Anisa Sanas Nalamjra 7212540009 Ilmu Ekonomi C

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Anisa Sanas Nalamjra

Ilmu Ekonomi C

1. Different of barter and voluntary exchange?

Answer: barter is direct exchange of goods or services without an intermediary for exchange or
money either at a fixed exchange rate or by bargaining. Whereas Voluntary exchange is the act of
buyers and sellers freely and willingly engaging in market transactions.
2. Why trade is very important in market activities?
Answer: Trading is very important for market activities because it can help the movement of the
market economy where trading is not only for profit but will also have an impact on the smooth
running of market activities. trade, the more the results obtained from these market activities, so
that the wheels of the economy of a country are running well.
3. What the problem of trade in Indonesia?
Answer: there are several problems trading in Indonesia, among others
Time is one of the most common problems entrepreneurs face. Many entrepreneurs can't divide
their time properly, causing other business problems such as late meetings which can cause loss of
clients, or falling sick from thinking too much about work.
2. Less confident
Because of this lack of confidence, traders are not easily recognized by others. Yet with great
confidence,You can indirectly brand yourself as an entrepreneur who sells certain products or
3. Lack of Family Support
Some people still think that trading is not a safe zone and can lead to big losses. This is what makes
many families do not support their family members starting a business.
4. Poor Financial Management
Financial problems are one of the important things that must be managed wisely for the continuity
of a business or company. If finances are not managed properly, income and expenses will not be
controlled, which can lead to bankruptcy.
5. Poverty
Poverty is a problem that is a central issue in every country, including Indonesia. The phenomenon
of poverty is a portrait of the government's performance in overcoming economic problems that
exist in society.
6. Unemployment and job opportunities
Unemployment occurs because of the inequality of job opportunities available in society. In
addition, the lack of available job opportunities often makes job opportunities easier for people
who have education.
Inflation is a condition where the overall price of goods increases and occurs periodically. If the
price increase occurs in only one or two goods, it cannot be called inflation.
Inflation conditions in a country can have bad consequences in terms of economic activity and
public welfare. Inflation can be caused by political instability that affects the economy of a country.
4. What is the solution to solve the problem?
Answer: 1.For that, an entrepreneur must start implementing good time management by trying to
make his own daily schedule so that all plans for that day can run well.
2. You must be able to brand yourself as an entrepreneur who sells certain products or services.
That way, you and the products you sell directly can be more easily recognized by others.
3. it is family support that can drive you to run a business.
So, if you don't have family support, mature yourself and focus on managing your trade well.
That way, the family will see that we are serious about running the business, so that even if there is
a problem, we will find a solution.
4. we can easily plan, monitor and control finances, to manage working capital. Good financial
management can indirectly help companies make assessments of short-term and long-term goals,
and identify obstacles that may arise in making financial decisions.
5. the way to overcome this is to create jobs. In this case, employment is very much needed for
unemployment and this will minimize the level of poverty. The government can also provide
assistance that is not temporary in nature, such as providing assistance to MSMEs in the form of
to overcome inflation can be overcome by doing
1. monetary policy:
cash inventory determination
open market operation
2. physical policy:
save government spending
raise tax rates
The conclusion we can draw from this material 1 is that economic development has developed from
time to time, namely from barter trade, namely the exchange of goods for goods, etc., voluntary
exchanges that are voluntary in nature to technological developments to trade and as economists as
well as in everyday life. Today humans must be smart in choosing the goods to be purchased which
must know which one must take precedence and put aside desires which must be able to prioritize
basic goods over tertiary for the sake of survival.

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