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Chapter 1

The Structure of The atom

Periodic table

Khoe Tjok Tjin

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- James Maxwell developed an elegant mathematical theory in 1864 to describe all
forms of radiation in terms of oscillating or wave-like electric and magnetic fields in
- electromagnetic radiation : UV, visible light, IR, microwaves, television and radio
signals, and X-rays
- wavelength (λ, lambda) : length between 2 successive crests.
- frequency (υ, nu in chemistry; f in physics ➔ either is OK) : number
of cycles per second that pass a certain point in space (Hz-cycles per second)
- amplitude : maximum height of a wave as measured from the axis of propagation
- nodes : points of zero amplitude (equilibrium position); always occur at λ/2 for
sinusoidal waves
- velocity : speed of the wave
velocity = λ υ

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"Ultraviolet catastrophe" defined as the fact that a glowing hot object did not emit UV
light as predicted.
➢ 1900--Max Planck solved the problem. He made an incredible assumption: There is
a minimum amount of energy that can be gained or lost by an atom, and all energy
gained or lost must be some integer multiple, n, of that minimum. (As opposed to
just any old value of energy being gained or lost.)

ΔEnergy = n(hυ)
➢ where h is a proportionality constant, Planck's constant, h = 6.63 × 10-34 joule •
seconds. This υ is the lowest frequency that can be absorbed or emitted by the atom,
and the minimum energy change, hυ, is called a quantum of energy. Think of it as a
“packet” of E equal to hυ.
➢ No such thing as a transfer of E in fractions of quanta, only in whole numbers of
➢ Planck was able to calculate a spectrum for a glowing body that reproduced the
experimental spectrum.
➢ His hypothesis applies to all phenomena on the atomic and molecular scale.
➢ In 1900 Albert Einstein was working as a clerk in the patent office in Bern,
Switzerland. This left him time to work on Physics.
➢ He proposed that EM radiation itself was quantized; he was a great fan of Planck’s
work! He proposed that EM radiation could be viewed as a stream of “particles”
called photons.
Photoelectric effect :
the phenomenon of ejection of elctrons from the surface of metal when light of
suitable frequency strickes it is called photoelectric effect. the ejected electrons are
called photoelectrons

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Experimental result observed for the experiment of Photoelectric effect
• when beam of light falls on a metal surface electrons are ejected immediately.
• number of electrons ejected is proportional to intensity or brightness of light
• threshold frequency (νo) : for each metal there is a characteristic minimum
frequency below which photoelectric effect is not observed. this is call threshold
• if frequency of light is less than the threshold frequency there is no ejection of
electrons non matter how long it falss in surface or how high is its intensity
Photoelectric work function (Wo) : the minimum energy required to eject eletrons

Wo = hνo

Energy of the ejected electrons :

h(ν – νo) = ½ meV2

Exercise :
I. Multiple choice question
01. Ham radio operators often broadcast on the 6-meter band. The frequency of this
electromagnetic radiation is __________ MHz.
A. 50 B. 20 C. 2.0 D. 200 E. 500
02. What is the frequency of light (s-1) that has a wavelength of 1.23 x 10-6 cm?
A. 2.44 x 1016 B. 1.04 x 10-13 C. 9.62 x 1012 D. 3.69 E. 4.10 x 10-17
03. The wavelength of a photon that has an energy of 5.25 x 10 J is __________ m.
A. 4.21 x 10-24 B. 2.38 x 1023 C. 2.64 x 106 D. 3.79 x 107 E. 3.79 x 10-7
04. The frequency of a photon that has an energy of 3.7 x 10 -18 J is __________ s-1.
A. 5.4 x 10-8 B. 5.6 x 1015 C. 1.8 x 10-16 D. 2.5 x 10-15 E. 2.5 x 1015
05. A mole of red photons of wavelength 725 nm has __________ kJ of energy.
A. 6.05 x 10-3 B. 2.74 x 10-19 C. 4.56 x 10-46 D. 227 E. 165
06. Light from three different lasers (A, B, and C), each with a different wavelength, is shined
onto the same metal surface. Laser A produces no photoelectrons. Lasers B and C both
produce photoelectrons, but the photoelectrons produced by laser B have a greater velocity
than those produced by laser C. Arrange the lasers in order of increasing wavelength.
A. A < B < C B. B < C < A C. C < B < A D. A < C < B
07. Calculate the frequency of an electron traveling at 1.85 x 107 m/s.
A. 1.31 X 10-19 s-1 B. 1.18 x 10-2 s-1 C. 3.93 x 10-11 s-1 D. 7.63 x 1018 s-1
08. If the frequency of incident radiation is more than threshold frequency, the process of
photoelectric effect takes place _____
A. slowly B. rapidly C. gradually D. instantaneously
09. The absorbed energy of incident photons is used in two ways:
(I). Work Function: part of energy is used to free the electron from metal surface and
(II). remaining part is converted to ____________
A. kinetic energy B. potential energy C. binding energy D. thermal energy

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10. Maximum kinetic energy of photoelectron is _____________ Frequency of incident radiation
A. directly proportional to C. inversely proportional to
B. independent of D. directly proportional to square root of
11. If Frequency and Intensity of incident radiation are both kept constant, then photoelectric
current ________ increase in positive accelerating potential
A. decreases with B. increases with C. is independent of D. remains constant
12. The energy required to break one mole of hydrogen-hydrogen bonds in H2 is 436 kJ. What is
the longest wavelength of light with sufficient energy to break a single hydrogen-hydrogen
bond ?
A. 122 nm B. 132 nm C. 274 nm D. 656 nm
II. Essay
01. Consider the following waves representing electromagnetic radiation:

Which wave has the longer wavelength? Calculate the wavelength. Which wave has the
higher frequency and larger photon energy? Calculate these values. Which wave has the
greater velocity? What type of electromagnetic radiation does each wave represent?
02. The brilliant red colors seen in fireworks are due to the emission of light with wavelengths
around 650 nm when strontium salts such as Sr(NO3)2 and SrCO3 are heated. (This can be
easily demonstrated in the lab by dissolving one of these salts in methanol that contains a
little water and igniting the mixture in an evaporating dish.) Calculate the frequency of red
light of wavelength 6.50 × 102 nm. [ 4.62 x 1014 Hz]

04. An X-ray photon of wavelength 0.989 nm strikes a surface. The emitted electron has a
kinetic energy of 969 eV. What is the binding energy of the electron in kJ/mol?
[ KE = ½ mv2 ; 1 electron volt (eV) = 1.602 x 10-19 J]
05. An argon ion laser puts out 5.0 W of continuous power at a wavelength of 532 nm. The
diameter of the laser beam is 5.5 mm. If the laser is pointed toward a pinhole with a diameter
of 1.2 mm, how many photons will travel through the pinhole per second? Assume that the
light intensity is equally distributed throughout the entire cross-sectional area of the beam.
(1 W = 1 J/s) [6.4 x 1017 photon/s]
06. The work function of an element is the energy required to remove an electron from the
surface of the solid. The work function for lithium is 279.7 kJ/mol (that is, it takes 279.7 kJ
of energy to remove 1 mole of electrons from 1 mole of Li atoms on the surface of Li metal).
What is the maximum wavelength of light that can remove an electron from an atom in
lithium metal? [ 427.7 nm ]

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07. It takes 208.4 kJ of energy to remove 1 mole of electrons from the atoms on the surface of
rubidium metal. If rubidium metal is irradiated with 254-nm light, what is the maximum
kinetic energy the released electrons can have? [4.36 x 10-19 J]
❖ emission spectrum : the spectrum of bright lines, bands, or continuous radiation that
is provided by a specific emitting substance as it loses energy
and returns to its ground state OR the collection of frequencies
of light given off by an "excited" electron
❖ absorption spectrum : a graph or display relating how a substance absorbs
electromagnetic radiation as a function of wavelength
❖ line spectrum : isolate a thin beam by passing through a slit then a prism or a
diffraction grating which sorts into discrete frequencies or lines
❖ Johann Balmer : worked out a mathematical relationship that accounted for the 3
lines of longest wavelength in the visible emission spectrum of H.
(red, green and blue lines)
❖ Niels Bohr connected spectra, and the quantum ideas of Einstein and Planck: the
single electron of the hydrogen atom could occupy only certain energy states,
stationary states.
❖ Bohr’s equation for calculating the energy of the E levels available to the electron in
the hydrogen atom:

R = 2.18 X 10-18 J
Z2 
En = − R
 n2 

Z = atomic number
n = level
 
 1 1 
E = − R  Z 2  2 − 2 
n 
 f ni 

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I. Multiple choice question
01. Calculate the wavelength of light emitted when an electron in the hydrogen makes a
transition from an orbital with n = 5 to an orbital with n = 3
A. 1.28 x 10-6 m B. 6.04 x 10-7 m C. 2.28 x 10-6 m D. 1.55 x 10-19 m
02. Assume that a hydrogen atom’s electron has been excited to the n = 5 level. How many
different wavelengths of light can be emitted as this excited atom loss energy ?
A. 10 B. 5 C. 1 D. 8 E. 3
03. When electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 663 nm falls on the surface of sodium,
electron are emitted with a kinetic energy of 1.68 x10 -19 J . What is the minimum energy
needed to remove an electron from sodium?
a. 1.32x10-19 J b. 3x10-19 J c. 4.68x10-19 J d. 3 x 10-20 J e. 1.68 x 10-20 J
04. Of the following transitions in the Bohr hydrogen atom, the __________ transition results in
the emission of the highest-energy photon.
A. n = 6 → n = 1 C. n = 1 → n = 6 E. n = 3 → n = 6
B. n = 6 → n = 3 D. n = 1 → n = 4
05. Which electronic transition in atomic hydrogen corresponds to the emission of visible light ?
A. n = 5 → n = 2 B. n = 1 → n = 2 C. n = 3 → n = 4 D. n = 3 → n = 1
06. Which electronic transition within a hydrogen atom requires the greatest energy?
A. n = 1 → n = 2 B. n = 2 → n = 3 C. n = 3 → n = 5 D. n = 5 → n = ∞
07. The bright-line spectra produced by four elements are represented in the diagram below

Given the bright-line spectrum of a mixture fromed from two of these elements :

Which elements are present in this mixture ?

A. A and D B. A and X C. Z and D D. Z and X

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08. Which statement is correct about a line emission spectrum?
A. Electrons neither absorb nor release energy as they move from low to high energy levels.
B. Electrons absorb energy as they move from high to low energy levels.
C. Electrons release energy as they move from low to high energy levels.
D. Electrons release energy as they move from high to low energy levels
09. The Lyman series of lines in the emission spectrum of hydrogen corresponds to transitions
from various excited states to the n =1 orbit. Calculate the wavelength, in nanometers, of the
transition from the n = 3 to the n = 1 energy level.
Ry  8  Ry  8  Ry  2  hc  9  hc  9 
A) −   B)   C) −   D) −   E)  
hc  9  hc  9  hc  3  Ry  8  Ry  8 
10. A photon of wavelength 3 x 10-7 m strikes on metal surface, the work function of the metal
being 3.43x10-19 J. Calculate The kinetic energy of the emission.
a. 6.63 x 10-19 J b. 3.20 x 10-19 J c. 2.18 x 10-18 J d. 1,00 x 10-18 J e. 1.60 x 10-19 J
II. Essay
01. According to a relationship developed by Niels Bohr, for an atom or ion that has a single
electron, the total energy of an electron in a stable orbit of quantum number n is En = −
[Z2/n2] (2.179 × 10−18 J) where Z is the atomic number. Calculate the ionization energy for
the electron in a ground-state He+ ion.
02. Which electronic transition in Balmer series of hydrogen atom has same frequency as that of
n = 6 to n = 4 transition in He+. [Neglect reduced mass effect]
03. Calculate ionization potential in volts of (a) He+ and (b) Li2+
04. How many spectral lines are emitted by atomic hydrogen excited to nth energy level?
There are 4 quantum numbers that describe the “address” and “spin” of an electron.
The value of n limits the possible values of ℓ, which in turn limit the values of mℓ.
• principal energy level (n ) :
It gives the average distance of the electron from the necleus and correponds to the principal
energy level to which electron belongs. it may have any values (integral) from 1 to ~, the values
from 1 to 7 have so far been established. tje maximum number of electron in principal quantum
number is given by 2n2. It’s simply the Energy level that electron is in. If it’s a 3s
electron, n = 3, if it’s a 4d electron, n = 4, etc.
• angular momentum (l) :
0,1,2,....(n-1) electrons w/in shell may be grouped into subshells [or sublevels], each
characterized by its certain wave shape. Each ℓ is a different orbital shape or orbital type.
- n limits the values of ℓ to no larger than n-1. Thus, the number of possibilities for ℓ is equal to
n. (English translation: 3 sublevels for 3rd E level, 4 for 4th E level, etc.)
- s,p,d,f sublevels → 0,1,2,3 ℓ-values respectively (So, what do spdf stand for? Sharp, principle,
diffuse, fundamental--early days of atomic spectroscopy)

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• magnetic ( ml ) :
it determines the preferred orientation of orbital in space, m can have any integral values from
–l ... 0 ... +l , thus it has a total of (2l + 1) values

Spin quantum number (s)

It arises due to spinning of electron about its own axis. the clockwise spin is represented by +½ ()
and anti clockwise spin by – ½ (). thus it can have only two values of +½ and –½

Distribution of Electron ( Electron Configurations of Atoms )

The arrangement and distributiion of electron is based on the following principles.
(1) Aufbau Principle. According to this principle, an incoming electron enters the orbitals
having least energy in the ground state of the atom. that is , orbitals are filled in order of their
increasing energy. The sequence of orbitals is :
1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d, 7p
The sequence of filling of orbitals can be obtainted from the following two rules :
(i) orbital are filled up in the orfer of increasing (n + l) values.
(ii) if the (n + l) values of two orbitals are same the one with lower n value will be filled first.
Based on these, the order of orbitals (sub-levels) in accordance with increase in their energies
is : 1s < 2s < 2px=2py=2pz < 3s < 3px=3py=3pz < 4s < 3dxy=3dyz=3dzx=3dx2- y2=3dx2 < ....
(2) Pauli’s Exclusion Principle. “No two electrons in an atom can have all the four quantum
numbers identical”. This limits the number of electrons which can occupy an orbital provided
they have opposite spins. These electrons then have identical values of n, l, and m, but differ
in the value of s, one has the value + ½ and the other – ½
(3) Hund’s Rule. “ if two or more orbitals are available in the same shell, the electron goes into
that which is not already occupied by another electron, and the spins of any unpaired
electrons are parallel (i.e., in the same direction)”. The basis of Hund’s rule is that electrons
repel each other and, therefore, when they approach closer, the energy increases.
(4) Orbital of the same sub-level tend to become completely filled or completely half filled of
electron because these have lesser energy and thus more stable. The extra stability may be
due to the fact theat completely half filled and completely filled obitals have symmetry thus
they possess low energy and so they are more stable. This stability of half filled or

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completely filled sub-level may result in pulling up of an electron from outer shell to an inner

I. Multiple choice question
01. What is the correct electron arrangement for a nickel (Ni) atom? (The first number in each
list refers to the number of electrons in the first shell; the second number refers to the number
of electrons in the second shell; and so on.)
A 2, 6, 10, 10 B 10, 10, 8 C 2, 8, 2, 8, 2, 6 D 2, 8, 16, 2 E 2, 8, 8, 8, 2
02. Gallium nitride, GaN, could revolutionise the design of electric light bulbs because only a
small length used as a filament gives excellent light at low cost. Gallium nitride is an ionic
compound containing the Ga3+ ion.
What is the electron arrangement of the nitrogen ion in gallium nitride?
A 1s2 2s2 B 1s2 2s2 2p3 C 1s2 2s2 2p4 D 1s2 2s2 2p6
03. Which of the following does NOT represent the arrangement of electrons in the p subshell in
the ground state of any gas-phase atom?
A. B. C. D.
04. Which gas-phase atom has no unpaired electrons in its ground state ?
A. Li B. Be C. B D. C
05. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers n, l, ml, ms correspond to a valence
electron in a neutral atom of arsenic (As)?
A. 3, 0, 0, + ½ B. 3, 2, 1, - ½ C. 4, 0, 0, + ½ D. 4, 2, 1, - ½
06. Which electron configuration denotes an atom in its ground state?
a. c. e.

b. d.

07. Give the set of four quantum numbers that represent the last electron added (using the
Aufbau Principle) to the 38Sr atom.
a. n = 5, l = 0, m = 0, s = - ½ c. n = 5, l = 1, m =1 , s = - ½ e. n = 4, l = 1, m = -1, s = + ½
b. n = 4, l = 1, m = 1, s = - ½ d. n = 5, l = 1, m = 0, s = + ½
08. The electronic configuration of 24Cr is [Ar] 4s1 3d5 and not [Ar] 4s2 3d4 as predicted by the
standard electron configuration. The reason for this is because :
a. it violates the Pauli exclusion principle c. the 3d orbital is full with 5 electron
b. the 4s orbital can hold only one electron d. The 4s and 3d orbital are half full
09. Which one of the following is an incorrect subshell notation?
A) 4f B) 3d C) 2p D) 2d E) 3s
10. Which one of the following is an incorrect orbital notation?
A) 3py B) 4s C) 4dxy D) 3f E) 2s
11. The ground-state electron configuration of the element __________ is [Kr]5s 14d5.
A) Cr B) Tc C) Mo D) Mn E) Nb

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12. The ground state electron configuration of Fe ( Z = 26)is __________.
A) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d6 4s2 D) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 4d6
2 2 2 10
B) 1s 2s 3s 3p E) 1s2 2s2 3s2 3p6 3d6
C) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2
13. The ground state electron configuration of Ga (Z = 31) is __________.
A) 1s2 2s2 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p1 D) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 4d10 4p1
2 2 6 2 6 10 2 1
B) 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 4d E) [Ar]4s2 3d11
2 2 6 2 6 10 2 1
C) 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p
14. Which one of the following configurations depicts an excited oxygen atom?
A) 1s2 2s2 2p2 3s2 C) 1s2 2s2 2p2 E) [He]2s2 2p4
2 2 4 2 2 1
B) 1s 2s 2p D) 1s 2s 2p
15. Which electron configuration represents a violation of Hund's rule for an atom in its ground
a. c. e.

b. d.

Periodic table dan Periodic trends

- 1800ish—Johann Dobereiner ➔ triads law by mass
- 1864 John Newlands ➔ octaves laws by mass
- 1870 Dmitrii Mendeleev & Julius Lothar Meyer ➔ periodic table by mass
- 1913 Mosley ➔ periodic table by number of protons
• Alkali metals ➔ the most reactive metal family; must be stored under oil; react with water
• Alkaline-earth metals ➔ except for Be(OH)2, the metal hydroxides formed by this group
provide basic solutions in water ; pastes of these used in batteries
• Chalcogen family ➔ many found combined with metal ores
• Halogen family ➔ known as the “salt-formers” ; used in modern lighting
• Noble Gas family ➔ known for their disinterest in other elements; once thought to never
react ; neon used to make bright RED signs
• Transition metals—fill the d orbitals.
• Rare Earth metals ➔ fill the f sublevels. Lanthanides and Actinides. These sometimes put
an electron in d [just one or two electrons] before filling f. This is
that dsf overlay referred to earlier—the energies of the sublevels are
very similar.
Periodic trends
- The atomic size of an atom is determined by the distance of the valence electrons from the

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- ATOMIC radii decreases (↓) moving across a period AND increases (↑) moving down a
row (family)
➢ WHY ↓ across? The effective nuclear charge (Zeff) increases (more protons for the
same number of energy levels) as we move from left to right across the periodic table,
so the nucleus has a greater positive charge, thus the entire electron cloud is more
strongly attracted and “shrinks”.
➢ WHY ↑ down? The principal level, n, determines the size of an atom—add another
principal level and the atoms get MUCH larger radii

- The size of atoms of transition elements within the same period changes only slightly
because electrons are filling d orbitals rather than the outermost energy level. Because the
increase in nuclear charge is canceled by an increase in d electrons, the attraction of the
valence electrons by the nucleus remains about the same. Because there is little change in
the nuclear attraction for the valence electrons, the atomic size remains relatively constant
for the transition elements.
- Problem 1.
Why is a phosphorus atom larger than a nitrogen atom but smaller than a silicon atom?
A phosphorus atom is larger than a nitrogen atom because phosphorus has valence electrons
in a higher energy level, which is farther from the nucleus. A phosphorus atom has one more
proton than a silicon atom; therefore, the nucleus in phosphorus has a stronger attraction for
the valence electrons, which decreases its size compared to a silicon atom.
2. Ionization Energy
- The ionization energy is the energy needed
to remove one electron from an atom in the
gaseous (g) state.
- When an electron is removed from a neutral
atom, a cation with a 1+ charge is formed.
- ↓ down a family—increased distance from
the nucleus and increased shielding by full
principal E levels means it requires less E
to remove an electron

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- ↑across a period—due to increasing Zeff.
The higher the Zeff, the stronger the nucleus
attracts valence electrons, the more energy
required to remove a valence electron.
- an affinity or “liking” for electrons
- Energy associated with the addition of an electron to a gaseous atom
- ↓ down a family [that means becomes less negative a.k.a. more positive, giving off less
energy]—due to increased distance from the nucleus with each increasing principal E level.
The nucleus is farther from the valence level and more shielded.
- ↑ across a period [that means become more negative, giving off more energy]—Again the
increasing Zeff more strongly attracts the electron.
- The electronegativity of an atom is the ability or power of an atom in a covalent bond to
attract shared pairs of electrons to itself.
- The greater the electronegativity of an atom, the greater its ability to attract shared pairs of
electrons to itself.
- Electronegativity values are usually based on the Pauling scale. A value of 4.0 is given to
fluorine, the most electronegative atom. The least electronegative element, francium, has an
electronegativity value of 0.7. The values for all the other elements lie between these two
extremes. Note that electronegativity values are pure numbers with no units.

- Why is F the most? Highest Zeff and smallest so that the nucleus is closest to the valence
- Why is Fr the least? Lowest Zeff and largest so that the nucleus is farthest from the “action”.
I. Essay
01. Consider atoms with the following electron configurations
a. 1s2 2s2 2p6
b. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1
c. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2
Identify each atom. Which atom has the largest first ionization energy, and which one has

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the smallest second ionization energy? Explain your choices.
02. The first ionization energy for phosphorus is 1060 kJ/mol, and that for sulfur is 1005 kJ/mol.
03. Predict the trend in radius for the following ions: Be 2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and Sr2+
04. Consider three elements with the following abbreviated electron configurations:
X = [Ar ]4s2 Y = [Ne]3s2 3p4 Z = [Ar]4s2 3d10 4p4
a. Identify each element as a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid.
b. Which element has the largest atomic size?
c. Which element has the highest ionization energy?
d. Which element has the smallest atomic size?
II. Multiple Choice Question
01. Which equation represents the second ionisation energy of an element X?
A. X(g) → X2+(g) + 2e– C. X+(g) → X2+(g) + e–

B. X(g) + 2e → X (g)2–
D. X–(g) + e– → X2–(g)
02. Which of the following properties generally decreases across the periodic table from sodium
to chlorine?
(A) First ionization energy (D) Atomic mass
(B) Electronegativity (E) Maximum value of oxidation number
(C) Atomic radius
03. The effective nuclear charge experienced by the outermost electron of Na is different than the
effective nuclear charge experienced by the outermost electron of Ne. This difference best
accounts for which of the following?
(A) Na has a greater density at standard conditions than Ne.
(B) Na has a lower first ionization energy than Ne.
(C) Na has a higher melting point than Ne.
(D) Na has a higher neutron-to-proton ratio than Ne.
(E) Na has fewer naturally occurring isotopes than Ne.
04. All of the halogens in their elemental form at 25°C and 1 atm are
(A) conductors of electricity (C) diatomic molecules (E) odorless
(B) colorless (D) gases
05. Which of the following best helps to account for the fact that the F – ion is smaller than the
O2– ion?
(A) F– has a larger nuclear mass than O2– has.
(B) F– has a larger nuclear charge than O2– has.
(C) F– has more electrons than O2– has.
(D) F– is more electronegative than O2– is.
(E) F– is more polarizable than O2– is.
06. The size of an element’s atomic radius __________ from left to right across the periodic
a. increases b. decreases c. remains constant d. is randomly assigned
07. Arrange the following elements from lowest to highest ionization energy: Be, Mg, Ca, Rb, Sr
a. Be, Mg, Ca, Rb, Sr b. Rb, Sr, Ca, Be, Mg c. Rb, Sr, Ca, Mg, Be d. Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Rb
08. The halogens tend to form anions because….
a. They have low first ionization energies c. They have low electron affinities
b. They have high electron affinities d. They don’t; they form cations

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09. Name the only element touching the stair-step line that is NOT a metalloid
a. Aluminum b. Boron c. Nitrogen d. Astatine
10. When a metal atom becomes a cation…
a. It gains an electron c. It becomes a different isotope
b. Its atomic number changes d. Its ionic radius is smaller than its atomic radius
11. Ionization energy is measured in atoms when
a. They are in a gaseous state c. They are ions
c. They are in a solid state d. They are at 25°C
12. Electron affinity…
a. Is always positive c. May be positive or negative
b. Is always negative d. Is typically higher in metals than nonmetals
13. Al2O3 is…
a. Called dialuminum trioxide c. Impossible to form
b. Not a true oxide d. Amphoteric
14. How many valence electrons does one atom of tin have?
a. 9 b. 10 c. 2 d. 1 e. 4
15. Arrange the following elements in order of increasing effective nuclear charge: Bi, As, P, N,
a. Bi, Sb, As, P, N b. N, P, As, Sb, Bi c. Bi, As, P, N, Sb d. N, As, P, Bi, Sb
16. Of Fe, K, P, and Cl, which would you expect to have the greatest electron affinity?
a. K b. Fe c. Cl d. P
17. Unknown element X has four energy levels, five valence electrons, and is a metalloid. What
is element X?
a. Si b. Ge c. Se d. As
18. The electron affinity of chlorine is 349 kJ/mol. What is the correct equation for the
formation of chloride?
a. Cl (s) + e- → Cl- (s) + 349 kJ c. Cl (g) + e- → Cl- (g) + 349 kJ
b. Cl (s) + 349 kJ + e- → Cl- (s) d. Cl (g) + 349 kJ + e- → Cl- (g)
19. The second ionization energy of sodium is much higher than the first ionization energy
a. The second electron is removed from an already-stable noble gas core
b. The second electron is a valence electron
c. The atom has a larger radius after the first electron is removed
d. It’s not higher than the first ionization energy
20. Boron and silicon form similar compounds and are very similar due to their ________
a. periodic b. familial c. chemical d. diagonal
21. An element with a greater effective nuclear charge has a(n) ______ atomic radius
a. larger b. smaller c. undefined d. undulating
22. Lanthanides and actinides have these kinds of orbitals:
a. s only b. s, p and d c. s, p, d, and f d. f only
23. What is NOT true of the element rubidium?
a. It is an alkali metal c. It has one valence electron
b. It has a low electron affinity d. Its radius is larger than cesium’s
24. What is true of the oxide formed when magnesium reacts with oxygen?

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a. Its formula is Mg2O b. It is molecular b. It is basic d. It is amphoteric

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