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Client dependant
Client : Client Name

Project : Project name

Project description : Project Description

Reference number : 466023-9-K15

Load description : Siemens Transformer

Length :

Width :

Height :

Weight :

Location : Client approval (stamp/sign):

Client remarks :

Authorized name:

Project/file number :

0 23-Aug-03 For Bid Marco J. van Daal

Revision Date Reason for issue Project Manager Remarks

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INPUT: Siemens Transformer ENG. No. 22e035 Rev. 0
Transporter configuration Goldhofer Single 12 Axle Lines with Gooseneck
transporter heigth (Th) = 1085 mm load length (Ll) = 5472 mm
transporter width (Tw) = 3000 mm load height (incl. beams) (Lh) = 4053 mm
transporter length (Tl) = 18000 mm load width (Lw) = 3270 mm
transporter axle lines (n) = 12 Nos. load weight (Wl) = 76.0 mTon
axle distance (Da) = 1500 mm height CG (z) (incl. beams) (CGh) = 1965 mm
transporter CG (z) (CG) = 785 mm transverse CG (+ towards AD) (CGt) = 150 mm from CL
transporter weight (Wt) = 48.0 mTon longitudinal CG (+ towards CD)(CGl) = 30 mm from CL
3 or 4 point susp. (p) = 3 point load transparancy factor (Tf) = 1 -
axle base transverse (Dab) = 1800 mm additional weight (Wa) = 0.0 mTon
axle centre height (Ah) = 381 mm gravitation (g) = 9.81 m/sec²
axle capacity (Ac) = 13.9 mTon wind pressure 6 Beaufort (Wp) = 11.8 kg/m²
transporter speed (V) = 25.00 km/h curve impact (Ci) = 2.00 %
max. acceleration (a) = 0.50 m/sec² friction factor steel/wood (Mu)= 0.20 -
max. deceleration (d) = 2.50 m/sec² transverse road gradient (Mgt) = 1.00 deg.
Axles suspended (Sn) = 8-0-8-8 Nos. longitudinal road gradient (Mgl) = 3.00 deg.
Safe hydr. stab. angle (Shsa) = 8.00 deg. chain capacity (cc) = 5.00 mTon each
Safe struc. stab. angle(Sssa) = 5.00 deg. Gooseneck weight (Wx) = 2.00 mTon

Note: All assumptions are worst case

gn): Acceleration Forces on Longitudinal Road Gradient:
chain angle with horizon (ca1) = 30.0 deg.
Fh1 = (Wl + Wa) * sin ( Mgl ) = 3.98 mTon
N = (Wl + Wa) * cos ( Mgl ) = 75.90 mTon
R1 = (((Wl+Wa)*a)/g)+Fh1-( Mu*cos (Mgl)*(Wl+Wa+Wt+Wx)) = -17.3 mTon
C1 = (R1 / cc) / cos (ca1) ( If R1<0, no chains required ) = 0 chain(s) required in front direction
Deceleration Forces on Longitudinal Road Gradient:
chain angle with horizon (ca2) = 30.0 deg.
Fh2 = (Wl + Wa) * sin ( Mgl ) = 3.98 mTon
N = (Wl + Wa) * cos ( Mgl ) = 75.90 mTon
R2 = (((Wl+Wa)*d)/g)+Fh2-( Mu*cos (Mgl)*(Wl+Wa+Wt+Wx)) = -1.8 mTon
C2 = (R2 / cc) / cos (ca2) ( If R2<0, no chains required ) = 0 chain(s) required in rear direction

Total chains required for lashing: = C1 + C2 0 chain(s) required

Combined CG, load and transporter (Y/N)? : y

chain angle with horizon (ca3) = 60.0 deg.
Total chains required for combined CG: = ((Wt +Wx) / cc) / sin (ca3) 12 chain(s) required


Transporter weight + Load weight + Add. Weight + Wx = Wtot= 126.0 mTon
Gooseneck load onto fifth wheel = F5th = 6.39 mTon
Remaining load on the transporter = Wtot - F5th = Fr = 119.6 mTon
Load / line 119.6 mTon over 12 Lines = 8.74 mTon (A) 10.33 mTon (C&D)
Load / axle 119.6 mTon over 24 Axles = 4.37 mTon (A) 5.17 mTon (C&D)
Load / tyre 119.6 mTon over 96 Tyres = 1.09 mTon (A) 1.29 mTon (C&D)
Load / width of tire 1.09 mTon over 8 inch = 0.15 mTon/inch = 320.7 lbs/inch
Ground Pressure (based on shadow area) = 2.21 mTon/m²

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CGtoth = (((Wt+Wx)*CG)+((Wl+Wa)*(CGh+Th)))/Wtot = 2151 mm (CG of Transporter + Load + Beams)

CGtott = ((Wl + Wa) * CGt) / Wtot = 90 mm out of center
CGtotl = ((Wl + Wa) * CGl) / Wtot = 18 mm out of center
Lstab = (0.5*Tl) = 9000 mm Length of triangle
Ltri = SQRT((0.5*Dab)² + (0.5*Tl)²) = 9045 mm Length of hypotenuse

Longitudinal hydraulic stability angle

Aminl = (Tl/2 - 0.5*GroupD - CGtotl) = 2982 mm CGtotl towards 2 groups (C&D)
Lng. Cam = Aminl / (CGtoth - Ah) = 1.6845 Longitudinal Stability Camber
Lng. Grad = arctan (Lng. Cam.) = 59.3 deg. Max. longitudinal Gradient on Stability
OK !
Transverse hydraulic stability angle
Amint = ((0.5*Tl-Aminl)*sin(0.5*Dab/Ltri))-CGtott = 511 mm CGtott towards groups (A&D)
Tr. Cam. = Amint / (CGtoth-Ah) = 0.2889 Transeverse Stability Camber
Tr. Grad = arctan (Tr. Cam.) = 16.1 deg. Max. Transverse Gradient on Stability
OK !


CGtoth = (((Wt+Wx)*CG)+((Wl+Wa)*(CGh+Th)))/Wtot = 2151 mm CG of Transporter + Load + Beams

CGtott = ((Wl + Wa) * CGt) / Wtot = 90 mm Transverse out of center
CGtotl = ((Wl + Wa) * CGl) / Wtot = 18 mm Longitudinal out of center
Fwt = Wp * (Transverse Load Surface * Tf) = 0.31 mTon Transverse Wind Force
Mwt = Fwt * ((0.5 * Lh) + Th) = 0.98 mTon * m Transverse Wind Moment
Fwl = Wp * (Longitudinal Load Surface * Tf) = 0.19 mTon Longitudinal Wind Force
Mwl = Fwl * ((0.5 * Lh) + Th) = 0.58 mTon * m Longitudinal Wind Moment
Mt = CGt * (Wl + Wa) = 11.40 mTon * m Moment due to transverse load offset
Ml = CGl * (Wl + Wa) = 2.28 mTon * m Moment due to longitudinal load offset
Mci = Ci * Wtot * (CGtoth - Ah) = 4.46 mTon * m Curve Impact Moment on Transporter
Ma/d = (( Wtot * d ) / g ) * (CGtoth - Ah) = 56.84 mTon * m Acceleration / Decelaration Impact
Mroadl = tan(Mgl)*(CGtoth-Ah)*Wtot = 11.69 mTon * m Moment due to road gradient
Mroadt = tan(Mgt)*(CGtoth-Ah)*Wtot = 3.89 mTon * m Moment due to road gradient
Longitudinal structural stability angle
Group A 5.25 Group B 0.00 Group C 5.25 Group D 5.25 mTon / axle (due to weights)
0.99 0.00 0.50 0.50 mTon / axle (due to moments)
6.24 0.00 5.75 5.75 mTon / axle (Fmax.)
OK ! OK ! OK ! OK !
Lng. Cam = ((Ac/2*Tl/Fmax*2)-(0.5*Tl/2))/(CGtoth-Ah) = 3.1090 Longitudinal Stability Camber
Lng. Grad = arctan (Lng. Cam.) = 72.2 deg. Max. Longitudinal Gradient on strength
OK !
Transverse structural stability angle
Group A 5.25 Group B 0.00 Group C 5.25 Group D 5.25 mTon / axle (due to weights)
0.00 0.00 1.44 1.44 mTon / axle (due to moments)
5.25 0.00 6.69 6.69 mTon / axle (Fmax.)
OK ! OK ! OK ! OK !
Tr. Cam. = ((Ac*Dab/Fmax*2)-(0.5*Dab))/(CGtoth-Ah) = 0.5461 Transeverse Stability Camber
Tr. Grad = arctan (Tr. Cam.) = 28.6 deg. Max. Transverse Gradient on strength
OK !

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Direction Stability arm
CGtott 3-point suspension
Group A Group B Transverse: A or B
Longitudinal: E or F

4-point suspension
Axle Transverse: C or D
Longitudinal: G or H


CGtotl Tl
Longitudinal C.O.G.

Group D Group C


Note 1: General situation, drawing does not adapt to input- and calculated values.
Note 2: Group A and B should have less axles than Group C and D if need be.
Note 3: In case of 3-point suspension Group B = 0.

• Gooseneck and self propelled PPU are always at the Group A and B side of the transporter.
• The transverse transporter gradient will be kept within +4 and -4 degrees with the road by the transporter operator.
• Calculations are based on transporter driving in normal mode, not in transverse mode.
• All assumptions are highly estimated, and therefor not allways according to the drawings.
• Road gradient is included in lashing and structural calculation but not in hydraulics calculation.

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