Indian Association For The Cultivation of Science: Mathematical Physics PH-4103

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Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science

Mathematical Physics PH-4103

Due on 27-01-2021

1. Use the recursion relations

(a) lPl (x) = (2l − 1)xPl−1 (x) − (l − 1)Pl−2 (x)

(b) xPl0 (x) − Pl−1

0 (x) = lP (x)

to obtain (c)Pl0 (x) − xPl−1

0 (x) = lP
l−1 (x)
Use (b) and (c) to obtain (1 − x2 )Pl0 (x) = lPl−1 (x) − lxPl (x)

2. Prove (a) dx [x−p Jp (x)] = −x−p Jp+1 (x)

d p
Using the recursion relation dx [x Jp (x)] = xp Jp−1 (x) and (a) above prove that :

p p
Jp0 (x) = − Jp (x) + Jp−1 (x) = Jp (x) − Jp+1 (x)
x x

3. Use the generating function

X hn
φ(x, h) = exp(2xh − h2 ) = Hn (x)

to prove

(a) Hn0 (x) = 2nHn−1 (x)

(b) Hn+1 (x) = 2xHn (x) − 2nHn−1 (x)

4. Find a second linearly independent solution of the ODE:

y 00 (x) + 2xy 0 (x) − 2y(x) = 0

, given that one of the solution is y1 =x.

5. a. Verify that the following function obeys CRE.

f = ex cosy + iex siny

b. Show that the following function is analytic by any means

f = x3 − 3xy 2 + i(3x2 y − y 3 )

c. Show by any means that f = x2 + y 2 is not analytic.

6.a You are given u = x3 − 3xy 2 is the real part of an analytic function.
(i) Find v. Reconstruct f (z). Verify that u and v are harmonic.
(ii) Repeat for the case v = e−y sinx and
(iii) u = x3 − 3x2 y
b. Prove that u = e−x (xsiny − ycosy) is harmonic. Find its conjugate harmonic function.
c. Given that (u, v) form a harmonic pair, show without brute force that 2uv and u2 − v 2 are also
such a pair.
7. Evaluate the following integral: (a) c |z|2 dz around the square with vertices at (0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1)

8(a) Verify Cauchy’s theorem for the function z 3 − iz 2 + 5z + 2i if C is the circle |z − 1| = 2.
R dz
(b) If C is the circle |z − 2| = 5, determine whether z−3 = 0 . Does your result contradict Cauchy’s

9.(a) Evaluate C z 3 −2 dz with C : |z| = 1/2, counter clockwise.
(b) Integrate (z−1−i)z 2
for C : |z| = 3 counter clockwise.

1 z 2 dz
10(a)Evaluate 2πi C z 2 +4 where C is the square with vertices at ±2, ±2 + 4i .

10(b)Find the residue of

(z 2 +1)
; at z = 2


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