Install Sentinel CLI - Getting Started - Sentinel by HashiCorp

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v0.18.x (latest)

Install Sentinel CLI
What is Sentinel?
Sentinel is a policy framework that is
Why Sentinel? embedded in the enterprise versions of

Getting Started HashiCorp tools. The policies you write are

deployed to these applications and
Installing the CLI
The Sentinel CLI is a command-line interface
Your First Policy
for local development and testing.
For the
Rules getting started guide, we'll use the CLI to learn

Logic how to write policies

for Sentinel-enabled
applications. The Sentinel CLI is distributed as
a binary
package for all supported platforms
Testing and architectures.

Next Steps

Installation Instructions
To install the Sentinel CLI, find the appropriate
package for your
system and download it. The
CLI is packaged as a zip archive.

After downloading Sentinel, unzip the

package. The CLI runs as a single binary
named sentinel . Any other files in the
We use cookies & other similar technology to collect data to improve your experience on our site, as described in
our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. package can be safely removed and
will still function.
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The final step is to make sure that the
sentinel binary is available on the PATH .

See this page

for instructions on setting the
PATH on Linux and Mac.
This page
instructions for setting the PATH on Windows.

Verifying the Installation

After installing the Sentinel CLI, verify the
installation worked by opening a
new terminal
session and checking that the sentinel
binary is available. By
executing sentinel ,
you should see help output similar to the

$ sentinel Copy
Usage: sentinel [--version] [--help] <c

Available commands are:

apply Execute a policy and out
fmt Format Sentinel policy t
test Test policies
version Prints the Sentinel vers

If you get an error that the binary could not be

found, then your PATH
environment variable
was not setup properly. Please go back and
ensure that your
PATH variable contains the
directory where Sentinel was installed.
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Otherwise, the CLI is installed and ready to go.
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