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I. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from that of the others.
1. a. history b. audience c. cinema d. existence
2. a. contest b. fortress c. astounding d. setting
3. a. dramatic b. buffalo c. underpass d. resident
4. a. structure b. institute c. landscape d. preserve
5. A. security b. rickshaw c. spectacular d. administer
II.   Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the
1. a. limestone b. pilgrim c. rickshaw d. citadel
2. a. behaved b. passed c. entertained d. changed
3. a. stream b. beat c. defeat d. great
4. a. plumber b. sculpture c. measure d. structure
5. a. weather b. sympathetic c. worthy d. bother
III. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence.
1. Where before you moved here? – We used to live in the country.
a. did you use to live b. did you used to live
c. used you to live d. do you use to live
2. I’ve just found 20 dollars in my pocket! !
a. How crazy b. That’s right c. Thanks a lot d. How cool
3. “In the past, marriages used to be arranged by parents.”- “ ”
a. Sure. That’s right. b. I suppose it was.
c. Really? I can’t imagine that d. That’s cool!
4. A: You really must go to Hoi An to enjoy the full moon at Mid-autumn Festival. - B:__
a. Yes, that’s what I’ve heard. b. Do you really know about it?
c. Yes, I won’t go there. d. No, thank you.
5. A: How was your trip to Vietnam after 10 years? B:
a. Amazing! I couldn’t believe how much it has changed!
b. Thank you for asking me.
c. 10 years? It’s 11 years.
d. No, I can’t tell you.
6. It that Po Nagar Cham Towers were built in the 8th century.
a. considered b.was considered c. has considered d. considers

7. to think of doing it like that.
a. You were clever that b. It’s clever for you
c. It was clever of you d. It’s clever that you
8. She was the news of his death. He was so young!
a. shocked to hear b. pleased to hear c. relieved to hear d. annoyed to hear
9. Susan was sorry .
a. to lose her temper b. that losing her temper
c. for lose her temper d. that she’d lost her temper
10. On our trip to _____ Spain, we crossed _____ Atlantic Ocean.
a. the/ an b. a/ an c. X/ the d. the/ the
11. What _____ beautiful garden it is !
a. the b. a c. an d. X
12. Rita plays _____ violin and her sister plays _____ guitar.
a. the/ the b. a/a c. a/ the d. X/X
13. When I was _____ child, I used to be very shy.
a. the b. an c. X d. a
14. Can you think _____ rich should pay more taxes to help _____ poor?
a. a/ the b. the/the c. a/the d. X/X
14.The children were acting the story of the birth of Jesus.
a. out b. on c. down d. at
15.The manager told me to pass the message I had just read. b. to c. on d. down
16. If you don’t know any word in this reading part, you can look it ……….in the
a. under b. up c. on d. in
17.It’s careless you to let your children play with fire.
a. to b. with c. of d. for
18. I’m looking to taking part in the Food Festival.
a. by b. forward c. with d. in
19. I don’t know why they turned our invitation to the party.
a. Out b. under c. down d. with
20.Son Doong Cave will be ruins if the cable car system is constructed.
a. in b. at c. on d. out
21.In the 17th century, the Viet people _________the temple tower, calling it Thien Y

Thanh Mau Tower.
a. put on b. looked for c. got into d. took over
22.It can be difficult parents to talk to teenagers nowadays.
a. with b. for c. at d. of
23.Parents need to continue to empathize the child.
a. for b. to c. with d. in
24. ……………..I admire his courage, I think he should change his mind.
a. Despite b. Even though c. As soon as d. Due to
20. The meeting had been cancelled ………………the chairman’s absence.
a. because b. because of c. in spite of d. although
21……………….all the students had done the test poorly, the teacher decided to give
a. Although b. Since c. Nevertheless d. Therefore
22. …………….. the kind behavior of this boy, I love him so much.
A. In spite of B. Because C. Although D. Due to
23. They have a good __________ of stamps about lots of countries in the world.
a. collect b. collection c. collective d. collectively
24. That little girl can dance __________.
a. beauty b. beautiful c. beautifully d. beautifier
25. They seem to be very__________. We dislike them.
a. unfriendly b. friends c. friendship d. friendly
26. It’s difficult to ____with negative people who will do nothing to help themselves.
a. sympathy b. sumpathize c. sympathetic d. sympathetically
26. Ao Dai is the __________ dress of Vietnamese women.
a. tradition b. traditional c. traditionally d. traditionary
27. Our __________ have not warned our fishermen about the Changchun typhoon
a. science b. scientific c. scientifically d. scientists
28.During Perfume Pagoda festival, a large number of flock to the pagoda to pray
for happiness and prosperity in the coming year.
a. spectators b. passengers c. pilgrims d. travellers
29.The limestone formation of Thien Duong Cave is more than that of Phong Nha
a. spectacular b. probable c. geological d. sight-seeing
30.Youngsters love to eat from street for the cheap price.

a.vans b.vendors c. trucks d. business
31.The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long is a that consists of royal palaces and
a. complex b.structure c.setting d. measure
32.A is a large, strong building or group of buildings that can be defended
from attack.
a. carven b. cathedral c. fortress d. tomb
33. .................... means a person walking in the street and not travelling in a vehicle.
a. Pedestrian b. Elevated walkway c. Flyover d. Underpass
34.I suggest you Ha Long Bay. It’s very picturesque.
a. to visit b.visiting c.visited d. should visit
35. When I see the kids playing football, I almost wish I their age again.
a. was b. am c.would be d. could be
36.Ben a lot in his job but now, since his promotion, he doesn’t.
a. used travel b. used to travel c. used to traveling d. is used to traveling
37. If there is a mechanical problem, we suggest the manufacturer directly.
a. contact b. to contact c. contacting d. to contacting
38. She _________ the ocean before she moved to Vancouver.
a. had never seen b. have never seen c. never sees d. is never seen
39. They went home after they ………………… their work.
a. finish b. have finished c. had finished d. were finished
40. He ____ three years in Tahiti before he became a doctor.
a. has spent b. had spent c. spent d. spends
41. I suggested that we ............... Peter to the party.
a. should invite b. invite c. inviting d. Both a&b are correct
42. Astronauts ............... in their spaceship, but they frequently work outside now.
a. were used to stay b. used to stay c. were staying d. had used to stay
43.It was necessary.............this question as soon as possible.
a. of us to solve b. for us to solve c. for us solving d. of us solve
44. By the time Alex finished his studies, he in London for over eight years.
a. has been b. had been c was d. will be
45.The doctor suggested Nam..........more exercises to keep his blood pressure down.
a. does b. do c. doing d. could do
46.Life in Ho Chi Minh City is than we thought at first.
a. far busier than b. the busiest c. much more busy than d. much busier
46.Life in Ho Chi Minh City is we thought at first.
a. far busier than b. the busiest c. much more busy than d. much busier
47. I have no idea who …………………. in case of emergency.
a. to contact b. I should contact c. should I contact d. both a&b are correct
48. I’m not sure what ………………… for my son’s birthday party.
a. should I cook b. cooking c. to cook d. a,b,c are correct.
49. It ……………….. that a garden would be a perfect setting for the house.
a. is thinking b. is thought c. think s d. should think
50. It that Po Nagar Cham Towers were built in the 8th century.
a. considered b.was considered c. has considered d. considers
51.The trip to the National Gallery has been…………….until next Friday.
a. put off b. looked into c. turned up d. found out
52.Your house is_______decorated than mine.

A. more beautiful B. more beautifully  C. beautifully D. beautiful


53. B
55. B
56. A
V. Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate that underlined part that needs correction
in each of the following questions.
1. She suggests that the whole class go to Ngon Restaurant to enjoy food from all in
Vietnam. A B C D
2. It’s worth to talk to your financial adviser before making your final decision.
3. I wish I have his mobile phone number so that we could tell him the good news.
4. Alan didn’t use to liked children, but it’s different now he has his own.
5. I wish I can set foot on every corner of Vietnam when I reach 40.
6. It is expected that there has been more than 5 million international tourists to visit Ha
Long Bay this year.

6. The number of milk tea shops has increased considerable in Ho Chi Minh City recently
7. It is thought that the first temple was built at the current site in the 15th century. (on)
I. Choose the correct answers to complete the passage.
Living in Vietnam today (1) greatly from the lifestyle of 100 years ago. People in
the past mainly worked in agriculture (2) today there are significantly less
peopleworking in this sector of the economy. These days, (3) , people are more
likely to be employed in manufacturing and tourism than in the rice fields. Moreover,
Vietnam, which was (4) agrarian, is transforming into an entirely different country.
While agriculture is still an important component of the Vietnamese economy, other
enterprises are (5) an increasing amount of economic activity.
However, along with the differences, similarities also exist. The people of Vietnam have
retained many of the characteristics of their (6) . The Vietnamese people areas
friendly today as they were in the past. This is best exemplified in the way they welcome
foreigners (7) their unique country. Moreover, the resilience and determination
of the people of Vietnam has not changed. The Vietnamese work (8) and happily
towards the development of their country.
1. a. compares b. differs c. becomes d. offers
2. a. however b. therefore c. whereas d. when
3. a. in conclusion b. on purpose c. by comparison d. for once
4. a. traditionally b. gradually c. occasionally d. presently
5. a. grasping for b. holding for c. making up for d. accounting for
6. a. founders b. forefathers c. descendants d. seniors
7. a. on b. at c. to d. for
8. a. collectively b. separably c. accordingly d. similarly

II. Read the passage and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.
British teenagers spend most of their time at school. Students in Britain can leave
school at sixteen (grade 11). This is also the age when most students take their first
important exams, the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education). Most teens
take between 5-10 subjects, which means a lot of studying. They are spending more
time on homework than teenagers ever before. Forget watching TV, teenagers in Britain
now spend 2-3 hours on homework after school.

School uniform
Visit almost any school in Britain and the first thing you’ll notice is the school
uniform. Although school uniform has its advantages, when they are 15 or 16 most
teenagers are tired of wearing it. When there is more than one school in a town,
school uniforms can highlight differences between schools. In London, there are
many cases of bullying and fighting between pupils from different schools.
Clothes and looks
In Britain, some teens judge you by the shirt or trainers you are wearing. 40% of
British teenagers believe it’s important to wear designer labels. If you want to follow
the crowd, you need to wear trendy labels. Teenage feet in Britain wear fashionable
trainers and the more expensive, the better.
1. Most students in Britain take the GCSE when .
A. they are 11 years old B. they are 16 years old
C. they finish grade 10 D. they begin grade 11
2. What is the first thing you’ll notice when you visit almost any school in Britain?
A. the school logo B. the school gate
C. the school playground D. the school uniform
3. What do most teenagers in Britain prefer to wear?
A. trendy labels B. expensive uniforms
C. fashionable hats D. economical trainers.
4. The word “highlight” in paragraph 2 is closest meaning to .
A. confuse B. remark C. emphasize D. decrease
5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Students in Britain can take 8 subjects at the GCSE.
B. Most British teenagers spend 2 -3 hours watching TV after school
C. Most 16 - year - old students in Britain don’t like school uniforms.
D. Many British teenagers judge their friends by their shirts or trainers.

III. Choose the correct answers to complete the passage.

Ha Long Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and popular travel (1) in
QuangNinh Province, Vietnam. The bay features thousands of limestone karsts and islesin
(2) shapes and sizes. Ha Long Bay is a center of a larger zone which (3) BaiTu
Long Bay to the northeast, and Cat Ba Island to the southwest.
Ha Long Bay has an area of around 1,553km 2, including 1,960 - 2,000 islets, most of(4)
are limestone. The core of the bay has an area of 334km 2 with a high density of775
islets. The limestone in this bay has gone through 500 million years of (5) in different
conditions and environments. The evolution of the karst in this bay has taken20 million
years (6) the impact of the tropical wet climate. The geo-diversity of the
environment in the area has created (7) , including a tropical evergreen
biosystem, oceanic and sea shore biosystem. Ha Long Bay is (8) to 14 endemic
floral species and 60 endemic faunal species.

1. a. situation b. destination c. direction d. ground
2. a. various b. complex c. exciting d. original
3. a. offers b. includes c. consists d. covers
4. a. them b. those c. which d. whom
5. a. formation b. foundation c. establishment d. contribution
6. a. in b. of c. for d. under
7. a. biochemical b. biodiversity c. bioconversion d. biodefense
8. a. way b. place c. home d. house

IV. Read the passage and choose the correct answers.

Growing up in the early 2000s, a period when technology began to enter our lives, I
remembered my childhood in two distinct parts. In elementary school, my friends and I
spent our free time after school playing outside. We would go to different street vendors
to eat junk food and buy cheap toys. Sometimes, we would watch cartoons together. But
there were few channels back then; we didn’t spend too much time in front of the TV.
Everything gradually changed when I started secondary school. Internet had become more
popular so I began spending more time at Internet cafe. I would play games online and
chat with my friends. Cable channel was also on the rise at the time. There were channels
airing cartoons all day, every day. Watching TV became a routine for many kids my age.
At the time, I didn’t give much thought about the changes. Now, I realize that I miss those
old days hanging out with my friends, eating junk food and sharing toys.
1. When did the writer grow up?
A. In the 1970s B. In the 1980s C. In the 1990s D. In the 2000s
2. How did the writer and friends spend their free time in elementary school?
A. They went to different street vendors to eat junk food and buy cheap toys and
watched cartoons together.
B. They went to different street vendors to watch cartoons together.
C. They went to different street vendors to dink juice and buy comics and watched
cartoons together.
D. They went to different street vendors to eat junk food and buy cheap toys and read
comics together.
3. What did the writer do at Internet Café when coming to secondary school?
A. Drinking coffee and chatting with his/ her friends.
B. Playing games online and drinking coffee.
C. Playing games online and chatting with his/ her friends.
D. Drinking coffee and reading books.
4. What was also on the rise at the time when the writer was at secondary school?
A. Digital channel B. Digital cars C. Cable channel D. Cable cars
5. What does the writer miss now?
A. The old days chatting with his/ her friends.
B. The old days hanging out with his/ her friends, eating junk food and sharing

C. The old days hanging out with his/ her friends, and watching TV.
D. The old days hanging out with his/ her friends, and reading comics.

V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in
the following passage.
Rickshaw in Vietnamese life
It is just simple and ordinary as its (26) . No noisy sound from engines, no
obscure smoke and no spending too much for commuting. From a long time ago,
Vietnamese people have thought of the rickshaw as a (27)_______means of
transportation when going out. It is not only close-knit to Vietnamese but also connected
strongly with the foreigners (28) all of them were attracted by this unique means
at the first time visiting Viet Nam.
The rickshaw has existed for a long time in Vietnamese life,and become quite
necessary as the (29) in a body. Notonly the Vietnamese feel (30) to
rickshaw, foreigners arealso impressed by this unique vehicle. They will be fond of
sitting on the rickshaw for a (31) tour around Sword Lake or a round on the
streets to (32) dreamy and peaceful photos in the ancient citadel.
Traveling in a rickshaw is the time for peacefully(33) windy sunset and
bright sunrises on the beach of Nha Trang or Da Nang or elsewhere. How pleasant it is
for you to enjoy a relaxing feeling on the short (34) trip. Viet Nam is becoming
more and more modern; however, rickshaw still (35) through the time and has a
stand in the minds of the residents.
1. A.presence B.appearance C.judgment D.performance
2. A.shared B.recognized C.friendly D.familiar
3 . A. although C. but D.while
4. A.breath B.air D.recovery
5. A.close B.closed C.closest D.closing
6. A.sight B.sighting C.sightseeing D.sightseer
7. A.catch B.take C.bring D.keep
8. A.welcome B.welcoming C.welcomed D.being welcomed
9. C.urban D.field
10. A.keeps B.continues C.lives D. survives

1. I had all the necessary qualifications, but they didn’t offer me the job. (Although)
 Although I had all the necessary qualifications, they didn’t offer me the job.
2. He came here fifteen minutes late. He missed the bus. (Combine the sentences using
 He came here fifteen minutes late because he missed the bus.
 He came here fifteen minutes late because of missing the bus.
( He missed the bus because he came here fifteen minutes late.
He missed the bus because of coming here fifteen minutes late.)

3. I have attended a knitting workshop since last month. I don’t know how to knit a scarf.
 Though I have attended a knitting workshop since last month, I don’t know how to knit
a scarf.
 In spite of attending a knitting workshop since last month, I don’t know how to knit a
5. We have to follow more than ten stages. We can make a simple conical hat (SO
 We have to follow more than ten stages so that we can make a simple conical hat.
 We have to follow more than ten stages in order to make a simple conical hat.
6. She entered the room. She knew there was something wrong. (AS SOON AS)
 As soon as she entered the room, she knew there was something wrong.
1. I’m really excited about the upcoming pottery workshop.
→ I’m looking forward to the upcoming pottery workshop.
2. Don't leave the computer on when you leave.
→ Turn off the computer when you leave.
 Turn the computer off when you leave.
3. Local people can earn their livings by providing tourists with necessary services.
→ Local people can live on providing tourists with necessary services.
4. Pictures of the suspect were published in all daily papers. (BROUGHT)
→ Pictures of the suspect were brought out in all daily papers.
5. The council had to cancel the football match because of the storm. (CALL)
→ The council had to call off the football match because of the storm.
6. She’s never had a good relationship with her sister.( got)
 She’s never got on well with her sister.
7. She continued talking about her trip although everyone found it tiring.( went)
 She went on talking about her trip although everyone found it tiring.

1. His father is the most capable man in the office. (MORE)
→ No other people in the office are more capable than his father.

 No other people in the office are as capable as his father.
 No other man in the office is more capable than his father.
2. The film was less interesting than I had expected.
 The film was not as interesting as I had expected.
3. Losing weight is not so easy as putting on weight. (DIFFICULT)
→ Losing weight is more difficult than putting on weight.
4. This is the most delicious cake I've ever tasted.
 I've never tasted a more delicious cake than this one.
5. There isn't anybody as kind-hearted as your mother.
=> Your mother is more kind-hearted than anyone.
6. Mum doesn’t speak English as well as Dad.
→ Dad speaks English better than Mum.

7. Peter does not drive so carefully as Tom.

→ Tom drives more carefully/less carelessly than Peter (does).

8. I've never met any more dependable person than George.

=> George is the most dependable person I’ve ever met.
9. Mary cooks more deliciously than her brother does.(less)
=> Mary’s brother cooks less deliciously than her.
1. “What should we do to help her overcome stress?” ( Rewrite using : Wh + to inf.)
They didn’t know what to do to help her overcome stress.
2. “Should I discuss this matter with my teammates?”
Jonas wondered whether to discuss that matter with her teammates.
3. “Where should I register for a course on life skills?”
An asked Mary where to register for a course on life skills.
4. “How should we find a support center for the homeless?”
James and Lily couldn’t tell how to find a support center for the homeless.
5. “How should I deal with negative emotions and stress?”
Peter asked Jane how to deal with negative emotions and stress.

1. “Do you need any help on this assignment?” the teacher asked me.
 The teacher asked me if I needed any help on that assignment.

2. “What are the skills that you find the most difficult to learn?” she asked me.
 She asked me what the skills that I found the most difficult to learn were.
3. “Have you ever experienced school pressures?” she asked me.
 She asked me if I had ever experienced school pressures.
4. “If the weather is fine, I will go on a picnic with my friends,” she said.
 She said that if the weather was fine, she would go on a picnic with her friends
5. He said to his friend: “Did you see the accident yesterday?”
 He asked his friend if he/she saw/ had seen the accident the day before.
6. “Please do not litter as you are walking along the coast”, the guard said to us.
 The guard told us not to litter as we were walking along the coast.

1. They often went to school by bike when they were young.
→ They used to go to school by bike when they were young.
2. He doesn’t have meals with his family any more.
→ He used to have meals with his family.
3. This wasn’t the best restaurant in town, but now it is.
 This used to be the best restaurant in town.
4. My mother no longer cooked for me since I married my wife. (USED)
 My mother used to cook for me.

1. He feels sorry that he can’t come to his brother’s wedding. (WISHES)
 He wishes he could come to his brother’s wedding.
2. I’d like my younger brother to concentrate more on his studies.( wish)
 I wish my younger brother would concentrate more on his studies.
3. I’m sorry I don’t have time to go to the cinema with you.
 I wish I had time to go to the cinema with you.
4. It’s a pity it is raining heavily outside.
 I wish it was/were not raining heavily outside.
5. It’s a pity I can’t cook as well as my mom.
→ I wish I could cook as well as my mom.


1. People believe that many more people will die of skin cancer over the next ten years.
(Rewrite using impersonal passive)
 It is believed that many more people will die of skin cancer over the next ten years.
2. People have reported that Bitexco Tower is the tallest skyscraper in Vietnam.
( Rewrite using impersonal passive)
 It has been reported that Bitexco Tower is the tallest skyscraper in Vietnam.
( Bitexco Tower has been reported to be the tallest skyscraper in Vietnam. )
3. People are thinking that drugs are very dangerous.
 It is being thought that drugs are very dangerous.
4. They think that the first temple existed during the reign of Le Thanh Tong in the 15 th
 It is thought that the first temple existed during the reign of Le Thanh Tong in the 15 th
5. People know that Phong Nha Cave was found in the 16th century by Cham people.
 It is known that Phong Nha Cave was found in the 16th century by Cham people.
( Phong Nha Cave is known to have been found in the 16th century by Cham people.)

1. “Why don’t we visit the Royal Citadel first?” Quang said. (Rewrite using the cues)
 Quang suggested visiting the Royal Citadel first
2. “Let’s go out for a walk after we finish our work, shall we?”
 She suggested going out for a walk after they finished their work.
3. Shall we use Perfume Pagoda as a theme of the presentation?
→ She suggests using Perfume Pagoda as a theme of the presentation.
4. Shall we surf the net for the location of NinhBinh Province?
 I suggest surfing the net for the location of NinhBinh Province.
5. “I think it’s a good idea to study harder so that you can easily get into a good university,
Kien?” his teacher said.
 Kien’s teacher suggested that he should study harder so that he could easily get into
a good university.

1. He shouldn’t press the emergency button. It was stupid.
 It was stupid of him to press the emergency button.
2. Studying four skills in English well is not easy.

 It is not easy to study four skills in English well.
3. Having interests outside work is quite necessary for us.
 It is quite necessary for us to have interests outside work.
4. Being in good health is very important for athletes.
 It is very important for athletes to be in good health.
5. I always study hard at school so my parents are very happy about that.
 My parents are very happy that I always study hard at school.
1. There has been a slight drop in the number of people using public transport.
 The number of people using public transport has dropped slightly.
2. The number of skyscrapers built in Hanoi has sharply increased this year.( sharp)
→ There has been a sharp increase in the number of people using public transport
3. I had saved my document before the computer crashed. (AFTER)
 After I had saved my document, the computer crashed.
4. They had been on board before he arrived at the airport.( as soon as)
→ As soon as he arrived at the airport, they had been on board.


1. imported/ travelled / the/ People/ motorbike/ had/ before/ in / bicycle/ Vietnam /by
/first /was/.( Reorder mixed words into a meaningful sentence)
 People in Vietnam had travelled by bicycle before the first motorbike was
2. because/ was /Construction/ delayed / Site /of /Thu Thiem/ difficulties /the/ of/ tunnel / in
 Construction of the Thu Thiem tunnel was delayed because of difficulties in Site
3. The/ facilities/ swimming pool/ been /and/ loudspeakers/ projectors/ together/, /the/ labs/
improved/ and /./ learning/ have/ with/ with/ together/
 The learning facilities have been improved with loudspeakers and projectors,
together with the labs and swimming pool.

4. It / difficult / learn / how / live/ space. ( Sentence buiding)
 It is difficult to learn how to live in space.
5. he/ used/ play/ football/ local team,/ but/ he/ too/ old/ now.

 He used to play football for a local team, but he is too old now.
6. We/ suggest/ students from universities/ participate more/ social work.
 We suggest students from universities should participate more in social work.
7. it/ be/ claim/ that/ Ma Pi Leng/ be/ one/ most/ dangerous/ pass/ Vietnam
 It is claimed that Ma Pi Leng is one of the most dangerous pass in Vietnam.
8. although/ Tu Duc King/ build/ himself/ tomb, he/ be/ actually/ bury/ different location/
 Alhough Tu Duc King built himself a tomb, he was actually buried in a different
location in Hue.


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