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6. Recovering from a bout of malaria on the

1. – 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
remote Indonesian island of Halmahera, the
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
young British biologist ---- an idea that would
transform humanity’s view of itself.
1. Debt crises in Greece, Italy, Ireland and other
EU nations represent a/an --- to continuing the
A) fell behind with B) went in for
rapid pace of integration and progress the EU
once offered. C) made away with D) looked down on

A) inferiority B) obstacle E) came up with

C) malady D) convention
E) capability
7. After ---- to a hospital in nearby Moutiers, last
week Schumacher ---- to a bigger trauma unit in
Grenoble, 80 miles away.
2. Kabbalists explain that the mysterious wisdom
A) evacuating / transferred
of Kabbalah has been waited ---- to be revealed
for millennia until the present time. B) evacuated / is being transferred

A) conveniently B) instantly C) having been evacuated / was transferred

C) abruptly D) patiently D) having evacuated / had been transferred

E) weirdly E) being evacuated / has transferred

3. Turkey has begun to implement plans of 8. By 2005, when the Bush administration ----- to
building some nuclear energy plants in order join the EU’s negotiations with Iran, the
to ------ the ever increasing energy needs of the pressure on Iran ---- by western powers.
growing economy.
A) agreed / had been decreased
A) meet B) spoil B) had agreed / decreased
C) enhance D) jeopardize C) was agreed / had been decreased
E) sustain D) would agree / may have decreased
E) has agreed / would have to decrease

4. Although the situation is fraught with

uncertainty, it is still possible to anticipate new
developments and take the ----- steps to 9. Researchers ----- a series of RNA biomarkers in
mitigate our exposure to water-related risks. blood that ---- to develop a test to predict the
risk of a person to commit suicide.
A) indispensable B) desperate
A) have discovered / could be used
C) talented D) inadequate
B) discovered / can be used
E) detrimental
C) had discovered / were used
D) discover / may be used

5. An initiative was founded six weeks ago to E) are discovering / has been used
encourage America’s richest families to ------
money to society’s most urgent problems.

A) abide by B) put back

C) give away D) make out
E) account for


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10. UNESCO seeks to encourage the protection 15. Banks contract for a security interest over the
and preservation of cultural and natural assets of a company ---- they may seize the
heritage ---- the world that is considered to company’s property directly to satisfy debts.
be ---- outstanding value to humanity.
A) even though B) so that
A) around / of B) along / with
C) as if D) much as
C) across / against D) upon / at
E) just as
E) with / by

16. The EU and the US urged Syrian government to

11. The United Nations Security Council acted to negotiate a peaceful end to the conflict; ------,
tighten sanctions ---- Iran in response to the they would introduce sanctions against those
country’s uranium-enrichment activities, which responsible for the violence.
Tehran says are ---- peaceful purposes.
A) otherwise B) furthermore
A) beside / on B) over / from
C) therefore D) consequently
C) through / in D) against / for
E) afterwards
E) from / at

12. More elaborate designs for the emblem of the

2014 Winter Olympics were considered, but ----,
organizers eventually decided to use a simpler
and more “futuristic” design.

A) even B) either
C) instead D) indeed
E) besides

13. Unfortunately, national and international

organizations are ill-prepared to exploit
e-health systems ---- a major pandemic disease.

A) despite B) due to
C) by means of D) in the event of
E) in order to

14. The costs of maintaining U.S. military

superiority are substantial, ---- by historical
standards, they are exceptionally small.

A) therefore B) in addition
C) correspondingly D) however
E) accordingly


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17 – 21. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun 22 – 26. sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Ancient astronauts or ancient aliens, also known as paleo- (22)---- human fossil fuel consumption continues as
contact hypothesis, are purported intelligent extraterrestrial projected, the environmental effects will be felt for millennia,
beings said (17)---- Earth in antiquity or prehistory and according to a new analysis. Taking those processes (23)---
made contact with humans. (18)----suggest that this contact account increases the estimated likelihood of eventual ice
influenced the development of human cultures, technologies, sheet disintegration and major sea level rise. As atmospheric
and religions. A common variant of the idea is that deities carbon dioxide rises and the planet heats up, the resulting
from most, if not all, religions are (19)---- extraterrestrials, changes in atmospheric water vapor, cloud cover, snow
and their advanced technologies were wrongly understood cover and sea ice can (24)--- the effects of the warming. For
by primitive men as evidence (20)--- their divine status. example, as snow cover decreases, the amount of earth
These proposals have been popularized, particularly in the exposed (25) ---- absorbs more heat. This increased heat
latter half of the 20th century, by writers such as Erich von absorption in turn (26)----- more snow. Researchers call
Däniken, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, (21)----- the idea that ancient these processes “fast feedbacks” because they exert their
astronauts existed is not taken seriously by most academ- effects on the climate within decades.
ics, and has received little or no credible attention in peer
reviewed studies.
A) Unless B) As soon as
17. C) If D) Though
A) to visit B) visiting
E) As for
C) visited D) to have visited
E) having been visited
A) for B) into
18. C) at D) by
A) Believers B) Undertakers
E) out
C) Addicts D) Controversies
E) Foes
A) reduce B) diminish
19. C) retard D) seize
A) actually B) redundantly
E) enhance
C) rarely D) fatally
E) unanimously
A) also B) only
20. C) by D) much
A) in B) amid
E) so
C) of D) beneath
E) upon
A) is melted B) melts
21. C) could be melt D) has melted
A) so B) but
E) is melting
C) for D) or
E) lest


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27. Even if efforts to reverse increasing global 30. In addition to health issues regarding
warming focus on its environmental impacts, developing malignant tumors, ------.
A) wireless device use may not be directly linked
A) these should be projected far before they even to cancer and other illnesses
B) no scientific evidence currently establishes
B) the soaring temperatures has now the potential a definite link between wireless device use and
to threaten all the species on earth cancer

C) most of them often miss its so-called economical C) safety concerns have been raised with respect
influences over societies to the use of wireless handsets

D) governments would respond to the occurrence D) wireless devices enable communication which
much differently doesn’t not require a permanent connection

E) they are usually bound to its origins rather than E) science has not been able to identify any harm
effects ful effects resulting from wireless handsets

28. Highly social people enjoy novel experiences 31. The role of the family in life is beginning to
and meeting strangers, ----. vanish in modern society with new social
trends, ------.
A) as these physiological and cognitive variations
are likely to correlate with political preference. A) as the individual person is learning to stand on
his own and creating a position for himself
B) therefore high scores in aversive behaviour also
correlate with autistic spectrum disorders B) but societies are being challenged by the rising
tide of expectations of the individual
C) now that people with a diagnosis of anxiety
suffer increased perceptions of threat and C) if a society entirely depends on each other to
sensations of disgust fulfill their roles for the overall good of the all
D) whereas others may feel aggression, suspicion
and anxiety when confronted with surprises and D) although humans see themselves as individuals
foreigners. with free will and choice

E) when patients with negative parents are sent to E) after nucleus families structure began to
a hostel instead of being sent home dominate general populace

29. Some of the world’s wealthiest companies have 32. Once they have been externally forced for
figured out ways to avoid paying enormous performing an action, -----.
amounts of taxes ------.
A) children probably tried out a number of
A) just as others with a high profile failed to fulfill behaviors and learnt from their
annual projections set a year before consequences

B) if they are to make a profit by means of mer B) it strengthens a behavior by providing a

gence into a wider corporation consequence an individual finds rewarding
C) extrinsic rewards can be an important tool in
C) since they hire ingenious lawyers and qualified
motivating behavior
accountants to deal with such an undertaking
D) children never have difficulty in learning motor
D) even though the global firms selling household skills and creative arts
appliances are facing such an economic
investment E) children assign extreme importance to the role
of the reinforcement in their behavior
E) when influential individuals also pour lots of
money into shaping a global system that they
will hope to benefit from


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33. Even after the invasion of Iraq by swarming 36. ---- it is only natural for the local people to have
soldiers of the NATO during the First Gulf War, second thoughts about the power plant.
A) Despite the life threatening outcomes of the
A) the Baath regime in Iraq remained intact and project,
kept on dominating the territory as it used to be
B) Although the protests of the locals against the
B) the promotion of pan-Arab socialism would not second bridge were futile,
continue for a long while by the followers of the
party C) Since it was the only way to meet the escalating
educational costs
C) the Shiite in the country had continued to host
the invading forces in the aftermath of the war D) Now that there have been many cases of
environmental destruction in neighboring
D) the remnants of the post-invasion government villages,
were enough to cope with the difficulties posed
by the war E) If it weren’t for the major consequences of the
E) the abolition of the Saddam government would
become inevitable after the leader was over

34. Whether the mainstream media covers it or

chooses to ignore it due to various reasons, ----.

A) wars in different parts of the world would find a

way to the awareness of the general public

B) a clash of two conflicting views in the field of

philosophy would not be easy to resolve

C) widespread discrimination against a great

number of people will be made public in one
way or another

D) the way a news item is handled in the newsroom

will always be open to discussion in the coming

E) the reaction of people to the wrongdoings of

certain governments must have stemmed from
some misconceptions

35. Unless the required documentation showing the

criminal record of the candidate is provided,

A) the applications for the vacant post will not be


B) most of them will be available in the rest of the


C) the candidate will have a chance to attend

seminars all through the years

D) they have gained the opportunity to master their

skills to a great extent

E) the applications will have been completed



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38. U.N. scientists have recently made a huge stride

37. – 42. Sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin
in the developing fusion energy which promises
Türkçesini, cümlenin İngilizcesini bulunuz.
a nearly inexhaustible energy source for future
37. Despite not having had poliomyelitis cases in
A) Gelecek nesiller için bitmez tükenmez bir
Turkey since 1998, nearly one million children
enerji kaynağı arayışı içerisinde olan BM bilim
below the age of five living in the cities
adamları, füzyon enerjisini geliştirme konusunda
bordering Syria have been vaccinated because
önemli bir gelişme kaydettiklerini bildirmişlerdir.
of the cases observed in Syria.
B) BM bilim adamları gelecek nesiller için
A) 1998’den beri Türkiye’de çocuk felci vakası ile neredeyse tükenmez bir enerji kaynağı vadeden
karşılaşılmamıştır ancak Suriye’de ortaya çıktığı füzyon enerjisini geliştirme konusunda son
gözlemlenince sınıra yakın şehirlerdeki beş yaş zamanlarda büyük bir adım atmışlardır.
altı çocuklar aşılanmıştır.
C) Son zamanlarda füzyon enerjisi üzerinde çalışan
B) Türkiye’de en son çocuk felci vakası 1998 BM bilim adamları, bunun gelecek nesiller için
yılında görülmüştür ancak Suriye’de ortaya tükenmez bir enerji kaynağı olacağını vaat
çıkan vakalar sebebiyle sınır şehirlerde yaşayan etmektedirler.
beş yaş altı bir milyon çocuk tekrar aşılanması
talep edilmiştir. D) BM bilim adamlarının son zamanlarda geliştirdiği
füzyon enerjisi, gelecek nesillere neredeyse
C) 1998’den beri çocuk felci vakası ile tükenmez bir enerji kaynağı sağlamaktadır.
karşılaşılmamasına rağmen, Türkiye’nin
Suriye sınırındaki bölgelerde ikamet eden beş E) Gelecek nesillerin enerji ihtiyacının neredeyse
yaşındaki bir milyon çocuk, Suriye’de ortaya tamamını karşılayabileceği vaat edilen füzyon
çıkan vakalardan sonra aşılanmıştır. enerjisi BM bilim adamları tarafından son
zamanlarda geliştirilmiştir.
D) Suriye sınırlarındaki Türk şehirlerinde 1998’den
beri çocuk felci vakası görülmemesine rağmen,
Suriye’de görülen vakalardan sonra bu bölgede
yaşayan bir milyon çocuğun aşılanması kararı 39. Thanks to animal rights activists’ demands,
alınmıştır. the penalty for killing animals through torture
E) Türkiye’de 1998’den beri çocuk felci vakası will be increased to two years sentence in
olmamasına rağmen, Suriye sınırındaki prison with a new legal amendment.
şehirlerde yaşayan beş yaşın altındaki yaklaşık
bir milyon çocuk, Suriye’de gözlemlenen A) Hayvan hakları savunucularının talepleri
vakalardan dolayı aşılanmıştır. sayesinde, hayvanları işkence yaparak
öldürmenin cezası yeni bir yasal düzenlemeyle
iki yıl hapis cezasına çıkarılacak.

B) Hayvanlara işkence yapıp onların ölümüne

sebep olan insanların iki yıl hapis cezasına
çarptırılması insan hakları savunucuları
tarafından talep edilmektedir.

C) Hayvan hakları savunucuları, hayvanları

işkence yoluyla öldüren insanların cezalarının
arttırılmasını talep ettikleri için, yasal
düzenlemelerle hapis cezası süresi iki yıla

D) Hayvan hakları savunucuları, hayvanlara

işkence eden insanların daha ağır cezalar
almalarını talep etmişlerdir, bu yüzden yasal
düzenlemeler ile iki yıl hapis cezasına çıkarılma
kararı alınmıştır.

E) Hayvanlara işkence eden insanların hapse

atılmasını talep eden hayvan hakları
savunucuları, yasal düzenlemeler ile bu kişilerin
iki yıl hapse atılmasını sağlamışlardır.


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40. 2013 Kasım ayının resmi verilerine göre, 42. Bakırın yakın Doğu’daki ilk kullanımı 6000 yıl
Türkiye’nin işsizlik oranı geçen yılın kadar önce, metalden mızrak, ok başı ve keski
aynı dönemi ile karşılaştırıldığında yüzde 9.9 gibi aletler üreten Sümerlilere dayanmaktadır.
A) The earliest use of copper in the Near East
A) The unemployment rate of Turkey was comes from the Sumerians who manufactured
compared with the rates of the previous year tools such as spears, arrowheads and chisels
and an 9.9 increase was observed according to from the metal as early as 6000 years ago.
the research done on November 2013.
B) Sumerians manufactured spears, arrowheads
B) Turkey’s unemployment rate has been reported and chisels by using the copper for the first time
to have increased to 9.9 according to official nearly 6000 years ago in the Near East.
data of November 2013.
C) Sumerians first used copper to manufacture
C) When compared to the rates of the previous tools such as spears, arrowheads and chisels in
year, the unemployment rates of Turkey officially the Near East about 6000 years ago.
increased to 9.9 on November 2013.
D) In the Near East, Sumerians were the first to
D) According to the official data of November 2013, have used copper in making tools from metals
Turkey’s unemployment rate increased to 9.9 such as spears, arrowheads and chisels as back
percent compared to the same period of the as 6000 years ago.
previous year.
E) The earliest use of cooper in the Near East can
E) According to the data published by official be traced back as early as 6000 years ago by
bodies, the unemployment rate in Turkey Sumerians who manufactured spears,
increased by 9.9 after November 2013. arrowheads and chisels.

41. Açık artırmacıların rapor ettiği kadarıyla, Nazi

lideri Adolf Hitler imzalı “Mein Kampf”’ın ender
iki kopyası, Los Angeles’ta yapılan bir açık
artırmayla 64,850 dolara satıldı.

A) As far as the auctioneers reported, two rare

copies of “Mein Kampf” signed by the Nazi
leader Adolf Hitler were sold for $64,850 in an
auction carried out in Los Angeles.

B) The two rare copies of “Mein Kampf”,written and

signed by notorious Nazi leader Adolf Hitler were
released for $64,850 by the auctioneers in Los

C) “Mein Kampf” was the book written by the Nazi

leader Adolf Hitler and two rare copies signed by
him were auctioned in Los Angeles and sold for

D) The auctioneers sold the last two copies of

“Mein Kampf”, which were both signed by the
Nazi Leader Adolf Hitler for $64,850 in Los

E) According to what the auctioneers reported,

the two copies of Adolf Hitler’s book “Mein
Kampf” were sold in the auction in Los Angeles
for $64,850.


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45. We can gather from the passage that bacteria

43. – 46. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. -----.

A) play a major role in the downfall of rain or snow

The idea that trillions of bacteria are swarming over your skin by triggering particles in someway
and through your body is enough to give anyone the creepy
B) must be studied more extensively than it is being
crawlies. The word bacteria at first glance may not recall carried out today
something functional, but the fact is that they are an essen-
tial part of life on earth. Just as humans cannot live without C) reveal functional deficits to the human body,
primarily to the digestive system
carbon, nitrogen, protection from disease and the ability to
fully digest their food, they cannot live without bacteria, said D) are thought to contribute to the precipitation to
Anne Maczulak, a microbiologist. She adds, the earth would some extend
probably still be the barren wasteland as it was 4.6 billion E) are organisms that are mostly unknown to most
years ago, if bacteria had never showed up. They started people today
everything and could very well end everything just as quickly.
Bacteria also play a role cycling another important sub-
stance for human life: water. In recent years, scientists from 46. It can be inferred from the passage that ---.
Louisiana State University have found evidence that bacteria
represent many, if not most, of the tiny particles that cause A) the origins of life have nothing to do with the
clouds to precipitate into falling snow and rain.
B) we are usually biased to the word “bacteria”

43. It is maintained in the passage that there is C) despite their economic benefits , their hazards
close relation between bacteria and ------. on human life should not be underestimated

A) the formation of many diseases both on humans D) we still lack the evolutionary evidence on how
and animals bacteria have originated

B) various environmental concerns such as the E) bacteria have a remarkable role as to the
level of precipitation formation of fresh water resources

C) health hazards such as bacterial infections

D) the industry and the exploitation of organisms for

economic purposes

E) the essential ingredients for humans to maintain life

44. It is stated in the passage that to Maczulak


A) bacteria are strictly bound to humans in order to

survive and reproduce

B) the economic gains from bacteria must not be


C) bacteria must have played a significant role in

the formation of life on earth

D) we owe much to bacteria for the availability of

water on earth

E) the risks that bacteria pose overweigh their



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49. The writer is of the opinion that -----.

47. – 50. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız
A) the origins of language is a matter that has been
shrouded in mystery
When language becomes a topic of a conversation, most
B) the non-verbal signs of a language cannot be
people would consider languages such as English, Spanish
understood by infants
or Turkish. But, does language merely comprise the spo-
ken form? Of course not, language is a generic term that C) visual cues are rarely manifested when implying
a hidden message
refers to the way people pass on information in any way,
as do animals and insects. In practice we have a phenom- D) the correlation between the non-verbal and the
enon called the “non-verbal” or the “body language”, which verbal language are always in harmony
refers to the process of communication through sending and E) most of us may not be aware of the fact that
receiving wordless -mostly visual - cues between people. By language includes a non-verbal form
developing your awareness of the signs and signals of body
language, you can more easily understand other people,
and more efficiently converse with them. There are times 50. We can gather from the passage that the
when we send mixed messages – we say one thing yet our non-verbal body signs are crucial in that ---.
body language reveals something different. This non-verbal
language will affect how we act and react to others, and how A) they are complementary for any conversation by
conveying the actual attitude of the speaker
they react to us. In the course of maturity, every one of us
learns the body signals that are sent by the correspondent B) they cannot be observed by other participants of
and without mastering them no conversation will be effective. a conversation

C) languages such as English and Turkish depend

on them to a large extent
47. It is maintained in the passage that the
non-verbal language ---. D) they may provide a better understanding about
the insects and animals way of interaction
A) is the core of topic when it comes to determining
what language is E) they foster cognitive skills of people and enable
them to master any language better
B) and its use are innate capabilities that we are
born with
C) may sometimes leak the true intent of a speaker
more than the spoken one
D) and the body language do not always stand for
the same thing
E) is a straightforward way of conveying meaning
over another

48. It can be inferred from the passage that ---.

A) the attribution of body language is not merely

confined to humans
B) without the body language, there can be no
conversation between two people
C) facial expressions are the most crucial forms of
the non-verbal language
D) the effects and varieties of the body signs have
not been clearly sorted out
E) behavioral cues may be obscure even when the
body language is involved in a conversation


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52. We learn from the paragraph that what makes

51. – 54. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız Putin fearless is that----.

A) he is now more familiar with the European world

The West is blinking in disbelief as Vladimir Putin has just
invaded Ukraine. German diplomats, French Eurocrats B) the West has some doubts over his invasion of
and American pundits are all stunned, and they must really
wonder why Russia has chosen to gamble its trillion-dollar C) German diplomats, French Eurocrats and Ameri
ties with the West. It seems that Russia thinks the West is can pundits are impotent
no longer a crusading alliance, even it is now all about the D) European countries are nothing more than client
money. Russia’s rulers have been buying up Europe for states of America
years. And their money is squirrelled away in Austrian banks
E) he has a potential for enforcing sanctions upon
and British tax havens. Putin’s inner circle no longer fears the Western countries
the European establishment now that he knows them all bet-
ter. They have seen firsthand how Western aristocrats and
53. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.
corporate tycoons suddenly turn when their billions come
into play. Russians now view them as hypocrites, who are A) it is imminent that European hypocrites will
the same European elites ironically helping them hide their abandon their countries
fortunes. Behind European corruption, Russia sees Ameri-
B) Russians have loaded sums of money hidden
can weakness, and they see America’s control over Europe with the help of European elites
slowly dissolving. Europe is really run by an elite group with
C) the safest way to make money is to form alliance
the morality of the hedge fund: Make money at all costs and
with the elite groups who move their fortune
move it offshore. offshore

D) European governments comply with the laws

51. In the paragraph, the writer suggests that with which are similar to the U.S. constitution
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ----.
E) Putin is unconfident that European elites are
A) the West is worried that Russian money might more concerned about making money than
be withdrawn back standing up to him

B) there is nothing more than a faulty move on the

side of the Western countries
54. The passage mainly deals with ----.
C) it has become a matter of dispute and suspicion
in terms of the money invested in the European A) what the West is most afraid of when it comes to
countries the Russian affairs

D) the West needs to find out the underlying causes B) how powerful the West is as it holds the fortunes
why Russia is not afraid of them any longer of the Russian rulers

E) Europe has entered a period in which an elite C) the increasing confidence of Russia due to the
group manage all the countries Europe’s deteriorating morality

D) the effects of European and American diplomats

on Russia’s disbelief

E) why Russia invaded Ukraine and its further aims


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57. It is understood from the passage that -----.

55. – 58. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız
A) only two cases of the disorder have been made
public so far
Dissociate identity disorder is described as a psychological
B) the woman with the disorder gained a fame
condition in which a person’s identity dissociates or frag-
following the success of the books and the films
ments, creating a large number of distinct independent iden-
tities. Each personality differs sharply in posture, manner or C) the woman with the disorder willingly took part in
the production of the films
moving, tone and pitch of voice, gestures, facial expressions,
and use of language. The story of an actual woman with D) the story of the women with the disorder was
the disorder has been recounted extensively in books and presented to readers
films that are familiar to the public. It tells the story of Eve, E) the title given to the book and the film to Eve’s
a woman with twenty-two different personalities. A book by story is misleading.
Corbett Thigpen and a film starring Joanne Woodward both
with the title The Three Faces of Eve depicted her story in
1950s. The title referred to three faces whereas Eve, the 58. One can gather from the passage that Carolyn
woman with the disorder experienced twenty-two different Sizemore ----.
personalities on grounds that it was the number of person-
alities possible exist at once. Twenty years later, a woman A) was the title of a book written by Corbett Thigpen

named Carolyn Sizemore, told to be the twenty second B) is a nickname that Eve uses for disguise
personality of Eve penned what she went through in a book
C) provided an account of her experiences in a
entitled I’m Eve.

D) also wrote the story of Sybil, another personality

55. According to the passage -----. of Eve

A) the causes of the dissociate identity disorder E) is the most dominant personality of Eve among
could be psychological or physical. all others

B) the number of separate personalities indicate the

severity of the disorder

C) the dissociative identity disorder is only a

fictional genre widely used in movies

D) women are more susceptible to the disorder

than men

E) one case of the dissociative identity disorder

inspired some of the writers and the directors

56. The writer clearly states that-----

A) several physical and behavioral patterns can be

used to distinguish between characters

B) each person deliberately behaves in a remotely

different way

C) each personality has weaknesses and strengths

D) a person with dissociate identity disorder can

hide more than three personalities.

E) there are no observable symptoms of the

dissociative identity disorder.


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61. We learn from the passage that China’s

59. – 62. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız progress in healthcare ----.

A) was impressive in the 1990s, yet it retarded

China’s economy has developed significantly in the last three considerably thereafter
decades, lifting millions of people out of poverty and
B) has been confined to a particular proportion of
improving their health. One of the consequences of the the country’s society
country’s economic progress has been an increase in life
C) is by far the most effective among her other
expectancy at birth from 69 years in 1990 to nearly 75 years
achievements in the last years
in 2010. Also decreases in the infant mortality rate have
been notable, which declined from 37 per 1,000 live births in D) was not as remarkable as it was intended in the
1990 to 17 in 2009, and the under-five mortality rate, which
declined from 46 per 1,000 live births in 1990 to 19 in 2010. E) fostered China’s economy by including millions
Despite this progress, however, many health issues remain in the health care service sector
unresolved. While the wealthier portion of the Chinese
population has benefited from advanced health technologies, 62. As has been stated in the passage that ----.
many among the poor do not have adequate access to even
the most essential services. It is estimated that A) more than 100 million people in rural areas have
approximately 80% of the health and medical care services no access to medical care
are concentrated in cities, while timely medical care is not B) China has eliminated poverty in the country in
available to more than 100 million people in rural areas. almost 30 years
C) the wealth in China is not adequately distributed,
59. In the passage it is said that -----. which causes various social ills
D) health care services are not yet sufficient for the
A) a great part of medical costs is due to people of China
unnecessary tests and prescriptions
E) the rural areas in China are so crowded that
B) despite her economic success China has failed the government fails to provide health care ser
completely at providing better health care for her vices to such regions

C) the infant mortality rate in China has decreased 63. - 67. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan
almost by half in two decades kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

D) China’s improvement in the health care systems 63. Melih:

has surpassed expectations My son has been acting strangely these days
and I don’t know what to do?
E) cities in china benefit from health and medical
systems, while people of the rural completely Burcu:
lack them I wouldn’t worry so much since he is in his
60. We understand from the paragraph that the ----
economic progress of China ----. Burcu:
Most teenagers have a tendency to manifest
A) overturned her policy in health care systems due behaviors of rebellion to their parents, and in
to her high demographic rate your case it seems an ordinary one.

B) has been accompanied by striking developments A) Then it is only a peer pressure, so I will take this
in health care systems for the entire nation into account.
B) Teenagers are hard to predict and you never
C) has been in the forefront when compared with know what follows next.
other Asian countries
C) Could you be more specific? What does that
D) has been exceptional, as has been providing stand for actually?
medical care for the people in the rural D) I have always thought that my kids should be
treated differently.
E) has recovered many of her people from poverty,
E) Are you serious? Why do I have to care for his
while providing better living as well
relations with his peers?


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64. Buray: 66. Ümit:

You look awful! The last time I saw you, you -------
were so excited about being assigned to a new
Then chances for their survival seem even
Ayşegül: worse.
Buray: Ümit:
So, it will give you the unmatched opportunity Certainly, but I am sure there are things to stop
to meet such an ancient culture. it.

Ayşegül: Tijen:
The opportunity is fine but maintaining a Yes, there may be things, but there seems no
living in an unknown environment makes me one at all!
A) I don’t understand why governments do ignore
A) I have been suffering from medical problems the kangaroos. They are dying.
lately and the burden of working abroad suck out
all my performance B) Sooner or later the alluring kangaroos will be
come a fairy tale.
B) I was expecting a better raise than the one they
offered me! I believe I don’t deserve it. C) Politicians are preaching environment safety, but
doing nothing.
C) At last they are prepared to send me to China,
so how could I resist this? D) As global warming is on the rise, and as people
D) Sure, there are better places than Beijing, but are exploiting natural habitats, kangaroos are
considering the cultural differences I can’t becoming extinct.
keeping getting excited.
E) I doubt that the fabulous species as we know as
E) The HR department has assigned me as the the kangaroos will see the next centuries.
head of the trade department in Beijing.  

67. Dilara:
65. Hakan: Now that you are a linguist I believe that you
Organ transplants have become so common may help out better than anyone.
that surgeons are even transplanting face from
the corpses.
Tell me what you want to learn.
Wow! I wonder what the future of such medical
Oh, actually I was considering learning
advances will bring about.
Mandarin. Does that sound reasonable to you?
Özkan: Dilara:
Anyway I don’t believe that they can go so far. So you mean someone’s native language plays
a major role while trying to learn another.
A) I won’t be surprised if they transplant brains from
one another. A) No way! Have you ever seen someone speaking
Mandarin? Be logical.
B) That’s a question which is impossible to
comment on. B) Since your mother tongue is in another language
family, I would suggest that you not study it.
C) Yes, but organ transplantation is still in its
infancy. C) Sometimes we have to rely on our senses rather
than our instincts.
D) As long as there are donors, there won’t be
much trouble I guess. D) I suggest that you master your native language
E) When I hear news as such, I show a meticulous
attempt to understand what’s happening. E) If I had been in your shoes, I would try to learn it
in its own environment


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68. Although it seems that the media tends to 70. With the exception of Gulf countries, where
influence mostly just our consumer choices, it internet access is available to broad segments
also may affect our opinions about the world or of the population, many countries of the Arab
specific peoples and races. few have access to this essential tool.

A) Since the media is keen to change some of our A) As well as many Gulf countries, where internet
consumer choices, it will try to manipulate our service is available to some parts of the
views concerning the world or particular countries, most households in some countries
societies in Arab peninsular have access to this
necessary way as well.
B) It looks that not only does the media have a
B) In few countries of the Arab world more than a
tendency to affect mainly our spending options
three quarters of households don’t gain access
but it is also likely to impress our concepts
to world wide web, but some Gulf countries lack
regarding particular nations and races access to internet, causing most of the
population offline
C) Whereas the media takes no notice our claims
about the world or common peoples and races, C) Many countries in Arab world regard Internet
our consumer options haven’t changed due to as having a crucial importance, but in some Gulf
these influence countries access to Internet is hindered and
many people still lack access to this trivial tool.
D) It is clear that our consumption patterns hardly
change in spite of the media’s inclination to D) Many residences don’t enjoy the internet
influence us, but it is possible that it can have on access in most Arabic countries, but Gulf
effect on our outlook for peoples and races countries in which a great deal of population is
provided with this indispensable service.
E) However hard the media tries to influence all our
E) Internet is being provided to large parts of the
consumer choices, it will have difficulty to
population in Gulf nations; however, quite of few
manipulate the way we seen other communities households in those Arab countries world are
and races. expected to gain access it as well.

71. The sharp drop in obesity rate among young

69. In developing countries, the poorest people US children is in part put down to higher
may face a disproportionate share of health incidence of breastfeeding and lower
risks related to economic growth. consumption of sugary beverages

A) In some developing countries, the most A) There is an abrupt increase in obesity rate
miserable residents are likely to overcome the among young US children as they consume
great health burdens regarding economic more sugary drinks and are feed with breast
development. milk.

B) The health problems caused by uneven B) The American children are now consuming less
distri bution of wealth may lead poor people to sugary drinks and this accounts for the decline
undergo some problems in developing nations in the rate of obesity in US.

C) It is believed that a sharp reduction in the

C) In developed countries, the people with highest
obesity rate can be realized by less regular
poverty are unlikely to suffer from great portion
breastfeeding and consuming more sugary
on account of economic advancements. drinks.
D) The health threats resulting from economic D) The sudden fall in obesity rate among young US
recession may cause the poor people to enjoy children is partly attributed to more infants being
the health services less in developing countries breastfed and less depletion of drinks containing
E) With regard to economic expansion, the most
impoverished inhabitants could experience an E) The quick rise in breastfeeding and
unequal portion of health dangers in emerging consumption of sugary drinks may pave the way
nations. for a sharp decline in obesity for some American


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72. - 75. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam 74. A study of the evolution of our teeth reveals
bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi that humans today have less diverse oral
bulunuz. bacteria than historic populations, which
scientists believe have contributed to
72. ----. For example, elephants are known as
chronic oral diseases in post-industrial
eco system engineers for their tendency to
lifestyles. The study claims that analyzing the
push over trees and stomp shrubby areas in
DNA of the bacteria on the teeth of humans
the savannah into submission. This keeps
throughout history has shed light on the health
forests at bay, which otherwise would
consequences of the evolving diet and
overtake open grasslands. Wolves, on the other
behavior. There were negative changes in oral
hand, are apex predators. They keep other
bacteria as our diets altered when we moved
species like deer in check, preventing herbivore
from being hunter-gatherers to farmers.----.
populations from getting out of hand and eating
all the plants into oblivion. Both elephants and A) Moreover, diets including wheat and citrus have
wolves are keystone species, or ones that have something to do with the tooth decays in
a relatively large impact on their environment in children
relation to their actual population numbers.
B) However, such efforts seem to satisfy the ones
A) Animals whether large or small have been suffering from bacteria caused by malnutrition
adversely influenced by abruptly changing
conditions C) Those struggle to consume solid food regardless
of whatever flavor it may be
B) Although the lion is considered the king, it fears
elephants in open grasslands D) Further differences were observed when
humans started manufacturing food during the
C) Wolves cannot take down elephants unless they Industrial Revolution
attack in packs of a hundred or more
D) Some animals have remarkable influence on E) Contrary to popular belief, more controversies
their surroundings more than others according over the current issue are about to emerge due
to a recent study to lack of clarity

E) According to a recent study, predators maintain

the diversity in African grasslands in many ways
75. Legends from around the world speak of sacred
entryways to the land of the gods.-------. Are
73. Many of the programs in the federal budget
such passages - or star-gates - just inventions
that aim to tackle economic security will likely
of myth, or might this kind of interstellar travel
be discussed in the context of the poverty
line, or “lifting people out of poverty.” ----. In have existed in the ancient world? In Turkey,
other words: Is an individual poor, or not poor? researchers uncover a mysterious and toxic
Yet, as a recent Census report highlights, cave that the ancient Greeks described as a
families’ incomes are remarkably dynamic and physical gateway to Hell. The Incas believed
volatile. Many families enter and exit poverty their empire began when divine beings stepped
multiple times over the course of a year. through portals in a mountain.

A) The idea of the poverty line forces us to think in A) Gates that allowed instant passage not just
dual terms beyond the confines of Earth, but beyond space
and time
B) 13% of families saw their incomes drop by at
least half at some point over the course of year B) Strange as it may seem, the indigenous people
have strong faith in the myth
C) Economic instability is too common for a nation
that once declared itself committed to creating C) For example, the pyramids in Egypt are
security considered as passages to after life
D) Viewing poverty as a dynamic state, rather than
a static, binary one, allows us to refocus on D) Yet the essence of the legend still lack a
families’ economic lives consistency, which makes it controversial

E) Parental job loss decreases earnings and in E) Each of the gates provides access to another
creases the likelihood that their children will dimension according to the local people
receive welfare as adults.


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76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda 78. (I) Tiny sphericals were discovered on Mars by
parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. Nasa’s Opportunity rover a decade ago near the
Endeavour Crater. (II) Researchers first thought
76. (I) A stunning discovery hit the headlines in 2001; that they were evidence of water flowing over the
an ancient animal was discovered in July 2011 Martian surface billions of years ago. (III) The
in a remote part Yakutia of Russia. (II) Scientists actual cause behind them no more shrouds in
are now performing an autopsy on it in the hope mystery as we have now tangible evidence.
that vital scientific information about the (IV) Such marble-sized objects have been proven
extinction of some bison species around 9,000 to be remnants of small meteorites that broke up in
years ago will be revealed. (III)The careful and the Martian atmosphere. (V) But, still comets and
thorough examination of the bison is projected to planetary objects may sometime have deposited
reveal how and why the animal died. (IV) Even water of some kind.
if autopsies may not give clues about the actual
death of an animal, they raise another question. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E)V

(V) It is thought to be the first in the world on such

an old bison and scientists will now look for
parasites that might have plagued the animals.
79. (I) Peru has initiated a program that will provide
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V more than 2 million of its poorest residents with
electricity for free. (II) The program began on July
8, when 1601 solar panels were installed in the
Contumaza province of the country. (III) The
77. (I) A groundbreaking new study could hold the key solar panel can be used as a component of a larger
to longevity and remaining healthy in old age. photovoltaic system to generate and supply
(II) Experts warn the study is still at a very electricity in commercial and residential
early stage, and has not yet been tested on applications. (IV) Part of the program’s first phase
humans. (III) US researchers found a protein called will reportedly power 126 impoverished
SIRT1 extended the lifespan of mice, delaying the communities. (V) The hope is that 95 percent of
onset of age related health problems. (IV) It also Peru to has access to electricity by the end of 2016.
improved their general health, lowering cholesterol
and even warding off diabetes. (V) Although the A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

study was carried out on mice, researchers say it

could eventually be used in humans.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 80. (I) Belgium became the first country to allow

euthanasia for terminally ill children of any age
on Thursday. (II) Its lower house of parliament
passed new “right-to-die” legislation by a large
majority. (III) The law goes beyond Dutch
legislation that set a minimum age of 12 for children
judged mature enough to decide to end their lives.
(IV) Adult euthanasia became legal in 2002 in the
country. (V) Most opposition parties supported it, as
well as the governing socialists and liberals.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V



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