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The “Gunita ng Himagsikan” (1964) is a memoir written via way of means of the Philippines’ 1 st

President, Emilio Aguinaldo. He primarily based it on his diaries, preserved documents, and lore from his
circle of relatives’ elders. It is unknown if the authentic diary nevertheless exists, however locating it
might offer true proof for Philippine History. For me, right here are the motives why “Gunita ng
Himagsik” is crucial to the Grand Narrative of Philippine History: History is set to master the truth.
Therefore, analyzing each attitude of Historical proof allows in proving which occasion is factual. The
“Gunita ng Himagsikan” can offer clues or suggestions for historians. The “Gunita ng Himagsikan” is
calling at Philippine History via the eyes of Emilio Aguinaldo. It offers us Emilio Aguinaldo’s attitude at
the Treaty of Biak-na-Bato. The “Gunita ng Himagsikan” remains part of Philippine History

The important terms or concepts in the account of Emilio Aguinaldo were, first, the revolution towards
Spaniards, it is known that it is not the first attempt to fight back against Spaniards but Filipinos were
determined to free the land of the Philippines in the Spanish regiment. Second is the independency of
the Philippines from Spain on June 12, 1892; the creation of flag and national anthem.

Thus, making the Philippines was colonized by the Spaniards for 333 years, it is not surprising if
Spaniards alter the Filipinos belief and the way they live. Some examples are religion, vocabulary, and

The document is relevant in reconstructing the past of the Philippines and its people for the reason it
gave us an important information and an overview of the event that had happened during the foreign
colonization made by the Spaniards. The document specifies some details of the situation experienced
by our Ancestors under the Spanish Regime which is helpful in understanding their situation during that
period. It tells us what the Filipino did during that time to fight the foreign invaders by showing an act of
heroism in defending the country. It is important for us to know or to study our history to acknowledge
all the sacrifices and bravery made by our heroes just to protect the country.


It is significant for the Historians since it Gives a wide overview of what are the events that
tookplacebefore,our past, or during the times when the Philippines was colonized by other countries. It
is also important for them because the document can help them to reconstruct the past.

2. Economy

It is very important to understand the economy they have before to understand or compare on why we
have this kind of economy right now. It can also help us to improve or will help us to identify what kind
of economy we need or what we will have to create for our country at this time and probably in the near
future ..

Since we have been colonized by some foreign countries most of our customs, traditions, culture and
beliefs were influenced by them and it is relevant since up to this time we are doing and still practicing
it. It is important for us because it is already a part of us.


The Political strategy made by our heroes that were implied in the document is significant today since
the document showed their strengths and weaknesses in fighting for the independence of our country.It
can serve as a guide for our government today such as strengthening the armed forces, creating and
improving laws that should be abided by the citizens of our nation. Lastly, having strong leadership that
will lead a nation.


As we all know, We Filipinoswere colonized by Spaniards for years. In fact, the Spaniards taught us the
religion, Catholicism. Up until now, Filipinos we’re still living and practicing Catholicism and Philippines
were categorized as catholic country


In the past, most lands, hectares in the Philippines were owned by who manipulated and tricked Filipin
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Weren’t for Aguinaldo’s and other Filipinos won’t be able to have and own land/s or properties where in
the were originally owned by them.

Filipino Youth

It is really significant to the for the reason that this document is for everyone because it unveiled the the
Filipinos during that time. We may

Experience that already enoug!eet and

Understand the freedom that we have. The document teaches us to love, protect and nationalize our
country, Just like what Dr Jose Rizal said “Ang kabataan ay pag-asa ng bayan.” It is our responsibility to
protect and fight for our country.

It gives us an Insight into the personal thoughts and feeling Aguinaldo which will help in a deeper
understanding of History.

Aguinaldo’s memoirs which is hand narrative of the first President of Philippine Republic offers a
different perspective and provides a basis for corroboration of other historical sources.

It is an attempt of Emilio Aguinaldo to wash his hands on the tragic death of Andres Bonifacio; Thus, it is
a way of vindicating himself from negative aspersions against him.

The document contains historical information about the history of the Filipino ancestors.

The document presents how the people of our country had passionately fought back against the
Spaniards in order to gain our freedom.


In the excerpts of the memoir, Emilio Aguinaldo pointed out a few but critical points that would
eventually determine the outcome of the Philippine Revolution. In his first few paragraphs, the author
emphasized the lack of firearms and ammunition of his troops. To compensate their lack of weapons,
they needed to steal the firearms of the Guardia Civil. This shows that the general and his men were
behind in terms of military capability.

Furthermore, the general condemned the killing of fellow Filipinos, whom are Filipinos also. For him, this
would create a great mess and trouble if they would kill their fellowmen. Also, the general gave
importance to roles of tenyente abanderado and the band that marched with them. This signified that a
leader has important responsibilities and that through unity the revolution would be successful.

Aguinaldo also pointed out the consequences of having two factions in the society. It resulted in
prejudice among the katipuneros, especially with supremo and the general. With his conflict between
two factions, General Aguinaldo mentioned how incompetent the Magdiwang faction is and that the
Magdalo faction has better military success compared to the former.

Also contained in the memoir was the effects of the death of Dr. Jose Rizal in the revolution. His public
execution inspired many Filipinos to renew and heightened their sense of nationalism. However, their
efforts did not match the military capability of the Spaniards

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