Delhi Public School Class IX Subject Biology 13-Why Do We Fall Ill? 1

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Class IX
Chapter 13- Why do we fall ill?
Module 1


 According to the World Health

Organization(1947), Health is defined "a state
of complete physical, mental and social well-
being and not merely the absence
of disease and infirmity."
 Health is the” capacity to lead a satisfying life,
fulfil ambitions, and accommodate to change”
(Ottawa Charter, World Health Organisation,

Holistic Model of Health:

Physical Health Mental Health Social Health
 Disease free  Free from stress,  Environmental
 Proper functioning depression and Health
of all body anxiety  Community Health
tissues/organs  Emotionally  Financial Benefits
 Healthy diet balanced  Law and Order
 Abstinence from  Mental illness and  Gender issues
alcohol and drugs disorders.  Public and peer
 Personal Hygiene relations
 Proper bed rest  Sanitation
 Regular exercise

Personal and Community Health:-

1. Personal Hygiene and Sanitation- Maintaining personal hygiene, avoid open
defecation, regularly washing hands, use of sanitizers, wear masks, maintain
physical distancing, avoid crowded areas, etc.
2. Public Cleanliness- Don’t throw garbage in the street, use dustbins, ban the
use of plastic bags to avoid choking of sewers and prevent overflowing of
Role of Local Government bodies and municipal corporations to maintain
community health includes:
 Regular collection and disposal of wastes
 Regular cleaning of drainage pipes and sewer plants
 Waste management
 Provide clean drinking water
 Regular fumigation and sanitization in streets and lanes
 Maintenance of community toilet and bathing complex
 Setting up free vaccination camps with the help of state health
department for polio, covid, etc.
3. Social Environment- Maintaining law and order, gender equality, peace and
harmony in the society, sensitize people against social evils like dowry
system, caste system, child marriage, child labour and conditions like
epidemic or pandemic, etc.
4. Economic condition- it includes fulfillment of basic needs such as food, cloth,
shelter, health and education. Establishment of health centres, hospitals,
colleges, schools. Functioning of skill development programme, creating
employment schemes, etc.
5. Environmental issues- Establishment and implementation of environmental
laws. Afforestation, sustainable management of natural resources, save water
and electricity, revival of traditional water reservoirs, use of renewable
energy, etc.
Healthy Disease Free
A complete state of physical, mental, and A state in which there is no discomfort in
social well-being any part of the body.
It is determined by the individual as well It is entirely up to the individual.
as social and environmental factors.
A healthy person will be free of disease. A disease-free person may or may not be
A healthy person is energetic and A disease-free person's performance is
capable of performing as needed. determined by his or her environment
and personal attitude.

What does a disease look like?

Signs Symptoms
Sign are indicative conditions or factors Symptoms are conditions or characters
which the doctor sees. which a person feels.
They are objective. They are visible and They are subjective. They are not
can be quantified and verified. physically visible and cannot be verified.

E.g., High/low Blood Pressure, increased Chills, shivering and fever are the signs
pulse rate, fever, wound, rashes, etc. of Malaria.
Causes of a Disease
Any discomfort that we feel while suffering from a disease can be due to various
intrinsic or extrinsic factors.

I. Intrinsic factors-
 Genetic disorder- inheritance of defective genes which causes
diseases- sickle cell anaemia, haemophilia.
 Malfunctioning of body organs- kidney, heart
 Impairment of immune system- causes of allergies
 Hormonal imbalance- hyposecretion and hypersecretion of
hormones which causes gigantism, dwarfism, diabetes
II. Extrinsic factors-
 Insufficient diet/ malnourished- kwashiorkor, marasmus, night
blindness, scurvy, goiter, anaemia.
 Causative agents- microorganisms, insect, worms causing diseases
like typhoid, COVID, cholera, polio, skin infections, malaria.
 Environmental pollutants- oxides of nitrogen, carbon, and sulphur,
heavy metals (mercury, arsenic, lead) and pesticides affect our
 Addictions- Tobacco, alcohol and narcotic drugs lead to different
All these factors weaken the immune system of our body, and form the immediate
and contributory causes of a disease.

1. Immediate causes (First level cause): It include causative agents and

pathogens For e.g., a baby suffering from loose motion- the immediate cause
of infection or disease is a virus or bacterium.
2. Contributory causes (Second level causes): They do not cause the disease
themselves but provide conditions for the disease to occur.
For example- Drinking contaminated water (contributory) causes the
pathogens (immediate) to enter a healthy person’s body and suffer from an
infection or disease.
3. Poor public services (Third level causes): Supply of untreated or
contaminated drinking water and poverty due to which the baby was
malnourished and lived in polluted environment becomes the third level
cause of a disease.

Types of Diseases

 Based on the duration for which a disease persists-

Acute Disease Chronic Disease
Lasts for short period of time Lasts for a long period of time
Caused randomly Caused in due course of time
Does not cause major effect on general Causes major effect on general health.
E.g., Influenza, chickenpox Tuberculosis, Cancer

 Based on the occurrence of disease in the body-

Congenital Disease Acquired Disease

They are inherited or present in the body These are the diseases that develop in the
since birth due to genetic abnormalities body after birth.
or metabolic disorders.
E.g., Haemophilia, Sickle cell anaemia Tuberculosis, Typhoid

 Acquired diseases are further classified as:

Infectious Diseases Non-infectious Diseases

(Communicable Disease) (Non-Communicable Disease)
Transmit from infected person to a healthy Do not transmit from one individual to
person another
Caused by pathogens- virus, bacteria, fungi Caused by factors other than
and protozoa pathogens. These are mostly internal
factors- deficiency disease,
degenerative disease, allergies and
hormonal imbalance
Transmission of diseases takes place either Transmission of diseases does not take
through a medium or through direct place.

Must Watch….

Health and Disease

Types of Disease

Community Health


World’s TOP 5 healthy countries include

1. Italy 2. Iceland 3. Switzerland 4. Singapore

5. Australia

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