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The vintage

The vintage café

Business plan


Date: 5/09/2021

Key details
Registration details

Business name The vintage café Ltd

Registered or proposed

Date registered 9/03/2020

State registered in New South Wales

Business structure Company

Australian business number 41 823 752 550


Australian company 003 043 614

number (ACN)
If a company.

Licences and permits Waste disposal, liquor license(responsible service of alcohol),food

standard code & food business license, outdoor dining in public
Australian, state and local.
place license.

Contact details
Name Mr. Adison

Phone (02) 3237 3673

Mobile +61 4 1233 5674


Address Albury NSW 2640, Albury, NSW 2640


Online and social media details

Website The Vintage

Facebook Facebook page namely “vintage brew”

Instagram Instagram page namely “ vintage café’s stole

YouTube Page namely “vintage café servers”


Key details.............................................................................................................................................2
Registration details............................................................................................................................2
Contact details...................................................................................................................................2
Online and social media details.........................................................................................................2
The business..........................................................................................................................................4
Plan summary....................................................................................................................................4
Our why.............................................................................................................................................5
Our vision..........................................................................................................................................5
Our mission........................................................................................................................................5
Key people.........................................................................................................................................9
The market..........................................................................................................................................11
The problem....................................................................................................................................11
Our solution.....................................................................................................................................11
Our target market............................................................................................................................12
The competition..............................................................................................................................12
Pricing strategy................................................................................................................................13
SWOT analysis.................................................................................................................................13
Risk management................................................................................................................................15
Risk assessment...............................................................................................................................15
Succession plan................................................................................................................................17
Laws we’ll need to comply with.......................................................................................................17
Goals and actions................................................................................................................................18
Goals for next year..........................................................................................................................18
Goals for the next 3 years................................................................................................................18
The finances........................................................................................................................................19
Finance needed...............................................................................................................................19
Sources of funding...........................................................................................................................19
Current finances..............................................................................................................................19
Balance forecast..............................................................................................................................20
Profit and loss forecast....................................................................................................................22
Cash flow forecast...........................................................................................................................24
Supporting document checklist...........................................................................................................26


The business
Plan summary

What our business Our business operates as a café for selling the coffee products to the
does customers, we serves variety of the coffee drinks to our target
The products or customers, the main products we are serving are listed below:
services we sell. CAPPUCCINO COFFEE

Our target market Age group of young people of 18 to 45 aged who loves to drink
and eat gourmet products
People who lives lavish and luxurious life style

Our unique selling The unique selling point for our café is the environmental theme in our
point café with the artificial grass effect and planting in the area of sitting,
walls of the café is filled with the real flower and artificial grass to give a
texture of nature in our café, so that the visitor can feel nature and the
traditional gourmet coffee bans are used to coffee preparation.

Our business goals Th main goal of our business Is to brand awareness of our cafes, as it is
starting phase of our café, therefore it requires the goodwill
improvements, its long term objective is to create a reach in community
as excellent gourmet maker.
The additional objectives for our cafe are:
Increase the market share
Expansion of business
Establish new branches in next three years

Our history Our cafe is owned and controlled by Mr. Jackob and miss jenny who are
Industry experience, the shareholders of the café’s share too, the café is newly established in
major achievements. new south Wales but it had huge operations experience in the Sydney
for 10 years, it’s main branch was establish in 2004. This is third branch
of our business, in Sydney we have had achieved the certificate of
appreciation from the Sydney government for complying with
environmental aspect, received the best food and drinks servers
certificate from industry.


Our why
To provide the traditional flavour of gourmet coffee to community, become the native supplier in new
south Wales, the main inspiration behind starting the café is to offer comfort sitting services in café
with variety of the coffee and snacks which provides the touch of tradition gourmet food and coffee.
With the coffee café idea our premise can have a full time gig or a side project based on how much
money and time we can contribute to it.

Our vision
“At THE VINTAGE café, we are inspired to engage the people together and enjoying each other
company. We have faith that what we do can lace a fabric of optimistic relations and understandings
which bounce from our cafe and out in world of community”

Our mission
“our goals is to be welcoming, comforting existence in each group of community we serve and to
provide with the tradition themes of coffee and its products, we never want to feel our visitor less
than special”

Products and services

Product/service Description Unit price (incl. GST)

CAPPUCCINO Espresso with hot water(100-150ml) served as $ 100

cappuccino cup, it surface is topped with the
foamed milk and top third of coffee includes
the milk foam

CAFÉ AU LAIT Coffee with the hot milk added in it, diverse $ 75
from the white coffee, providing the French

AMERICANO Prepared with diluting an espresso with the hot $ 60

water, providing the flavour diverse from the
brewed coffee


The production of diverse range of coffee product will be carried on by roasting the coffee beans
supplied, then grounding beans and grounded coffee will then mix up with hot water for some time
and brewed it and then separating the liquid coffee with the used grounds, the brewed and mixing
content in it will varied from coffee to coffee.

The main supplier of the coffee beans will be “show beans Ltd” and the “gourmet maker & groups”
for the raw beans for the coffee making and they provide the grounded beans for roasting in coffee
making, show beans Ltd supplies 1 million a day coffee beans throughout the Australia and gourmet
makers & groups supplies the high quality Koa coffee beans, and pea berry beans which is imported
from the Brazil which has huge demand in market now a day.


Sales and distribution channels

Channel Used for Details

Wholesale Selling the café’s coffee in The sales of coffee account for 15% of the
the local market aggregate sales of café.

Website Distributing and selling Contribute 50% of the total sales for café’s
the coffee to online coffee especially (cappuccino)
surfing peoples and gain
business online

Market stall For the popularity and Contribute to the brand awareness at least
increasing the brand 30% through the market stalls and canopies
awareness of our coffee booth

Shopfront For improving coffee Increases the foot fall of visitors at least 15%
demand among every month with the shopfront channel of
community and gaining distribution
the attention of coffee
seeker for excellent taste


Digital technology
For the digital technology in our café we are going to use the technologies, POS (point of sale) which
provides the payment options, records of the all details of payments and number of foot falls In a
day, keep check on the morning rush for the easier and faster access to the products and coffee
items and it keep the details of the regular visitors, with the point of sales system visitors are able to
access all the order online on phones and in person too, it will enables the café’s owner to keep track
on all sales.

For the accounting and finance recording our café will use the “FreshBooks” software which track all
the credits and debits, the stock management also determines the revenue eared and expenditure
occurred in business on periodic basis.

For the online selling we have a website namely “The Vintage” on which the newly
introduced coffee and innovated new dishes are to be update on daily basis, for the online sales we
have a page on Instagram, Facebook and twitter ads as a digital technology.

Information management
For collecting the information of customers we will use our website, with that when customers visit to
our website then it will ask some genuine and basic details of customer, and we will keep the data in
our data base and store it in our website storage for use in comparing the future foot fall, café will
maintain the backup system for the same in case when website crashes, there will be a cloud system
to back up the data and we will use the software “hubspot”.

This activity will be in consistent with the privacy laws and norms of Australian government and we
do not break the rules of the privacy policy of customer while acquiring the data, with the privacy
policy page in website.

For collecting the stock information our café will analyse the information from the accounting
software which provide a stock data, which is to be tracked on monthly basis.


THE VINTAGE café is located in Albury, new south Wales, the VINTAGE café is located near by
the completed market square plaza, it is located at the visible place at the road side corner, the
VINTAGE café will serve the gourmet coffee, cappuccino, americano and CAFÉ AU LAIT coffee.
The coffee serving style may vary with the ingredients and preparation of the coffee, all the coffee
beans are supplied from “show beans Ltd” and “gourmet makers & group” in weekly basis, the café is
leased by the vendor “shall ltd” at the charges of $ 200000 for 10 years.

Stock and inventory

As a stock we have the coffee beans of 500 kg, 10 litres milk for each day, 10 litres fresh water to be
purchased each day and automatic drip coffee maker. The coffee beans are replace in every one
month with fresh one and milk and water is to be stored in air tight container and beans will be stored
in the warehouse of the café.

Equipment Date bought or leased Cost ($)

Automatic drip coffee maker 13/08/2020 $ 3400

Coffee grinder 3/02/2020 $ 4500

POS system 19/08/2020 $ 6700

Ovens and toaster 18/08/2020 $ 1200

Intellectual property
 Intellectual property register for our café logo registered as a trademark
 copyright for the coffee preparation method and composition of coffee ingredients
 Patent for the café s coffee secret
 Register the circuit layout rights for design of the café’s packaging boxes, bags and


Key people
Our staff

Role Name Skills and experience

Café manager Mr. Isaac Duncan Having the hotel management degree of two
years from Australian university of management
and 5 year experience in the “chef cochin” hotel
as a department manager

Barista Mr. harry Jacobs Having the knowledge of coffee preparation,

cash management, customer service, meal
safety and hygiene.
Having experience of 3 years in camp sky
restaurant as a head barista and 2 years’
experience in “island grills”

waiter Mr. Lewis Phillips Having customer services skills, excellent verbal
communication skills, and having active listening
Experience as a waiter in “EI pirate porch” for 5
years and the certificate of appreciation for six
months as a hotel management staff


Sources of advice and support

Support type Name Skills and experience

Operating advisor Mr. Nixon Blair Having problem solving skills, managing the
operational works and related issues
Having experience of 4 years as operational
head in “mojitos café” in handling the
operational issues

Lawyer Miss levy Campbell Having the skills of the legal matter,
legislative provision and the government
amendments apply on the businesses
Having the experience of 7 years in legal
practices as a legal advisor of hotel industry

Accountant Mr. Thomas rigg Having knowledge of financial analysis and

managing the losses and providing
assistance in investment purpose
Having the experience of 3 years as a
financial analyst in shall Ltd

Skill and staff retention strategies

We offer the staff “incentive” on their excellent performance in their area of operation, it will
encourage them to be motivated and maintain their skills, the café manager will organize and
conduct the team meeting and weekly review test results of their skills which they possess, for waiter
staff we will provide the soft skill training course as the professional development activity, for
removing all loopholes in their performance and polish their skills, the café manager will scrutinize all
the workers/employees such as waiter, barista and other staff in their tasks. For the barista we will
conduct the professional development training for administration skill course and the computer
course, it will encourage them to handle the operation in efficient an effective manner.


The market
The problem
The main issue which our customers are facing in market is related with the waiting staff service and
the low quality product, the quality of the coffee products in the area are average as compare to
standard coffee drink, and the restaurants and cafés in are not able to provide the adequate service
of wait staff as they do not have sufficient capacity to serve all the people, mostly customers usually
take service son self-service basis which they found too irritated and unprofessional if it is comes to
the professionalism, therefore in order to meet with the expectation of customer we are introducing
the adequate wait staff services for customer through which they will not require to serve by

Our solution
We will provide the customer with adequate and sufficient wait staff service in order to protect them
from self-service and for the quality we are acquiring and buying the coffee beans from the reputed
and famous agency of coffee which provides the great taste to customer, these will help the
customer in reaching the wide satisfaction for their coffee.

Our target market

Our target market for the coffee products for our café are the people of age between 18 to 45, as the
young people loves to taste the new coffee products and they are curious in the gourmet coffee in
the area nearby cafe, another target customers for our café are the people having the lavish life
style, who lives their life in luxury manner and interested in buying products which is costly and
luxury, the place nearby the café is filled with the patrons having the luxurious life and rich persons,
hence the price of our coffee products will be high as compare to the our competitors in market, as
the 60% of the market in the area where our café is situated lives lavish life style, so they will ore
encourage to buy the products from our café. In this group of people most of the population are
young, they visit to café on regular basis to show their symbol of lavish life style.


Advertising and promotion

Channel Used for Details

Social media (unpaid) Promotion on Facebook, Regularly post the social media post for the
Instagram an twitter for cappuccino, americano and other coffee
the increased sales type to be sale in market, it will be promoted
with images and short videos of real time
experience in café with existing customers.

Paid advertising Used for customers aged Regularly updating the new discount, offer
40 to 45 who use the and coupon in café
social media very often

Email Promote the company’s Send the mails with the name and address
website of company’s website and give exciting offer
with mail as a attachments to promote the
online and home delivery service business

Conference/industry Used for promoting coffee Organize the community meeting and invite
fair prices among community some random people to participate and
provide them overview of price charged by
café and its merits.

The competition
The top 3 businesses we’re competing against, what they do well and not so well. What we’ll do
differently to succeed in the market.

Competitor Coffee makers Ltd Rosser coffee & sones Coffee garden Ltd

Strengths Charges are low High quality coffee and Having a beans
snacks imported from south

Weaknesses Only gourmet coffee Low brand awareness No setting arrangement


What we’ll do Only sell the good and Sale the coffee with the Provide offer for
differently excellent quality choco taste discount in every week
gourmet coffee with a
taste of cappuccino.


Pricing strategy
The cost of acquiring the beans of coffee cost around $45 per coffee plus the margin of profit 10% in
it, and the other food ingredients such as sugar, chocolate powder, decoration of the café, the sitting
arrangements, the amenities provided in café like air conditioner furniture, advertisement and
distribution cost, water cost, chef’s effort and the waiter labour for making a coffee will be included
while creating the pricing strategy, hence it will cost around $ 100 for each coffee on an average.

SWOT analysis
Our business strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Strengths  Excellent corporate culture

What’s good  Efficient sales culture
about our
business.  Strong net promotor scores
 High rating on the company’s website
 Attractive café design
 Luxurious coffee drinking space in cafe

Weaknesses  Low access to marketplace

What’s not so  Week financial condition
good about our
business.  Low brand awareness
 High cost of production
 no financial reserves

Opportunities  Growing customers loyalty

External factors  Move with a franchisee with top brand
we could take
advantage of.  Establish relation with influencer
 Request for home delivery
 Opening the university in area

Threats  High prices of coffee beans offer by vendors

External factors  aggressive participant behaviour
that could cause
problems for us.  huge competitor base
 high quality product from competitor and launching a new coffee type
for gourmet coffee
(Anon., n.d.)


How we’ll address each weakness and threat

We will promote the café’s brand with the various social medial campaigns and to reduce the cost
of production we will engage a officer to check all the cost occurred for producing the final coffee
products, for the financial reserve we will create a separate reserve which is to be shown in
company’s balance sheet, that will be used to recover the financial crisis.
Tie up with the vendors who provide the quality coffee beans at the low cost and set a quality
standard as compared to the competitor’s quality of the product of gourmet coffee, so that we can
compete in market against the giant competitors. Create a unique taste in our gourmet coffee
products and use discounts offer for the gourmet products only.


Risk management
Risk assessment

Risk/impact description Likelihood What we’ll do to reduce this risk

Bad debts Highly likely

 Check credit records

 Set the limit of credit
 Hire the debt recovery agency
 Establish the terms of payments

Lost of data Highly likely using the cloud system to recover the data,
in case system crashes

Bankruptcy of vendors or Unlikely  Check the financial background of

clients vendors
 Warning indicators for instance, late
 Record keeping of vendors
 Avoiding the individual source

Legal disputes Likely  Train staff on the legal law, i.e. for
harassment, bribery and others
 Have legal advisor to deal and
evaluate the legal parameters
 Use the contractual documents to
avoid the risk

Data security risk Highly likely  Keep in place the anti-virus,

firewalls password security in mails,
and in application
 High data security checks, networks
and data encryption
 Organize the security audit every
month (Anon., n.d.)



Insurance type Details

Assets (fire & property) If risk or fire originated from the lighting, implosion, storm, hurricane,
malicious harm on the assets than the company will be given a
insurance on it.

Public liability insurance Under this policy the insurance is provided to the third party because
of causing the harm to them due to the action of the policyholder.

Professional indemnity It will applies to any professional conduct by the company which
provides the cover against the professional risk.

Workers compensation If the employee face any accident or illness, than they need to be aid
with first aid, workers compensation, it will provide the insurance
coverage to the staff and assure medical care .

Product liability It covers the claim, that the insured person become liable by law to pay
to third person as an outcome of badly injured or completely harm
originating form use of product or by consuming product


Succession plan
The succession plan for our café will be to hand over the business to the other owner in case any
proprietor of café wishes to leave the business, firstly we need to do valuation of the company’s
assets and liability, for the succession we need to dissolve the ownership and liquidate all the assets
ad liability, assure the following things:

Owner should provide the written notice of dissolving the agreement of the ownership
Take the respective share of their rights and leave rest for another owners
Liquidate the assets of his/her rights for paying the liabilities occurred

In case of bankruptcy, we need to take following steps:

Identify the amount of debts to be paid and prioritize the debts on the basis of their urgency
for paying it in required time
Appoint on advisor for dispose off the debts immediately
Contact to the creditor, tell the problem of the business and go for the settlement of debts, if
debtor not agrees with you than announce a bankruptcy
Appoint one trustee and ask him/her to consent to act as a trustee form
Apply for debtor petition form

Laws we’ll need to comply with

Occupational health and safety act, 2000
Disability discrimination act, 1992
Copyrights act, 1968
The fair work act, 2009
Food regulations 2015 (NWS)
Food safety act, 1991


Goals and actions

Goals for next year

[brand awareness] [increase the market [invest in quality

share] management]

Actions to  Promote on  Lowering the  Schedule the

achieve goal social media prices internal audit
 Online  Strengthen the  Quality inspection
campaigns customer relations program
 Promote with  Innovating new  Equipment
broachers recipe maintain on
periodic basis

Due date 20/08/2021 27/08/2021 27/08/2021

Who’s Marketing manager Marketing department Operational manager


Goals for the next 3 years

[market expansion] [opening the new [increase the overall

branch] profit]

Actions to  Evaluate the new  Estimate the stock  Managing cost

achieve goal market place and financial
needs and  Boost the
 Research the identifying the productivity
market place  Reviewing the
 Deciding on  Develop a training offers
whether to go programme for
with idea workers according
to the new branch
 Preparing the

Due date 20/08/2021 1/09/2021 4/09/2021

Who’s Operations head Department head Finance manger



The finances
Finance needed
We need fund of $ 45000 for acquiring the coffee beans from various vendors on monthly basis, for
this purpose we are seeking a credit from the south Australia bank which has a interest rate of 13%
per annum and require a $ 50000 for the acquisition of coffee grinder machines to be install in café.

Sources of funding
For the beans acquisition we have a plan to acquire it from south Australian bank of amount $ 45000
and for the rest 50000 we are contributing the reserve fund of company which amounts to $ 23000
and for the rest we will issue the equity share capital to our investors of an mount $ 27000, which is
to be issued @ 10 per equity share for 2700 shares.

Current finances
Over the last financial years our business have had generate the positive cashflows, the net profit
amounts to $ 60000 during the last year and the total liability reduced from $ 45000 to 40000 for a
year 20XX and the reserve we have created for the profit and loss which helps in retaining the
market share, the operating cost of the business had Shown the positive balance in cash flow
statement, the net assets worth $ 67000 without the debtors. Hence the profit and loss statement
does not shows up the negative balance either it shows the profit.

Balance forecast
A summary of our forecast balance for the next 5 years.

Balance sheet for [THE VINTAGE CAFÉ]

[Year 1] [Year 2] [Year 3] [Year 4] [Year 5]

Current assets
Cash $3,400 $2,312 $12,300 $7,800 $1,234
Petty cash $235 $24 $342 $567 $789
Accounts receivable $234 $1,345 $345 $4,500 $1,234
Inventory $566 $4,564 $775 $8,900 $34,000
Pre-paid expenses $3,435 $356 $7,895 $1,230 $2,340
More... $334 $678 $8,970 $1,239 $453
Total $8,204 $9,279 $30,627 $24,236 $40,050
Fixed assets
Leasehold $2,380 $234 $689 $2,341 $2,400
Property and land $5,600 $2,345 $3,452 $2,100 $2,300
Renovations/improvements $6,790 $1,200 $800 $123 $200
Furniture and fitout $1,200 $1,230 $900 $900 $453
Vehicles $1,200 $342 $700 $568 $234
Equipment/tools $1,400 $356 $600 $650 $3,452
Computer equipment $2,300 $800 $54 $450 $123
More… $2,120 $456 $342 $230 $12
Total $22,990 $6,963 $7,537 $7,362 $9,174


TOTAL ASSETS $31,194 $16,242 $38,164 $31,598 $49,224

Current/short-term liabilities
Credit cards payable $238 $4,567 $200 $1,000 $670
Accounts payable $1,580 $45 $1,000 $980 $450
Interest payable $890 $678 $2,300 $650 $123
Accrued wages $239 $677 $234 $670 $456
Income tax $2,340 $123 $123 $456 $5,000
More… $133 $890 $567 $680 $989
Total $5,420 $6,980 $4,424 $4,436 $7,688
Long-term liabilities
Loans $3,425 $231 $500 $870 $7,000
Equipment finance $23 $234 $2,300 $897 $2,300
More… $123 $234 $235 $120 $123
Total $3,571 $699 $3,035 $1,887 $9,423
TOTAL LIABILITIES $8,991 $7,679 $7,459 $6,323 $17,111

NET ASSETS (NET WORTH) $22,203 $8,563 $30,705 $25,275 $32,113

WORKING CAPITAL $2,784 $2,299 $26,203 $19,800 $32,362

Figures include GST.


Profit and loss forecast

Our forecast profit/loss for the next years.

Profit and loss for [THE VINTAGE

CAFE] as at [20XX]

July Augu Septemb Octob Novemb Decemb Janu Febru Marc April May June Yearly
st er er er er ary ary h total

Sales 120000 15000 200000 43000 340000 458900 5000 34500 2300 4500 4300 2300 $3,883,
0 0 00 0 00 00 00 00 900
Less cost of 45000 80000 50000 75000 45000 120000 7000 23000 6000 3400 6000 7000 $732,0
goods sold 0 0 0 0 0 00
More… 2300 123 234 1234 345 345 231 780 3450 345 780 5600 $15,76
Gross profit/net $72,700 $69,87 $149,766 $353,7 $294,655 $338,555 $429, $321, $166, $415, $369, $154, $3,136,
sales 7 66 769 220 550 655 220 400 133

Accountant fees 2300 780 567 890 567 360 897 897 450 870 340 780 $9,698

Advertising and 1200 6700 3468 8700 266 780 780 678 234 89 890 78 $23,86
marketing 3
Bank fees and 1290 675 5600 789 123 450 6700 807 567 780 567 123 $18,47
charges 1
Bank interest 123 567 897 89 900 234 675 780 123 789 3468 897 $9,542

Credit card fees 780 89 678 780 7800 567 567 2356 900 679 5600 678 $21,47
Utilities 154 346 807 789 7899 123 89 890 7800 345 897 807 $20,94
(electricity, gas, 6


Telephone 453 78 780 679 2345 900 346 120 7899 231 678 780 $15,28
Lease/loan 670 1256 2356 345 145 7800 78 230 2345 233 807 2356 $18,62
payments 1
Rent and rates 456 789 890 231 678 7899 1256 450 145 245 780 890 $14,70
Motor vehicle 234 578 120 233 5678 2345 789 340 678 345 2356 120 $13,81
expenses 6
Repairs and 577 690 230 245 6789 145 578 900 5678 564 890 230 $17,51
maintenance 6
Stationery and 786 890 450 345 677 678 690 800 6789 567 120 450 $13,24
printing 2
Insurance 1234 789 340 564 5457 5678 890 670 677 4500 230 340 $21,36
Superannuation 678 890 560 567 57 345 789 6790 345 56 450 450 $11,97
Income tax 235 678 340 234 5677 560 890 2346 234 898 340 342 $12,77
Wages (including 900 800 870 124 46 450 678 2345 670 890 560 453 $8,786
More… 142 456 123 124 255 230 800 345 450 560 120 450 $4,055

Total expenses $12,212 $17,05 $19,076 $15,72 $45,359 $29,544 $17,4 $21,7 $35,9 $12,6 $19,0 $10,2 $256,1
1 8 92 44 84 41 93 24 48
NET PROFIT (net $60,488 $52,82 $130,690 $338,0 $249,296 $309,011 $412, $299, $130, $403, $350, $144, $2,879,
income) 6 38 277 476 566 014 127 176 985


Figures include


Cash flow forecast


Augu Septem Octob Novem Decem Janua Februa

July March April May June
st ber er ber ber ry ry

OPENING $128,1 $318,6 $586,1 $698,02 $1,489, $1,608, $1,732, $1,868,

BALANCE $0 31 $230,750 09 $429,384 $524,558 04 8 875 710 879 694
Sales 0 75000 80000 95000 67000 57000 90000 780000 89000 100000 120000 450000
Asset sales 34000 45000 25000 34000 40000 23000 12000 23000 45000 23000 6700 54000
receipts 2340 7000 4500 3400 4500 3400 23500 3460 6700 34000 34067 5600
Loans 12000 6500 6700 2300 6700 2300 4500 6700 8900 567 346 8900
income 6700 3400 345 342 768 45 56 78 68 78 76 20
Total $155,0 $136,9 $135,0 $130,0 $813,23 $149,66 $157,64 $161,18 $518,52
incoming 40 00 $116,545 42 $118,968 $85,745 56 8 8 5 9 0
(stock etc) 4560 2340 7800 8900 8970 2700 4000 5600 3400 4500 2000 3000

fees 700 6790 450 456 5673 4500 5000 6700 2300 8700 7000 2800
fees 680 2300 6789 3300 650 7800 1400 1200 2340 120 2300 5600
marketing 890 560 670 2300 230 125 230 650 789 568 450 900
Bank fees
and charges 1200 450 430 245 340 563 340 230 450 234 890 879
paid 54 569 230 560 120 670 120 340 230 689 800 670
Credit card
fees 900 200 340 896 563 450 563 120 560 700 5600 500
gas, water) 780 560 120 650 760 569 760 563 468 680 600 4340
Telephone 780 453 563 340 234 200 234 760 5689 890 200 123
payments 1200 560 760 690 453 560 453 234 590 1200 340 322
Rent &
rates 2300 670 234 800 674 453 674 453 900 54 400 544
expenses 5600 789 453 600 450 560 450 674 8700 900 560 324
Repairs and
e 340 450 674 400 340 670 340 450 453 780 453 600
and printing 234 230 450 230 355 789 355 340 120 780 560 453

p and
fees 567 560 340 340 233 450 233 355 563 1200 670 870
Licensing 800 468 355 1245 670 230 330 233 760 2300 789 324
Insurance 2300 5689 233 560 500 560 550 670 234 5600 450 654
tion 340 590 330 540 789 670 560 455 453 340 230 760
Income tax 670 900 550 330 760 890 800 566 674 566 560 870
PAYG) 780 8700 125 318 800 450 400 670 560 675 468 1100
More… 1234 453 6790 567 230 340 340 128 600 2000 54 345
Total $26,90 $34,28 $24,26 $18,13
outgoing 9 1 $28,686 7 $23,794 $24,199 2 $21,391 $30,833 $33,476 $25,374 $25,978

cash $128,1 $102,6 $110,7 $111,9 $791,84 $118,83 $124,16 $135,81 $492,54
balance 31 19 $87,859 75 $95,174 $61,546 24 7 5 9 5 2
CLOSING $128,1 $230,7 $429,3 $698,0 $1,489, $1,608, $1,732, $1,868,
BALANCE 31 50 $318,609 84 $524,558 $586,104 28 875 710 879 694

include GST.

Supporting document checklist

Attached documents:

☐ Balance sheet forecast (including assumptions)

☐ Cash flow statement forecast (including any assumptions)
☐ Profit and loss forecast sheets (including any assumptions)

Anon., n.d. [Online]
Available at:

Anon., n.d. [Online]

Available at:

Anon., n.d. [Online]

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