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Bachelor of Business Administration

End- Semester Examination
July 2012
SUBJECT : GEM 310-'Entrepreneurship and NI31? TIME : 2 Hrs, 40 Min.
[6 Q 5 = 30 Marks'
Attempt any SIX questions'
1. You have recently completed your undergraduate degree in Management and want to start a
hospital in Khumaltar. Identify some of the.possible mistakes that you can make while starting this
business. Also suggest the techniques to avoid those mistakes.
2. Several success factors are apparent from research on innovation and entrepreneurship. Explain
the primary factors associated with new 'venture success. If you were the entrepreneur what potential
network relationship would you consider and why do you believe that entrepreneurial network
relationship are essential? Explain.
3. Describe the major approaches taken by established companies to encourage corporate
entrepreneurship in Nepal.
4. Describe what information a balance-sheet provides to an entrepreneur.
5. Describe briefly the present challenges of Nepali entrepreneurs.
6. How entrepreneurs should manage the main challenges to the business at the revival
7. Describe briefly how marketing plans and strategies are interrelated while preparing convincing
business plan?
[3 Q x 10 = 30 Marks]
Attempt any THREE questions

8. Researchers who have looked at creativity say that being creative is a matter of deciding
what you want to do, how you can do it, and how you can do it better. It involves the process, not
just the outcome. So now that we've taken some of the pressures off— you don't have to
be a Michelangelo or a Beethoven to be creative—what steps can you take to develop your
creativity? Suggest some specific tips you might use to help develop your own creative abilities.

9. People often argue that entrepreneurship development presupposes capacity building in

people for entrepreneurial venture in addition to enabling environment in country. Identify the
issues and opportunities in entrepreneurship development in Nepal.

10. Elliot Katzman is a serial entrepreneur. He has played key roles in several successful
startups. His latest entrepreneurial venture — Myteam.com (www.myteam.com )--is a labor of
love. With two sons playing on six different sports teams, Katzman saw the market need for a place
where coaches, parents, and kids could come for information on schedules, rosters, directions;
and other stuff associated with coordinating kids sports. Myteam.com was Katzman's solution,
Katzman felt that this was a perfect opportunity to combine his professional background in other
tech-oriented entrepreneurial ventures and his personal passion for .kids sports. His investment
group found Myteam appealing on multiple dimensions: clear sense of mission, its values, and
the_sotential to be a big commercial success. Myteam is building relationships with several key
partnerThese relationships cover more than 30 sports and give Myteam's sponsors access to more
than 13 million sports participants.
a.What do you think has contributed to the success of Myteam.com? Why do you think these
elements are necessary? [2.5x2=5 Marks]
b.Does Myteam.com fit your defini6on of an entrepreneurial venture'? Explain. [5 Marks]
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11. Devendra Pandey an inhabitant of Kathmandu valley leas just finished his MBA and is tryi ng to
start a small hotel business at Darbarmarg. The expected financial statement prepared by Deve ndra
i s s h o w n b e l o w :

Kamana Hotel Limited

Projected Balance sheet for 2068/69 Rs. In'000
Particular Amount
Capital and liability
Share capital 12000
Term loans 5000
Total 17000
inventory 3000
sundry debtors. 2500
cash and bank balance 2200
Total current assets 7700
Less current liability and provision 3900
Net current assets 3800
Fixed assets 8000
Capital WIP 3900
Other assets 1300
Total 17000

Kamana Hotel Limited

Projected income statement for 2068/69 Rs. In '000
Income from operation 2500
Income from room service 2000
Other income 1000
Total 5500
Food and beverage 1800
Salaries and employee benefits 2500
Operative and administrative expenses 1000
Gross operating profit (200)
Interest on loans 650
Depreciation and amortize expenses (per year) 1350
Profit before taxes - (2200)
Provision for tax (25%)
Net income after tax (2200)

Before preparing the above projected financial statement, Mr. Pandey expects that only 40% of the
hotel rooms will be occupied and the arrival of tourists will also be low in 2068/69 because of
adverse economic condition but he believes that in the years to come after 2068/69 the revenue will
increase by 20% each year. The .cost is affected by 8% annual inflation rate then answer the

a.What would be the return on investment and return on equity for Kamana Hotel Limited in year 5.
b.What do you think that the expectation of Mr. Pandey about revenue and cost are relevant in current
scenario of Nepal?
c. Do you think that the data presented by Mr. Pandey is sufficient to start a venture in present
Nepali scenario?

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Marks Obtained.
Bachelorlof Business Administration
End Semester Examination
.10y 2012

TIME 20 min
suBJECT : GEM 3 Entrepreneurship and NI
YEAR 1'1)1,1. MARKS ; IS

SEC:11'10N 14 A.„ Regi 8tratio9 No

B a m i n a t i o nR o l l
(15 Q x.1=15 Marks)
Encircle the most appropriate answer from the given choices.

Which or the following is a major difference between creativity and innovation?

1. 1. Creativity is a more mentally straining exercise; innovation just comes naturally,
b. Creativity has to do with thinking new things, and innovation is more about doing or
producing those new things.
c. Creativity is where the real money is made; innovations just usually stay in the lab.
d. Creativity is the same thing as innovation, except creativity refers to ideas outside the
business realm
2. Why are creativity and innovation so critical for entrepreneurs' survival?
a. They allow small companies with limited resources to outwit their larger competitors.
b. They keep entrepreneurs' minds off of their stressful initial business development period.
c. They help entrepreneurs to replicate current products on the market.
d. They can substitute for a shaky business model.

3. What is one of the best ways to generate creative thinking while you are on the job?
a. Ask your colleagues in your department for help with your problem.
b. Look at the solutions your company has generated in the past for answers.
c. Get out of your surroundings and take a walk outside to clear your mind.
d. Look through industry magazines for what your competitors are doing.
4. Why is it important to develop a business plan?
a. The presence of a business plan virtually guarantees business success upon start-up.
b. The business plan will allow your employees to know what they are supposed to do on a
daily basis.
c. The business plan will help you work through the strategic and operational map you need to
follow to reach your organi.zation's goals.
d. The business plan will guarantee the awarding of a Small Business Administration-backed
loan to your business.
S. When describing your firm's marketing strategy, which of the following approaches should you use
to define your target market?
a. Draft a list of benefits your product provides, and then describe specific groups olpeople or
businesses who would value those benefits.
b. Ask 200 people on the street whether they would purchase your product. Multiply this
figure by the population of your geographic market to attain your target market figure.
c. -Describe ways that your product could enhance the lives of everyone in Nepal, opening
your options up to the mass market.
d. Assume that about one-tenth of the mass market in your geographic region will also
comprise your target market.
6. Why is market research so important for an entrepreneur?
a. It allows the entrepreneur's family to understand that he or she has put preparation into the
business before starting it.
b. It helps the entrepreneur to determine whether Li market exists for her service, e- It gives
the entrepreneur a head start on developing relationships later in the business's development.
d. It gives the entrepreneur information on how much it will cost to start the business.

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7. WhatIis one competitive edge that small businesses can excel at, because of their
a. Lower pricing strategies

h. 1 litzheriAlverlising spendlag
C. Innovation '
d. Supplier relationships
of own e rs hi p ov e r I L
S. In genet-al, what would cause a business owner to select One t►rtn ri
a. Image within the etlini ►initY
b. Tax, liability, and growth concerns
c. Industry membership
d. Pressure from the business owner's advisory hoard
What is the fmn's gross profit?
a.The gross profit is the excess of revenues over total expenses.
b.The gross profit is the amount left alter cost of goods sold have been taken from net ,..1 revenue..,,,,,e.,
c.Gross profit is the amount of income that is taxable at the end of the year.
d.Gross profit is the amount of income remaining after interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization have
been taken out of sales revenue.
10. What information do liquidity ratios provide for the new venture?
a.Whether the firm is profitable in the short-term
b.Whether taking on a new partner would be an optimal cash generation strategy
c.Whether a small business can meet its short-term obligations as they become due
d.Whether a business's competitors are outperforming it within the marketplace
11. What information does the break-even point provide?
a.The amount of sales volume that must be sold to recoup start-up expenses

b.The minimum sales volume required to stay in business for the long term payroll for the period
c.The minimum sales volume that is required.to cover
d.The minimum sales volume that is required to cover fixed expenses

12. Which of the following is NOT a common personality characteristic of typical entrepreneurs')
a.Desire for responsibility and per sonal achievement
c.Fondness for high levels of risk
d.A high level of personal energy
13 Which of the following is a common' e •
a.Less autonomy in operating your ownycompany
ex drawback to bei ng an entrepreneur?
b.Inability to contribute to •
u e o society
c.Potential profits from innovations
d.Reduced quality of life in start-up Year
14. Which of the following is more a
c. Business sales
a.Innovations per employee
b. Debt per employee appropriate in Small businesses more than large corporations?
r a t i o n s ?

b. Poor product quality
a. Family disagreements

What is the primary cause of failure of most smallbus .

c. Poor rnanagernent
d, Poor location
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Marks Obtairled:
Bachelor of Business Information Systems
End-Semester Examination
January/February 2014
_ Entrepreneurship and New
Business Formation TIME

10 min
cf. GEM 310
51113j - IN1 SEMESTER
oll No' ______ L Registration No:
[10 x 1 — 10 Marks] •

ode the most apprOpriate answers from the

given choices.
Which of the following is riot the primary
reason that people become entrepreneur
and start their own firms? -
a To be their own boss
b. Pursue their own ideas
c. Realize financial rewards
d. Do corporate social
1, Which of the following is a common myth
about entrepreneurs?
a. Passion for the business
b. Tenacity despite failure
c. Product/customer focus
d. Entrepreneurs arc gamblers 3,
Which of the following comes as a first
step of entrepreneurial process?
a. Developing successful business
b. Moving from an idea to an
entrepreneurial firm
C. Deciding to become an entrepreneur
d. Managing and growing the entrepreneurial
. Which of the following refers to its overall
approach for marketing its products and
a. Marketing strategy
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b. Competitor analysis C. Market
d. Industry analysis
5,. wh,
lch one is not the major source of barriers
to entry?
b. Market differentiation
Economies of scale
_Capital requirements

Product differentiation
Js supposed to
5. Which of the following describes wily . model i
accomplish? y it exists anc . c
a. Core strategy
o. Mission statement . ' , I witql, jts,husiness

d .Objective-
•Which_of the following is the definition of an advisory board?
a.A panel of experts who are asked by a firm
s to provide counsel and advice on an
s ma nager
ongoing basis -
b.A p ane l o f i n di vidual s wTho are e l ected by a corporation's shareholders to oversee th e
. management of the firm.
c.Individuals whO give professional or expert advice.
d.The group of founders, key employees, and advisers that move a new venture from an ideato a
fully functioning firm.
8. A place within a market segment that represents a narrow group of customers with simila r

interests is known as . .
a. Market segmentation
. b. Niche market . • -
c.Product market
d. T a r g e t m a r k e t 9.The set of attributes-positive or negative- that people associate with a

company is called

b. Buzz
c .Brand equity
d .Product attribute

10. Which of the following is not a key form of intellectual property?

b .Trademarks
c .Copyrights
d .Trade show

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Bachelor or 13usiness Information Systems

End-SeMester Examination
January/February 2014

Em 31 0 Entrepreneurship and New Business Formation

5. Contrast cost-based pricing and value based pricing with suitableTIME
examples. : 2:50 tut
6. Over the past several years, why- have strategic alliances and11111 joint MARKS:
ventures become
increasingly prevalent growth strategies? --- [6Make
Q x 4 your answer as thoughtful and as through as
----- 24
Atteopt any SIX
7. Provide several examples of trademarks, and describe how they help a firm establish a
Why is it important r an entrepreneur to build a strong ethical culture for the firm? What arc
competitive advantage insteps
the marketplace.
that an entrepreneurial venture •can take to build a strong
same of the
culture? SECTION "C"
in what ways does a focus on a cost leadership strategy lead to a very different business model
[2 Q x 8 — 16 Marks]
than a focus on a differential strategy? .
ttempt any TWO questions. 0-1,(4- (-
,- .

To what
8• Increasingly, entrepreneurship is beingrely
extent do entrepreneurs practiced
on theirinpersonal funds
countries and funds
throughout thefrom friends
world. Why and
3. f milies to finance their -ventures? What are the three rules of thumb that a business owner
you thinkthis is the case? Do you expect entrepreneurship to continue to spread throughout the
should follow when asking friends and family members for start-up funds?
orld, or do yOu think its appeal will subside overtime?
- Explain why recruiting a well-known and highly respected- board of dire.ct6rs terids
9, v Pil is_ the owner, of a fast food chain in Kathmandu. The company has been profitable every

legitim'acy toafirm? is 1.1, and its debt ercent, its current ratio
Y r of its existence. Its debt ratio is currently
. r a t i o - -
°'.e.quity. ratio is 72. percent:Do these financial numbers cause any reason to he concerned?
 Wh
- Y or why not? .
10.. lin- :• . . .
 .. . (he message yeads, Just wanted .to

- la '
. ' ag'in You just reeed'an email Message frOMa friend.
you thdt I just finished :writing my business plan. .1 atn very. proud of it. it's very
;111r1Preh.ensive and is just-over 100 pages. The .exeoutive summary. alone is 9pages: 1 plan to
. ,
before 'sending it'ont to potential investors next week,' .Do you have any wdrds Of abice- tor. me
.. oreI ,, , ,_,.. • . '.-) i-4 '1.- f.': t HI ' , • - , . ' • ,,, . • '. . ' ... .
ef .
' ,

•• . riond- .•
How :would you.respond
yo-.. benumg it out '...,,e..rioTles,- A r91 y vv.,irlt to
.., -....41.L. tun(1108,.....
''• .t.n; f ' . . .re4ileSt-,for:fedbiI6k?
, , , • ' :' • . '' '' •:, ' ". . • ' . '.. '..‘ • • ,.,.. •
 . . • ,.• ., • • .•• •• ..• ...
. .

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Marks Obtained:
13achclor of Business Administration
End-Scmcstcr 1:,xaminm ions
Februmy — June, 2019 Session
July 2019

SUBJECT : GEM 310 — Entrepreneurship and New Business Formation TIME : 10 min


Examination Roll No: ______________________Registration No:____________________________

[10 Q x 1 = 10 Marks]

Encircle the most appropriate answers from the given choices.

1. Which of the following is not the major component of firm's business model?
a. Core-strategy
b. Strategic resources
c. Customer interface
d. Competitors' analysis

2. An assessment of the overall appeal of the market for the product or service been proposed is
known as
a. Market feasibility analysis
b. A target market
c. Product feasibility analysis
d. Organizational feasibility analysis

3. 'It is the process of determining whether a business idea is viable'. Which definition has been
indicated with the above statement?
a. Feasibility analysis
b. Industry analysis
c. Product analysis
d. Service analysis

4. Which one of the following is the number one characteristic shared by successful
a. A desire to achieve financial rewards
b. A passion for business
c. A desire to employother people
d. A desire to fulfill the life-time dream

5. Which of the following is not one of the five common myths about entrepreneurs?
a. Entrepreneurs are tenacious
b. Entrepreneurs are moderate risk takers
c. Entrepreneurs should be young and energetic
d. Entrepreneurs love the spotlight.

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6. In regard to patent activity •(issuance), which of Hie following statements is correct?

a.Small businesses outperConn their large counterparts

b.Small businesses undcrperform their large counterparts
c.Small businesses and large businesses arc relatively equal
d.Small businesses arc not active in patent activity
7. An individual who identifies the business idea on his or her own is entrepreneur.
S. 'Which of the following statements is incorrect in regard to entrepreneurial alertness?
a.The research findings on entrepreneurial alertness are conclusive.
b.Alertness is largely a learned skill
c.People who have more knowledge of an area tend to be more alert to opportunities in that
area than others.
a.The term "entrepreneurial alertness" is often associated with a "sixth sense" that seems to allow
some people to see opportunities that others miss.
10. Which of the
9. 'Which of the following statements most accurately describes the marketing mix?
following is
b. A composite analysis of all the macro environmental factors
c. The relationship between a business and its competitors
one criticism that
d. A blending of four strategic
can be argued against Porters five forces?
a. Cannot generalized results from a singular point an time
b. The model only can be applied to one industry
c. Some forces are more relevant than others
d. Product development is more important than competition

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Bachelor of Business Administration
End-Semester Examinations
February — June 2019 Session
July 2019
SUBJECT : GEM 310—Entrepreneurship and New Business Formation TIME : 2:50 Min.

[6 Q x 4 = 24 Marks]
Attempt any SIX questions.

1. How would you define the phrase 'Copyright Infringement'? Would you characterize copyright
infringement as a minor or as a major problem in Nepal? Explain.

2. It is often argued that the process of writing a business plan is as important as the plan itself
particularly for the top management team of a young firm. How is it so? State at least five important
questions a business plan should answer.

3. Define a term 'brand'. Provide an example of a brand that you buy frequently and describe the
mental image that pops into your mind when you hear or see the brand's name.

4. Describe briefly the characteristics of a mature industry. What is the primary opportunity for
new firms in a mature industry?

5. Do entrepreneurs tend to over-estimate or underestimate their knowledge of the laws that

pertain to starting a new firm? What does the answer to this question suggest that entrepreneurs do
before they start a firm?

6. Suppose a colleague of yours is gearing up to write a business plan for a business he intends to
start. He told you that he plans to prepare the financial statements first to get that job out of the way
before he tackles the rest of the plan. Explain to your colleague the flaw in this approach.

7. One of the most difficult challenges involved with rapid growth is quality control. Why is
this so?

[2 Q x 8 = 16 Marks]
Attempt any TWO questions.

8. If you decide to start a 'Business Clinic' at your college to provide business consulting
services for Micro - SMEs, how would you approach the following topics: market segmentation,
selecting a target market, and promotional strategies for developing a convincing marketing plan.

9. Prior entrepreneurial experience, relevant industry experience, and networking are

attributes that strengthen a person's chances of launching a successful venture. Think about the type
of company that you might launch someday. Which of these attributes do you currently possess?
What steps can you take now to build strengths in each of these areas?

10. Assume that you are starting a new enterprise of your own, what are the
an example.will face during start up phase? How do you address those challenges? Explain With

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