Offer Letter of Ihsan Ulllah

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Dear - Ihsan

Your Edinburgh Napier number: 40544896

Course name: MBA (LEADERSHIP PRACTICE) F/T Start date: 17 January 2022
Duration of course: 2 years
Your tuition fee status: Overseas
Estimated living expenses: Approximately £1023 per month
Tuition fee per academic year: Your Tuition fees for the academic year you have applied for are £
9000.00. All tuition fees are due prior to or at matriculation.
Deposit: £3500 must be paid in advance to secure your place on this course Your course
Thank you for your application for the above course. We are pleased to make you an
unconditional offer of admission to this course.
If you would like to accept this offer, please email us detailing your full name, Edinburgh
Napier number and the course applied for. Please note due to the popularity of this
programme, places are limited and therefore whilst you have received an offer of
admission, your place will only be secured upon paying a deposit to the University of
£3,500. Details on how you can make this payment can be found here. Once all the
available places have been secured by applicants paying their deposit, we shall notify all
remaining offer holders that all available places have been filled, and will where
appropriate provide guidance on alternative programmes that may be of interest. Please
let us know as soon as possible once you have made your deposit payment.
Information relating to your course, including details about the modules you will study can be
found on our courses webpage. You will also find links to the Discover Uni website on this
page, which provides information about accreditation (where applicable), teaching contact hours
and student satisfaction.
Matriculation and Induction instructions will be emailed to you approximately 3 weeks before
the course start date if you are holding an Unconditional Firm offer. These instructions should
provide you with all the required details for beginning your course. Timetables will be issued
on the first day of your programme. Should you have any questions about Matriculation or
Induction please contact the Induction Team.
Please note this programme is currently under review and it is likely changes to the
programme will be made for the January 2022 intake, including changes to the structure and
modules. We will provide further details on the specific changes once these have been approved
from the end of October.
Fees & funding
Information on how to pay your fees can be found on the fees HYPERLINK
"" funding section of our
website, whilst information on bursaries and scholarships can be found on our funding your
studies page. If you have any queries relating to fees please do not hesitate to contact our Fees
team via email or telephone +44 (0)131 455 6120 / 6197 / 6035 / 6036.
Fees and charges for all courses are subject to annual revision and are either due in full or a
payment plan agreed at the start of the student's relevant academic session. The payment of
fees is the responsibility of the student and in the event of a students sponsor (Government or
other) failing to make payment, the student will be held personally liable for payment.
You have been assessed as an Overseas student based on the information provided to us during
the application process. If you believe this fee assessment is incorrect, you should complete
a Tuition Fee Assessment form and return it to the Postgraduate Admissions team within 28
days. In the event that information is later identified by the University or other partners such as
Student Finance Authorities which brings the assessment of fee eligibility into doubt, then the
University reserves the right to revise its assessment of fee eligibility or to withdraw the offer
we have made you.
If you require a Student Visa or are in the UK under a different immigration category, this offer
is subject to you meeting the necessary Home Office immigration requirements for
international students. If your immigration situation changes, including you coming to the UK,
you must inform us of this so we can ensure you have the correct immigration advice. Failure
to do so may result in your visa application being refused and you may not be allowed to enrol
at the University. Information or questions regarding this matter should be sent to our
International Support Team.
Confirmation of Acceptance of Study (CAS)
As an overseas student, a pre-payment deposit of £3500 must be paid to Edinburgh Napier
University to secure your place on this course. This payment can be made now directly to the
University Finance Office. If you are a sponsored student, funded by an officially approved
sponsor as determined by our Finance team, the deposit will not be required and you should
instead send a copy of your sponsorship letter.
To enable you to apply for a Student Visa, you will need a CAS number from the University.
For further information on this please visit our website. Once you hold an unconditional offer
and have paid your deposit, please email to request your CAS statement.
Before the University will issue a CAS, we will check that you have the maintenance in place
to meet the Student Visa requirements before you apply for your visa. This check will either
take place by the Visa and International Support Team or by our colleagues overseas. In most
cases, you will be contacted once you pay your deposit so please ensure you have your
financial evidence ready or are in the process of preparing it. The evidence you are required to
show is detailed on our website or you can contact our Visa and International Support Team.
You can also contact the CAS Team directly by telephone if you have any questions regarding
your CAS: +44 (0) 131 455 2272.
The final deadline date for issuing CAS is Monday 07 January 2022 if you are applying
from outside of the UK for your Student Visa. If you are applying from within the UK
please contact the International Support team to make an appointment. If you do not believe

you can meet this deadline date, please let us know and we can review deferring your offer to the
next available intake.
Getting in touch

If you have any questions about your offer or if you require further advice, please do not
hesitate to email the Postgraduate Admissions team or telephone +44 (0) 333 900 6040.
On our website you can find our full Terms and Conditions, details of all our Admissions
Policies, including our Feedback, Appeals and Complaints Policy, alongside a list of

Frequently Asked Questions and a copy of our Academic Regulations, which students sign up
to as part of the formal University matriculation process. Please note your data will be
processed in accordance with our Data Protection Privacy Notice. For information security, we
recommend you send any documents to us encrypted or password protected.
Yours sincerely
Postgraduate Admissions Team
Account Name Napier University
Name of Bank: Royal Bank of Scotland
Bank Address: 206 Bruntsfield Place
EH10 4DF
Bank Sort Code: 83 18 25
Account Number: 00261075
IBAN: GB11RBOS83182500261075 Swift Code: RBOSGB2L
Please ensure you include the student’s full name and Edinburgh Napier Number as a reference
with any payment.

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