La Jornada - Dr. Fauci, Sociopath at The Service of Pharmaceutical Companies

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Politics A DV E R T I S E M E N T


&2021-12-24 06:00 A DV E R T I S E M E N T

Dr. Fauci, sociopath at the service of A DV E R T I S E M E N T

pharmaceutical companies: Robert F. Kennedy

Carlos Fazio Reading time: 9 min.

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the United States. Photo Ap

' La Jornada Newspaper

Friday, December 24, 2021, p. 6

( ) * + In a devastating book documented with rigor, courageous and politically

significant, the humanist Robert Francis Kennedy Jr exhibits the person
! in charge of managing the Covid-19 pandemic in the United States, An-
thony Fauci, as a "charlatan" interested in millionaire personal business-
" es, who has served as a hinge between a thorny network of planned glob-
al militarization and the monetization of medicine; a process of "con-
# trolled demolition of American constitutional democracy", which leads
to technocratic-digital totalitarianism and is carried out by the Big Phar-
$ ma, the financial sector, the oligopolistic technology giants of Silicon
Valley and the military-industrial complex, including services of intelli-
% gence. In an ideological-intellectual alliance with large media conglom-
erates, considered some "independent" and / or "progressive".
According to Kennedy, Dr. Fauci - "the most powerful and despotic doc-
tor of humanity" -, instead of safeguarding the public health of the Unit-
ed States, turned the National Institutes of Health (NIH) into an incuba-
tor of medical products and is the main architect of the "institutional
capture" of government agencies, including public health agencies, by
the oligarchic corporations of the pharmaceutical industry.

He also accuses him of being associated with megamillionaire Bill Gates

participated in the creation of the "vaccine gold rush" with unethical
strategies, using pandemic drills in close collaboration with the Pen-
tagon, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the World Economic Forum
in Davos and the main pharmaceutical and media corporations.

The author of The True Anthony Fauci. Bill Gates, the big pharmaceuti-
cal companies and the global war against democracy and public health
(Skyhorse Publishing and Children's Health Defense) is the nephew of
former President John F. Kennedy - murdered in Dallas, Texas, in 1963 -
and belongs to the most privileged establishment in the United States.
Lawyer and member of the Democratic Party, he has been litigating for
four decades in defense of Roosevelt's old New Deal and the Bill of Rights
of the Constitution, which try to be "captured" by oligarchic-corporate
interests through what he calls "sock puppets."

Robert Kennedy Jr knows perfectly the bowels of the system. As he him-

self asserts and describes, his father, former US Attorney General and
then Senator Robert F. Kennedy, he was also murdered. This one in Los
Angeles, California, in 1968, for whom he took care of his back that day:
a man who worked for the CIA, Eugene Cesar, who shot him four times at
close range. The investigation was carried out by CIA agents operating in
Latin America, and before the trial 2,800 photos collected by the police
were destroyed.

According to Kennedy, for more than four decades Fauci has been an
"agent" of the Big Pharma, whose financial framework involves large
drug and drug manufacturing companies with state agencies such as the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) - of which
Fauci himself has been director since 1984 -, which has become "a seam-
less subsidiary of the pharmaceutical industry."

His statements about Fauci's accumulated power are supported by hard

data: the director of NIAID is the highest paid federal official in the
United States, with a salary of 417,608 dollars annually (the president
earns 400,000); manages an annual budget of 6.1 billion and obtains an-
other 1.6 billion from the Army to carry out research on biological
weapons; controls 57 percent of global biomedical funding directly and
indirect through the NIH, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the
Wellcome Trust, and therefore controls scientists seeking funding for his
research; he has 57 vaccine patents. In addition, Fauci and other officials
receive up to $150,000 annually in royalty payments for products they
help develop and for the execution of the approval project.

In his documented research, Kennedy accuses the main propagandist

and street vendor of Covid-19 vaccines of the Deep State, of having fol-
lowed unethical strategies since the beginning of the so-called corona
pandemic, from the obstruction of early treatments to the promotion of
"two deadly remedies: ventilators and remdesivir" of Gilead laboratories,
as pharmaceutical gains and bureaucratic powers Remdesivir, with "a
catastrophic safety profile," and where the Bill and Melinda Gates Foun-
dation has a large participation, costs $3,000 per treatment.

Together with his partner Bill Gates - and to corner Americans towards
Covid injection as a single solution - Fauci did not invest a dollar to
study or promote early treatment with combinations of drugs that could
drastically reduce deaths and hospitalizations, suppressing, sabotage
and waging war on cheaper and non-toxic prophylaxis of the competi-
tion, such as, among others, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, zinc and
intravenous vitamins D and C, available on the market.

Simultaneously, in an assault on the guarantee of freedom of expression

of the First Amendment of the United States, Fauci and allied media cor-
porations censored criticism of their policies on major social networks
and collaborated to silence any medical information about therapies and
treatments that could end the pandemic and compete with injections
and vaccines (See: Zelenko Treatment; Association of American Physi-
cians and Surgeons; FLCCC Alliance, etc.).

As Kennedy reports in his work, in 2000, Fauci met Gates, who asked him
to partner with the National Institutes of Health to inoculate the world
with a battery of new vaccines. In 2009, that agreement was renamed
"The Decade of Vaccines", which aimed to implement mandatory vacci-
nation of all children and adults on the planet by 2020. And since 2016,
that went hand in hand with the ID2020 Alliance for universal digital
identification, sponsored by the global vaccination alliance GAVI (Gates
Foundation), Microsoft and Accenture, in partnership with the UN.

In his book, Kennedy states that Bill Gates' so-called philanthropic capi-
talism is used by the tycoon to accumulate money: he has a foundation
in which he hid 50 billion dollars duty-free, money he uses to control
public health agencies in the United States and the World Health Orga-
nization, allowing him to establish global medical, pharmaceutical and
public health policies, maxim

Lethal experiments with children

However, Gates did not attract Fauci to the dark side of this story. He had
already spent decades playing with people's lives and sacrificing public
health for profit. In particular, Kennedy exposes Fauci's role in the HIV
epidemic in the 80s of the last century; he built NIAID around an anti-
AIDS drug called azidothymidine (AZT), a chemotherapy drug so toxic
that it killed rats. The inventor considered that it was not safe for human
use and did not patent it. But Fauci partnered with him and accelerated
his regulation by cheating in clinical trials.

According to SPIN magazine, AZT "was worse than the disease and killed
faster than the natural progression of AIDS if left untreated. AZT had
been an anticancer drug ruled out due to its fatal toxicity, resurrected
with AIDS patients on the pretext that they were going to die anyway."
Fauci sabotaged alternative treatments and AZT was the most expensive
drug in history: $10,000 for a one-year supply (its manufacture cost $5
per dose); it killed about 330,000 people.

Kennedy also exhibits technocrat Fauci's experiments with toxic AIDS

drugs in black and Hispanic adoptive children at the Incarnation Chil-
dren's Center in New York. At least 85 died, but the number could reach a
thousand. Kennedy writes: "What dark trend is found in Dr. Fauci who
allowed to supervise and then cover up the atrocities at the Incarnation
Children's Center? Do you assume that the suffering and death of chil-
dren are acceptable collateral damage in their 'noble' search for innova-
tions in public health? In the worst case scenario, he is a sociopath who
has brought science to the scale of sadism."

Kennedy makes comparisons with Fauci's recommendation to use

remdesivir to treat Covid-19. He says that he copied the strategy to ob-
tain authorization for emergency use that he used in the case of AIDS
and that he repeated throughout his career to obtain approvals for inef-
fective and lethal drugs, and although he earned a lot of money with
AZT, it cannot be compared to Pfizer's profits with his anti-Covid injec-
tion: 35 billion dollars in 2021. And unlike AZT, Pfizer is absolutely risk-
free and can never be sued for injuries or deaths.

Fauci - Kennedy's Spring - has been a key figure in pandemic planning,

and not precisely in how to prevent one but in how to create it. He adds:
"Pandemics have been dramatized and turned out to be a complete fraud
(...), Fauci and Gates took the lessons of other false pandemics and
transferred it to the coronavirus. I want to make it clear that I am not
saying that the coronavirus is not a pandemic or that it does not kill
many people. He does. But we have all been manipulated by the exagger-
ation of cases, deaths and obscurantism of the data." In chapter 12,
Kennedy documents almost two dozen pandemic simulations of "biosea-
sibility", the most recent being Event 201 of October 19, 2019; all with
the participation of intelligence agencies. Everyone raised how to estab-
lish states of emergency as a remedy to face the simulated threat.

According to Kennedy, Fauci's only metric is: "How many vaccines have
we given? How many drugs have we sold? How many commissions are
we receiving?" As he explains in the book, NIAID has become an incuba-
tor for the pharmaceutical industry. He also states that "between 70 and
90 percent of deaths and hospitalizations due to Covid could have been
avoided and there are studies that support it. However, it prohibits peo-
ple from doing it. He is a sociopath..."
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