Baliwag Polytechnic College: Dalubhasaan Kong Mahal

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Baliwag Polytechnic College

Dalubhasaan Kong Mahal

1st Semester
A.Y. 2020 – 2021

Welcome to back to Baliwag Polytechnic College (BTech)! You are now enrolled in the
First Semester of School Year 2020-2021. You are now ready to gear up the challenges and
opportunities as you face this semester for the development of your knowledge and competencies
as an education student.
This module was prepared for you for the subject Teaching and Assessing Grammar
(TAG). This module was designed to offer and provide you with enjoyable and meaningful
opportunities for directed and independent learning at your own pace following the intended day
and time based on the schedule set by BTech for your course and area of specialization.
Knowing the fact that you are presently enrolled in the blended learning class which is the
combination of modular and online distance learning modalities, you will be empowered to
process the contents and do the activities of this module while being an active learner.
Henceforth, begin the day right with this module. It will help you gain skills and insights
important in your learning progress. With this module, it is expected that you exercise your sense
of responsibility, interest, diligence and of course being smart so that you can accomplish your
tasks independently. You are also expected to aim high and set your goals; step on the first
ladder and continue to the next until you reach the top which is your road to success; always use
your time wisely and reasonably; follow instructions, be determined, stay motivated, be
teachable, and believe in your dreams; and apply the learned competencies in your day by day
and real-life situations.
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons such as:
Parts and Icons Meaning
What Will You Learn From this It deals with a simple introduction of the
Module? module. This will give you an idea of the
skills or competencies you are expected
to learn and master. It also states the
learning objectives and the general things
you will need to know in the module.
Let’s Read This portion of module presents the
thorough discussion, explanation, and
presentation of the lesson/topic.

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Let’s Try This part includes the simple or short
written activities that will activate and
ponder your knowledge and skills.

Let’s See What You Have Learned? This presents the assessment/evaluation
part where you will have the chance to
ponder your learnings after exploring the
content of the lesson/module. It can be in
the form of short response, multiple
choice, identification, fill in the blanks
and etc.
Remember This part shows the summary or
highlight concepts of the module and the
things to wonder about.

At the end of this module, you will also find the References which contain the list of all
sources cited or used as reference perusals in developing the material.
To get the most out of this module, you should be aware on the reminders hereunder.
1. Use this module with fitting care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
2. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
3. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and other exercises.
4. Use additional sheets of paper in answering the exercises if needed.
5. If you encounter any difficulty in answering the task/s in this module or if there is
something that you want to clarify, just post your questions in our Facebook Group
Chat or private message me as your instructor for possible assistance.
6. Finish each task before proceeding to the next lesson/s.
7. Return this module once you are through with it or on the schedule of retrieval of
materials to be announced later.
Always bear in mind that I am always here as your instructor to help you. I hope that
through this module, you will gain a meaningful learning experience and know-how and master
your premeditated competencies and skills. You can do it with flying colors! Best of luck!

In the duration of this semester, you will be graded based on the following components:
Component Percentage
Quiz 25%
Class Participation 20%
Attendance 5%
Project 10%
Examination 40%
Total 100%

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The TAG topics per week of this module intended for the first half of the semester prior
to the conduct of the Midterm Examination are itemized below:

WEEK NO. Module/Topics

A. Orientation with respect to:

1. The identity of instructors and students;
1-2 2. Course Syllabus;
(Online 3. Class Rules and Etiquettes;
Orientation and 4. Platforms and modalities in conducting classes; and
Pre-Test) 5. Other topics relevant to the subject
B. Conduct Pre-Test on the subject to determine students’ prior
A. Approaches to teaching grammar
1. traditional grammar instruction,
2. structural grammar and the audio-lingual and direct approaches,
3. functional approaches, cognitive approaches, communicative
language teaching and humanistic approaches)
A. Review of Prescriptive/Descriptive Grammar:
1. The Nature of Grammar,
2. Standard/Non-Standard English,
B. The History of Prescriptive Grammar, Nouns, and Verbs, Pronouns,
Adjectives and Adverbs, Prepositions and Particles, and Voice
A. Discourse Function, Negation, Coordination, and Subordination
B. Spoken vs. Written Grammar; Grammar in the DepEd Curriculum
C. Methods of Teaching Grammar; Error Correction; and the Anti-
Grammar Movement
D. Theoretical Views on Second Language Grammar Acquisition: The
Noticing Hypothesis, Its Application in Computer Assisted Language
Learning, and Its Opponents
A. Inductive Approaches to Teaching Grammar in Theory and Practice
B. Examples of Sample Lessons Using Inductive Approaches
8-10 C. The Use of Scripted Dialogues, Authentic Texts, Dictoglosses, and
Genre Analysis to Teach Second Language Grammar


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Teaching and Assessment of Grammar (EL 108). The course engages learners in
understanding the distinctions between and among four types of grammar: functional,
descriptive, prescriptive, and pedagogic. Aside from the emphasis on how teaching and
assessment vary considering the four types, the course also provides opportunities to discover the
role of grammar in achieving communicative competence and in deeper understanding on the
methods and techniques in teaching and assessing grammar.

What Will You Learn From this Module?

What is grammar? How do I help students see the value of learning grammar and its
implication in real-world contexts? What teaching approaches and learner strategies would
enable students to learn to use grammar meaningfully and in context?
This Module 1 will provide opportunities for you to explore what and how of teaching
grammar and enable your students to apply their knowledge of grammar to become perceptive
readers and vigorous communicators.
This module is composed of four lessons such as:
Lesson 1- Traditional Grammar Instruction
Lesson 2- Structural Grammar, Audio-Lingual, and Direct Approaches
Lesson 3- Functional Approaches and Cognitive Approaches
Lesson 4- Communicative Language Teaching and Humanistic Approaches

After studying this module, you should be able to:

- explain the different approaches in grammar teaching;
- identify features of good practice in grammar teaching that contribute to effective
learning; and
- discuss ways in which approaches in grammar teaching can conform to the ‘essential
features’ of language teaching.

Let’s Read

Teaching Grammar
To most people, the word “grammar” means the sort of thing they learned in English
classes, when they were taught about subjects and predicates and parts of speech, and told not to
dangle participles or strands prepositions. To a linguist, however, “grammar” means something
rather different.

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Grammar gains its prominence in language teaching, particularly in English as a foreign
language (EFL) and English as a second language (ESL), inasmuch as without a good knowledge
of grammar, learners’ language development will be severely constrained. Practically, in the
teaching of grammar, learners are taught rules of language commonly known as sentence
patterns. The teaching of grammar should also ultimately center attention on the way
grammatical items or sentence patterns are correctly used. In other words, teaching grammar
should encompass language structure or sentence patterns, meaning, and use.
Traditional Grammar Instruction
The traditional grammar refers to the collection of prescriptive rules and concepts about
the structure of language that is commonly taught in schools. Traditional English grammar, also
referred to as school grammar is largely based on the principles of Latin grammar, not on
modern linguistic research in English.
Traditional grammar defines what is and is not correct in the English language, not
accounting for culture or modernizing in favor of maintaining tradition. Because it is fairly rigid
and rooted in the ways of the past, traditional grammar is often considered outdated and regularly
criticized by experts.
Prescriptive Grammar Rules
Prescriptive grammar tells you how to speak or white, according to someone’s idea of
what is “good” or “bad.” Of course, there is nothing inherently good or bad about any use of
language; perspective rules serve only to mold your spoken and written English to some standard
Here are a few examples of perspective rules:
1. Never end a sentence with a preposition
NO: Where do you come from?
YES: From where do you come?
2. Never split an infinitive
NO: …to boldly go where no one has gone before
YES: …to go boldly where no one has gone before
3. Never use double negatives.
NO: I don’t have nothing.
YES: I don’t have anything. I have nothing.

Let’s Try

A. Which of the following are prescriptive statements? Encircle the letter of your answer.

a. It’s me.
b. Between you and I.
c. He goes to school every day.
d. I no can hear you.
e. Where you are going?

B. Compare and contrast the traditional and current trends of teaching grammar by making a
simple vlog which is good for two minutes. Post your video in our Facebook group chat.

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Let’s Read

Structural Grammar
The structural approach to English is teaching the learner certain selected structures in a
certain order. The different arrangements or patterns of words are called structures. The structure
may be complete patterns or they may form a part of a large pattern. Language is viewed as
structurally related elements for the encoding of meaning the elements being phonemes,
morphemes, words, structures, and sentence types. It can be diagrammatically represented as:

In the structural approach there may be four kinds of structures namely; Sentence
patterns; Phrase patterns; Formulas and Idioms. Sentence Patterns are the word model from
sentence structures words morphemes phonemes which many things of the same kind and shape
can be made like cars which look the same or shoes made alike all of the same size and shape
though perhaps of different colors.
Principles of Structural Approach
It is based on three main principles:
(a) Importance is given to student's activity rather than the activity of the teacher.
(b) Importance is given to speech work.

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(c) Importance is given in developing correct language habits among the students,
particularly the habits of arranging words in English to replace the sentence patterns of the
pupil's mother tongue.
Audio-Lingual Approach
The audio-lingual method consists of teaching a new language through reading dialogue
or text and carrying out drills associated with it. The essentials are: a) language learning is a
process of habit formation, and good habits are formed by giving correct responses b) since
language is basically oral, spoken form is presented before written form c) translation or use of
the native tongue is discouraged d) students infer the rules of the language through practice, so
the approach to the teaching of grammar is essentially inductive.
A typical audio-lingual class consists of:
(1) Students listen to a dialogue and repeat its lines.
(2) The dialogue is adapted to the students’ interests by changing certain keywords or
(3) Certain key structures from the dialogue are selected and used as the basis for pattern
drills of different kinds.
(4) The students refer to their textbook, and follow-up reading, writing or vocabulary
activities based on the dialogue are introduced. As proficiency increases, students may write
compositions on given topics.
Direct Approach
The direct approach of teaching was developed as a response to the Grammar-Translation
method. It sought to immerse the learner in the same way as when a first language is learnt. All
teaching is done in the target language, grammar is taught inductively, there is a focus on
speaking and listening, and only useful, everyday language is taught. The weakness in the direct
approach is its assumption that a second language can be learnt in exactly the same way as a
first, when in fact the conditions under which a second language is learnt are very different.
Characteristic features of the direct approach are:
 teaching concepts and vocabulary through pantomiming, realia, and other visual materials
 teaching grammar by using an inductive approach
 centrality of spoken language
 focus on question-answer patterns

Let’s Try
Read and analyze the sentences in each number. Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. Inflection
One word in an utterance appears in another form when repeated. Transform as in the
I bought the shirt. > I bought the shirts.
I bought the radio. > ?
A. I bought the radios. B. We bought the radios. C. We bought the shirts.
2. Replacement
One word in a sentence is replaced by another.
He wants to see the students. > He wants to see them.

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He wants to see the beach. > ?
A. He wants to see it. B. He wants to see me. C. He wants to see her.
3. Restatement
The student rephrases an utterance and addresses it to someone else.
Ask him where he lives. > Where do you live?
Ask her how old she is. > ?
A. How old are you? B. How old is she? C. Where does she live?
4. Integration
Two separate utterances are integrated into one.
I have friend. She lives in Cebu. > I have a friend who lives in Cebu.
I have a friend. She works in Makati. > ?
A. I have a friend who lives in Makati.
B. I have a friend who works in Makati.
C. She has a friend who works in Makati.
5. Restoration
The learner is given a sequence of words taken from a sentence and uses them with some
changes to restore the sentence to its original form.
They/playing/garden > They are playing in the garden.
They/waiting/bus > ?
A. They are waiting for the bus.
B. They wait for the bus.
C. The bus is waiting for them.


Let’s Read

Functional Approaches
Functional Approaches which are characterized as functional differ in emphasis and
definition but share the following characteristics in general opposition to those in the Chomskyan
tradition in which the focus is on the use of language in real situations (performance) as well as
underlying knowledge (competence) and the study of SLA that begins with the assumption that
the purpose of language is communication, and that the development of linguistic knowledge (in
L1 or L2) requires communicative use.
Four of the functional approaches which have been influential in SLA are:
1. Systemic Linguistics 3. Functional Typology
2. Function-to-form mapping 4. Information organization
Systemic Linguistics
Systemic Linguistics has been developed by M. A. K. Halliday, beginning in the late
1950s. This is a model for analyzing language in terms of the interrelated systems of choices that
are available for expressing meaning. Basic to the approach is the notion, ultimately derived
from the anthropologist Malinowski, that language structures cannot be idealized and studied
without taking into account the circumstances of their use, including the extra-linguistic social

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Functional Typology
Functional Typology is based on the comparative study of a wide range of the world’s
languages. This study involves the classification of languages and their features into categories
(or “types”; hence “typology”), with a major goal being to describe patterns of similarities and
differences among them, and to determine which types and patterns occur more/less frequently
or are universal in distribution.
Function-to-form mapping
Function-to-form mapping has been applied to the description and analysis of
interlanguage emphasizes function-to-form mapping in the acquisitional sequence. A basic
concept from this perspective is that acquisition of both L1 and L2 involves a process of
grammaticalization in which a grammatical function (such as the expression of past time) is first
conveyed by shared extra linguistic knowledge and inference based on the context of discourse,
then by a lexical word (such as yesterday), and only later by a grammatical marker (such as the
suffix -ed).
Information organization
Information organization refers to a functional approach which focuses on utterance
structure, or “the way in which learners put their words together” (Klein and Perdue 1993:3).
The task of studying SLA from this perspective includes describing the structures of
interlanguage, discovering what organizational principles guide learners’ production at various
stages of development, and analyzing how these principles interact with one another.
Cognitive Approaches
A cognitive approach of learning sees second language acquisition as a conscious and
reasoned thinking process, involving the deliberate use of learning strategies. Learning strategies
are special ways of processing information that enhance comprehension, learning, or retention of

Let’s Try
Read and answer the following questions.
1. What are the four of the functional approaches which have been influential in SLA? Discuss
the relevance of each functional approach in teaching grammar.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the target language in real life scenario
3. Describe cognitive approach. How this approach can be used in teaching beginner students,
intermediate students, and advanced students?

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Let’s Read

Communicative Language Teaching

The communicative approach is the recent and latest approach to teaching English. This
approach lays great emphasis on the use of language. It enables the students to communicate his
ideas in a better way. The sociolinguists Dell Hymes propagated this approach. According to him
the purpose of teaching language is communicative competence. The following materials are
used in this approach; different functions such as requesting, informing, expressing likes and
dislikes; notions of time, location and duration etc.; using language to perform different tasks
such as solving puzzles, dramatization, role play etc. Teachers have known that their aim is to
get students to communicate successfully outside the classroom.

Characteristics of the Approach

The communicative approach aims to make all the learner attain communicative
competence i.e. use language accurately and appropriately. The prime focus is on learner and
teacher is just a facilitator. It is based upon need analysis and planning to prepare communicative
curricula and syllabuses. It is based upon the concept of how language is used and what is the
functional utility of language. It lays less stress on grammar and emphasis on language in use
rather than language as structure.

Basic Principles of CLT

 People learn a language by using it to communicate.
 Meaningful communication should be the goal of classroom activities.
 Learning to communicate is a process that involves trial and error.
 Learner errors are often not corrected immediately but can be corrected later.
Humanistic Approach
Humanistic language teaching is an approach based on the principle that the whole being,
emotional and social, needs to be engaged in learning not just the mind. Its basic principle is in
shifting the focus in education from teaching to learning, so that the teacher is no longer the focal
point in class but someone who facilitates the process of education.
Silent Way
The Silent Way is based on the idea that language learning can be enhanced in three main
ways: discovery rather than teaching; problem-solving in the target language; the use of physical
tools. In the Silent Way, the teacher is a facilitator, intervening vocally only if necessary.
Learning is achieved through the use of colour-coded charts that represent the sounds and
spellings of language and small, coloured, multi-length blocks of wood called Cuisenaire rods
(originally designed for mathematics). An essential tenet of the Silent Way is that the teacher
does not teach but helps the learner learn.
For the complete details of this lesson, please open the email:
or open the Microsoftword Filename: “Module 2 Lessons” in our Facebook Group Chat.

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Let’s Try
Read and answer the following questions.
1. What are the common classroom activities in Communicative Language Teaching
2. How can the principles of CLT be used to improve learners’ speaking ability?
3. Have you ever participated in a class, as a teacher or student, in which dramatic
activities/role playing were used? What was done? Was it effective? Why or why not?

4. What are the potential problems in the silent way teaching method?
5. How to apply suggestopedia as method of language teaching?

Let’s See What You Have Learned?

A. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What approach(es) to second language teaching have you experienced as a learner?
Were they rule-based or meaning-and-use-based? How was grammar treated?
2. Recall an ESL class you have observed. Answer the following:
a. Was grammar overtly taught? If so, how? Was the lesson effective?
b. How do you know? What elements in the lesson made consider it effective or
c. Would you use the same approach in your classroom? Why or why not?

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3. Are pictures effective in teaching grammar lessons? Give reasons for your answer.
4. Do you feel that realia could be an effective resource for teaching grammar? Why
or why not?
5. What is the basic principle behind structural approach of teaching grammar?

6. What do you understand by communicative approach of teaching grammar?


7. What are the superiority and effectiveness of the more positive effect (if any) of the
functional approach to second language instruction than other approaches on the
acquisition of grammatical accuracy?
8. What are the features of cognitive approaches in teaching grammar?

9. What do you understand by communicative approach of teaching English?

10. What are the roles of teacher and learner in Humanistic Approach in grammar teaching?
B. Read and analyze the following questions. Circle the letter of your answer for each question.
1. What is the role of students in Audio-Lingual Method?
A. Students are imitators of the teacher’s model.
B. Students are listeners of the teacher's model.
C. Students are the
D. Students show their understanding of grammar structures by writing an essay.
2. What language is used in Direct Method class?
A. Mother Tongue C. Native language
B. Target language only D. Native language and target language

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3. Which one is not true about CLT?
A. The target language is exclusively used to maintain a cultural island in the classroom.
B. Grammar is inductively taught where learners are encouraged to make their own
generalization about grammar rules.
C. The emphasis is on the mastery of language forms rather than the process of
D. Not only accuracy, but also the fluency is evaluated by the teacher.
4. What type of approach in teaching grammar in being depicted in the scenario below?
Students are talking about future verb tenses in small groups; teacher is observing them
without interrupting their discussion. The teacher will provide feedback after the discussion.
A. Suggestopedia
B. Audio-lingual
C. The Structural Approach
D. Communicative Language Teaching
5. Which one is not a feature of Silent Way Approach?
A. The use of music to relax learners.
B. The furniture, decoration and the arrangement of the classroom.
C. The teacher plays a central role and he/she is the source of all information.
D. The learners repeat the utterances as accurately as they can.
6. Which humanistic approach was developed by GEORGI LOZANOV?
A. Suggestopedia
B. Silent Way
C. Total Physical Response
D. Community Language Teaching Method
7. Which of the following is an example of Communicative Language Teaching?
A. dramatization
B. imitation
C. restatement
D. vocabulary development
8. Which method belongs to the behaviourist learning principle?
A. Direct Method
B. Audio Lingual Method
C. Communicative Approach
D. Functional Approach
9. Which method belongs to the sociocultural theory of learning?
A. Direct Method
B. Audio Lingual Method
C. Communicative Approach
D. Grammar Translation Method
10. What is the nature of student-teacher interaction in Direct Method?
A. The teacher is silent.
B. The interaction changes within lessons.
C. The initiation of interaction goes both ways.
D. Most of the interaction is from the teacher to the students.

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C. Write T if the statement is true and write F if otherwise. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number.
_______11. In Audio-Lingual Method, grammar is taught deductively.
_______12. Prescriptive grammar tells you how to speak or white, according to someone’s idea
of what is “good” or “bad.”
_______13. In communicative approach techniques such as information gap tasks are used.
_______14. Functional approaches focus is on the use of language in real situations as well as
underlying knowledge.
_______15. Direct approach is based on behaviorist learning principles.
_______16. The traditional grammar refers to the collection of descriptive rules and concepts
about the structure of language that is commonly taught in schools.
_______17. Fill in the blanks is an example of Audio Lingual Method.
_______18. Cognitive approach of learning sees second language acquisition as a conscious and
reasoned thinking process.
_______19. Dell Hymes developed the concept of Communicative competence.
_______20. Structural grammar approach gives importance to teacher's activity rather than the
activity of students.

D. Make a Venn Diagram on the topics discussed in this module. Post your outputs in our
Facebook Group Chat.


1. Grammar is thought to furnish the basis for a set of language skills: listening, speaking,
reading, and writing.
2. The traditional grammar refers to the collection of prescriptive rules and concepts about
the structure of language that is commonly taught in schools.
3. The cognitive approach of learning sees second language acquisition as a conscious and
reasoned thinking process, involving the deliberate use of learning strategies. Learning
strategies are special ways of processing information that enhance comprehension,
learning or retention of information.
4. Humanistic teaching approaches include the Silent Way, Community Language Learning,
Total Physical Response, and Suggestopedia.
5. The Silent Way is based on the idea that language learning can be enhanced in three main
ways: discovery rather than teaching; problem-solving in the target language; the use of
physical tools.
6. Community language learning (CLL) is a language-teaching approach in which students
work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn.

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Asher, J. (2007). TPR: After forty years, still a very good idea. Retrieved on 10 July 2013 from:

Brown, D. (1987). Principles of language learning and teaching. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,
Prentice Hall

Celce-Murcia, M., & Larsen-Freeman, D. (2003) The grammar book: An ESL/EFL

teacher’s course. Boston: Heinle & Heinle

Chomsky, N. (1957). Syntactic Structures. The Hague: Mouton.

Corder, S. (1988). Pedagogic grammar. In W. Rutherford & M. Sharwood-Smith (Eds.),

Grammar and second language teaching (pp. 123-145). New York: Harper & Row
Publishers, Inc.

Klein, W. & Perdue, C. (eds.) (1993). Utterance structure. Developing grammars again.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Nagaraj, G. (1996). English Language Teaching. Calcutta:Orient Longman

Richards, J. C., and Rodgers, T.S. (1986). Approaches and methods in language teaching: A
description and analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (2nd
ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press.

“The Silent Way Learning through Discovery.”, International Teacher Training

Widodo, H. (2009, August).Teaching Children Using a Total Physical Response (TPR) Method:
Rethinking. Aug. 2005,
Using-a-Total-Physical-Response-TPR-Method-Rethinking-Handoyo-Puji-Widodo.pdf .

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