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Step to Commissioning RBS 6000 3G

No Activity
1 Format DUW (/c2 & /d)
2 Load Basic Package
3 Configure/load Cabinet Equipment Configuration
4 Load OAM.xml script
5 Load Site Equipment.xml script
6 Run script
7 Run script --> optional
8 Do Upgrade Software --> optional
9 Call Integrator to integrate RBS
10 Create CV_On-air
11 Set CV_On-air

Tool for Commissioning RBS 6000 3G

1 Laptop with OS : Windows
2 Software:
- Java 1.5 or more
- RBS Element Manager
- Hyper Terminal or Putty
3 Cable:
- Serial Cable + USB to Com adapter (Aten/Prolific/BAFO)
- LAN Cable
4 Scripts :
- Cabinet.xml (optional)
- OAM.xml
- Site Equipment.xml
- (optional)
- Filezilla client / Total commander
- Filezilla Server or BPFTP
6 RBS Software
- Basic Package
- Upgrade Package
DUW blank Putty + serial cable
Basic_CV Filezilla Client + Lan Cable
Initial_CV RBS Element Manager (EMAS)
IUB_CV (sometimes engineer must creat CV manually)
DCSP_CV (sometimes engineer must creat CV manually)
Rb_CV, Su_CV_Fi_CV (optional to create Upgrade_CV) Filezilla Server + EMAS
RBS On Air test call, speed test, video call
Check Radio Network --> all enable
- startable
- rollbacklist=1
- reload with this CV
sometimes this step already
in factory

Setup RBS Element Manager (EMAS):
1) Plug in the serial cable to Port LMT A in the DUW.

2) Open Software Hyper terminal / putty with below setting:

> Speed : 9600
> data bits : 8
> stop bits : 1
> parity : none
> flow control : none
Enter username dan password:
> username : rbs
> password : rbs

Cek IP address port LMT B ---> $ifconfig

> le0 is the interface port LMT B

> IP address default : /

3) Plug in LAN cable to port LMT B in DUW.

4) Setup IP address laptop

Firewall and antivirus must be OFF

6) Element Manager (EMAS) can be downloaded from RBS :

> Install Java 1.5 dulu
> Open internet explorer, type http://<ip address RBS>/em/index.html
> Dowload dan install EMAS

7) Open EMAS, enter IP RBS and click "connect".

Steps to format RBS
1. Serial Cable + USB to Com
2. Hyper Terminal / Putty
3. FTP Client (contoh: WSFTP/Filezilla Client)
4. Software Basic Package
5. LAN Cable
6. RBS Element Manager

1. Open Putty, set RBS into "backup mode"
> $reload --

2. Show folder /c2 in RBS (it is hidden by default)

> $mount_c2
> Check folder /c2 --> $vols

3. Format RBS
> format /d --> $formathd /d
> format /c2 --> $formathd /c2
> Re-Check the volume of Hard drive of RBS --> $vols (usage 0%)

4. Set RBS still in backup mode

> $reload --

5. Setup IP address RBS

> $ifconfig le0 netmask
> Check setting IP success:
> $ifconfig
> ping IP RBS via command prompt (cmd) --> ping --> reply from

6. Open Filezilla Client

> Click Transfer --> transfer type --> binary
> Host : (IP RBS)
> username : rbs
> password : rbs
> klik Quick connect

7. Transfer folder /d dan /c2 from laptop ke RBS

> block folder /c2 dan /d from Basic Package in Laptop, right click --> upload.
> Wait until finish

8. Set back RBS into "Active Mode"

> $reload
> RBS create Basic_CV (automatic)

9. Wait 10-15 minutes (login server ready)


10. Connect LAN cable to LMT B using EMAS, ready to configure Cabinet Equipment Configuration
Command in Hyper Terminal / Putty

cv ls check all CV in RBS

cv cu check the status of CV (startable/loaded/executing/rollback, dll)
cv set name_cv set CV as startable cv
cv mk name_cv create new CV
cv rm name_cv remove CV

reload restart
reload refresh
reload cold
reload coldwtest
reload --

ifconfig to check the IP of RBS

vols to check the volume of each directory/drive in RBS Hard drive
setclock to set the RBS clock
readclock to check the RBS clock
formathd /c2 to format drive /c2
mount_c2 to activate drive /c2
passwd set password

ply from

pment Configuration
Configure MSSM in RBS 6000
Prinsip MSSM:
In 1 cabinet RBS 6000, only 1 DU as primary node, the rest are secondary node.

DUW as Secondary Node:

1.Plug EC Cable from DUW to SHU port A5, A6, or A7 (RBS 6102/6201) dan port ECB/ECY (RBS 6601).
2. Open EMAS, change into "Containment (MOM based)"
3. Click "EquipmentSupportFunction=1"
Make Sure "SupportSystemControl" = false
4. Open MO Equipment=1, Subrack=1, Slot=1, PlugInUnit=1
> Menu MO-->add
> MO class = EcPort
> ID = 1
> HubPosition = A5 or A6 or A7 (RBS 6201/6102/6301/6102) and ECB/ECY (RBS 6601)
> Click "add" botton
6. Create Add_node_A6 and Set Startable
(RBS 6601).

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