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Methods for Priming Teaching

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Methods for Priming Teaching 2

This report throws light on the method of priming in teaching. It will cater to how to use
the priming method? It also throws light on the way of implementation of these activities. This
report also addresses the importance of the priming method. The steps for using the priming
method is also explained in detail. Moreover, a brief detail about the examples is also discussed.
Some activities for the suggestion purpose are also explained in this report.

Discussion on Priming Teaching

It is a technique used to prepare the children for any upcoming event. It usually
emphasizes the activities where children may find it difficult to achieve things normally. The old
techniques of the teachers have not revealed such fruitful results; therefore, the method of
priming is introduced (Bhandari et al., 2019). It can be conducted anywhere, either in the
classroom or else at the premises of the home. Moreover, if priming is added to the routine of the
child, then it has the most effectiveness. To apply the method of priming, you have to look at the
possibility: Using the priming teaching method can be beneficial for teacher and student both for
vocabulary learning and teaching (Khaghaninejad & Farrokhiyekta, 2020). It involves if your
student is facing difficulty with the transition or if the child/student is finding it difficult to
interact with classmates. Moreover, if the child is avoiding for presentation and if the child is not
adapting to the new learning situations.

In the technique of priming, usually, the length of the lessons is reduced to a minimum. It
involves the same material which is used in the lesson. In actuality, it is not basically the
teaching of topics for exam purposes or for tests rather, it uses the material to make some
adaptivity in the children for the same topics. A child can find the association by using such
materials. IT involves many strategies to be implemented like interacting with others, solving the
behavioral issues and comprehending new material. Again, it is not the method of teaching in
actual rather; it is meant to make the child aware of a specific topic.

Activities for Priming

If you want to apply the priming teaching, then you can opt for any of the following ones:

 Art material can be used for display purposes.

 The material can be explored properly.
Methods for Priming Teaching 3

 Games can be applied for playing.

 Visual scheduling can be shown.
 A video on the concerned topic can be played.
 The story on the concerned topic can be shared.

Steps for priming

Does your child/student experience:

 To apply for the priming technique

 The first step involves collaboration.
 A second comes to communication.
 Step three comes with priming.
 Step four comes with providing the feedback.

There was an example of a student named jerry with Autism. The teacher of jerry found that
whenever she is teaching the jerry, he is not paying attention. Jerry moves here and there and
does not pay attention. Jerry was not responding to his teacher for the activity of the colored
block. He was not matching the blocks even. Looking at this practice, the teacher of jerry used
the method of priming. For that purpose, the teacher delivered the message to the mother of the
jerry to make him families. She told him to introduce the blocks to the jerry but not to teach him.
As the jerry loved to have a quiet place; therefore, they selected as the spare and silent room.

There was a quiet room that was silent in terms, and that was a place where there is no
disturbance. For the purpose of learning, jerry was put there, and the mother didn't interrupt him
while he was stacking with the same blocks. Now the session was very small and little. It was
told to jerry by his mother that he is going to learn about the blocks. As per her attempts, she will
be rewarded with some gifts. On the coming day, jerry was told to have the same blocks for
learning activities. The blocks will be used to teach the jerry. As jerry already had familiarisation
with the blocks; therefore, he took much interest in those blocks and learning about them. The
kid started learning and paying attention.

As the development of a three dimensional for students have been a prominent objective for
scientists (Boda & Brown, 2020). Therefore, priming method has been devised to arrange such a
fabulous technique. Looking at the example of a student Johnny a better understanding can be
Methods for Priming Teaching 4

developed. Johnny, a child, is studying at a pre-school face difficulty. Whenever the teacher told
the story, Johnny is disrupting other children. This behavior was discussed by the teacher and
mother both, and they decided to use the priming method of teaching. Johnny's mother received a
book from his teacher. She uses this book to deliver the story from this book to Johnny at his
bedtime. This practice went on and on, and Johnny became familiar with the topics, pictures, and
images over there. Meanwhile, she was asking the questions him and also admiring his attention.
It created a familiarisation between Johnny and his lesson book. As Johnny had an idea about the
story, it's beginning and ending, so he was ready to listen to the story without making any
interruption. This leads to developing his focus and attention over learning.

Looking at the aspects of the priming teaching method, it is very clear that it is used to
develop familiarisation among the students. A teacher or a parent can use this method to find
some of the concerns regarding the avoidance behavior of the child. It is important to realise that
when this method should be sued and what is needed to be delivered with this method. Also, it is
crucial to know that this is the method of familiarisation only, and it is not meant to teach the
children with this method.
Methods for Priming Teaching 5

Bhandari, B., Mehta, B., & Singh, S. (2019). Medical Education/Original Article Implementation
and Evaluation of Priming as a Teaching-learning Tool for Enhancing Physiology
Learning Among Medical Undergraduates. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol, 63(1), 37-41.

Boda, P. A., & Brown, B. (2020). Priming urban learners' attitudes toward the relevancy of
science: A mixed‐methods study testing the importance of context. Journal of Research
in Science Teaching, 57(4), 567-596.

Khaghaninejad, M. S., & Farrokhiyekta, B. (2020). El efecto priming en la recuperación léxica

en tareas de memoria implícita para estudiantes avanzados de idiomas
extranjeros. Revista signos, 53(102), 104-122.

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