Mechanical Properties Material Properties Optical Properties

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Modulus of Elasticity, Yield Strength,

Tensile strength, Ductility, Resilience, Physics of Materials - Mindmap 1

Toughness, Hardness Mechanical Properties Material Properties Optical properties
Shreya Smitha mm19b054 | August 24, 2021

Chemical Properties
Bond strenght, Ionization
Energy, Electron Affinity
Refractive Index, Reflectivity,
No thermal expansion
Electrical Properties Absorptivity, Transmitivity

Magnetic properties Large coefficient of

thermal expansion
Thermal Properties
If symmetric
Electrical Conductivity,
If shallow and wide
Dielectric constant, Band
structure, Electron mobility
Curie temperature, Remanence, Need to raise
Coercivity, Soft Magnetic materials, temperature
If deep significantly before
Hard Magneitc materials
Thermal Expansion, Conductivity, any thermal
Specific heat Graph of Energy vs interatomic spacing expansion is noticed

Properties Thermal Expansion

Heat Shrinks
Electric Conductivity Conduction: Lattice
2 probe and 4 probe (more accurate) Measuring Conductivity
measurement vibrations (No large scale
movement of atoms)
Thermal conductivity
Using impedence, Z
There is no net transfer of
Convection: In ligwuids and
For pure capacitor in AC, Z=-j/(wL) AC gases (Large scale movement of
Drude Model electrons but transfer of Energy Types of heat transfer
For pure inductor in AC, Z= jwL atoms)
Free electron gas Radiation: Electromagnetic
Waves (heat from Sun to Earth)
Particle density of electrons three orders of
magnitude greater than ideal gas
Ohms Law
Drude Model
1. Electrons undergo instantaneous collisions Rules
leading to their scattering
2. Average resistive term used to account for the
interaction between collisions
3. Mean free time between collisions (Tau),
independent of position and velocity of electron
4. Electrons attain equilibrium with their Wiedermann - Franz Law
surroundings through collisions with other e-
Nf= Number of particles per
unit volume (From Drude model)
Cv= Specific heat at
constant volume

Average translational Kinetic Energy per ideal gas

atom/ molecule in a system at equilibrium.
Drawbacks of Drude Model
Cv is 2 orders of magnitude higher than what is experimentally observed
Hall effect: RH limitation (for +ve charge carriers)

Maxwell - Boltzmann distribution Macrostate: Specifies T, V, total E

Classical particle - Particles following Maxwell-
Boltzmann distribution (non interacting) Microstate: Details on how many particles are
occupying each enetgy level For more than 2 particles, a
microstate ioccurs more than the
others (higher probability)

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