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TVP2588U+ Programmer User Guide V2.

TVP2588U+ Programmer User Guide


TVP2588U+ Programmer User Guide V2.0

Date Modify
2009-04-25 Initial Version.

TVP2588U+ Programmer User Guide V2.0

1 Overview
TVP2588U+ programmer uses USB interface.It can read/write 25 family flash memory chip,24 family
eeprom,25 family eeprom and 93 family eeprom.
 Use USB interface,the communication speed is 12Mbps,more faster than UART interface;
 It can read/write 25 family flash memory chip,24 family eeprom,25 family eeprom and 93 family
 Offline chip copy.When User press the "copy-key",the programmer copy the data from one 25
flash memory chip to another.

TVP2588U+ Programmer User Guide V2.0

2 Install
2.1 Application install
Double click the setup file,press "Next" and "install" button.
There will be a shortcut on the desktop and a shotcut on the start menu.

2.2 USB Driver Install

2.2.1 USB Driver Directory
There will be a folder named driver including two files:TVP2588U+.inf and TVP2588U+.sys.

2.2.2 USB Driver Install Steps

When user link the programmer to PC:

Select "NO", and click "Next":

TVP2588U+ Programmer User Guide V2.0

click "Next":

TVP2588U+ Programmer User Guide V2.0

Click "Finish".

2.3 Application Uninstall

Two way:
(1) Run the setup file again, and select "Remove";
(2) Run the shortcut “Uninstall TVP2588U+” in the start menu.

TVP2588U+ Programmer User Guide V2.0

3 Application Operations
3.1 Application UI

3.2 Oprations
3.2.1 Open
Load data from a file to buffer.
3.2.2 Save
Save data from buffer to a file.
3.2.3 Fill
Fill buffer whit a specific byte.

TVP2588U+ Programmer User Guide V2.0

3.2.4 Exchange
Exchange the two bytes between high byte and low byte.
3.2.5 Erase
Erase chip, all bytes will be 0xFF.
Attention:24、25、93 family EEPROM need not be erased。
3.2.6 Write
Write data from buffer to chip.
3.2.7 Read
Read data from chip to buffer.
3.2.8 Verify
Compare the data of buffer to the data of chip.
3.2.9 Auto
Erase, Write and Verify.
3.2.10 Recognize
Auto recognize the chip name by the Manufacturer ID and the Device ID.
3.2.11 Select
Select the chip name.

TVP2588U+ Programmer User Guide V2.0

3.2.12 Edit Chip

User can add, delete, and edit the chip which is in the chip database.

3.2.12 Read Firmware Version

Read the firmware version from the programmer.

TVP2588U+ Programmer User Guide V2.0

4 Offline Copy
There are two chip locations, Chip-A and Chp-B.

Steps of offline copy:

 Place the Chip-A and Chp-B;
 Press the Copy-Key;
 BUSY-LED will light;
 Wait for BUSY-LED slaking;
 If ERROR-LED light, copy is failed, else copy is Successful.


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