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Joshrey budomo st12p1

Ms. Karen Mae R. Tudtud 10/13/2021


("Don't worry 'bout a thing, cause every little thing's gonna be alright."-Bob Marley)

2019, a year where I was to graduate and get my diploma for junior high school but
in the same year something unexpected happen, it was the year where I will be meeting my
friends for the last time, it was the year where we were not able to have a proper farewell
to our advisers and our teachers and it was the year where we would adapt to a new
normal. All these are happening because COVID-19 was discovered in Wuhan, China on
December 31, 2019. Ever since the pandemic happen we were needed to follow some strict
protocols for us to avoid being infected by COVID-19 and it was not that hard for me since
I’m an introvert, I have no problem in following these protocols heck I even wish that the
Philippines will undergo hard lockdown for at least a year so that we can control the
infectivity, unfortunately, it was not implemented since the government is more concern
about business than health and the result is a cycle of the level of quarantines. The
pandemic have a huge effect on me because this limit the way I live every day which will be
hard and other than that pandemic brought us the option to have online education which at
first I am happy about since I am comfortable without worrying about the crowd but as my
school year 2020-2021 started, I was already pressured on
the things that I need to do since I got to look for my youngest
brother in his class hours and in doing his activities which
leaves me exhausted at the end of my class which mostly ends
at night even though I am already tired I cannot afford to not
make my assignments because my mom wants me to be a
DOST scholar which means that I have to double my effort so
that I can get to pass the required grading in applying for the
scholarship. These factors leave me no option to rest even on
the weekend I cannot fully rest because on weekends I am task to do the laundry and if I’m
done doing the laundry I got to do my projects so this pandemic really makes my life
harder. Every day I always pray to God that this pandemic will end as soon as possible and
while this pandemic is not gone I always ask for strength and guidance from the Lord to
help me in overcoming the everyday’s task in a calm manner.

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