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Presentation and Submission Guidelines-Application of emerging technologies in IT Consulting

 Identify any Industry Vertical of your choice.(Eg: Retail, Manufacturing, Banking, Aviation,

Automobile etc.)

 Identify a business process in any of the organizational functions.

 Discuss and think through the business process that you have chosen and Identify any

problems/inefficiencies’/loopholes that exists in these business processes. Eg: Inventory handling,

Logistics management, Warehousing, Human resource management in Airlines

industry/Retail/Hospitals etc.

 Put yourself into the shoes of an IT consultant- Research, discuss and come out with a

technology solution to the issues that you have identified using new emerging technologies-

o As a consultant, think through how you could use a combination of new emerging

technologies like IoT (Internet of things), Edge computing, Virtual reality, augmented reality

etc., to resolve the issues/inefficiencies that you have identified in the business processes?

You can also choose to recommend how the industry standard best practices in these

business processes can be redefined and made better in the future, with use of these


 This assignment will not require you to submit any reports. It will be graded based on presentation

from your groups and the PPT that you will have to submit. You would need to elaborate content in

the notes section of your PPT. Please use Process flow diagrams, use case examples, implementation

challenges and other content as you see fit.

Some Examples:

1. Use of ‘IoT’ and ‘Virtual reality’ in E- governance processes to solve various issues and


2. How a combination of ‘Edge computing’ along with ‘IoT’ and ‘Analytics’ can be used for

traffic control, crowd monitoring, criminal investigation and tracking.

3. Use of ‘Augmented reality’ and ‘Virtual reality’ technologies in Retail sector to solve

inventory, merchandising and stock out issues.

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