TxTcrosstxt CB p28-29 Diaries

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EXAM TIP Don't worry if you do not choose all ofthe extracts as answers to the questions. You often need to use one extact more than once which means you dont need to use anather extract atall 28 Unit 3 Agesand staves READING FOCU Speaking By Answer the questions. Then compare your answers with other students. 1. Do youkeepa diary or have a blog? Why/Why not? 2. What are the main differences between blogs and claties? 3. What are the potential risks of keeping a diary? Cross-text multiple matching (Part 6) > EXAM FOCUS p.200 Ei Read extracts A-D from articles about keeping a diary. Which extracts provide answers to question 3 in Activity 1? Read questions 1~4 and underline the main ideas. Which questions ask you to find extracts with the same opinions? Which questions ask you to find extracts with different opinions? Which colurnnist shares a similar opinion to columnist A about the risks of keeping a diary? i tegatds dares as superior to social networking sites fora diferent ‘eason tocolumnist D? a nasa similar view to columnistB about teenagers contiadicory behaviour? — ESL] as adiferent attitude to columnist D about the reaction older people have to reading teenage diaries? mt Gy Read the extracts again. Which texts mention issues 1-4 in the table? (Issue ve Texts 1 diary keeping is risky a. | 2 Giaries are superior to social networking sites, 2 | teenagers behaviour can seem contradict [2 teenagers | 4 reactions of older people when rereading 7 LL their teenage diaries Gi For questions 1-4, choose from the extracts (A-D). The extracts may be chosen more than once. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the underlined words and phrases in the extracts. 1 Tonyis always of fis younger brother. don't know why he puts up with it 2. Every tie | hear my voice ona recording it makes me =leantt stand 3. Ironing has to be one ofthe most tasks there is 4 The weather was absolutely when we were on holiday. It didn't stop raining once, 5 Theresa very real that our team won' qualify forthe World Cup, 6 Inthe interview she did her utmost to, her role in the disastrous election result. Which of the opinions about diary writing do you agree with? Workin pairs and discuss your answers. | Diaries are embarrassing. Even as adults, though we might pretend to feel nothing more than mild amusement on rereading, ‘our teenage diaties, more often than not we secretly cringe with embarrassment over | their raw emotion and trivial content. Why, wonder, when they are nothing more than records of the childish hopes and ambitions we've now outgrown? But keeping a diary has advantages over other modes of expression. | For one thing, a conventional diary is wonderfully impermanent. it can be quickly and completely destroyed if the writer so ‘chooses, something that does not hold true for digital media. Diaries are also intended to be confidential, though younger siblings can, and do, often find them a huge temptation. IF found, a diary will be read and its contents certainly made fun of and possibly shared with the very people one would least like to know about them. Though they're perfectly happy to post all sorts of details about their personal ives ‘on Facebook, the prospect of somebody finding and reading a secret diary is enough to put many teenagers off the idea of keeping one. While those fears might be well-founded, discovery is not the main threat diaties pose. They might actually induce writers to tell themselves ‘something they didn't want to know. It might be an admission of jealousy, a confession of a secret infatuation or even an outpouring of pent up resentment and rage. Threatening as this might be, there is real power in writing these sorts of things down. We can’t bagin to change the things we find most irksome about ‘ourselves without first accepting them, and writing openly and honestly is the first step. We might ultimately burn the pages ‘but we should use them first to confront the things that trouble us. SECRETLY CONTEN Dar NU CRU CR UL PUT Crs] bamilit of diary writing EMOTION== DIARIES apuLTs MWg == == DIARIES: CANE FMARRASS EVE TRIVIAL SaSicneTl = AMUSEMENT es 53 ae =e =e == EMBARRASSMENT = S35 OS Th ee REREADING <3" 0 F TEN FEELING B LO G Cc D ‘Teenage writers may come to Diaries with locks and keys have fegard their lary asa shoulder retained their popularity among to ory on or even as a rather teenage git Poor Substitute fora boyfriend or they happily keep what amounts gintiond. That's fine, Of course, aS {0 digital diaries through posts long as the diarist really doesn't on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr. secretly hope that any boyfriend or Posts on such sites are effectively ginfriend wil ever read the diary. publications intended to produc ‘They may believe they would a reaction and a response even if actual lke this to happen but itis just approval ar disapproval ‘they would be hortified if it really Attracting disapproval in the extreme form of cyber bullying stops many teenagers expressing thelr feelings on such sites. They are ot safe places for baring one’s soul ‘The diary, forall ts old-fashioned did. But even just fentasising that someone aise wil read a diary ‘can distort the whole process. ‘Writers who imagine an audience try to impress, to persuade or Sree cates ahepeapens sentimental, can, and sho ‘others’ feelings. They exaggerate tality, can, and should, epetve cre eerie | a lace for such honesty. People who reread their teenage diarles are understandably appalled to discover how little space they gave negative. In shor, they li. AS | se¢ i, once a dary is anything but completely honest, the whole ‘activity is rendered pointless. It towhat really matters and how Yyouintendito address yourfriends | much time they dedicated to the ‘and acquaintances directly, Keep a | boy or git on the bus who might or blog or writs your autobiography. might not have fancied them. But at ‘Aiary should be written, without reticence, for your eyes only. least diaries are truly private places here such things can be expressed. Unit 3 Ages and stage

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