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The Philippines’ dismal performance in the last Program for International

Student Assessment has caused DepEd’s alarm bell to ring. It calls for an
immediate action and intervention, that is why we had this week-long training
and workshop. Well, thanks to the organizers of this training. We had a sneak
peek of what the PISA exam is all about.

I always consider a thorough preparation as an ingredient to successfully ace

an exam. And this training has provided paved the way to prepare our learners
on their task ahead of braving another PISA hurdle. With hard work and
dedication, I know that it’s only a matter of time that our learners will be
comparable with the best of the world in terms of their performance in
international assessments.

This week has not been easy for me. It is one of those weeks where I fall right
into sleep after every session. Little did you know that I tried to squeeze my
head over an item that needs to be done. Take note – ONE ITEM. I was
assigned to accomplish 4 items in the Creative Thinking Domain – a domain
which has yet to be introduced in the next PISA. I kind of develop a little bit of
anxiety every time the session begins. And to top it all off – I am terrified every
time I hear “Dr. Brant Acar’s” voice over google meet. No kidding! But take it as
a compliment sir Bryant. Because the more I get scared, the more I am
motivated to give my all to the best of my ability.

Thanks to all the facilitators and to my co-participants. They all made my task
easy to bear. I get all the help I need. But I still wish that I never worked alone
on a task that is entirely new to me.

All in all, I had a fruitful week and I wish you could all say the same!

Thank you and have a pleasant day!

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