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NAME: Aubry Heart L.


Day 1 (April 26,2021)

During this day, one of my cousins went to our house because she was asking for my help in her
project which is to be passed on the next day. I first told her why she didn’t do her project earlier so
that she won’t procrastinate anymore. Then she told me that she ran out of time because she was
budgeting her time doing other activities in her modules at the same time serving mass at the church
and helping her sister at her school activities. After telling me this, I felt pity on her and I understand
that she wasn’t able to budget her time due to the loaded schedule she has. After that, I agree on
helping her do her project. I allow her to type and print the necessary information needed while I
make her scrapbook project. We spent the whole afternoon and stay late at night just to finish her
project. After the teamwork and hard work that we exert, we manage to make her project look
beautiful with reliable information inside her scrapbook. After helping her finish her project, she
thanked me while smiling and it made me smile also. We went to sleep afterwards. The next day,
after she submitted her project, she went back to my house while smiling and then she thanked me
for the second time because she got a perfect score of her project. The experience upon making her
project and the moments after she submitted her project are very precious to me because I was not
able to just help her with her project and passed on her requirements but I was also able to make her
feel relieved and happy.

Describe how you feel after helping others as well as your relationship with the people whom
you’ve helped.

I am also very grateful and touched that my cousin thinks of me as a person whom she can count on
to whenever she has problems. I am happy that I was able to help her and she was able to comply her
project thus received a good grade. Seeing her smile and happy with her score makes me also smile
and be happy knowing that our hard works are worth it. My relationship with my cousin become
stronger and we become closer after helping her.

Day 2 (April 27,2021)

In this day, I am very happy because my family and I got to help our neighbor. In our place, we have a
neighbor who is already old and he is living together with his brother who is also already old. It
basically means that they are just like a grandpa to us, two grandpas to be specific. They started living
together and supported each other on their basic necessities through their own hard work. Now that
we are in the middle of a global health crisis, it is very understandable that they have a very hard time
looking for a source of income which will allow them to buy foods especially the fact that they are
already old. As I am concern to their status, I initiate in giving them rice and canned goods so that they
will still have foods to eat. Luckily my family agreed to that idea of mine and we started to collect
canned goods and then packed rice for them. As I give our neighbors the foods that we prepare for
them, they were very happy which makes our hearts melt. They sincerely said thank you to us in
which I think is very pure and precious. Until in the present, whenever we see each other, they would
smile at us and wave at us sincerely. Situations like that are what I really think one of the purest and
sincere situations that I get to experience.

Describe how you feel after helping others as well as your relationship with the people whom
you’ve helped.

I also feel very happy because I, together with my family were able to help those who are in need. I
am very glad that I was able to help our neighbors who are already like our family. Thus, I am grateful
that we were able to supply their needs and make them happy as well. My relationship with them
grew healthier and deeper wherein we are able to approach each other just like how a family
members approach one another after helping them.

Day 3 (April 28, 2021)

Yesterday, my mother was having a hard time making her lesson plans and printing her modules since
she is a teacher at the same time doing some house chores. As I was also answering my modules, I
notice how tired and busy she become in doing those things. She barely got enough rest because of
the loaded works she has. I can’t bear watching her doing those things all by herself and getting tired
as she kept on sighing. Consequently, I decided to stop doing my modules and then decided to finish
answering it later after I print the modules that my mother needed and do the house chores instead. I
decided to budget my time yesterday so that I get to make sure that I will still be able to answer my
modules after helping my mother. After making a decision, I told my mother to focus on doing her
lesson plans because I will be the one who will print the modules she will be distributing to her pupils
and also, I will finish doing the house chores, all she needs to do is to focus in making her lesson plan.
Hearing her say thank you feels so good to me and most especially seeing her smile and take rest after
doing her lesson plan makes me feel satisfied by my decision. After doing the house chores, I then
proceed in printing the modules needed for my mother’s teaching. After doing all those things, I rest
for a couple of minutes and then I proceed in finishing the activities that I still need to accomplish for
the day.

Describe how you feel after helping others as well as your relationship with the people whom
you’ve helped.

I feel very happy and thankful that my sincere approach to my mother and sincere way of helping her
allows her to feel happy and take a good rest amidst her busy schedule. I am also very blessed that
amidst my schedule God provided a miracle wherein I was still able to finish my own activities in my
modules. My relationship with my mother grew deeper, stronger and unbreakable after I helped her.

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