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Course Presenter
❖ is an approach that
focuses on People and
their experiences,
behaviours and opinions.
❖ is a common technique in qualitative
research where researchers use their
judgement to select a sample.

❖ sampling technique in which the researcher selects

samples based on the subjective judgement of the
researcher rather than random selection.
• To indicate if a particular trait or characteristic exists in a population

• When they aim at conducting qualitative research, pilot studies, or

exploratory research.
• When they have limited time to conduct research or have budget
• Observe whether a particular issue needs in-depth analysis.
• Purposive Sampling
• Quota Sampling
• Snowball Sampling
• Convenience Sampling

❖ a researcher selects participants from their

sampling frame because they have
characteristics that the researcher desires.
❖ A researcher begins with specific
characteristics in mind that they wish to
examine and then they seek out research
participants who cover that full range of

❖ Researcher seeks out participants with Specific


For example, if you are studying mental health

supports on your campus, you want to be sure to
include not only students, but also mental health
practitioners and student affairs administrators.
You might also select students who currently use
mental health supports, those who dropped out
of supports, and those who are waiting to receive
• Purposive Sampling
• Quota Sampling
• Snowball Sampling
• Convenience Sampling

❖ In this nonprobability sampling method,

subgroups are created based on each category,
the researcher decides how many people to
include from each subgroup, and then collects
data from that number for each subgroup.
❖ Researcher selects cases from within several
different subgroups.
-Let’s consider
. a study of student satisfaction with on-
campus housing. Perhaps there are two types of housing
on your campus: apartments that include full kitchens
and dorm rooms where residents do not cook for
themselves and instead eat in a dorm cafeteria. As a
researcher, you might wish to understand how satisfaction
varies across these two types of housing arrangements.
Perhaps you have the time and resources to interview 20
campus residents, so you decide to interview 10 from each
housing type.
• Purposive Sampling
• Quota Sampling
• Snowball Sampling
• Convenience Sampling
-a researcher identifies one or two people they
would like to include in their study but then relies
on those initial participants to help identify
additional study participants. Thus, the
researcher’s sample builds and becomes larger as
the study continues, much as a snowball builds
and becomes larger as it rolls through the snow.
. -Snowball sampling is an especially useful
strategy when a researcher wishes to study a
stigmatized group or behavior.
-Researchers relies on participant referrals to
recruit new participants.
-For example, a researcher interested in studying
how people with Diabetes cope with their medical
condition would be unlikely to find many
participants by posting an ad in the newspaper or by
announcing the study at a social gathering. Instead,
the researcher might know someone with the
condition, interview that person, and ask the person
to refer others they may know with diabetes to
contact you to participate in the study. Having a
previous participant vouch for the researcher may
help new potential participants feel more
comfortable about being included in the study.
• Purposive Sampling
• Quota Sampling
• Snowball Sampling
• Convenience Sampling
-nonprobability sampling in which people are sampled
simply because they are "convenient" sources of data for
-is a type of non-probability sampling method where the
sample is taken from a group of people easy to contact or to
reach. For example, standing at a mall or a grocery store and
asking people to answer questions is an example of a
convenience sample. This type of sampling is also known as
volunteer sampling or availability sampling.

-In its basic form, convenience sampling method can be

applied by stopping random people on the street and asking
questionnaire questions.

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