Basic Requirements of Backfilling With Flotation Tailings in The Bor River Underground Mine

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UDK: 622 ISSN: 2406-1395 (Online)

UDK: 622.272:622.79(045)=111 doi:10.5937/MMEB1503029D

Lidija Đurđevac Ignjatović*, Dragan Ignjatović*, Milenko Ljubojev*, Dragan Zlatanović**




The use of backfill in underground mining is increased due to a need for systematic backfilling the
mine openings and workings. Backfilling is applied in order to prevent fires and explosions, improve the
mine ventilation, improve the rock stability, reduce the subsidence effects on surface, as well as for eco-
nomical and environmental factors. Sources of materials are usually from mining industry (e.g. fly ash,
gypsum, slag, infertile overburden, tailings, filter dust, residues from mineral processing) or other in-
dustries. The ore body Bor River of the Bor Copper Mines is planned to be exploited by the sublevel
stopping method. In order to ensure greater efficiency in the exploitation of the ore body, it is proposed,
after the excavation of chambers, to move on to the excavation of the main pillars. To ensure the stabil-
ity of the excavation area, it is necessary to fill the excavated chambers with material of good physical
and mechanical properties.
For this purpose, a possibility of filling the chambers with backfilling consisted of flotation tailings,
small amount of cement and water, will be tested. This paper reviews the basic requirements of backfill-
ing that will be applied in the excavated chambers.
Keywords: backfilling, flotation tailings, sublevel stopping, basic requirements


The underground cemented paste falls and enhances pillar recovery, thereby
backfill (CPB) is an important component improving productivity [2], [3]. Thus, the
of underground stope extraction. As the placement of paste backfill provides an ex-
mining operations progress, paste backfill is tremely flexible system for coping with
placed into previously mined stopes to pro- changes in the ore body geometry that result
vide a stable platform for miners to work on in changes in stope width, dip, and length
and ground support for the walls of the ad- [4]. Paste backfill is usually transported un-
jacent adits by reduction the amount of open derground through the reticulated pipelines.
space that could potentially be filled by a Paste backfill is composed of mill tailings
collapse of the surrounding pillars [1]. The generated during mineral processing, mixed
underground paste backfill provides not with additives such as the Portland cement,
only ground support to pillars and walls, but lime, pulverized fly ash, and smelter blast
also helps in preventing caving and roof furnace slag, which react as the binding

Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor
Innovation Centre of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade
This paper is the result of the Project No. TR33021 „Research and Monitoring the Changes of the
Stress Strain State in the Rock Mass „In-Situ“ around the Underground Rooms with Development of
Models with Special Reference to the Tunnel of the Krivelj River and Pit Bor“, funded by the
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.

No. 3, 2015 29 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

agents. Binding agents develop a cohesive due to a horizontal pressure transfer, some-
strength within CPB so that exposed fill what like a trap door [7]. This pressure trans-
faces become a self-supporting when adja- fer is due to the frictional and/or cohesive
cent stopes are extracted. interaction between fill and wall rock. When
Backfilling costs in underground mining the pillars or stope walls begin to deform
operations must be critically examined to into the filled opening, the fill mass provides
identify the potential cost savings [5]. Alt- lateral passive resistance. Passive resistance
hough paste backfilling is somewhat expen- is defined as the state of maximum re-
sive, it is indispensable for the most under- sistance mobilized when force pushes
ground mines as it provides a crucial ground against a fill mass and the mass exerts re-
support for mine safety and mining opera- sistance to the force [8]. The pressure trans-
tions. Therefore, the fill should be cost- ferred horizontally to the sidewalls should be
effective and capable of achieving the de- included in the required fill strength design.
sired ground support and stability. An analy- Horizontal pressures affected by fill arching
sis of fill stability must consider the geomet- are determined by five analytical or semi-
ric boundaries of the fill in terms of optimal analytical solutions that account for cohe-
economic use of CPB. Mine openings and sion at the fill-sidewall interface and/or fric-
exposed fill faces in large underground tional sliding along the sidewalls. These
mines vary in shape from high and narrow to solutions are the Martson’s model and its
low and wide. Additionally, a wall rock next modified version, Terzaghi’s model, Van
to the backfill may be either steeply dipping Horn’s model and Belem-Benzaazoua mo-
or relatively flat-lying. The extraction se- del [9].
quence can be modified to reduce the num-
ber of CPB-filled stopes, or the stope ge- 3 REQUIRED CHARACTERS OF
ometries could be modified to reduce the PASTE BACKFILL
required strength for CPB exposure [7].
This paper reviews the basic require- The required strength for paste backfill
ments in terms of physical and mechanical depends on the intended function. To pro-
characteristics of the backfill that will be vide an adequate ground support, the re-
applied in the excavated chambers. quired uniaxial/unconfined compressive
strength (UCS) of the fill should be at least
2 CALCULATION THE HORIZONTAL 1.5 MPa (in case of the Bor River mine),
PRESSURE ON FILLED STOPE whereas for free-standing fill applications,
UCS is commonly lower than 1 MPa [10]. A
In general, since self-weight stresses typical vertical exposure measures 4–6 m
govern backfill design, the traditional design wide by 30–45 m high. A UCS of 100 kPa is
has been a freestanding wall requiring a commonly adopted as the liquefaction po-
uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) tential limit. The required static strength for
equal to the overburden stress at the bottom paste without exposures may be arbitrarily
of the filled stope. In many cases, however, selected at 200 kPa. Previous work indicates
the adjacent rock walls actually help support that fill mass UCS varies from 0.2 MPa to 4
the fill through boundary shear and arching MPa, while the surrounding rock mass UCS
effects. Therefore, backfill and rock walls varies from 5 MPa to 240 MPa [9].
may be mutually supporting [2]. In back- The mechanical effects of fill differ from
filled stopes, when arching occurs (which is those of the primary ore pillars. Research
the case in many mines, depending on stope and in situ testing have shown that fill is
dimensions), the vertical pressure on the incapable of supporting the total weight of
bottom of the filled stope is less than the overburden (σv = γH), and acts as a second-
weight of overlying fill (overburden weight) ary support system only.

No. 3, 2015 30 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

The fill modulus of elasticity varies from
0.1 GPa to 1.2 GPa, while the surrounding
rock mass elasticity varies from 20 GPa to
100 GPa. It can be assume that any vertical where Ep = rock mass or pillar elastic modu-
loading is a result of roof deformation (Fig. lus; ep = pillar axial strain; ΔHp = strata de-
1), and that design UCS can be estimated by formation (m); Hp = strata initial height (m);
the following relationship: and FS = factor of safety.

Figure 1 Schematic view of vertical loading on the backfill block next to a pillar

Once the required strength has been de- adjusted to produce an optimal mix design.
termined, mix variables are optimized to The other essential requirement is that the
provide the desired mix that achieves target backfill must be economical. These costs
strength and minimum cementation usage. wield a significant impact on the mine oper-
Mix variables considered include binder ating costs. Paste backfill costs alone are
content Bw% (by dry mass of tailings) and typically between 10% and 20% of total
binder type, tailings particle size distribu- mine operating costs, with binder agents
tion (PSD) and mineralogy, mix solids con- accounting for up to 75% of backfill costs.
centration by mass (Cw%) or volume One of the most important characters of
(CV%), and mixing water geochemistry. To the paste backfill is pumpability. It can be
design a certain uniaxial compressive determined using the standard or modified
strength (UCS design), the variables are ASTM slump test, Fig. 2.

Figure 2 Schematic diagrams of the modified slump cone test based on measuring slumping time T

No. 3, 2015 31 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor


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must be determined according to the geome- Proceedings of Fifth International
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No. 3, 2015 32 Mining & Metallurgy Engineering Bor

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