Physic Proj Class 12th CBSE

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TOPIC:Red Shift And Blue Shift

Name:Daniel Willson Velladurai

Class:Sr Cbse+2

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my

teacher Chamundeshwari Maam as well as our principal
Chandra Mohan sir who gave me the golden opportunity to do
this wonderful project on the topic (Red shift and blue shift),
which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and i came to
know about so many new things I am really thankful to them

Secondly i would also like to thank my parents and friends who

helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time


Red shift' is a key concept for astronomers. The term can be

understood literally - the wavelength of the light is stretched, so the
light is seen as 'shifted' towards the red part of the spectrum.
Something similar happens to sound waves when a source of sound
moves relative to an observer
A blueshift is any decrease in wavelength (increase in energy), with a
corresponding increase in frequency, of an electromagnetic wave. In
visible light, this shifts a color towards the blue end of the spectrum.
Examples of strong redshifting are a gamma ray perceived as
an X-ray, or initially visible light perceived as radio waves.
Subtler redshifts are seen in the spectroscopic observations
of astronomical objects, and are used in terrestrial technologies
such as Doppler radar and radar guns.

The concept of redshift and blueshift is closely related to the

Doppler effect — which is an apparent shift in soundwave
frequency for observers depending on whether the source is
approaching or moving away from them. The Doppler Effects
was first described by Austrian physicist Christian Doppler in
1842 and many of us experience the Doppler effect first hand
almost every day without even realizing it.
As the police car travels towards you the number of waves are
compressed into a decreasing distance, this increase in the
frequency of sound waves that you hear causes the pitch to
seem higher. Whereas then the ambulance goes past you and
moves away, the sound waves are spread across an increasing
distance thus reducing the frequency you hear so the pitch
seems lower. This principle of the Doppler effect applies to light
as well as sound. American astronomer Edwin Hubble (who the
Hubble Space Telescope is named after) was the first to
describe the redshift phenomenon and tie it to an expanding
universe. His observations, revealed in 1929, showed that
nearly all galaxies he observed are moving away, NASA said
"This phenomenon was observed as a redshift of a galaxy's
spectrum," NASA wrote. "This redshift appeared to be larger for
faint, presumably further, galaxies. Hence, the farther a galaxy,
the faster it is receding from Earth." The galaxies are moving
away from Earth because the fabric of space itself is expanding.
While galaxies themselves are on the move — the Andromeda
Galaxy and the Milky Way, for example, are on a collision
course — there is an overall phenomenon of redshift
happening as the universe gets bigger The terms redshift and
blueshift apply to any part of the electromagnetic spectrum,
including radio waves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma
rays. So, if radio waves are shifted into the ultraviolet part of
the spectrum, they are said to be blueshifted or shifted toward
the higher frequencies. Gamma rays shifted to radio waves
would mean a shift to a lower frequency or a redshift. • The
redshift of an object is measured by examining the absorption
or emission lines in its spectrum. These lines are unique for
each element and always have the same spacing. When an
object in space moves toward or away from us, the lines can be
found at different wavelengths than where they would be if the
object were not moving (relative to us)
In astronomy and cosmology, the three main causes of electromagnetic redshift are

The radiation travels between objects which are moving apart ("relativistic" redshift, an
example of the relativistic Doppler effect)

The radiation travels towards an object in a weaker gravitational potential, i.e. towards an
object in less strongly curved (flatter) spacetime (gravitational redshift)

The radiation travels through expanding space (cosmological redshift). The observation that all
sufficiently distant light sources show redshift corresponding to their distance from Earth is
known as Hubble's law.
At least three types of redshift occur in the universe — from
the universe's expansion, from the movement of galaxies
relative to each other and from "gravitational redshift," which
happens when light is shifted due to the massive amount of
matter inside of a galaxy. This latter redshift is the subtlest of
the three, but in 2011 scientists were able to identify it on a
universe-size scale. Astronomers did a statistical analysis of a
large catalog known as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and found
that gravitational redshift does happen — exactly in line with
Einstein's theory of general relativity. This work was published
in a Nature paper. "We have independent measurements of
the cluster masses, so we can calculate what the expectation
for gravitational redshift based on general relativity is," said
University of Copenhagen astrophysicist Radek Wojtak at the
time. "It agrees exactly with the measurements of this effect."
The first detection of gravitational redshift came in 1959 after
scientists detected it occurring in gamma-ray light emanating
from an Earth-based lab. Previous to 2011, it also was found in
the sun and in nearby white dwarfs, or the dead stars that
remain after sun-sized stars cease nuclear fusion late in their
Redshift helps astronomers compare the distances of faraway
objects. In 2011, scientists announced they had seen the
farthest object ever seen — a gamma-ray burst called GRB
090429B, which emanated from an exploding star. At the time,
scientists estimated the explosion took place 13.14 billion years
ago. By comparison, the Big Bang took place 13.8 billion years
ago. The farthest known galaxy is GN-z11. In 2016, the Hubble
Space Telescope determined it existed just a few hundred
million years after the Big Bang. Scientists measured the
redshift of GN-z11 to see how much its light had been affected
by the expansion of the universe. GN-z11's redshift was 11.1,
much higher than the next-highest redshift of 8.68 measured
from galaxy EGSY8p7. Scientists can use redshift to measure
how the universe is structured on a large scale. One example of
this is the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall; light takes
about 10 billion years to go across the structure. The Sloan
Digital Sky Survey is an ongoing redshift project that is trying to
measure the redshifts of several million objects. The first
redshift survey was the CfA RedShift Survey, which completed
its first data collection in 1982. One emerging field of research
concerns how to extract redshift information from gravitational
waves, which are disturbances in space-time that happen when
a massive body is accelerated or disturbed. (Einstein first
suggested the existence of gravitational waves in 1916, and the
Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO)
first detected them directly in 2016). Because gravitational
waves carry a signal that shows their redshifted mass,
extracting the redshift from that requires some calculation and
estimation, according to a 2014 article in the peer-reviewed
journal Physical Review X.
The opposite of a redshift is a blueshift. A blueshift is any
decrease in wavelength (increase in energy), with a
corresponding increase in frequency, of an electromagnetic
wave. In visible light, this shifts a color towards the blue end of
the spectrum.
Doppler Blue Shift
Doppler blueshift is caused by movement of a source towards
the observer. The term applies to any decrease in wavelength
and increase in frequency caused by relative motion, even
outside the visible spectrum. Only objects moving at near-
relativistic speeds toward the observer are noticeably bluer to
the naked eye, but the wavelength of any reflected or emitted
photon or other particle is shortened in the direction of travel.

Doppler blueshift is used in astronomy to determine relative

• The Andromeda Galaxy is moving toward our own Milky Way
galaxy within the Local Group; thus, when observed from Earth,
its light is undergoing a blueshift.
• Components of a binary star system will be blueshifted when
moving towards Earth

• When observing spiral galaxies, the side spinning toward us

will have a slight blueshift relative to the side spinning away
from us (see Tully–Fisher relation)..
• Blazars are known to propel relativistic jets toward us,
emitting synchrotron radiation and bremsstrahlung that
appears blueshifted.
• Nearby stars such as Barnard's Star are moving toward us,
resulting in a very small blueshift.
• Doppler blueshift of distant objects with a high z can be
subtracted from the much larger cosmological redshift to
determine relative motion in the expanding universe.
• Unlike the relative Doppler blueshift, caused by movement of
a source towards the observer and thus dependent on the
received angle of the photon, gravitational blueshift is absolute
and does not depend on the received angle of the photon:
• Photons climbing out of a gravitating object become less
energetic. This loss of energy is known as a "redshifting", as
photons in the visible spectrum would appear more red.
Similarly, photons falling into a gravitational field become more
energetic and exhibit a blueshifting. ...
• Note that the magnitude of the redshifting (blueshifting)
effect is not a function of the emitted angle or the received
angle of the photon—it depends only on how far radially the
photon had to climb out of (fall into) the potential well.
• It is a natural consequence of conservation of energy and
mass–energy equivalence, and was confirmed experimentally in
1959 with the Pound–Rebka experiment.
• Gravitational blueshift contributes to cosmic microwave
background (CMB) anisotropy via the Sachs–Wolfe effect: when
a gravitational well evolves while a photon is passing, the
amount of blueshift on approach will differ from the amount of
gravitational redshift as it leaves the region.

• In a hypothetical universe undergoing a runaway Big Crunch
contraction, a cosmological blueshift would be observed, with
galaxies further away being increasingly blueshifted—the exact
opposite of the actually observed cosmological redshift in the
present expanding universe.
Observations in astronomy
The redshift observed in astronomy can be measured because
the emission and absorption spectra for atoms are distinctive and well known,
calibrated from spectroscopic experiments in laboratories on Earth. When the
redshift of various absorption and emission lines from a single astronomical
object is measured, z is found to be remarkably constant. Although distant objects
may be slightly blurred and lines broadened, it is by no more than can be
explained by thermal or mechanical motion of the source. For these reasons and
others, the consensus among astronomers is that the redshifts they observe are
due to some combination of the three established forms of Doppler-like redshifts.
Alternative hypotheses and explanations for redshift such as tired light are not
generally considered plausible.[46]
Spectroscopy, as a measurement, is considerably more difficult than
simple photometry, which measures the brightness of astronomical objects
through certain filters.[47] When photometric data is all that is available (for
example, the Hubble Deep Field and the Hubble Ultra Deep Field), astronomers
rely on a technique for measuring photometric redshifts.[48] Due to the broad
wavelength ranges in photometric filters and the necessary assumptions about
the nature of the spectrum at the light-source, errors for these sorts of
measurements can range up to δz = 0.5, and are much less reliable than
spectroscopic determinations.[49] However, photometry does at least allow a
qualitative characterization of a redshift. For example, if a Sun-like spectrum had
a redshift of z = 1, it would be brightest in the infrared rather than at the yellow-
green color associated with the peak of its blackbody spectrum, and the light
intensity will be reduced in the filter by a factor of four, (1 + z)2. Both the photon
count rate and the photon energy are redshifted. (See K correction for more
details on the photometric consequences of redshift.)
NCERT Textbook
The history of the subject began with the development in the 19th century of wave mechanics and
the exploration of phenomena associated with the Doppler effect. The effect is named after Christian
Doppler, who offered the first known physical explanation for the phenomenon in 1842. The
hypothesis was tested and confirmed for sound waves by the Dutch scientist Christophorus Buys
Ballot in 1845. Doppler correctly predicted that the phenomenon should apply to all waves, and in
particular suggested that the varying colors of stars could be attributed to their motion with respect to
the Earth. Before this was verified, however, it was found that stellar colors were primarily due to a
star's temperature, not motion. Only later was Doppler vindicated by verified redshift observations.
The first Doppler redshift was described by French physicist Hippolyte Fizeau in 1848, who pointed
to the shift in spectral lines seen in stars as being due to the Doppler effect. The effect is sometimes
called the "Doppler–Fizeau effect". In 1868, British astronomer William Huggins was the first to
determine the velocity of a star moving away from the Earth by this method. In 1871, optical redshift
was confirmed when the phenomenon was observed in Fraunhofer lines using solar rotation, about
0.1 Å in the red. In 1887, Vogel and Scheiner discovered the annual Doppler effect, the yearly
change in the Doppler shift of stars located near the ecliptic due to the orbital velocity of the Earth. In
1901, Aristarkh Belopolsky verified optical redshift in the laboratory using a system of rotating
The earliest occurrence of the term red-shift in print (in this hyphenated form) appears to be by
American astronomer Walter S. Adams in 1908, in which he mentions "Two methods of investigating
that nature of the nebular red-shift". The word does not appear unhyphenated until about 1934
by Willem de Sitter, perhaps indicating that up to that point its German equivalent, Rotverschiebung,
was more commonly used.
Beginning with observations in 1912, Vesto Slipher discovered that most spiral galaxies, then mostly
thought to be spiral nebulae, had considerable redshifts. Slipher first reports on his measurement in
the inaugural volume of the Lowell Observatory Bulletin. Three years later, he wrote a review in the
journal Popular Astronomy.[11] In it he states that "the early discovery that the great Andromeda spiral
had the quite exceptional velocity of –300 km(/s) showed the means then available, capable of
investigating not only the spectra of the spirals but their velocities as well." Slipher reported the
velocities for 15 spiral nebulae spread across the entire celestial sphere, all but three having
observable "positive" (that is recessional) velocities. Subsequently, Edwin Hubble discovered an
approximate relationship between the redshifts of such "nebulae" and the distances to them with the
formulation of his eponymous Hubble's law. These observations corroborated Alexander
Friedmann's 1922 work, in which he derived the Friedmann–Lemaître equations. They are today
considered strong evidence for an expanding universe and the Big Bang theory

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