Đề Thi Thử Số 24: Sở Giáo Dục Và Đào Tạo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kỳ Thi Thpt Chuyên NĂM HỌC …………………………

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________________ NĂM HỌC ………………………….

ĐỀ THI THỬ SỐ 24 Môn: Tiếng Anh
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút
(không kể thời gian giao đề)


Part 1. Complete the form below using NO MORE THAN ONE WORD
AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Write your answers in the space provided

Hotel Reservation
Four-bed room available in (1) ______________
Room price:
 in high season: (2) €______________
 cheaper if you booked (3) ______________
Meal included in price: (4) ______________
Must bring your own (5) ______________
Hotel facilities:
 a lounge with a variety of books
 games room
 Internet
Activities available:
 collect shells
 hire bicycles
Part 2: You will hear a television news report about stress. For questions 6-105,
decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Write your answers
in the corresponding numbered boxes provided (1.0pt)
6. Canadians have less stress than Americans.
7. The most common sources of stress are jobs and money.
8. Only the richest members of society experience stress.
9. Mexico had the lowest rate of stress in the survey.
10. France is a stress-free country to live in.
Your answers:
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 3. You will hear an interview with a sports writer about football referees.
Listen carefully and choose the correct answer A, B or C for each question. Write your
answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. (1.0 pt)
11. Martin says that referees become concerned if
A. they are no longer chosen for important matches.
B. they cease to cause strong reactions.
C. they feel that other referees do not regard them highly.
D. they attract a lot of attention from strangers.
12. Martin says that referees think they gain the respect of players by
A. resorting to strict disciplines when it is necessary.
B. adopting different approaches with different players.
C. showing that they do not care what players think of them.
D. treating players with a certain amount of tolerance.
13. According to Martin, it would be wrong to believe that referees
A. are not passionately interested in football.
B. do not feel that they are performing a duty.
C. are largely motivated by their own vanity.
D. are poorly paid for their efforts.
14. What does Martin say about the system for assessing referees?
A. It causes some referees to be indecisive.
B. It requires referees not to be sensitive people.
C. It enables poor referees to be identified quickly.
D. It leads to inconsistencies in referees’ decisions.
15. Martin says that a referee should deal with the bad behavior of players by
A. informing them that they cannot influencehis decisions.
B. admitting to them when they has made a mistake underpressure.
C. deciding rapidly what a player’s real intention was.
D. treating the worst offences with the greatest severity.
Your answers:
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Part 4: You will hear a man called Neil Brown giving a talk about cycling.
Complete the sentences by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer. Write your answers in the space provided. (2.0pts)
The Cycle Campaign Network promotes cycling as a (16)
______________________, a sport, and a means of transport.
Cycling helps reduce pollution caused by (17) ______________________ from
cars and also traffic noise.
Local authorities are starting to emphasize (18) ______________________ by
developing special cycle routes.
Cycling is now being taught at a number of (19) ______________________.
However, if the project is to develop, (20) ______________________ will be
A regimen of regular cycling can prevent (21) ______________________ disease
and strokes.
It also makes your body better able to recover from (22)
Neil suggests that an individual’s (23) ______________________ may be
enhanced by cycling to work.
The majority of organized cycling events are (24) ______________________ to
anone wishing to take part.
Some organizations participate in Bike Week to promote cycling and (25)
______________________ for charity.

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