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Examination April:-2021
Science Project

Name of Student :- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

School Name :- Shri. D. B. Mali Maharashtra Vidyalaya Khamgaon

Class :- 10 th Division :- A

Academic years :- 2020 – 21 Roll No :- 1001

Board’s Examination Numbers :-

Maharashtra Vidyalaya, Khamgaon
Science And Technology –I
Project No:- 01
Name of Project:- Take weights of five of your friends. Find out what their
weights will be on the moon and the Mars.

Needs of Project:- To know that weight of object on other planate as compares that of Earth.
To increases the interest of study of “Astronomies”. Weightlessness in space

Methods of Project :-
1) Take the mass (m) of five students in your class with help of weighing scale in Kg.
2) Convert this weights into Newton by multiplying g = 9.81 m/s2 3)
Calculate the Weight of these friends on “ Moon”

Weight on Moon = 0.17 x Weight on Earth

4) Calculate the Weight of these friends on “ Mars”

Weight on Mars = 0.38 x Weight on Earth

S.No Name of Student Mass on Weight on Earth Weight on Weight on Mars

Earth Moon

Kg W = m x g (N) W1= 0.17 x W2= 0.38 x

Weight on Earth Weight on Earth

01 Ku. Meena Patil 35 35 x 9.81= 343 (N) 58 (N) 130 (N)

02 Ku. Aruna Bhosle 42 42 x 9.81= 412 (N) 70 (N) 157 (N)

03 Mr. Rajesh Kalmegh 47 47 x 9.81= 461 (N) 78 (N) 175 (N)

04 Mr. Rohan Kadam 51 51 x 9.81= 500 (N) 85 (N) 190 (N)

05 Mr. Shyam Rajput 64 47 x 9.81= 627 (N) 106 (N) 238 (N)

Inferences :- Weight on Earth > Weight on Mars > weight on Moon

Weight of any object is difference on different Astronomies.

Maharashtra Vidyalaya, Khamgaon
Science And Technology –I
Project No:- 02
Name of Project:- Find out the application of all inert gases , prepare a chart.

Needs of Project:- To know that How many inert gases are there ? Who discovered the inert
gases and also know that the properties and applications of inert gases

S.No Name of Symbol Atomic Electronic Period Group Applications

Inert Gases Number Configuration
Helium is used for
2 2 1 18 treatment of asthma and
1 Helium He breathing problems
Neon is use in
2 Neon Ne 10 2 ,8 2 18 television tube and
Argon is used to create
3 Argon Ar 18 2 ,8 ,8 3 18 inert atmosphere and
It is used in tubes of
4 Krypton Kr 36 2,8,18,8 4 18 fluorescent lights and
flash lamps
It is used in
5 Xenon Xe 54 2,8,18,18,8 5 18 photographic flashes
and food processing
Radon is used in
6 Radon Rn 86 2,8,18,32,18,8 6 18 cancer therapy and
treatment of tumors

Inferences :- There are six inert gas elements . Outer most shell or valence shell is complete

The Scottish chemist William Ramsay discover these elements.

Maharashtra Vidyalaya, Khamgaon
Science And Technology –II
Project No:- 01
Name of Project:- Collect the official data about present and a decade old
population of various Asian countries.

Needs of Project:- The population count determines how many representatives each country
. funding for roads, schools, housing, and social progarms

S.No Name of Popullation Popullation World Rank Density of

country of 2018 of 2020 Rank in Asia Popullation

1 China 1,415,045,928 1,439,323,776 1 1 150 (Km)2

2 India 1,354,051,854 1,380,004,385 2 2 455 (Km)2

3 Indonesia 266,794,980 273,523,615 4 3 147 (Km)2

4 Pakistan 200,813,818 220,892,340 6 4 260 (Km)2

5 Bangladesh 166,368,149 164,689,383 8 5 1,278(Km)2

6 Japn 127,185,332 126,476,461 11 6 348 (Km)2

7 Philippines 106,512,074 109,581,078 13 7 357 (Km)2

Maharashtra Vidyalaya, Khamgaon
Science And Technology –II
Project No:- 02
Name of Project:- Identify the following symbols and write their meanings.

Needs of Project:- Symbols play important roll because they facilitate communication and
identification of ideas and concept to save the envornment



Ans:- A} –Use of bicycle means use of green energy and Save fuel and save

B }- This symbol giving the message “ Save Water Sustainable use of water is
necessary for our future

C }- This symbol tells us to keep our waste carefully the garbage should not be
strewn anywhere

D} – This symbol show use the types of green energy such as solar and wind

E }–This symbol is giving the message “Reduce- Reuse – Recycle for utilization of
natural resources

F}- This symbol gives the message about “ Save water “



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