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This poem, entitled Higaonon not only talks about the culture of Higaonons or perhaps their

lifestyle. In this text, those “civilized individuals” who came to their land seemed to dominate

them. The persona in this poem is telling a story on how these people oppressed his tribe, family,

belongings, and basically everything about his belief. These invaders made fun of their beliefs,

and forced them to become Christians. They seemed to show and prove that the things they know

should be the basis of everything. Everything about what they did was ironic, the invaders

thought them what “good” is yet, they did malevolent things such as stealing, paying with

unreasonable price, burning their houses, and even killing their datus. They said that they are

Christians, and they said that Christians are good people, however their actions are contrary to

their statement. According to the persona, the colonizers took their land, stole their wealth, and

even dishonored his people. These savage people also ridiculed the persona and his tribe, for

having to speak differently, and having to worship differently. The colonizers may have

established many things in this poem however, they do not possess what the Higaonons have,

and that is respect.


Datu Pikong is a Balyan who aids people by giving alternative medicines, this is something

Lando disagrees of. He does not trust the works of Datu Pikong, he did everything to push the

Balyan away, because he believes that he (Lando himself) is educated, and he knows that the

Balyan is only deceiving the people for money. Lando’s anger with the Baylan augmented when

he learned that Datu Pikong is supported by a Diwata/Abyan in performing these acts. One day

when Lando was walking, he saw a path that led to an antang, which is an offering to the abyans,

he was irritated by this and started stepping on and destroying the offering. Lando’s wife, Luisa

is pregnant, and Manang Minda, their hilot informed Lando that there are no complications in the

pregnancy and that their child will be delivered normally. One rainy night, Luisa told Lando that

she feels that she has the urge to give birth, Lando immediately went to Manang Minda to ask for

help, it was normal at first, but as time went on, Luisa started to feel weak. They decided to go to

Calinan, where the doctor is, however the rain is too strong, that they cannot pass the bridge.

Since they were hopeless, they went to Datu Pikong to ask for help. Apparently, Lando

committed a sin which angered the Abyans, and to save the child and his wife, he needs to offer a

hog and a white hen, he is also tasked to dance like a hawk. He managed to fulfill the request of

the Abyans and they saved Luisa and their child’s life.

Urmanita, William Philippe Ceasar


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