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Code: 9A03708 R09

B.Tech IV Year I Semester (R09) Supplementary Examinations November/December 2017

(Mechanical Engineering)

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70

Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1 Discuss the need of non-traditional machining processes and address the applications for each
one of non-traditional processes.

2 Discuss the basic elements in ultrasonic machining process and highlight the applications.

3 With schematic diagram, explain the working principle of abrasive water jet machining process
and explain mechanism of material removal.

4 Explain the concept of electro-chemical machining process and discuss the effect of process
parameters on MRR and surface finish.

5 Explain the spark erosion process in Wire EDM process and highlight its applications.

6 Compare the thermal and non-thermal machining process. Address the choice of selection of a
process among the existing several processes.

7 With schematic diagram, explain the concept of chemical machining process and highlight its

8 What is meant by magnetic abrasive finishing process? Discuss its basic principle and
applications with neat illustrations.


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