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Assignment#3 Questions

3.1. Explain the difference between attribute control charts and variable control

 Variable control charts are used to monitor continuous characteristics of the

products, while attribute control charts are applied to monitor the quality
characteristics, which are not possible to express in numerical scale.

3.2. Select three service companies or organizations you are familiar with and indicate
how process control charts could be used in each.

 Jollibee Food Corp. The purpose of a process control chart is to establish

upper and lower bounds of acceptable performance in the face of normal
variation. In other words, they provide a great way for Jollibee managers to
track any process in place so that they can learn how to improve poor
performance and build on successes

 General Philippine
 I think the cause-and-
effect diagram should
be utilize in the this
 company/organization.
For the reason that cause-
and-effect diagram were
being utilized to
 identify the causes of
quality problem. The
example provided in the
NEUVLE also about
 the hospital. It was
showed there the
diagram, it was being
utilize at the hospital to
 the turnover time of
patients in bed.
 General Philippine
 I think the cause-and-
effect diagram should
be utilize in the this
 company/organization.
For the reason that cause-
and-effect diagram were
being utilized to
 identify the causes of
quality problem. The
example provided in the
NEUVLE also about
 the hospital. It was
showed there the
diagram, it was being
utilize at the hospital to
 the turnover time of
patients in bed.
 General Philippine
 I think the cause-and-
effect diagram should
be utilize in the this
 company/organization.
For the reason that cause-
and-effect diagram were
being utilized to
 identify the causes of
quality problem. The
example provided in the
NEUVLE also about
 the hospital. It was
showed there the
diagram, it was being
utilize at the hospital to
 the turnover time of
patients in bed.
 General Philippine
 I think the cause-and-
effect diagram should
be utilize in the this
 company/organization.
For the reason that cause-
and-effect diagram were
being utilized to
 identify the causes of
quality problem. The
example provided in the
NEUVLE also about
 the hospital. It was
showed there the
diagram, it was being
utilize at the hospital to
 the turnover time of
patients in bed.
 General Philippine Hospital- Cause and effect diagram were being utilized to
identify the causes of quality problem.
 Captain Cleaners- Pareto analysis can be applied by tallying the number
defects for each of the different possible causes of poor product and then
developing a frequency distribution from the data.

3.3. Select a local fast-food restaurant, retail store, grocery store, or bank, and identify
the different processes that control charts could be used to monitor

 McDonald
o Control charts are one of the tools being used in Operational
excellence. They are basically applied for the purpose of providing
valuable data to create a “baseline process performance, monitor and
control process performance” (Stagliano, 2004 p. 90). They can also be
used in measurement systems to be evaluated and multiple processes
can also be compared. Practically, control charts can be utilized in any
aspect of operations that can be attributed to “process characterization
and analysis” (Stagliano, 2004 p. 90).
o Control charts not simply provide routine data, but its main use is for
stakeholders or managers analyze if there are certain variations that
may be interpreted as “in-control” if the process data points shows
“random causes” or “out-of-control” if the specific process has a
combination of variations that was caused by both “random and special
causes” (SQC Online, 2010).2) How to possibly improve quality at
specific levels from

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