other priorities above the Light, will put personal comforts or personal prestige and power
and personal glory above that of the Light.

This Awareness indicates that this is the type of temptation which the Ahriman Forces will
present to the entity who embarks upon the path of Light. This Awareness indicates that the last
and greatest temptation is that wherein the entity who has embarked upon the path of Light is
tempted by Ahriman to view himself as a Divine Being, worthy of great praise, one who is
glorious and special, one who is favored and deserving; one who, thus favored, experiences a
sense of great pride and glory in his spiritual accomplishments.

This Awareness indicates that this being the last great hurdle for which the entity on the path of
Light must overcome, for if the entity yields to that temptation, then indeed the entity falls again,
just as Lucifer fell, though he was the bright and shiny example and star of heaven. The fall due
to pride and vainglory in self.

This Awareness indicates that the entities who can move on the path of Light, maintain their
sense of humility to the Light, recognize that on their own they are nothing and can do nothing,
but with the Light they can merge with the Divine,--these entities are indeed difficult, if not
impossible for Ahriman to trick or to keep them on this plane. This Awareness indicates the
purpose of allowing Ahriman so much leeway in his domain is to create that school in the
universe in which the masses may learn the lessons which are necessary for any being to learn
before ascending to the Godhead, before becoming an immortal being of Divine Light.

This Awareness indicates it has been said that the mills of the god grind slowly, and this
Awareness indicates that the kneading of the souls from the grist of the mills, the making of the
dough, the bread of life, which will in time become the mana of heaven; this energy and the
transformation involved as that which takes eons of time. This Awareness indicates that entities
can speed up this time by being aware of the nature of Ahriman, how the Ahriman Forces work,
and how they can, through their devotion to the Christ Light, the Christos, the sound current
that lead to the highest heavens; by devotion to these energies they can lift themselves out of the
levels of limbo, the bowels of hell, the confines of the earth.


(Reading October 11, 1978)

This Awareness indicates that the earth is essentially in the grips of a war between planets, and
has been for 12.000 years in an intense level; and prior to that, in a less intense level, for
approximately 60.000 years. This Awareness indicates these entities from those other realms
have the capability of transcending, or transmuting certain vibratory rates in the
electromagnetic spectrum and traveling from place to place in the universe. This Awareness
indicates this relating unto that which has been termed Hades and Celestria. That those in the
vibratory rates know as Celestria as being capable of extending high levels of energy to entities
upon this plane for healing purposes; yet these entities are not allowed to interfere with the
destiny of entities upon this plane unless requested and unless invited.

This Awareness indicates that the entities from that vibratory rate know as Hades as having
invaded upon this plane and having set up camps in physical levels and as having begun using
entities both on the surface and beneath the surface for their purpose of conquering the Earth as
well as other planets. And these entities as being among the Forces which are attempting to
present the controls using the computers and branding of the people for their own slaves. (See
our file; The Mark is Ready! Are You?)


This Awareness wishes entities to understand that the Forces of Celestria (of Light) and the
Forces of Hades (Ahriman/Darkness) are not competing with each other over the human soul,
but rather have an agreement with each other that those who are of a higher vibration, who seek
not to be given all that which would gratify their personal lusts and greed and power desires,
those who would serve others and love others, are those which, by the agreement, will be allowed
to enter into those vibratory realms know as Celestria. Those who are seeking to preserve self at
all costs, at the price of concern or love for others, those who seek security, who are willing to
become slaves in order to survive: these entities who are willing to harm others in order to save
themselves--these are the entities who will be susceptible to the branding action of those from
Hades, and these entities shall indeed be given the citizenship of that area know as Hades--that
vibratory rate.

Next page: How Alien Forces use telepathy to Program entities to commit violent crimes

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This Awareness indicates that the use of alcohol and drugs and certain types of primitive music
or sounds that appeal to the base chakras, the base instincts, such as the heavy punk rock and
heavy metal type rock music, and also those lyrics that express selfish and self-sympathy and
lustful concepts associated with power, lust and greed; those types of musical or subjective
programmings and those films which also promote this type of energy, along with the use of
alcohol and drugs and the declining educational standards, and the declining morality or ethical
principles and values in the society: these are contributing greatly to the opening, whereby these
telepathic messages can influence younger entities in particular, and the general population
which allows itself to be vulnerable to these messages.

This Awareness indicates that for those entities who have a strong sense of love and mercy and
decency, the problem is not so pronounced. This Awareness indicates that some of these entities
even may use alcohol or drugs in a responsible manner, whereby the lower Forces cannot
influence these entities. This Awareness indicates however, most entities are incapable of
indulging in drugs and alcohol without some negative programming coming through and
creating havoc in their lives.

This Awareness indicates that there are many who are so totally vulnerable to these energies that
it takes little to trigger off chaotic behavior or antisocial behavior whereby entities suffer from
the effects of this programming which these entities express. This Awareness indicates the dark
Forces always attempt to work though the weakest link to attack the Forces of Light, and
wherein a Light Force is associated with an entity that is involved in drugs or drinks, or one
whose lower chakras are in dominance over the entity's higher chakras, or whereby an entity is
mentally, emotionally, or psychologically unbalanced; these entities often serve as channels for
Dark Forces in their efforts to attack the Forces of Light.

This Awareness indicates that in this manner, the dark Forces ever attempting to turn off the
Light, attack the Light Forces through those deranged or weakened and vulnerable servants of
the Forces of Ahriman. This Awareness indicates that these entities not understanding their own
role in the battle between the Forces of Light and Darkness, presume that they are expressing
their own individuality, for they have simply been used by these Forces, and have allowed
themselves to become agents of Darkness.

This Awareness indicates that this relates to the concepts of Wilhelm Reich in which he
described the murder of Christ, wherein the Christ Light emanating through individuals is seen
by these Dark Forces as a threat and therefore, those who are the good, those who are emanating
the Christ Light often become victims of the Dark Forces. This Awareness indicates that there
are ways whereby these Dark Forces can be hindered in their efforts to victimize the Christ


This Awareness indicates that one thing which should be understood is that the Light Force
should never attempt to attack the Forces of Darkness directly. That the greatest error of Light
Workers is to attack verbally, physically, emotionally, mentally, socially the Forces of Darkness
(Ahriman) directly.

The way whereby these Forces can best be countered is not through attacking them directly, but
through spreading the Light so that others may see those Dark Forces for what they are. The
awakening, the action of making people aware is that which breaks down the power and defuses
the strength of the Forces of Darkness.

This Awareness indicates this is what is meant by the statement: "You shall know the truth, and
the truth shall make you free". This Awareness indicates that the Forces of Darkness (Ahriman)
are very adept in turning Light Groups against each other.
The Forces of Darkness (Ahriman) are capable of leading Light Workers to mistrust each other,
to feel self-righteous, to presume themselves to be more holy, more correct than others, and thus
to set one religion against another, one group against another, one individual against another,
each claiming to be right or righteous moreso than the other.

This Awareness indicates in this manner, the Forces of Darkness (Ahriman) can lead each group
to feel that they are doing battle with the Forces of Darkness by attacking the other religion, the
other group, or the other individual.

Thus, each is in a holy war for a holy cause of destroying evil, destroying the Darkness which
emanates from the other. This Awareness indicates the only true way to avoid this type of
manipulation by the Forces of Darkness (Ahriman) is not ever to attack these Dark Forces
directly, but rather to spread the Light and to spread the word, and to expose these Forces for
what they are, wherever they are found.


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This Awareness indicates that when you find a small wounded sparrow, and attempt to give it a
diet of chile con carne, or of hamburgers or of steak or something which it cannot digest and is
not in its diet, you will find it rejecting the diet you offer. This Awareness indicates that you
cannot expect the sparrow to enjoy bourbon over rocks. This Awareness indicates that likewise,
an individual whose programming does not allow for ideas and thoughts that are totally out of its
comprehension level to enter in or to be accepted, that individual must be fed the diet of concepts
and ideas which it can accept.

This Awareness indicates that you need not speak to the entity about those things which are
beyond his or her comprehension, which are essentially incredible, but you may speak to the
entity in terms, in words, in names and in idea levels which are within the realm of the
individual's comprehension. This Awareness indicates you would not expect a child of three to
enjoy listening to Einstein explaining the Quantum Theory of Reality, nor would you expect
Einstein to have attempted such communication. This Awareness indicates however, the child
and Einstein could relate on certain levels, whereby these levels of communication overlap and
allow the insight and exchange to flow.
This Awareness indicates that when Einstein for example discovers the level of understanding of
the child, he then would also be capable of expressing in terms that the child could understand,
and assuming that Einstein had a greater awareness of what is occurring in the universe, it is
probable tact Einstein could find a way of communicating something to the child which could
also increase the child's awareness, so that even though the child may not yet fully understand
the Quantum Theory or the Theory of Reality, the child may know something more than it knew
before the encounter with Einstein.

This Awareness indicates that likewise, wherein you come in contact with an individual whose
awareness is limited to a particular stage of development whereby the entity does not understand
telepathy, does not comprehend the terms associated with the Ahriman concepts, whereby the
entity knows only in terms of good and bad, nice people and bad people, or in terms of God and
the Devil, or in terms of "them" and "us"; you must find a way whereby you can communicate
with this entity in terms which the entity understands.


This Awareness indicates that the message which this Awareness gives is not intended for the
mass mind. It is intended that these messages reach those who presumably have a high decree of
metaphysical understanding, or spiritual aptitude or whereby they are open enough to absorb
and grow to such levels of understanding. This Awareness indicates that these messages are not
likely to be acceptable to the average individuals of this society or any other, for a number of
years, until these entities have been spoonfed with concepts and ideas that allow them to look
beyond their own structured programming and realize that there are meanings in life that are
not limited or exclusive to their own ideas or belief systems.

This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity for example beliefs in a God or a Devil, or both,
or wherein an entity does not believe in a God or a Devil, but believes in a good party and a bad
party, has the concepts of conflict therein being a benefactor and a detrimental factor, the entity
can receive through his own language and belief patterns, through his own understanding
messages from this Awareness by those entities who can interpret or translate the language used
by this Awareness to a language which this entity understands.

This Awareness indicates that It is not referring to the language of the culture such as English,
German or French, but rather the language of the individual in terms of concepts of God and the
Devil, and if so, it is unreasonable to attempt to communicate to this entity in terms of
awareness, and the Ahriman, when the entity can better understand the same terms as God and
the Devil.


This Awareness indicates that once the message is translated to the entity, you may then, if the
entity inquires as to how this message came about, you may then give some information that is
not too difficult for the entity to digest in regard to the source. This Awareness indicates that this
is not important however. What IS important is that the entity's consciousness be awakened, so
that the entity is able to perceive higher concepts, more universal concepts that answer the many
questions which are unanswered in society today because of the stagnation of dogma in religions
which have been assembled in ancient times and which do not fully reflect present occurrence,
present events.
This Awareness indicates that it is also important that entities in the Awareness movement learn
to speak and to think in the languages of other religious and social and scientific and
psychological movements, whereby the communication can then be more easily enhanced
because entities backgrounds and understanding of concepts can be interrelated in a
multilingual type of communication, whereby the concepts held by one religion can be translated
into the concepts of another, and the words used interchangeable according to what is most
appropriate and most effective in communicating the messages and understanding associated
with these concepts.

This Awareness indicates that It sees no particular value or reason in hindering communication
with other religious groups simply in order to preserve concepts or terminology in a particular
language, such as "Awareness", such as "Ahriman", or such as expressing certain words as
though they were sacred, and that it had to be put into those sacred words in order to be
discussed. This Awareness indicates that as far as this Awareness is concerned, the words used in
conveying concepts may best be expressed according to the level of the one who needs to hear the

They may then be interpreted into another level or preserved in their original form, but the
important thing is to allow the entity to understand the message, rather than simply to hear the
message as it was originally given. This Awareness indicates that if such understanding requires
that the message be interpreted into concepts and ideas which that entity can understand, then it
should be so expressed. This Awareness indicates however, that in regard to the original
concern, that there is an enigma in that this Awareness has indicated it is necessary for people to
awaken others to these Forces of Darkness, to expose the Forces of Darkness; this Awareness
indicates that it is not essential in exposing the Forces of Darkness that these exposes should
necessarily be put into terms associated with this Awareness, with these messages, or with the
concepts of Ahriman as expressed through these readings.

This Awareness indicates that what IS essential, is that entities look into their own lives, ask
themselves: "Am I dedicated to the Light Forces by whatever name?, or am I dedicated to
materialism and Dark Forces that deny the right of others for the mere enjoyment of temporal
things of the flesh? And if so dedicated to the Light Forces, how can I exemplify this and spread
my devotion to the Light Forces so that others may see this is the path, this is the way, and by
following the Light, these others may also escape from the Dark Forces.

This Awareness indicates that wherein entities concern themselves with promoting the Forces of
Good, promoting the Forces of Right Living, of that which is universally and collectively healthy
for all, those entities are in effect spreading the massage that awakens the masses, and when
entities lend their energies to Forces of Darkness, give payment or give devotion to those Forces
of Darkness, they too are energetizing those Dark Forces that are disruptive and detrimental to
the masses.

This Awareness indicates that It is not concerned with the expression of these messages in terms
of words, in terms of the printed message or in terms of the spoken words used in conveying
messages. This Awareness rather that you look behind the words, at the Light, at the insight, and
to understand the nature of humanity and its great potential; and in this manner, whether
through art, through dance, through work, through social endeavor, through words, through
devotion, you spread the message of Light which eradicates the Darkness of the Forces of
Go to part 4 "The Dilemma of Central and South America"

Part 4



This Awareness indicates that the situation in the area of Central and South America as that
which is the result of policy making regarding the resources of these areas, particularly
associated with the designs of corporations, multinational corporations, and of those powers
which desire the natural resources of these areas, wherein the security of the nation depends in
part upon the acquisition of certain natural resources in these various nations, including the
resources of precious metals, minerals, oil and agriculture crops, as well as the allegiance of the
governing bodies in those nations.

This Awareness indicates this also is tied in with the concern over the use of the water ways,
particularly to the Panama area. This Awareness indicates that there are those who in seeking to
obtain and acquire dominion over the resources of other nations, move into those nations with
investments and politics and political ties to allow the acquisition of the resources of those
nations, and there are those who in moving into these nations to acquire their resources, do so in
a manner that would help to develop and benefit the people in the area, and those who do so in a
manner that exploits the people.


This awareness indicates that for the most part these multinational corporations and the
governments which they control tend to enter into areas to exploit the countries, setting up just
enough structure within the country to call it a government, recognize it as being the legitimate
government, and defend it against all other who might interfere with their structured corporate
government within that country.

This Awareness indicates that wherein democracies or other forms of political activities are
brought to bear against these corporate governments and structures, these are termed as outlaw
forces and the corporate structures using their influence in the nations will seek to supply arms
to defend their established governments in the smaller nations. This Awareness indicates that if
entities could strip away the belief that governments are created and held by the sacredness of a
constitution or law within a country, and see these governments are established and created by
the economics of intrigue and corporate structures, they would realize half of the reality upon
this plane, they would recognize the forces that are acting in regard to much of the developing
nations and emanating from those nations in which the corporations hold power.

This Awareness indicates that on the other side, there is the State Socialists as represented by the
concepts of Communism, ( the State) this as Communism and Bolshevism, the State Socialists as
opposed to the Capitalist, or Corporate Socialists, approach these developing nations to exploit
the people by seducing their minds into the belief that they are being violated by the Corporate
Socialists through the exploitation of their land, their minerals, their natural resources,
encourage and incite them into attempting revolution to overthrow those corporate governments
that have been set up, and to take back the land for themselves.

This Awareness indicates that the action parallels the early revolutionary war of the United
States wherein the rebels, rebelling against the British rule, overthrew these governing bodies
and set up their own constitution. The difference however, is that the advisors to these
revolutionary factions allow these people to develop their own governing bodies only along
certain lines that are compatible with the world design of Communism. This Awareness indicates
that the two more powerful forces of the Communism, which is an economic policy, and
Capitalism, which is an economic policy or system, these two systems do in fact have greater
political clout than the constitution and laws that are paraded before the public. The
constitutions and laws of the various nations are in actuality but facades to these two powerful


This Awareness indicates that wherein entities can recognize the true conflict in regards to the
communistic designs and the capitalistic designs as opposed to looking at these sub-concepts of
democracy versus dictatorship, the entities have broadened their understanding of what is
occurring in the world by one step.

This Awareness indicates that to take the second step, and to understand that the two forces (the
Corporate Capital;Capitalists, or Corporate Socialists as opposed to the State Socialists or
Communism, that these two forces are in working as the right and left hand of the same entity.
Though there is a continual conflict between these forces, the ultimate goal and purpose of these
forces is a world domination and hierarchy whereby the classes are separated and the elite rule
under either name, so that there are the masters and the slaves.

This Awareness indicates that the problem which occurs in this effort of the right and left hand
of the Dark Force in its manipulating activities is that it becomes serious and intense in its
efforts, so much so that it becomes likened unto a schizophrenia, whereby the controlling brain
becomes split and the conflict becomes real, though its earlier intention was merely to present a
show which would manipulate the masses.

This Awareness indicates that in manipulating the masses back and forth so that they
maneuvered toward a One World Government; this was the intention, but certain things
occurred and the third step in understanding what happens is to recognize that the Beast or the
controlling brain behind this activity, having its purpose and goal to maneuver entities into a
One World Government whereby all power is held over the resources of all nations, including
the people thereof; all power being held by this one brain or one group of entities, a collective

Go to part 5 "the 3rd and 4th Steps: the Brain behind it All"

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The Battle Of Armageddon:

A Reminder

The Battle of Armageddon is over on the Inner Plane

This Awareness indicates that you understand the Battle of Armageddon is over on the
Inner Plane, that the residue of this battle is falling upon this physical plane, that the
forces of evil have returned to Essence. But the army of the Ra-Ta forces* (*See
Galactic Overview-A Journey in Oneness) which was sent out from the blue planet (our
planet seen from other dimensions-ed.) to bring back the forces of evil, the followers of
Rhyee, are still engaged as an army and this power has not been totally dissolved, that
this power is coming into confrontation with its own image and shall dissolve, but that
this dissolving shall create a flashpoint which shall have its effect on this plane, and
there shall be many who may be caught in the holocaust of this flashpoint.

The Echo of evil

This Awareness indicates that you understand this not as evil, but rather as the
aftermath of the results of evil; this may be referred to as the echo of evil. This
Awareness suggests you understand these forces as being still asleep, and that they
need to be awakened and informed that the Battle of Armageddon is over, for
otherwise they shall continue to fight and the fight shall continue to create tragedy on
this plane.

This Awareness indicates this shall take a concerted action by many to bring this
message through, that at this present time there is little being done to awaken these
giants who battle through their nightmare world.
(Revelations of Awareness 98-10)

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Be prepared for Desperate Acts to Come

Remember Tiananmen Square

You're living in a very volatile period. Your freedoms are jeopardized, threatened and
potentially under fire from many different sources. There are no guarantees. Nothing is
certain. Entities who need to have and hold control will find it is not there. This
Awareness indicates that it works both ways however. Even those who feel they have
control, have held control for 80 or more years in this country, are only getting a slight
hint that that they may not have as much control as they thought.

The arrogance of these entities is such that they believe they still have control simply
because they control the press, the television, the book publishers and the newsprint
organization. This Awareness indicates a schism in the ranks of Americans has occurred,
beginning very slightly in the Fifties, spreading somewhat in the Sixties, partly because
of the Vietnam war, increasing somewhat in the Seventies with the degrading of the
presidency by Richard Nixon, and in the Eighties a greater schism from those who were
concerned about the potential for nuclear war, and now in the Nineties, the Waco
incident, the Weaver incident, the Oklahoma City and New York Trade Center bombings,
these are beginning to wake up the masses to the realization that their government has
become criminal in many ways.

This Awareness indicates there are agents influencing the government; that although
many elected officials are sincere, are honest and very much loyal to the United States,
that there are many constituting a element of criminals in the government who are
working for foreign powers, and this is becoming a clear message from many groups,
many publications, and throughout that new creation, that new world of information
known as the Internet.

Be Prepared for Desperate Acts to Come

There are millions and millions of entities residing in the Internet in which information
flows freely without great censorship. This Awareness indicates it is creating chaos for
those who would promote and coerce the masses into accepting the New World Order.
Be prepared for some utterly desperate acts on the part of these entities.

Remember Tiananmen Square

This Awareness wishes to warn entities to be very aware of the total picture. Do not
engage yourself in areas of conflict wherein you might find yourself being the target of
some force that wishes to make an example for others. Do not put yourself in situations
in which you make a stand without knowing what is happening. Do not over-expose

There was a picture in Tiananmen Square that was made available through the world of a
single individual standing before a line of tanks and the tanks stopped because that
individual was standing there. This impressed the masses around the world.

This Awareness indicates that it may be that you were impressed by this. It may be
that you would like to have the kind of power that this entity had in that moment. This
Awareness wishes to remind you that once the cameras were removed, once the media
was forced to leave the area, these tanks began rolling over the demonstrators. It was
said that you could hear their heads popping like watermelons as the tanks rolled over
them. This Awareness suggests you not try to be heroes before forces that are far
greater than yours. This Awareness indicates that it is more important to stay alive, and
await your time. In your time you may have a meaningful purpose in helping to put things
right, in helping to encourage those who need help, to serve those who are in great need.
You may have a greater purpose in living than in dying as a hero.

This Awareness indicates likewise, It does not encourage, It does not wish to encourage
anyone to take up arms to slaughter your enemies. It is much better if you can befriend
your enemies, persuade your enemies to recognize the futility of their position. If you
can help your enemies to see the glory of the freeing of the masses, and how the
Constitution helps to free these entities for the glory of humanity; if you can persuade
them to turn their face from conquering the masses to serving the masses, you will do a
much greater benefit than holding arms against these entities.
This Awareness indicates that it is quite possible that a civil war will erupt. This
Awareness indicates however, there is also an equal possibility that the masses of
Patriotic Americans will prevail and will persuade those who would seek to overturn the
freedoms of American to back off from their quest, to renounce their goals.

You had a near perfect country

This Awareness indicates that this is seen as a very strong potential and this is what
this Awareness wishes to encourage: that entities spread information, awaken each
other, and try to awaken your leaders to the realization that you had a near perfect
country, with its near perfect body of laws through the Constitution of the United
States and that the subjugation of these people into a United Nations charter and the
New Constitution that enslave the masses is not worth living for nor, is it worth dying
for; and therefore, that these entities should cease in their efforts to promote such.

This Awareness indicates if you can send information, spread information and help
entities to recognize where indeed they should stand on the issues, this is a greater act,
far better than preparing for war. This Awareness indicates there will always be those
who can take up arms and it sad that many of these will kill or will be killed, but it also
very important to have those who do not engage in violence, but who work with gentle
persuasion to bring about a better world.(Revelations of Awareness 95-9 issue no. 452
with Paul Shockley as the Interpreter)

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We are living in a most critical time

(New World Order/Global Governance would eliminate all

This Awareness indicates that entities are living now at an extremely critical time in
history. There was a time when entities had great fear of nuclear war . The time today
is probably as critical as any time ever in the past, for even when entities had the fear
of nuclear war, it was not quite as easy to start a nuclear war as entities were led to

The world grid patterns and nuclear war

Certain influences relating to the world grid patterns and astrological alignments would
have been necessary for nuclear war to be launched; therefore, there were many fears
of nuclear war that could not have occurred except under certain special geophysical
and astrological timings.

So, the opportunities for nuclear war only occurred under certain windows, but entities
were led to believe that it was always a threat. This Awareness indicates that this was
part of the design behind the cold war to keep entities in fear, and therefore paying
their taxes and following the loyalties and leadership, to prevent nuclear war from

This Awareness at present time there, is less likelihood of nuclear war or total
annihilation through any known means; the treats today in a physical sense would have
more to do with biological or germ warfare against populations than nuclear war. But the
real threat appears to be a threat to you and your children's future freedom.

It can even be a threat to the existence of your family, in which family members could
be separated by government programs so that entities might never again experience a
family, and might simply become a cog in society as an individual with memories once
having been in a family, until that generation is gone, and the new generations would
then simply be individuals with no memories of families a at all.

In a new society, entities could very well become workers for the government wherein
you may move from one place to another according to how they assign you, according to
tests and evaluations much the way it occurs in military duty, so that after you take a
test, they decide to assign you to some place across the country, where you do certain
things and become locked into a duty and job which does not allow you to progress,
change or search for a new career.
Families in the New World Order

You may have family somewhere, but you may not know where they are, for they too
might have sent off somewhere, separated from each other without knowing where each
other happens to be. This is the kind of society that many have planned, for the
greatest control of individuals, and it appears to be that society which eventually is to
be implemented through the New World Order.

This Awareness indicates that there are not many who would relish that society, so
there are not many who would tell you about such a society, and it will come about
slowly, so that you don't know about it until it is already upon you. And those who tell
about it, or talk about it, or warn about such things by that time will no longer be in
society at all. (Various prison camps). This Awareness indicates there are moments in
history wherein certain forces of opposing interests come together and clash, even as
waves pound upon the shore, creating a breaking of rocks and stones, of sand, causing
the shore to fall. This is conflict. It is part of nature.

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The Illegal Quasi-Government

in Washington D.C.
The "Federal" Government is a Separate Nation
and should be called the United States, Incorporated.
This Awareness indicates there are two governments operating in this country: the
United States of America is the Republic government created by the states, for the
states, created by the people, for the people and there is the US government, which is
a corporate government, or corporation. This federal government, should be called the
United States of America, Incorporated. Corporations are not allowed by law to become
politically charged in terms of their controls over the masses of a region.

The Illegal Quasi-Government in Washington D.C.

A corporation is simply an entity which makes its own rules for its own employees and
for its own structural operation. The US government, which is on a ten acre parcel of
property in Washington D.C. (District of Columbia), outside the United States of
America is a corporation that has taken on the role of a quasi-government, but which
has no legal authority to do so.

This Awareness indicates that any action whereby this quasi-corporation known as the
United States Federal Government attempts to make laws, to impose laws on the states
or on the people that have not been authorized by the states of the people, operates
illegally. This Awareness indicates that any of the states or the people who give their
allegiance, and give their rights to such a quasi-government are doing so illegally. Anyone
who volunteers to let such a foreign entity control their lives is volunteering their
freedom away illegally, and this is where changes will soon begin to occur, and where
entities will begin to recognize a breech in the relationship between the people, the
states, and the quasi-government in Washington D.C.

The Federal government, which is foreign to the United States of America, which is
located in the District of Columbia, which is not part of the United States and which is
in fact controlled to a great extent by the international bankers and by the laws and
rules of the United Nations, whereby this Federal Washington D.C. state or country,
has set itself up as a control over the United States of America as a quasi-government

This Awareness indicates that elected officials residing outside of the United States
of America in Washington D.C., are not actually employees or officials of the United
States of America, or its rules. The states' rules do not apply. The states' Constitution
does not apply to these entities in Washington D.C. because they are acting outside the
country in this second nation known as the Federal government.

This Awareness indicates in other words, the United States Federal government and
the United States of America are basically two different countries, and the
Constitution of the United States of America is not the law of the United States
Federal government. Therefore, these entities cannot, while in the District of Colombia,
be accused of treason. They are operating on behalf of the foreign bankers and their
special interests.

Most entities are unaware of vanishing freedoms

This Awareness indicates essentially, these so called "freedoms" that entities have
enjoyed or believe they had, are taken away without the public even realizing they are
being taken. It is as though an entity is ushered into prison by a very powerful hypnotist
and one who is very persuasive, who talks the entity along as he walks him towards the
prison, and who even walks the entity through the gate and into the cell before the
entity awakes to find he is imprisoned.

This is the way it will be for many entities. They will be deeply imprisoned, unable to
escape before they know what happened. This Awareness indicates that of course,
because there are many patriots who are well aware of what is coming, they have the
opportunity to inform others and others have the chance to wake up before it is too

It becomes important for entities to recognize the need to risk communicating with
persons of their own interest. If they are interested in the patriot movement, then it is
important that they risk communicating with such entities, for you can't escape the
reality by ignoring it. There are many entities who live in denial, right up to the time
when they face the inevitable imprisonment, but of they recognize what is coming, if
they are open to hearing what is evidenced in regards to the future events so that they
do not ignore the evidence that is available through Patriot groups, then these entities
stand a chance of adding their weight to the weight of others who are still dedicated to
freedoms in this country and in other countries around the world.

Some U.S. States Now Seeking Sovereignty

This Awareness indicates, there are close to a dozen states in the US that have
seriously been moving toward secession from the United States and regaining their own
sovereignty. This Awareness indicates that Colorado, Nevada, Texas, Utah, Idaho,
Hawaii; these are but a few of those mentioned as turning toward the pursuit of their
state sovereignty. Technically, the "United States" refers to the states themselves, not
the Washington D.C. government, and the Federal government, or the United States,
Incorporated, refers to the corporation that is governing ten square miles known as
Washington D.C. It is not part of the United States. It is a separate nation,
incorporated as the United States of America, and it has self-appointed its own purpose
as being that of extending rule over the separate United States. The sovereign states
of the union being individually sovereign with their own constitution or charters or
separate laws based on the Constitution of the United States.
The United States of Americas, Incorporated

This Federal government sees itself as a democracy, whereas the original states of the
Union were a Republic . This Republic is no longer recognized by the "democracy" known
as the United States of America. It should be understood that "democracy" essentially
is majority rule, or what some call "mob rule," and a Republic is a system of government
that is focussed on the right of each individual. The rules are such to protect the rights
of the individuals, not so much the mob or the majority, but of the individuals that make
up the whole. This Awareness indicates that these things that most entities are not
taught in their school or not taught through the news, through television or through the
ordinary information sources of the country. It should be realized that the United
States of America, Incorporated is dominated and controlled by 13 powerful banking
families; the Rothschilds being a dominant influence, so that the laws are passed to help
curb the freedoms of the states.

Most of the laws of the Federal government are essentially just corporate rules and
corporate laws on the states who have become associated with the Federal government,
given there allegiance or otherwise bought into the Federal government in Washington,
D.C., a corporation. The government in Washington, D.C. is not set up to represent the
states, but to control the states, as though they were subordinate corporations to this
greater corporation.

Originally, the laws passed were by consent of the states, but it has reached a point
now where the Federal Reserve Bank has such power and loans to the states or
programs for the states can be financed from Washington DC, the states sell out and go
along with the Federal programs in order to get Federal money.

This Awareness indicates that it has been a very slow and gradual take over of the
states and their sovereignty and independence, so that the independence is more of a
sham. The so-called independence day is a celebration that occurs each July 4th, more
out of memory than out of actual reality of the present time. There is really very little
independence. In fact, there is much talk of "interdependence," meaning that the states
are dependent on the Federal government, and the Federal government has some
reliance on the state for its taxes collected from the people of the various states, and
in this sense there is an interdepence. They each depend on each other.

The Oversight of the Founding Fathers

This Awareness indicates this all came about by an oversight of the Founding Fathers,
wherein the Rothschild lawyers and representatives recognized that the oversight was
that Washington, D.C. government for the states had never actually been a part of the
United States and therefore, they took over and created a corporation of this Federal
government, making it a separate nation from the United states, and from that action
began to move toward a gradual take over of the various states of the union through
statutes and laws which the states bought into.

From Jackie Patru Sweet :

"Our Constitutional rights are under attack. While we sleep, local and state elected officials are
legislating away our freedom by implementing federal legislation which does NOT apply --
Constitutionally -- to the several states. The President is acting as a king -- issuing "decrees" called
Executive Orders -- which we are to believe overrides the Constitution for the United States of
America, bypassing the system of checks and balances. Corrupt courts prosecute on false charges,
ignoring the right to due process. To what may we attribute the impending death of our once great
nation and the slave status of once-free Americans? Who is to blame for her state of bankruptcy
and vulnerability?
We are, by our silence. Our lack of involvement is our acquiescence."

Go to the Next Page "Why the Fed & The National Debt Are Illegal."

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Global Planners
What are the Roots of the Insecurity?


This Awareness indicates that it is more likened unto part of the genetic code of the
human condition; that in the genetics entities all know deep down that some day they
could lose their lives; that it is possible at any time to lose control to someone or
something that they cannot control, and when these entities (globalists) in growing more
and more wealthy, find themselves getting more and more control of their own lives and
of the lives of others, it gives them the feeling of success as persons who have unusual
power, because of their special wealth and status, and they get a glimpse of what it's
like to be omnipotent, and that feeling of omnipotence causes any degree of insecurity
to seem as though it is a great threat to their own omnipotence.

Therefore, it is the evil in their lives from their point of omnipotence and they cannot
tolerate having that continual insecurity as part of their omnipotent lives. They want it
out. They want to rid themselves of that insecurity. It could happen to anyone who
moves into greater and greater wealth and power. It is not something that is karmic
necessarily to the individual, for any individual who suddenly has great wealth and power
will experience this fear of the insecurity, for as you gain something, you also dread the
fact that you could lose it.

This Awareness indicates that entities need to learn how to live with things as much as
entities need to learn how to live without things. You can learn to live with your lack of
security, just as you can learn to live with the securities you have. An entity who has
great wealth and great power, probably has more security than most entities, but they
can't quite get rid of that glimmer of insecurity that pokes through some hole in their
armor, and therefore, it becomes a greater and greater obsession to them.

It is a though their wealth and power is a fort to protect them from the threats of the
world, but the fort always has a hole somewhere, where an entity, an enemy could crawl
through, or if not a large enemy, then may be a small enemy. There is always that threat
of insecurity. Also, they have their insecurities of those who are around them who would
like to take over their empire, and they have the insecurities of their own aging process.
What will happen when they begin to lose their mental faculties? There are all these
things they can worry about so that they cannot fully live the enjoyment they have
garnered about themselves.

They do not enjoy their wealth. They are fixed on their insecurities. This Awareness
indicates that meanwhile, the tramp on the street who looks through garbage cans and
find a half eaten sandwich or head of lettuce, can be quite happy at his find and may
enjoy his momentary victory more than anything the super-rich entity enjoys in his
entire life.

This Awareness indicates that if this is the case, it is because the tramp on the street
is living with insecurity, has insecurity all about him, and suddenly finds something that
gives him security and pleasure and enjoys it immensely. The entity who has all of his
extreme wealth but cannot enjoy it because he is fixed and obsessed with the
insecurities, has built around himself everything imaginable to provide security, but still
feels that insecurity and therefore, by being fixated on the insecurity, fails to enjoy all
that he has garnered in his life to make himself feel good.

The Control that Controls Control Awaits

This Awareness reminds you also that there is a control that controls control, and that
is the control known as "death"and those who would have absolute control may find that
they are inheriting the control that controls the control.

Insecurity: The Sin or Error of the Wealthy

This Awareness indicates this is the sin, the error of the wealthy. It is not so much
that they are evil, it is more that they are fixated on insecurity and are willing to go
further towards trying to create more and more security, even at the expense of
others; thus the entities may come up with ideas that will make the poor poorer, in
order that they may be richer, so that they can feel more secure. This Awareness
indicates that there are very few entities who have enough riches to feel satisfied, but
this is not necessary, for the wealth can learn to enjoy their wealth and to let
insecurities abide in their lives, without receiving so much attention, without becoming a
fixation point, without their being obsessed with insecurities, even on a subconscious

Have a Party! Celebrate your Insecurity!

They can simply recognize the inevitable presence of insecurity; that it cannot totally
eliminated because they are mortal beings. Mortal beings will always have some level of
insecurity. This Awareness suggest you may wish to create a ritual or have a party to
celebrate your acceptance of insecurity. Do something to make insecurity part of your
life, to show your acceptance of it, and you will never have again a problem of insecurity,
and then you can go about enjoying the rest of your life.

Next page "The Super-Rich and the Satanic Connection"


What "New Age" Really is About


Christian Religion Must Change or Perish


What "New Age" Really is About

This Awareness indicates that there are entities who have spent lifetimes objectively
working with such tools as palmistry, astrology, the Tarot, handwriting analyses, and
there are many who are extremely good in the use of these tools, and because most
entities cannot take the time, do not have interest, or haven't the skill to do as well, or
they do not understand how these things can be, they either class them as superstition
or fraud or as evil.

This Awareness indicates that in reference to the New Age, it has nothing to do with
the trinkets, it has nothing to do with the crystals that are so commonly sold in New
Age shops. All those crystals are just tools that entities can focus on during
meditations or they may serve as symbolism for healing purposes, just as Christians may
use crosses, or other religious icons, but the crystals do not make the Aquarian Age, nor
does channeling make the Aquarian Age, nor does the kind of metaphysical grouping and
flowering and discussions of New Age mean that these entities are creating the New
Age, nor does even the meditations or group meditations create the New Age. They
contribute energies to it.

This Awareness indicates that it is the universal vibrations and the movement of
planets, the movement of the sun in its sojourn through its orbit, through its orbit
around Sirius in the Orion constellation and the variation that it meets in its movement
that determines the Earth ages of approximately 2200 years each, and it is this
movement into these new vibrations that trigger certain frequency reactions among the
planets of the solar system so that the vibrations are altered on Earth and on the other
planets in such a manner that it changes the consciousness of individuals on earth. It is
this that is causing and bringing about the New Age.

Christian Religion Must Change or Perish

This Awareness indicates that this mapping of frequencies as the sun moves through its
twenty six thousand year orbit is that which has been mapped in terms of astrological
movements and they have been labeled as ages, and the movements today are those
associated with the Age of Aquarius. It is dawning. It is but the beginning. It began
early in this century, early in the 20th Century. This Awareness indicates that the
Christian religion will undergo great changes in the coming century. It must make
adjustments. It must change in order to survive. It must adopts beliefs, understanding
which science is discovering.

It cannot survive on the old concepts of 2000 years ago. The scientific view of the
universe as being multidimensional, parallel universes, black holes; all of these new
discoveries must become part of the Christian religion. It can no longer be thought of
as simply a place in the universe in which the son of the Universal Creator came and was
crucified, and for being crucified, created the option for the masses to be redeemed,
and there is no other option available anywhere, for if that is scenario of the Universal
Creator's plan, it would need to be carried out on all of the other inhabited planets in
the universe, in the same way, so that Jesus (Christ) would be traveling all over the
universe being born of virgins, being crucified on crosses, in order to redeem those
planets by setting up religions that compete with other religions on those planets in
hopes that some of those would be redeemed, while all the others would be sent to
everlasting flames of hell.

Is This the Plan of a Universal Creator?

Is this the plan of a Universal Creator, or does it sound more like the plan of a madman?
This Awareness indicates that the Christian religion must look at the story symbolically
and understand its esoteric meaning rather than its superficial literal meaning; it is this
esoteric interpretation, this esoteric value of the Christian religion that is so important
to the New Age groups. This Awareness indicates that such things as UFO's,
conspiracies, the meditations, the interest in Far East teachings, the oneness to
exploring of crystals and healing techniques, the concern about the environment, the
work in terms of human potential movements; all of these things are but reflections of
these New Age vibrations, and these reflections themselves are being mistaken for the
New Age fads or behavior, and the reality that is pushing and bringing about this new
consciousness which promotes and explores these things is unseen by Christian groups.

They see only that which is the result of this new energy, and they see these things and
they see the chaos that is also being pushed into the spotlight of consciousness wherein
all things are being revealed, even the ugliness of the satanic groups, and because these
ugly images are surfacing along with this other paraphernalia, they lump it all together,
labeling everything other than their own narrow philosophy as being satanic in nature.

Their thinking is polarized: "You're either with us or against us", "there is no in

between"; this like saying "It's either a good day or a bad day. There is no such thing as
a ho-hum day". This Awareness indicates that there are degrees, there are shades;
things are not dualistic, they are multiple, multi-istic. People are not simply good or bad,
they are good and bad. The have their weakness and their strength, their greatness and
their weakness. Entities need to learn to accept without so much judgment and discern
clearly so that they are tolerant of those things that are essentially harmless and very
strict in recognizing those things that are dangerous to the welfare of themselves or
others, so that they do not tolerate the extreme error, but that they tolerate
differences which, in themselves, are harmless.
This Awareness indicates that many entities will kill each other because of a difference
in belief, of something that matters not one whit. They can become so violent and so
insistent in being right that they would slay their brother or sister for opposing them
on their belief. It is when things do matter, wherein someone is creating a situation
that is an extreme threat to the welfare of another, that entities need to know and
express the act and act so that they do not tolerate violence, they do not tolerate
these violations, but in so doing, it is important not to become that which you yourself
oppose, for it is not the Will of this Awareness that entities should take on the qualities
that they are seeking to prevent in others.

This Awareness indicates that it is very easy for entities to become fearful, wherein
one begins to point the finger and say; "You are a new Age person! You are of the devil!"
It is easy for entities to become fearful at being classified in such a manner. It is
important that entities clarify, that they make friends, that they explain, that they
communicate, so that these misconceptions can be reconciled and clarified. It is better
that this communication occur between opposing entities than that they simply flush
away without speaking or become angry at being accused, or hurl back similar
accusations. This Awareness indicates it is also important that entities carefully
distance themselves from any appearance of Satanism, for these entities are drawing
themselves the wrath of the people, and that wrath can very easily spill over onto
others who may be nearby, or of similar appearance.

A Time of Great Turbulence is Coming

This Awareness indicates there is coming a time of great turbulence in regards to this
issue of Satanism and its effect on entities in this nation and in other nations where it
so prevalent. It is not limited by any means to this United States. It is very commonly
associated with the drug scene. This Awareness indicates that it is important that
entities begin to distance themselves from this, for these Satanists themselves can not
only be dangerous to be around, they can also be dangerous as associates. This
Awareness indicates it is disturbing to understand the extent and realism of this
concept and its teachings, but it is also important that entities realize the reality of it.

It is important to realize also that this Awareness has put put forth a binding on the
myth of Satan, to diffuse this energy, that this binding action as that which has grown
considerable. There have been numerous exposé's in regard to satanic situation, people
involved in Satanism, and information being expressed regarding Satanism, and
gradually, it is coming to the light of consciousness for humans to witness and diffuse.

This Awareness has put a binding on this concept and myth of Satan, for it is not a
reality in terms of a personality; it is a creation of thought with an abstract essence
that operates as a kind of a mythical being which stimulates entities when they seek
stimulation from their imagined god, and they can perpetuate this imagined being as a
form of a stimulation for as long as they desire, but this Awareness has put a binding on
this myth, this mythical being, and has confined this being to that of a golden ball,
wrapped the entity, the imaginary entity, and restrained the entity so that it cannot
have further expansion of power or serve those who feed the energy of this myth.

This Awareness indicates that It has provided that this energy be removed from the
Earth plane and that it is in the process of being removed. This Awareness indicates
that there will be further exposing of these groups and entities during the coming
months and coming years. This Awareness suggests that by the year 1995, entities will
have a great understanding of things which they have not heretofore imagined, and the
place will then become much safer for everyone.

This Awareness indicates there is much that will be exposed during the coming year
alone, not only in regard to Satanism but also in regard to much of the power that has
been misused by officials and authorities in governments and this too is part of the
spin-off of satanic rituals that have affected entities in high places.
(Revelations of Awareness 89-10 Issue 347 with Interpreter Paul Shockley)

Greed and Eternal Unfulfillment

This Awareness indicates there is also that consideration that many entities have which
is associated with greed. There is something about greed that feeds on itself. The more
people have, the more they want. What they are truly seeking is not more stuff: they
are seeking that feeling of fulfillment. They want to be fulfilled. They want fulfillment,
so they no longer have hunger or desire.

They want everything they desire. They want to fill there appetite, to have nothing
more to want. This Awareness indicates that many entities speak of the Eternal
Fulfillment. This Awareness advocates that entities accept the Eternal Unfulfillment;
that in being eternally unfulfilled, and accepting that position in life, you will always have
something to draw you from one moment to the next.

If any moment is totally fulfilled, there will be no need and no follow-up for another
moment. The feeling of unfulfillment leads you to the next moment, and each moment
has its complete energy that is necessary for that moment, but it also has a vacuum,
something that is not fulfilled in that moment, and that vacuum is what leads you to the
next moment.

This Awareness indicates that as you move from moment to moment to moment,
unfulfilled, if you can accept the fact that there will be no fulfillment, and enjoy the
half-full moment, you can have great joy in life from each of those moments that are
half-full, indulging completely in the half-full moment, and moving on to the next and the
next and the next, never lamenting or never being frustrated because no moment is
totally full.

Why should it be full? Why not go from half-full moments to half-full moments,
eternally, with great joy, for these half-full moments keep you going and give you
eternal life. This Awareness indicates that the entity who seeks fulfillment becomes
more greedy, and the entity is always unhappy because he cannot feel fulfilled. But by
accepting unfulfillment and recognizing that the little amount you got from this moment
was good, and you can get a little more in the next moment, it helps you to look forward
with greater anticipation and enjoying each moment for what it offers.

This Awareness indicates that this enjoyment of each moment for what it offers allows
an entity to move from moment to moment, having an enjoyable life.

To the next page: Fundamentalists are Slandering New Age Groups

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How the Jesus Myth was created

Cosmic Awareness is the force that expressed Itself through Edgar Cayce,
the Buddha, Krisna, Mohammed, and other great Avatars who served as
"channels" for Cosmic Consciousness, and who speaks again today as the
world begins to enter the New Age of spiritual consciousness and awareness.

Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully

trained channels. The information contained herein was received from deep
trance states and "interpreted" by an entity (Paul Shockley) affiliated,
at that time, with Cosmic Awareness Communications. (C.A.C.)
This information is for those who inherit the New Age*.
This Awareness indicates that it is the universal vibrations and the movement
of planets, the movement of the sun in its sojourn through its orbit, through its
orbit around Sirius in the Orion constellation and the variation that it meets in
its movement that determines the Earth ages of approximately 2200 years each,
and it is this movement into these new vibrations that trigger certain frequency
reactions among the planets of the solar system so that the vibrations are
altered on Earth and on the other planets in such a manner that it changes the
consciousness of individuals on earth. It is this that is causing and bringing
about the New Age*.

Awareness tells you not to believe anything,

even this Awareness not to believe, but to question,
explore, doubt and discover for yourself what is the truth.
Cosmic Awareness only indicates and suggests.

Cosmic Awareness introduces Itself (by TV) in 1977 to the World

The Main Purpose of Awareness at This Time

Are You Ready for Cosmic Awareness?

How Christianity was started

This Awareness wishes to remind you that the story of Jesus, the first written word,
was that which was put down some 80 years after his existence on this plane; that It
wishes also to inform you that the composite known as the entity Jesus was that which
was put together from a variety of information.

This Awareness indicates that essentially, under Constantine, the concept of the
Catholic or Universal, (Catholic meaning Universal) religion, the official Roman religion,
as that which was a composite of various religious writings which were brought together
to form that which is known as the Christian religion. That many of the writings were
assembled from various sources, and brought into, and comprised those books of the

The Evolution of the Bible

This Awareness suggest, there is a book by Loyd Graham titled Deceptions and Myths in
the Bible; that this book goes into the origin of the stories that have been related in
the Old Testament, especially in the Old Testament, which were literally taken, in many
cases word for word, or concept for concept from earlier writings. For example, the
story of Noah and his four sons having been taken from writings which long predated
the stories in the Old Testament and which used terms and names for the sons which
were identical to those reported in the Old testament.

This Awareness indicates that the story of Moses as having been stolen from a Syrian
myth that had come down in relation to an entity names Misis. This Awareness indicates
that a great number of the stories within the Old Testament were simply the result of
the Hebrew priests attempting to create a set of myths and stories by which they could
organize their own religion, their own philosophy, in order to form a more cohesive
society in those days. This Awareness indicates that the works of Loyd Graham go
deeply into finding these earlier stories from Babylon, which was the source of the
story of the garden of Eden, through Syrian and other cultures and Indian records and
stories of India.

This Awareness indicates that even the New Testament is assembled from patterns
related to stories taken from earlier sources, such as Zoroastrian, Mithrain, Krishna,
Buddhism, and Egyptian, and others, in which many verses are literally paraphrasing
earlier writings, and many of the stories attributed to the story of Jesus, were lifted
directly out of these other writings. The story of Jesus at the well, as one which was
taken from earlier writings. This Awareness indicates that it is of importance that
entities realize the origins of the Bible did not come from the pen of God, but came
from the earlier writings in different cultures and nations at the time these Hebrew
priests put this work together. This Awareness indicates that these countries who were
plagiarized then became labeled as heathen,- nations whose philosophies were
heathenistic, but this was only after their stories had been stolen.

How symbols influence entities

This Awareness indicates that throughout most of this (past) 2000 year period of the
Piscean Age, entities have become more inclined toward open and shallow interpretation
of stories at face value, rather than looking more deeply at hidden meanings. It has
been the advent of psychology to bring back the significance of symbolism, for in
Freud's concern for the dream state, it emphasized the significance of symbols and as
symbols began to become more significant, entities began to recognize symbolism in
other levels that had previously been ignored or forgotten.

This Awareness indicates however, in the past most of the emphasis in secret schools
was on symbolism rather than on rational messages. This Awareness indicates that the
rituals that have been come down in churches, especially the Catholic church are
actually symbolism; the bowing of the knee on the altar, and the various rituals that
take place have certain symbolic meaning and this symbolism is that which the
subconscious understand better than the rational mind. This Awareness indicates that if
entities cannot and do not receive training or teaching in the significance and meaning of
symbols, they become victims of those who understand the power and control available
through the manipulation of symbols.

How the Jesus Myth was created

First of all, you have to realize that Jesus was a composite of different entities and the
name was chosen several hundred years later at the Council of Nicea, wherein the entity
Constantine ordered the various religious sects to come together and create a single
religion for Rome, a Universal religion that incorporated all of the aspects of the
various religions, so that all could accept and subscribe to it.

The Influence of Apollonius of Tyana

(Read also about Apollonius of Tyana, the Real Christ? The invented story of

This entity Apollonius of Tyana is the central figure of a certain religious order that
was prevalent at that time in Rome and his life was incorporated into the Holy Roman
religion or Catholic version of the Christian epic which became the official Roman
religion in approximately 300 AD.

This Awareness indicates that this energy of Apollonius was incorporated, there was
also energies of several other spiritual leaders of Roman religious sects whose stories
were also brought in and there were those spiritual personalities or deities from other
Roman religious orders whose histories or religious myths came from other cultures.

Krishna for example, of India, was one of the religious cults and groups in Rome, and his
story was merged with that of Apollonius of Tyana. The story of Krishna as that entity
who came into the earth born of a virgin and who attempted to save people from error
and sin, but who was hanged for his efforts.

This Awareness indicates that this was incorporated in the story of Jesus and the
Apollonius story was also part of this story, and there were also entities whose religion
was that of sun worshipping, wherein there was the sun and the 12 houses or signs, and
these sun worshippers had their story of Jesus in which the sun god had 12 disciples
and these 12 disciples of course reflected the 12 signs of those who were the sun
worshippers in Rome. This was of course an astrological religion.

The composite known as Jesus

This Awareness indicates that the combination of the many different Roman religious
orders or organizations, the different religious sects, forming a composite in which the
central heroic character was the Son of God, having 12 disciples, being born of a virgin,
whose intent and purpose was to help save mankind, and for his efforts, the entity was
slain and put upon a cross; the entity also having certain miraculous powers, including
that of those who can heal by touch, or raise from the dead or move into states of
suspended animation, such as some of the masters of India have demonstrated in
various times throughout history.

Catholic Church Tried to Destroy Jesus and His Family

Thus, one aspect of this composite known as Jesus moved west to India, and into
Kashmir, and was recorded as having been the entity known as Jesus, and lived there to
a ripe age. Another aspect of this composite moved eastward along with the Holy Family,
and bore a child through Mary Magdalene. This Awareness indicates this was known as
the Holy Family, which the Catholic Church made every effort to eradicate and destroy
and remove any trace of the information surrounding that entity, but which the
Templars made every effort to preserve and to promote and carry on that Holy
Bloodline, even to the point of some hundred years later, taking the Holy Family, the
descendants of the Holy Family into the New World, through Newfoundland and into
what was later to be called the United States.

This Awareness indicates that in this sense, the entity that contributed to the
composite known as Jesus went westward, while another entity who contributed to the
composite known as Jesus went eastward. This Awareness indicates there were of
course, still others. This Awareness indicates that in attempting to discuss the story of
Jesus in a traditional way opens a Pandora's Box of discrepancies, when you approach or
seek the truth of the matter, because the Jesus of the Bible, being a composite of
many different entities, or several different entities, is not the true story.


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