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Standard Kandungan

3.1 Sistem pengangkutan dalam organisma Tarikh: 18th Feb 2022

Sistem pengangkutan dalam organisma
The transport system in organisms
Buku teks m/s 81
Jawab soalan-soalan di bawah.
Answer the following questions.

1 Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sejenis organisma ringkas (organisma unisel).

The diagram below shows a type of simple organism (unicellular organism).
Karbon dioksida Praktis
Carbon dioxide Kendiri

Oksigen dan nutrien

Oxygen and nutrient


(a) Adakah organisma ringkas mempunyai sistem pengangkutan yang khusus? TP1
Does a simple organism have a specialised transport system?
No, / substances needed by cells such as oxygen and nutrients enter directly into cells via diffusion through the cell
(b) Namakan proses pengangkutan bahan keperluan sel dan hasil kumuh melalui membran sel. TP1
Name the process of transporting necessary substances of the cells and excretory products through
the cell membrane.

2 Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sistem pengangkutan dalam organisma kompleks (manusia, haiwan
vertebrata dan tumbuhan multisel).
The diagrams below show the transport systems in complex organisms (humans, vertebrates and
multicellular plants).

Salur darah
Jantung Blood vessel Xilem
Heart Xylem


Phloem Xilem

(a) Manusia/Human (b) Tumbuhan/Plant

(a) Adakah organisma kompleks mempunyai sistem pengangkutan yang khusus? TP1
Does a complex organism have a specialised transport system?
Yes. The process of exchange of substances needed by cells and waste products between complex organisms and the
external environment occurs slowly and not comprehensively because complex organisms have a large volume.
(b) Bagaimanakah sistem pengangkutan dalam organisma kompleks berfungsi? TP2
How does the transport system in complex organisms work?
oksigen nutrien ke semua
g g
Sistem pengangkutan yang khusus mengangkut dan
sel badan dan menyingkirkan bahan kumuh dari semua sel ke luar badan.
A specialised transport system transports oxygen nutrients
and nutrients to all the body cells
excretory products
and removes waste products from all the cells out of the body.

Standard Kandungan
3.2 Sistem Peredaran Darah Tarikh:

Struktur jantung manusia
The structure of the human heart
Buku teks m/s 85 – 87
Kaji keratan membujur bagi struktur jantung manusia di bawah. Kemudian, jawab soalan-soalan berikut.
Study the longitudinal section of the human heart below. Then, answer the following questions.

Petunjuk/Key: (e) Aorta

Darah beroksigen
Oxygenated blood
(f) Pulmonary artery

Darah terdeoksigen
Deoxygenated blood

3 (g) Pulmonary venis

Superior vena cava
(h) Left atrium

Right atrium
(i) Bicuspid valve

(c) Tricuspid valve

(j) Semilunar valve

(d) Inferior vena cava

(k) Left ventricle

(l) Right ventricle Septum

1 Berdasarkan maklumat yang diberikan, labelkan bahagian-bahagian jantung pada rajah di atas.
Based on the given information, label the parts of the heart on the above diagram. TP1

Injap bikuspid Ventrikel kiri Ventrikel kanan Vena kava superior

Bicuspid valve Left ventricle Right ventricle Superior vena cava
Injap sabit Aorta Injap trikuspid Atrium kiri
Semilunar valve Aorta Tricuspid valve Left atrium
Arteri pulmonari Atrium kanan Vena pulmonari Vena kava inferior
Pulmonary artery Right atrium Pulmonary vein Inferior vena cava

2 Apakah fungsi jantung?/What is the function of the heart? TP2

The heart is a muscular organ which contracts and relaxes continuously to pump blood to the whole body.

3 Apakah struktur jantung yang membenarkan pengaliran darah dalam satu arah sahaja? TP1
What is the structure of the heart which allows the blood to flow in only one direction?
Arteries, capillaries, and veins.

4 Namakan arteri dan vena yang terbesar dalam badan. TP1

Name the largest artery and vein in the body.
(a) Arteri/Artery: Aorta/Aorta (b) Vena/Vein: Vena
vena cava cava

5 Perhatikan dinding atrium dan ventrikel dalam rajah jantung di bawah yang dipetik dan diubah suai
daripada laman web: TP4/KBAT
Observe the walls of the atria and ventricles in the diagram of the heart below that is extracted and
adapted from the website:


(a) Mengapakah dinding ventrikel lebih tebal daripada dinding

Why is the wall of the ventricle thicker than the atrium?
Ventrikel mengepam darah keluar dari jantung .
the heart .

The ventricle pumps blood out heart

(b) Mengapakah dinding ventrikel kiri lebih tebal daripada dinding ventrikel kanan?
Why is the wall of the left ventricle thicker than the wall of the right ventricle?
Dalam ventrikel kiri, tekanan yang lebih tinggi diperlukan untuk mengepam darah
ke seluruh badan. Ventrikel kanan hanya mengepam darah ke peparu .
In the left ventricle, blood is pumped under high pressure
pressure to allrest
the parts of the
body. The right ventricle only pumps blood to the lungs .

6 Lengkapkan peta alir untuk menunjukkan peredaran darah dalam badan manusia.
Complete the flow map to show the blood circulation in the humans body. TP2
(a) Atrium (b) Injap (c) Ventrikel
Vena kava kanan trikuspid
Tricuspid valve kanan
Right ventricle
Rightatrium Tricuspid Right
Vena cava
atrium valve ventricle

Injap sabit (d) Arteri (e) Vena

pulmonari Peparu pulmonari
Semilunar Pulmonary Left atrium
artery Lungs Pulmonary
artery vein

(f) Atrium kiri (g) Injap (h) Ventrikel Injap sabit

Left ventricle
Left atrium Bicuspid
bikuspidvalve kiri vena
Superior Semilunar
(injap/valve) Left
cava valve
valve ventricle

(i) Aorta Tisu badan

Aorta Body tissues

7 Apakah kepentingan mengekalkan jantung yang sihat? TP2 Praktis

What is the importance of maintaining a healthy heart? Kendiri

Untuk mengelak daripada menghidap penyakit seperti serangan jantung dan

penyakit jantung yang lain.
heart attack
heart attack
To avoid from getting diseases such as and other heart diseases .


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