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English Name. Steve Student No. 2130034049 Class.


UCLC1013 English I Essay Thesis and Body Paragraph 2 draft

Essay prompt: Discuss the main factors affecting cross-cultural communication.
Please type your draft in the boxes below. Print the draft and bring to class when asked to by your teacher.

Cultural differences can affect cross-cultural communication

Body Paragraph 2
Culture is the kernel of language. What you say out loud is language, and culture influences how you conceive

of anything such as language. Cultural differences can easily lead to offense to others. Like when two people

greet each other the French are used to hugs and kisses, while the Chinese favor verbal greetings. If a French

person goes to greet a Chinese person with a hug and a kiss, the Chinese person will find it offensive. Likewise,

if a Chinese person only takes a verbal greeting and refuses physical contact, the French person will feel that

the Chinese person is indifferent. This will greatly affect the first impression between the two parties and may

affect further communication between them. There are also countries where people like to speak at a very

high volume, but this behavior is very uncivilized in other countries and can easily cause resentment. Different

cultures also do things and behave differently from one another. There are times when this can cause some

trouble. Just like when the new coronavirus hit, Asian countries generally adopted a very strict epidemic

prevention policy, while European and American countries generally adopted a lax epidemic prevention policy.

This is closely related to the cultural legacy. European and American countries were influenced by the

Enlightenment which emphasized human rights and freedom of individuals. While Asian countries generally

received the influence of Confucianism culture emphasizing the collective concept. Therefore, Asians living in

Europe and America will feel a lack of security, while Europeans and Americans living in Asia will feel their lives

are restricted. Therefore, it is very important to understand the influence of cultural differences in cross-

cultural communication.
Peer Feedback
Conventions – topic sentence: clear  / accurate  / clearly introduces purpose of paragraph  /
connected to thesis 

Effectiveness – reference to source material  / focused  / thoughtful  / logical  / well developed ideas 

Vocabulary – accurate  / precise  / formal 

Grammar – accurate  / complex structures  (use marking code to help find grammar errors)

Two things that could improve this paragraph

1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________


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