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1. Introduce yourself (name, age, place and date of birth, appearance, character, education)

My name is XY. l am 18 years old. I was born on 25/11/1997 in Debrecen. Currently, I live in
Debrecen-Józsa. My address is 16. Kadarcs Street. I live with my parents and my brother. I am tall and
slim with long brown hair and green eyes. I have got almond-shaped eyes, a normal nose, full lips, a
pointed chin and rosy cheeks. My shoulders are broad. People say I am pretty and attractive. I like
wearing jeans, T-shirts, trainers or sandals so I obviously prefer casual clothes to formal ones. I am
hard-working, sociable, creative, responsible, generous, open-minded, kind, patient and flexible.
However, when I am tired I tend to be irritable, moody and sometimes even rude. I have a good
sense of humour but when I am annoyed I lose my temper easily. In my free time I like doing sports
such as swimming, running or playing handball. At weekends I often go riding a bike with my friends
or just listen to music at home.

2. Tell me about the main events of your life. What schools have you attended?

I started education when I was four. I spent three years in kindergarten, then, in 2004 I started
primary school. I spent eight years in Bocskai István Primary School. Now I attend The Debreceni
Secondary School for Chemistry, I am in class 12/D. This class specializes in Chemistry. This means
that we learn Biology and Chemistry at a higher level, plus we have 4 English classes a week. It was
my decision to choose this specialization, as I am keen on Biology, Chemistry and languages.

3. Which is the most memorable event in your life?

Last year I went to Egypt with my parents. It was first time we’d been to Egypt and I liked it a lot. Our
accommodation was fantastic, we had a huge and nice room, the garden of the hotel was enormous
and a lot of palms had been planted in it. The food was excellent and variable, I especially liked the
sweets. We took part in some trips too, so we did not get bored. I would definitely recommend this
journey to all my friends.

4. What are your plans for the future? Would you like to go on to higher education? Why? Do
you have any ideas about your future job?

After my final exams I would definitely like to go on to higher education. I hope to be accepted to the
Medical University or to the University of Arts and Sciences. I would like to become a chemist or a

5. How do you imagine a perfect job? Where do you want to work and live

It is best to have a job that you enjoy and find pleasure in. It is also important to have kind, friendly,
supportive colleagues who you can turn to if you have a problem to discuss or you can drink some
coffee with at the lunch break. Having a good boss is never a disadvantage either, he/she should be
charismatic, determined, confident, respectable and reliable. Of course, having a good salary is also
important so you do not need to worry about paying the bills and can afford some luxury items here
and there, like a nice summer holiday abroad, some nice clothes or a good car.

I would definitely prefer to stay in Hungary. I like the cultural life and the rich historical background
of the country. Furthermore, all my friends and family members live here and I cannot imagine
without them. In my opinion, if you work hard you can make a living in Hungary as well.

6. What is the average Hungarian family like? How do you imagine your future family?

The average Hungarian family consists of four members, a father, a mother and two children. The live
happily together, share the household chores, discuss their problems and support each other in both
good and bad times. However, these days most married couples get divorced within 7 years and kids
are raised in one-parent or patchwork families.

In relation to my family plans, l hope to get married at the age of 23 after finishing my University
Studies. I would like to have at least 2 kids, as I like children quite a bit and I am rather family

7. Describe your family members. Who do you take after?

My mother's name is XY. She is years 44 old. She is tall and slim with short, brown hair and green
eyes. She has got almond-shaped eyes, a normal nose, full lips, a pointed chin and an oval face. Her
shoulders are broad. She is a hairdresser. She is kind, polite, patient, generous, reliable, helpful and
funny. My father's name is XY. He is 45 years old. He is tall and well-built with short black hair and
green, almond-shaped eyes. He has a normal nose, full lips, a pointed chin and an oval face. His
shoulders are broad, he is quite muscular. He is a mason. He is kind, funny, friendly and polite. My
brother's name is XY. He is 15 years old. He is tall and slim with short brown hair and almond-shaped
green eyes, a normal nose, full lips, a pointed chin and an oval face. He is handsome and well-built.
He shoulders are broad and he is quite muscular. He is a high-school student. He is lovely, reliable,
reserved, creative and funny.

Most people say I look like my mother. We both have green eyes and brown hair, and we are both
quite tall and slim. However, when it comes to inner features I think I am more like my father; we are
generous, friendly, open-minded, patient, hardworking and creative. We both have a good sense of
humour and like doing sports in our free time. Moreover, both my father and I are quite reserved and
shy at times and we usually try to avoid noisy places and big crowds.

8. What programs do you organise together with your family?

At the dinner table we always discuss all the good and bad things that happened to us during the
day. At weekends we do the household chores together then we try to spend some time outdoors,
we often go walking or riding a bike, or sometimes make trips to the nearby mountains. In the
afternoon we stay at home have a bit of chat and watch a good movie. On Sundays we visit my
grandma and grandpa. In winter we often go skating to the Great Forest and in summer we go on a
holiday for a week or two.

9. How do you think men and women roles have changed over the last few decades? How do
you share household duties in you family?

The 21st century has seen a shift in gender roles. Women have begun furthering their studies and
have taken up employment. Fathers are also becoming more involved in raising their children. I
believe a good husband should help at home with the household chores. My father and my mother
split the household duties and we, the children, also have our share. My father’s duties include the
shopping for groceries, mopping the floor, washing the car and taking out the garbage. My mother
does the washing, the washing-up and the ironing. We clean our own rooms and take the dog for a

10. What is meant by the expression ”generation gap”?

Generation gap is a certain psychological and emotional gap between parents or elderly people and
the young ones. It creates misunderstanding and a lack of attachment between the parents and
children. Bridging the generation gap between parents and children is essential. By the time
youngsters are 16 or 17 years old they almost certainly have experienced some disillusionment with
the adult society, being very sensitive to social injustice. They would like to be given unrestricted
freedom at one moment and would like to be told what to do at the next moment. They feel that
their parents do not understand them, which leads to the total ignorance of parental counsel. That is
why they often feel frustrated about their own affairs and discuss them only with their mates. In this
period they need extra care, patience and attention from the parents to enable them to find their
places in the world while becoming confident and self-reliant adults, and tolerant, cooperative and
useful members of society at the same time.

11. How do you choose your friends? Do you consider appearance or character more
important? Who is your best friend? What do you do together?

I think inner qualities are much more important than appearance. I consider loyalty, kindness,
flexibility, tolerance, reliability and patience essential. I appreciate humour too. I always choose
friends who are responsible, trustworthy, helpful and sociable. I don't like impatient, irritable,
arrogant, moody, lazy, and dishonest people.

When I choose my friends I always consider inner qualities first. All my friends are helpful, kind,
reliable, responsible, open-minded and intelligent. We share the same interests and are there for
each other in both good and bad times. I believe in the saying, a friend in need is a friend, indeed.

My best friend is XY. She is my classmate, but I have known her for 10 years now. She has always
been a loyal, kind, helpful and reliable friend to me. I know I can count on her in any circumstances.
We spend a lot of time together, we study, play handball, go to the cinema or go to the disco at
weekends. We discuss our problems, future plans, relationship problems and l always ask for her
opinion before I make an important decision.


12. What is your typical day like? How do you spend your mornings?

I get up at six o’clock. As I am a light sleeper it is quite easy for me to get up early. Even if the alarm
clock is not set at a particular time –at the weekends for instance- I wake up somewhere between 7
and 8. Still, I need some time to regain my senses and be wide awake again. After getting up I go to
the bathroom and have a shower. I comb and straighten my hair and get dressed. My mum gets up
earlier than the other members of the family to prepare dinner for us. I like having a big breakfast. I
usually start with some juice or milk, and then I have ham and eggs or sausages. As a dessert I have a
piece of chocolate or some yoghurt. After all these I go back to the bathroom to clean my teeth then
I leave for school.

13. How/When do you go to school?

I leave for school at 7.10. I go to the bus stop, which is five minutes away from our house. I get on a
number 10 bus, take it five stops, then change for number 32, which drops me off right outside the
school. I arrive at school at about 7.40. Then I meet my friends in front of the building and when the
bell rings we go to our classroom and prepare for the lessons. The first lesson starts at 8.00. All the

lessons are 45 minutes long. I have six or seven of them on an average day. The breaks last for ten
minutes then I have a chat with my classmates, eat elevenses, or go to the schoolyard to spend some
time outdoors. The last lesson ends at 13.25 or 14.15. I have lunch at school. There is quite a good
canteen and the meals are prepared on the premises.

14. What do you do in the afternoons? How do you spend your evenings? When do you have
dinner? When do you go to bed?

I get home quite early in the afternoon as our house is not far from school. When I arrive I waste
about half an hour hanging around without doing anything particular. Then I start studying for the
next day’s lessons and when my mother comes home from work I help her with the housework. In
the evening I pack my bag for the next day then I watch TV, play the piano, meet my boyfriend or go
to volleyball training.

At 7 p.m. we have dinner. We eat something light, for example croissant with jam, cold cuts with
bread and butter or milk rice. I usually drink cocoa or tea. Then I go to the bathroom and have a big
bath. It helps me to relax after a tiring day. I make my bed, read a little bit and fall asleep at around
10 p.m.

15. What do you like doing at weekends? Do you help your parents in any way?

At weekends the days are slightly different. I get up a bit later at around 9 a.m. then I help my mum
with the housework. I clean my own room, dust the furniture, vacuum the carpets and lay the table
for lunch. My mum prepares the weekend meal, my father washes the car, takes care of the plants
and flowers, and my sister empties the waste-bin and helps with the washing up. In the afternoon we
try to spend some time outdoors, we often go walking or riding a bike, or sometimes make trips to
the nearby mountains. Occasionally we stay at home, have a bit of chat and watch a good movie.
Sometimes I go to the cinema with my friends or to the disco. In winter we often go skating to the
Great Forest. On Sundays we visit my grandma and grandpa. After that I go to my room and study for
the following week.


16. Which school do you go to? Are you specialising in any subject? Why did you choose this

I attend The Debreceni Secondary School for Chemistry, I am in class 12/D. This class specializes in
Chemistry. This means that we learn Biology and Chemistry on a higher level, plus we have 4 English
classes a week. It was my decision to choose this specialization, as I am keen on Biology, Chemistry
and languages.

17. How do you feel about laboratory practice?

I really enjoy the experiments carried out at the laboratory. These lessons make our school days
much more interesting and colourful, and the teachers are also nice.

18. What are your favourite subjects? Why?

My favourite subjects are English and Biology, but I am also good at I.T. These classes are interesting
and useful. I am not that good at science subjects, but I don’t mind Maths and History either.

19. How many lessons do you have a day? What do you do at the breaks?

I usually have 6 or 7 lessons a day. The first lesson starts at 7.40, the last finishes at 14.05. All the
lessons are 45 minutes long, we have ten-minute-breaks, and a long break, which lasts for 15
minutes. At the long break I have elevenses, talk to my friends, or go to the schoolyard to get some
fresh air.

20. What is the teacher-student relationship like in your school? What are good teachers like?

The teacher-student relationship is quite good at our school. We have well-qualified, respectable,
patient, kind, friendly, understanding and reliable teachers. We can turn to them whenever we have
a problem. If we do not understand a topic, they explain it to us a hundred times more. I especially
like my form teacher; she organizes the best class trips in the world :)

21. What afternoon classes are there in your school? Do you take part in any of them?

In the afternoon there are extra classes in most subjects. These are for those who need more
practice or for those who participate in competitions. You can also do sports if you feel like it.
Handball, volleyball, basketball, aerobics and football trainings are held in the gym. These classes are
all free of charge for the students of the school.

22. Does you school take part in exchange student programmes? Would you like to take part in
such a programme?

No, we do not really take part in exchange student programmes, but we have a native speaker
teacher from the USA. He teaches communication skills to the bilingual classes. I often talk to him to
improve my English and learn some new information about the culture and history of the USA.

Yes, I would be happy to take part in an exchange programme. Besides improving my language skills I
could meet new people, experience other cultures, and visit new places.

23. What are art and science subjects?

Science subjects are Biology, Chemistry, Maths, Physics, I.T and Geography. To arts subjects belong
languages, Grammar, Literature, Music, History and Philosophy.

24. Why is it good to learn a foreign language?

Learning a foreign language is very important nowadays. If you speak English, you can make yourself
understood wherever you go. English is a world language; you can communicate with people all over
the world. You can read articles on the Internet in English, you can read books, magazines and novels
in the original, translate lyrics, or watch foreign channels on TV. This is the language of science and
technology as well. From next year on I am going to learn Italian too, I am looking forward to it.

25. What events do you celebrate at school? Could you describe one?

At school we always commemorate the revolutions of 1848, of 1956, we have Christmas parties, a
witch day, a Santa Claus’ day and the ”Vegyipari week” with all kinds of interesting programs. In

summer, usually in August, the freshers’ camp is organized. At least once a year we make a three-
day-class trip to the mountains. In November the school-leavers’ ball takes place. Then all the five
classes perform some kind of dances like salsa, waltz, show dance or folk dance.

26. Describe your school. What kinds of rooms are there?

Our school consists of four buildings. We have a main building which has an old wing and a new wing,
and there are two smaller buildings opening from the schoolyard, these are building A and building K.
The main building is a three-storey building. There we have special classrooms for Biology, Chemistry,
Music and Maths and we also have 4 labs, a library and a small schoolyard. We have a big gym with
all the necessary equipment. There are hoops, ropes, bars, wall-bars basketball rings and a lot of
balls. On the first floor you can find the headmaster’s office, the deputy headmaster’s office and the
teachers’ room. The corridors are wide and spacious like most of the classrooms. The walls are
decorated with photos of the students who once attended this school, and on the ground floor there
are some plants and pictures, too.

27. Have you ever had a summer job? What are the advantages and disadvantages of summer

Summer is a time when students can have a good rest, enjoy the time they have and do not think
about the next school year for a couple of months. Still, some students want to use the time with
profit. The advantages of summer work for students are the following: students can earn money,
they are not to hurry home as they should not do home tasks, students are not overloaded with
lessons, and summer gives more opportunities for work. Furthermore, students may obtain some
practical skills in the field of knowledge they study. On the other hand there are disadvantages too,
students are not given an opportunity to have a rest, and it is too hot to work in summer. Some
scientists point to the reduction of work efficiency, the salary is unstable in summer period, students
are often exploited, it is impossible to spend much time with friends and family. Thus, there are both
advantages and disadvantages of summer work for students. Each should personally decide whether
he/she is able to sacrifice the holidays granted for a rest. Students should make decisions convenient
for them.

28. What jobs are popular in Hungary these days?

In Hungary children are obliged to go to school at the age of six or seven. After 8 years spent in
primary school they can choose from a great variety of secondary grammar, secondary technical and
vocational schools. Mostly those students choose secondary grammar schools that plan to go on to
higher education. Students who would like to learn a trade or profession besides passing their final
exam go to secondary technical schools. Vocational schools train skilled workers such as plumbers,
hairdressers, and bricklayers. The training lasts two years in these schools. If students want to get a
degree, they can study at a wide range of colleges and universities. The most popular universities are
the University of Law, the Medical University and the University of Economics. Many people study to
become lawyers, economists, dentists, pharmacists or doctors, as these are the most popular jobs in
Hungary these days.

29. What is the difference between full-time and part-time jobs?

A full time job is one in which you work 40 hours a week or more. These jobs are typically held by
adults who are available all week long. These jobs are also characterized by the fact that they offer
benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans. Part time jobs are jobs in which you work less

than 40 hours a week. Typically these jobs are held by people who are in school, or teenagers. They
do not come with benefits and are usually much more easily put into someones schedule.

30. What is the difference between white-collar and blue-collar jobs? Which one would you
choose for yourself? Why?

Inn many countries (such as India, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, or the United States), a white-
collar worker is a person who performs professional, managerial, or administrative work. White-
collar work is performed in an office, cubicle, or other administrative setting. White- collar workers
are secretaries, lawyers, doctors, teachers, economists etc. Other types of work are those of a blue-
collar worker, whose job requires manual labor, for example bricklayers, painters, carpenters,
plumbers, electricians or mechanics. I would like to be a blue-collar worker in a factory for example
TEVA or TVK as I have always been interested in Chemistry and the salary is said to be good.

31. What are typical women’s and men’s jobs?

Traditionally there are men’s jobs and women’s jobs. For example, turners, electricians, carpenters,
bricklayers and plumbers are mostly, and kindergarten teachers, teachers, secretaries and librarians
are mostly women.

32. How can you find a job and what must a CV contain?

First of all, you need to look for job advertisments in daily papers, magazines, professional journals,
on the Internet and in Jobcentres. If you find a firm that you like, you need to collect all kinds of
information about it and its activities. Then I would think over the possible questions of the
interviewers and your responses. A CV contains personal details, such as the candidate’s name,
address, phone number, nationality, date of birth, and marital status. You must give details of your
education and qualifications, your previous experience, your language, computer and other skills.
You must also include a list of your interests. It’s advisable to add names of people who can provide


33. What is a computer used for in everyday life?

Nowadays computers are used in all fields of life. You can find them in banks, post offices, shops,
hospitals, restaurants, libraries, schools, offices, and even in homes. Computers are used for storing
data, word processing, keeping records, or managing production.

34. Have you got a computer at home? How often do you use it? What do you use it for?

I have got a computer at home. I use it almost every day. I write homework assignments, surf the
net, play games and chat with my friends on-line.

35. What is the internet? What does the abbreviation www. stand for?

The internet is an invention of our age; actually it is a connection of computers from all over the
world. “WWW” is an abbreviation for World Wide Web, the multimedia system of sound, pictures
and video for presenting information on the internet. Internet access is easy nowadays, it is quite

cheap and all you need for it is a computer and a telephone cable. There are several internet cafes to
satisfy the needs of those who do not have internet access at their homes or offices. These are
usually non-stop.

36. What do people use the internet for?

On the internet you can gain information on all kinds of things. You can check timetables of trains,
buses and planes. You can book tickets and accommodation. You can order various products, such as
clothes, books and CDs. You can subscribe for newspapers and magazines, check your bank account
and complete transactions. You can download music, maps, pictures, watch films and videos or read
the lyrics of your favourite songs. The internet helps you to keep well-informed and up-to date.

I use the internet almost every day, mainly for chatting with my friends and exchanging messages. I
have an e-mail account as well, which I check regularly.

37. What social networking sites do you use regularly?

I have a facebook and a twitter account, which I check almost every day. I share photos, songs, and
pictures with my friends, upload videos or just have a bit of chat with my classmates and relatives.

38. What are the disadvantages of using the computer too much?

If you spend too much time in front of the screen, it can cause headache and strain your eyes. The
overuse of the keyboard can lead to problems with your joints, wrists and hands. If your desk chair is
not comfortable enough, you will have pains in your spine, neck, waist and back. Furthermore,
Modern technology has a negative effect on personal relationships. You can often see friends sitting
next to each other playing computer games instead of talking to each other. I think it is very
important to spend meaningful time with your beloved-ones instead of using social networking sites
or just surfing the internet. We should focus more on traditional spare time activities like doing
sports or going to the theatre.

39. Have you got a mobile phone? If yes, what do you use it for? Why are they getting more
and more popular? In what situation are they especially important?

I have a modern mobile phone. It has several functions. I can send and receive messages, photos, can
download pictures, ringing tones from the Internet, I can surf the net, look for specific information,
can take photos and even make short videos. I think mobile phones are essential in our every-day
life. People like using them for calling their relatives, making appointments or just sending short
messages to their beloved ones. I also like talking to my friends at the weekends when we cannot
meet. They are also very useful in emergencies.

40. Which pieces of household equipment are necessary in a modern house? Have you got
many of these at home? Which ones do you use most often?

I could not imagine my life without a washing machine or a hoover. They make housework so much
easier. The situation of women must have been much more difficult 200 years ago when everything
needed to be handwashed and dried. At home we have all kinds of modern household devices, like a
toaster, a food processor, a mincer, a microwave-oven, a dishwasher, a coffee-grinder, a percolator,
a deep-frier, a washing machine, a dryer, a hair dryer and a hoover too. We use these nearly every

41. What will life be like in the future?

In fifty years time there will be flying cars, we will eat food pills, will study and work at home and will
rely on technology even more. Most diesases will be cured, and people will live up to a hundred.

42. Do you think machines will replace humans in the future?

Yes, I think machines will replace most if not all human workers. It has been happening for decades,
it is accelerating and it will complete within 100 - 200 years. Perhaps 75% of the jobs will be gone in
50 years. No existing or future job is safe simply because computers are smarter, more, reliable,
more enduring, cheaper, less error prone and more creative than humans in the long run.

43. Do you think modern technology destroys personal relationships?

Modern technology has a negative effect on personal relationships. You can often see friends sitting
next to each other playing computer games instead of talking to each other. I think it is very
important to spend meaningful time with your beloved-ones instead of using social networking sites
or just surfing the internet. We should focus more on traditional spare time activities like doing
sports or going to the theatre.


44. How many times do you eat a day? What do you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? Which
is the most important meal of the day?

I eat 5 times a day: breakfast, elevenses, lunch, high tea and dinner. The day cannot start without a
substantial breakfast. I usually eat cereals with milk, bread and butter with cold cuts and cheese,
sausages with mustard, ketchup or mayonnaise, or yoghurt with croissant. I drink tea with honey,
milk, cocoa or coffee. At the long break at about 10.35 I eat elevenses. I have a sandwich, or some
cookies, biscuits, a slice of chocolate or a pudding. I drink some juice or mineral water. I have lunch
after school at home. I eat some soup, chicken soup Újházy style is my favourite, but I also like
tomato soup or fish soup. For the main course I eat a slice of meat, usually pork or chicken breast
fillet, with rice, chips, boiled potatoes, steamed vegetables or fresh salad. For dessert I eat pancakes,
fruit salad or a slice of cake. At about 5 o’clock I eat some biscuits and drink some juice, or a cup of
tea. The most important meal of the day is dinner, which I have together with my family. We sit
around the dining-table, chat and eat some bread with butter and jam, boiled eggs, yoghurt with
bread rolls and drink some hot tea, hot chocolate or milk with honey.

45. Where do you usually have lunch? What is the food like there?

I have lunch at school. There is quite a good canteen not far from our school and the meals are
prepared on the premises. There are two soups and two main courses to choose from so every
student can find something to their taste.

46. What is your favourite dish?

I love Hungarian cuisine. However, it is said to be spicy, fatty and heavy. The red pepper makes our
dishes hot. My favourite dish is stuffed cabbage with sour cream, but I also like pancake Hortobágy
style with tartar sauce, fish soup, chicken soup Újházy style, or pepper chicken.

47. What are the most popular dishes in Hungary? How would you describe Hungarian cuisine?

Hungarian cuisine is said to be spicy, fatty and heavy. The red pepper makes our dishes hot. The most
popular Hungarian dishes are for example stuffed cabbage with sour cream, pancakes Hortobágy
style with tartar sauce, fish soup, chicken soup Újházy style, pepper chicken, noodles with cottage
cheese and bacon, sponge cake Somló style, Dobos cake, beef stew, Goulash soup and scones.

48. What is your favourite recipe? What are the ingredients? How is it prepared?

I can cook quite a few things, for example, beef stew, stuffed cabbage, chicken soup or poached eggs.
My favourite recipe, however, is that of the strawberry pancake. The ingredients are: 1 cup all-
purpose flour, 2 tablespoons white sugar, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 egg, beaten,
1 cup milk, strawberry jam, fresh strawberries.

Once you have all these prepared, mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. Make a
well in the centre, and pour in milk, egg and oil. Mix until smooth. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying
pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup
for each pancake. Brown on both sides, fill with jam, roll up and serve hot with whipped cream and
strawberries on top.

49. What is a traditional Christmas day/Easter Sunday meal like?

We usually eat fish soup, fried fish with tartar sauce and chips, stuffed cabbage or roasted lamb. For
dessert we have poppy-seed cake, walnut cake or sponge cake. We drink red wine, juice or tea.

At Easter we are not allowed to eat before going to church. When we go home we eat the already
blessed food, ham, bacon, hard-boiled eggs, sausages, fresh vegetables, sweet bread with raisins and
yellow cottage cheese. We drink red wine, palinka and soft drinks.

50. How do you get your lunch in a self-service restaurant? Why do people like eating there?
Do you often go there? What food is served at fastfood restaurants?

At a self-service restaurant there are no waiters, but everybody picks a tray, a spoon, a fork, a knife,
some serviettes and stands in a queue. There are usually two soups, two main courses and two
desserts to choose from. Everybody picks the dishes that suit his/her taste, puts them on the tray
and goes to the cashier. After setting the bill people sit down, eat, and chat and when they are
finished they take back the tray and leave. People like eating in fast food restaurants because the
dishes are tasty and the service is quick.

Sometimes I like going to McDonald’s or to the Burger King to have a hamburger or some chips.
These restaurants offer a wide choice of dishes and the service is quite fast, too. There you can get
hamburgers, cheeseburgers, Pizza, spaghetti and chips. I know that these kinds of food contain a lot
of fat and are rather unhealthy, but I think sometimes I can afford to buy some. I especially like
McFreeze with caramel sauce and chicken McNuggets. Nevertheless, I try to eat healthy dishes as
well; I like vegetables, fruit, mineral water and lean meat. I avoid coke and too many sweets,
however, sometimes I need some chocolate to make me feel happy :)

There are several fast food restaurants in Debrecen for example McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King or

51. How do you order a meal at a restaurant? What is meant by tipping? What would you
order for your English friend?

First of all, I call the waiter and ask for the menu. After having a proper look at it I order a starter, a
main course and some dessert. I usually eat some soup, chicken soup Újházy style is my favourite,
but I also like tomato soup or fish soup. For the main course I eat a slice of meat, usually pork or
chicken breast fillet, with rice, chips, boiled potatoes, steamed vegetables or fresh salad. For dessert I
eat pancakes, fruit salad or a slice of cake. When I am finished I call the waiter again and ask for the
bill. If I am happy with the service and the quality of the food I always give a 10 percent tip, which is
some extra money the waiter can keep.

For my English friend I would order some Hungarian specialities. The most popular Hungarian dishes
are for example stuffed cabbage with sour cream, pancakes Hortobágy style with tartar sauce, fish
soup, chicken soup Újházy style, pepper chicken, noodles with cottage cheese and bacon, sponge
cake Somló style, Dobos cake, beef stew, Goulash soup and scones.


52. What is the greatest family celebration for you?

The members of the wider family usually come together at weddings, funerals, christenings, at
Easter, at Christmas and sometimes on birthdays, namedays, mothers’ day and wedding
anniversaries. In my opinion in this part of the world Christmas is the greatest family festival for

53. Tell me about Christmas. What do we celebrate at Christmas? How do we celebrate it?

At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is very solemnly celebrated with
ancient customs and traditions. The preparations begin week before Christmas. Shops, homes,
schools, offices and even streets are decorated with colourful lights, fir, mistletoe and little angels.
People rush to find the perfect presents for their beloved ones. December the 24th is Christmas Eve.
In the morning we decorate the Christmas tree and my mum cooks delicious food. In the evening we
sit around the tree, sing carols, give each other presents and have a chat. We are all happy to be
together. After that we go to the dining-room and eat traditional Christmas supper. Three things are
essential parts of this meal: fish soup, stuffed cabbage and poppy-seed cake. At 12 p.m. we go to
church and listen to the midnight service. On Boxing and Christmas day we visit my grandparents and

54. Tell me about Easter.

At Easter we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that is, his rising from the tomb three days
after his crucifixion. A typical Easter Sunday breakfast consists of ham, hard-boiled eggs, and red
wine. On Sunday the family is together, we go to church, have lunch and have a bit of chat. On
Monday morning boys visit the girls and sprinkle them with perfume or soda water. They get money,
painted eggs or chocolate in return.

55. Tell me about New Year’s Eve?

On New Year’s Eve people sit up till after midnight to see the New Year in. At midnight we sing the
national anthem and drink champagne. Some people go to parties others watch comic shows on TV.
We usually stay up until dawn.

56. How do you celebrate your birthday? What sorts of presents do you get?

My birthday is on the 25 th November. All my family members and friends come together to celebrate
me. My mom makes me a nice birthday cake, usually a chocolate cake because that is my favourite.
When I blow the candles on it I make a wish. I always get a lot of presents such as CDs, books, DVDs,
concert or cinema tickets, clothes, perfume or jewellery. In the evening we often go out with my
friends to party.

57. What national holidays do we have?

On March 15th we commemorate the Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence of 1848-1849.

May 1st, Labour Day, is the celebration of work when maypoles are put up in gardens and freetime
activities are organized all over the world.

August 20th is the day of King Stephen 1st. On this day we commemorate the founding of our state
more than a thousand year ago. On this day processions, carnivals and firework displays take place.

On October 23rd we celebrate the declaration of the Hungarian Republic and commemorate the
revolution of 1956.


58. What are your hobbies? What extreme hobbies do you know?

Unfortunately, I do not have much free time, but when I have some minutes to relax, I spend it with a
nice book in my hands or watch a good movie. Apart from this, sports have always played an
important role in my life. When I was a child my parents took me to the swimming-pool. From then
on I had been swimming for eight years, meanwhile I also tried horse-riding, ballet, skating and
skiing. Now I do aerobics four times a week and go swimming once a week. At weekends I sometimes
go running or riding a bike with my friends or on my own for my own enjoyment and fitness.

Some people have extreme hobbies like bird watching while others engage in extreme sports like
bungee jumping, rafting of kite surfing. I have never tried any of these but rafting sounds interesting
to me so I would be happy to try that one day.

59. Do you often go to the theatre? Tell me about your favourite play. Where do you usually sit
at the theatre? What can people do during the interval?

I go to the theatre at least three times a year. My favourite play is ”Romeo and Juliet” by William
Shakespeare. The main characters are two young people, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. They
love each other but the parents hate each other’s family. The youngsters get married secretly. Both
lovers die at the end of the story. Their tragic death makes the families realise how devastating their
hatred for one another was.

I need to buy a ticket in advance to get a good place. I usually sit in a box because I can see the stage
very well from there. Some people like to sit in front rows in the middle to enjoy the performance at
its best.

People can go to the buffet, walk around or go out to the balcony to smoke or just to breathe some
fresh air. They often exchange opinions on the play.

60. Do you have any favourite actors or actresses? Describe a well-known person.

My favourite actor is Brad Pitt. He is a very successful actor who has starred in many films, such as
the “Interview with a Vampire” and ”Twelve Monkeys”. He is tall and slim, has blue eyes and fair hair.
Brad Pitt is a humorous person, his friends enjoy his company. He is a sensible person, who does not
lead a glamorous life. When he has free time he enjoys reading about architecture, a subject that he
finds very interesting. He also enjoys listening to music and has a huge CD collection. Brad Pitt is a
talented as well as a handsome middle-aged actor.

61. What sorts of films do you like the most? Tell me about your favourite film.

I like romantic dramas, comedies and historical films. My favourite film is ”Titanic”. This is a historical
film based on real life events. The film is quite long, it lasts for three hours. Leonardo DiCaprio and
Kate Winslet are starring in the movie. The story is set in 1912. It is a poor boy and a rich girl’s love
story. When the Titanic sinks into the ocean Jack dies but Rose can escape due to his help. It is my
favourite film because it’s breathtaking, romantic and fascinating.

62. Do you like reading? Tell me about your favourite book.

The Lord of the Rings is an epic high-fantasy novel written by English author J. R. R. Tolkien. The story
began as a sequel to Tolkien's 1937 fantasy novel The Hobbit, but eventually developed into a much
larger work. The Lord of the Rings is one of the best-selling novels ever written, with over 150 million
copies sold.

The title of the novel refers to the story's main antagonist, the Dark Lord Sauron, who had in an
earlier age created the One Ring to rule the other Rings of Power as the ultimate weapon in his
campaign to conquer and rule all of Middle-earth. From the quiet beginnings in the Shire the story
ranges across Middle-earth, following the course of the War of the Ring through the eyes of its
characters. These are the hobbits, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Meriadoc Brandybuck and
Peregrin Took. The hobbits' chief allies and travelling companions are the Men Aragorn son of
Arathorn, a Ranger of the North, and Boromir, a Captain of Gondor; Gimli son of Gloin, a Dwarf
warrior; Legolas Greenleaf, an Elven prince; and Gandalf, a Wizard.

I like this novel series because it is enjoyable, exciting and difficult to put down, moreover, it helps
me leave reality and leads me into an amazing world of fantasy.

63. Do you think young people read less nowadays? If yes, why is it so?

Yes, I think young people read less nowadays. Many teenagers prefer watching TV or DVDs to
reading. Modern technology has a massive effect on people’s everyday lives and distracts them from
meaningful activities like reading or going to the theatre. However, I try to be an exception from this
rule as I think there is nothing better than sitting by the fireplace with a good book in my hands at
long winter nights.

64. What kind of music do you like? Have you got a favourite group? Do you go to concerts?

I listen to all sorts of styles but I like rock the best. I like the sound of the guitar and the rhythm. I
listen to music when I feel blue because it relaxes me. Classical and other kind of instrumental music
seem to be a bit out of fashion these days, but music enthusiasts regularly go to concerts and buy

My favourite rock group is Guns and Roses. There are 4 musicians in it. The leader of the group is
Axel Rose. They have made 23 albums so far and have given concerts in 12 countries already. They
play rock music. I like the rhythm and the lyrics of their songs.

I do not go to concerts because I haven’t got enough time or money. I do not like big crowds and hate
loud music. I prefer listening to music at home.

65. How do you spend your summer/winter holidays?

I like summer because there is no school. We travel abroad with my parents to relax on the beach for
a week. Last year I went to Egypt with my parents. It was first time we’d been to Egypt and I liked it a
lot. Our accommodation was fantastic, we had a huge and nice room, the garden of the hotel was
enormous and a lot of palms had been planted in it. The food was excellent and variable, I especially
liked the sweets. We took part in some trips too, so we did not get bored. I would definitely
recommend this journey to all my friends.

In my winter holiday I mostly stay at home with my family to celebrate Christmas. In my opinion in
this part of the world Christmas is the greatest family festival for everybody. It is very solemnly
celebrated with ancient customs and traditions. At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
The preparations begin week before Christmas. Shops, homes, schools, offices and even streets are
decorated with colourful lights, fir, mistletoe and little angels. People rush to find the perfect
presents for their beloved-ones. December the 24th is Christmas Eve. In the morning we decorate
the Christmas tree and my mum cooks delicious food. In the evening we sit around the tree, sing
carols, give each other presents and have a chat. We are all happy to be together. After that we go to
the dining-room and eat traditional Christmas supper. Three things are essential parts of this meal:
fish soup, stuffed cabbage and poppy-seed cake. At 12 p.m. we go to church and listen to the
midnight service. On Boxing and Christmas day we visit my grandparents and cousins.

After Christmas I often do wintersports. Sometimes we go skiing with the family to Austria, or we just
go skating with my friends to the Great Forest ice-rink.


66. What environmental problems worry us nowadays?

Nowadays the main problems are the greenhouse effect, deforestation, rivers being diverted, dams
being built, erosion, rapid consumption of resources and commodities, nuclear waste, pollution of air
and water.

What causes the greenhouse effect/the thinning of the ozone layer?

Greenhouse effect is caused by air pollution. Industrial pollutants, such as carbon dioxide and CFCs
pollute the air, they reflect sunshine, as a result of this, less heat can leave the atmosphere and
trapped heat makes the temperature rise. This process is similar to how the glass of the greenhouses
makes the air warm. The most important consequence of the greenhouse effect is the warming of
the earth, which causes climate changes (hurricanes, tornadoes) and melts polar icecaps. The sea-
level is thus rising and low-lying areas get underwater.

Ozone is a gas with a strong smell. It is a form of oxygen with three atoms instead of two. The ozone
layer is the upper part of the atmosphere, from 15-50 kms above the Earth surface. It absorbs
harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Industrial pollutants, including methane, carbon dioxide
and CFCs, damage the ozone layer so holes appear, especially over the Atlantic and Australia.
Harmful sun radiation causes skin cancer, can harm crops, animals and fish. The ozone layer can be
protected by international cooperation. People should stop using aerosols and the chemical gases in
air-conditioners and fridges should be replaced by other, natural gases.

What do you know about pollution/deforestation? How would you solve these problems?

Another severe problem is deforestation. The overexploitation of the rainforests must be decreased.
People should be aware of how important the forests are for life. They should not waste paper and
should recycle as much as possible. Moreover, people should plant new trees. To gain energy for
heating houses and water, people should use wind and solar power instead of oil and wood. Seas and
rivers are continuously being diverted and polluted. Oils spills from tankers kill hundreds of animals.
To decrease air and water pollution people should turn to alternative energy sources like solar power
or wind energy instead of fossil fuels and atomic energy.

What do you know about animal protection? What are the species that have already become
extinct? How could these problems be solved?

Several animal species have recently become extinct and more and more are being declared
endangered. Sabre-tooth cats, dodos have totally disappeared, pandas, green-cheeked parrots,
gorillas, tigers, alligators, whales and African elephants are on the list of endangered species. Hunting
of endangered species for their skin and meat should be forbidden. People who are caught hunting
or capturing protected animals should be severely punished. Protected animals should be bred in
captivity to prevent them from becoming extinct.

67. What do you do to protect the environment on a daily level? What is meant by the
selection of household rubbish in your town? How can you reduce household rubbish?

I try to be as much environmentally-conscious as possible. I use only ozone-friendly products, recycle

whatever I can, for example, I use both sides of paper to write or print on. Fortunately, there is a
selective rubbish container close to our house and even at school, so I take bottles, newspaper and
plastic containers there. I take part in battery and paper collection programmes and if I see an injured
animal I call the animal ambulance. I think the most important thing is to set a good example. If
children see that their parents care about the environment, they will consider it important too.


68. What kind of animals and plants are there in your surroundings? What are your favourite
pets/flowers? Do you think plants and pets in the house are important?

I like animals very much. I think having pets means a big responsibility, as they need daily care and
attention. I love dogs, but my parents say I cannot have any, because keeping a dog in a flat is not
good either for the dog or for the family. Nevertheless, I have two turtles and some fish. I take care
of them regularly, I feed them and clean their water.

We do not have a garden, but I spend a lot of time at my grandma’s, who lives in a nice detached
house in Ebes. She has a beautiful flower bed in front of the house. There she has tulips, roses, lilies
and lavenders. My favourite flowers are roses. In the backyard she has got some fruit trees too, for
example cherry trees, peach trees, and apple trees, but she also grows vegetables that she can use in
the kitchen. These are for example carrots, parsley, tomatoes, peas, pepper and cucumber. These
need a lot of care too.


69. Describe the climate of Hungary. What is the weather like in spring and autumn? What is
your favourite season?

Hungary is in the temperate zone and has a continental climate. This means that the weather is quite
easily predictable and there are big differences between the weather in the four seasons: spring,
summer, autumn and winter.

My favourite season is spring. After the long, cold, wet and foggy days it is warm again. Nature
awakens from its sleep and trees and bushes are full of blossom. It smells of flowers everywhere. The
nicest spring flowers are snowdrops, violets, tulips, and roses. This is also the time for fruit trees to
come out in bud and blossom. However, the weather in spring and autumn can be quite changeable.
There can be heavy rainstorms lasting for a few hours or scattered showers lasting for even a couple
of days. The best strategy to protect yourself from the rain is to carry an umbrella with you. People
often put on a raincoat or some kind of waterproof.

In autumn the leaves of trees slowly become coloured, you can see brownish, yellowish, or reddish
ones. In November there is often frost. I am not very keen on autumn because this is the time when
school starts.

70. What is the weather like in winter and summer? Do you usually listen to the weather

When winter is here, the temperature falls below zero. Then smooth snow falls down from big, grey
clouds. There are blizzards, and stormy winds shake the trees and windows and it is very pleasant to
sit by the fire inside while the wind is blowing outside. There are usually hard frosts in January, I
often feel cold in such weather. I shiver with cold and I am half frozen when I go to school in the
morning. In winter you must be careful not to catch a cold.

In summer the weather is hot and sticky. Sometimes a thunderstorm comes, the sun hides behind
the clouds and when the sky is completely overcast a lightning comes, followed by a crash of
thunder. Lightning is quite dangerous and it may strike big trees or even houses. If it is a passing

shower then right after it a rainbow appears in the sky, which turns blue again, and the sun shines
hotter than ever. There is even hail in summer which causes a lot of damage to the crops.

I do not usually listen to the weather forecast as I find it unpredictable.

71. What is the weather like in England? Why is the weather an important topic to British

England has a maritime climate which means that the weather is very rainy there. It is damp and not
too cold at virtually all times of the year. It rarely snows, and if it does, it melts when it reaches the
ground. Summers are cool and foggy too. Possibly because it is very unpredictable, English people
are always prepared to talk about the weather.


72. What do you do to keep fit? Do you go to the swimming pool regularly?

Sports have always played an important role in my life. When I was a child my parents took me to the
swimming-pool. From then on I had been swimming for eight years, meanwhile I also tried horse-
riding, ballet, skating and skiing. Now I do aerobics four times a week and go swimming once a week.
At weekends I sometimes go running or riding a bike with my friends or on my own for my own
enjoyment and fitness.

73. What ballgames could you mention? Which of them do you play? How many P.E. lessons
do you have a week?

Ballgames are for example football, handball, water-polo, tennis, cricket, rugby, American football,
volleyball, basketball, table-tennis, golf, ice-hockey, floor ball and squash. We play most of them in
the P.E. lessons. We have five P.E. lessons a week, but I think we should have more. It is so pleasing
to move your muscles after sitting for long hours at the school desk and going numb. When the
weather is bad, we play ballgames in the gym, which I really enjoy. I am keen on basketball, handball
and floor ball. Hungarian people are quite good at handball. Our selected players always get into the
final or semi-final of the European or World Championships.

74. Tell me about Hungarian sport.

In Hungary a lot of emphasis is put on teaching children to swim at an early age. Perhaps this
accounts the fact that we have got so many good swimmers. There are four different strokes in
swimming: breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle and backstroke.

Hungarians are very good at rowing and water-polo as well. We have several Olympic medals in
these. Natasa Janics, Katalin Kovács, Tibor Benedek, Tamás Kásás, György Kolonics are internationally

We are quite good at handball, too. Our selected players always get into the final or semi-final of the
European or World Championships.

75. Tell me about Birtish sport.

The most typical English national sports are cricket, rugby, soccer, golf, tennis and perhaps darts.
Some other sports like motor-racing, rowing, horse riding and hockey are also popular among the
British people.

76. What is the difference between sports and games?

Sports are done individually and games are played between two teams. Sports are for example:
running, swimming or diving, games are for instance: waterpolo, basketball and rugby.


77. What do you do to keep in good health? What should a healthy diet contain?

I try to stay as healthy as possible. I eat healthy food, that is, little fat and sugar and lots of vegetables
and fruit, I drink at least two litres of mineral water a day, spend a lot of time in nature, I go to the
gym regularly, go to school on foot and try to avoid stress. When the weather is nice we often make a
trip to the mountains, go riding a bike or just take the dog for a longer walk than usual. I go to the
doctor or dentist regularly just for the sake of prevention. I often use herbs instead of medicines
because in my opinion, in some cases they can provide natural treatment. I often make tea from
chamomile or mint when I catch a cold. I have never been on a diet as I pay attention to keeping fit
and staying slim. I think diets can be very dangerous if the food is one-sided and people take it to
extremes. I do not take drugs or drink alcohol either. I would gladly live to be a hundred or more, but
only if I were in good health.

When I am sick I often use natural treatment. Herbs can replace medicines in certain cases and
provide a more natural treatment. Herbs are mainly used to make teas. I believe in natural therapy, I
often use herbs instead of medicines because in my opinion, in some cases they can provide natural
treatment. I often make tea from chamomile or mint when I catch a cold.

78. When were you last ill? What was the problem with you? What are the symptoms of the
flu? What treatment did the doctor prescribe?

Fortunately, I am rarely ill. Last winter, however, I had the flu. I had a sore throat, high temperature, I
coughed all day and night and my nose was running. I also lost my appetite. I went to the doctor and
he examined me. He told me to strip to the waist and he sounded my lungs. He listened to my heart,
looked at my throat and took my blood pressure. Then he prescribed some antibiotics and vitamins.
He gave me drops in case my nose clogged up and some gargle for my throat. He told me to stay in
bed for some days and drink a lot of tea and eat fruit. I also got a medical certificate to give reason
for my absence from school. In a week I recovered and was able to go to school again.

79. When do you need to go to hospital? What happens to people with a broken arm or leg?
Have you ever been to hospital?

If you are in need of urgent hospital treatment, the doctor will ring for the ambulance. As polyclinics
are not self-sufficient for every kind of medical examination, you may be sent to hospital for
observation.The same happens iIf you have a broken arm or leg. After an X-ray at the hospital you get
a plaster for about 6 weeks.

Fortunately, I have never been to hospital as I am rarely ill and I have never had a broken bone so far
either. Medical attendance is for free in Hungary for taxpayers and it covers the emergency medical-
and accident attendance, dental care, hospital treatment and recourse of family doctor.

80. What are the most common diseases these days?

The most common diseases are coronary problems leading to heart attack, cancer and AIDS. I hope
they will find remedies for all these diseases. There is some promising research but most of these
remedies have not reached the phase of clinical testing. Most of the fatal diseases could be
prevented as well. Unfortunately, many people are overweight in Hungary. I think the majority of
people do not pay attention to their health and go and see the doctor only when it is too late. People
do not care about leading a healthy way of life. They eat too much and too many kinds of fatty food
and they do not do any sports. They do not even walk, but use their cars or public transport.

81. What do you think of smoking/coffee drinking/drugs/alcohol consumption?

In my opinion, smoking is very dangerous, too. It is bad for your skin, lungs, teeth, reduces stamina
and vital capacity. It is also said to be the primary cause of lung cancer. I think smokers smoke
cigarettes out of sheer habit not for the taste and flavour of cigarette.

Drinking coffee is harmful too, but some for people who have low blood pressure it’s helpful.

I think drugs are the most dangerous passion because it crocks up the body quite quickly. Young
people try drugs mostly because of curiosity. Young people’s idols, famous pop stars, actors and
actresses, also take drugs and show a bad example to them. Giving up drugs is very difficult because
drugs are extremely addictive. I think it is almost impossible to give up drugs without professional

Drinking is as dangerous as taking drugs; both of them mend the feelings for a short time. Adults
should call the attention of young people to the health hazards of drinking. They should make
teenagers realize that alcohol is as addictive as drugs and cigarettes. Drinking is especially dangerous
for young people as their liver functions are not developed enough to stop alcohol from destroying
their brain cells.


82. What kind of clothes do you like wearing? Do you think people’s clothes reflect their
personalities? What accessories do you like wearing?

I like comfortable clothes. That is why I wear jeans with T-shirt most of the time or a mini skirt/shorts
with a top/T-shirt in summer. With jeans I mostly wear trainers, with a mini-skirt/shorts and a pair of
leather slippers. Occasionally, on weddings, anniversaries or for exams I dress up and put on a white
silk blouse/white shirt with a dark suit, a pair of high-heeled black shoes/black leather shoes and
tights/black socks. On such occasions I like wearing jewellery such as necklaces, bracelets, or a nice

In my opinion, people’s clothes reflect their personality to an extent, though many people follow the
fashion trends regardless of what suits them. Your taste in clothes may also change with your
personality. When I was younger I used to wear black clothes only, now I prefer bright colours like

yellow, orange, purple, light blue, grass green or pink. When I feel confident and happy I even put on
clothes which some people would call extravagant, like torn jeans, striped tops with bright-coloured

83. Tell me about the latest fashion. Do you follow fashion?

As far as I know, jeans, high-heeled shoes, bright coloured tops, patterned tights and socks, and
leather belts are in fashion nowadays. If you are not sure about what to wear, you can always get
information about the latest trends from fashion magazines, shows and fashion TV channels. The
latter broadcast shows all day long. As for me, I do not really follow fashion, I prefer clothes that are
comfortable, reflect my personality and suit my style. I think fashion is more important for people
who appear in public like singers, actresses and TV stars.

84. What do you wear in winter/summer/spring/autumn?

When I get dressed I always take the weather into consideration. In winter I always get dressed in
layers to avoid catching a cold. I put on a pullover, warm trousers, knitted socks, warm leather boots,
a thick coat or jacket, gloves, a scarf and a hat or a knitted cap. In summer, however, all you need to
wear are mini-skirts, tops and slippers or sandals. I often put on a hat and sunglasses to protect my
head and eyes from the sun. If you go to the beach in summer, always remember to take your
swimsuit and your flip-flops with you. In autumn and spring the weather is usually changeable and
unpredictable. I often put on a waterproof jackets and leather shoes, and take an umbrella with me
in case it will rain. At school I usually wear jeans, tops, T-shirts with trainers.

85. What are you wearing today?

Occasionally, on formal occasions for example on weddings, anniversaries or for exams I dress up.
Today I am wearing a white silk blouse/white shirt with a dark suit, a pair of high-heeled black
shoes/black leather shoes and tights/black socks. I am wearing jewellery such a necklace, a bracelet,
and a nice watch.

86. Where do you usually buy your clothes? Do you usually try them on? Who do you go
shopping with?

I usually buy my clothes in boutiques or in hypermarkets because there is a wide choice and the
prices are reasonable. As for my shoes, I always choose good quality products. I find it important to
wear comfortable shoes that are healthy for my legs and spine. I often go shopping with my mum or
my friends because sometimes it is difficult to decide what suits me the best. When I enter a
boutique I look around to see if I can find anything I like. I choose some pieces and take them to the
fitting room to try them on. If the size is not good, I ask the shop assistant for help. If the garment
suits me and I find the price acceptable, I go to the cash desk and pay for it. I also ask the cashier to
put it into a bag for me.

87. Do you ever buy clothes in second-hand shops or from the internet?

I never go to second-hand shops but one of my friends buys all her clothes in second-hand shops and
nobody could tell that those elegant and fashionable pieces were bought second-hand. I have never
ordered clothes from catalogues or from the internet either. I prefer trying them on before buying

88. How often do you go shopping? What kind of shops are there in your town? Which is your
favourite shop? Why?

I go shopping every day. I just buy the things I need every day, mostly dairy products like milk, butter
and cheese, I get some bread, fruit, vegetables and mineral water. Sometimes I treat myself to some
sweets too.

Debrecen is a paradise for shoppers. You can find everything imaginable in the malls or in one of the
supermarkets such as Tesco, Auchan, Interspar, DM, Rossmann, Penny, Lidl or Aldi. If you want o
follow the latest fashion visit one of the boutiques in Kálvin Square or in Forum.

My favourite shop is Auchan. There I can find everything imaginable and the prices are also quite
reasonable. I often go there with my family to do the weekly shopping.

89. Do you prefer shopping in smaller shop or in supermarkets? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of each?

It is hard to say which kind of shop is better. Both a corner shop and a supermarket have many
advantages and disadvantages.

The corner shop is generally small and has a friendly staff. Because it is not as big as a supermarket,
you cannot find special products. The members of the staff usually know you very well. They know
what your favourite products are, they can put aside things that you want to buy if you do not have
enough money. This is very nice and useful.

The supermarket is bigger than the corner shop and is better equipped. More people go to this kind
of shop. Everybody is anonymous for the shop assistant and generally prices are lower. The
competition between supermarkets is very good for customer. But despite these advantages the
supermarket has also got a few disadvantages. A lot of products are not fresh. They are displayed on
the shelves waiting for a customer to get them and sometimes they are there for a very long time
and past the sell-by date. A disadvantage of the corner shop is that there is not such a wide variety of
different products as there is in supermarkets. If you have some special needs and wishes, you had
better go to supermarket to satisfy them.


90. How do you get to school? How much time do you travel a day? How do you pay fo your
fare?/Why is it worth buying a season pass?

It takes about half an hour for me to get to school as I live quuite close to the city centre. I leave for
school at 7.10. I go to the bus stop, which is five minutes away from our house. I get on a number 10
bus, take it five stops, then change for number 32, which drops me off right outside the school. I have
a monthly ticket as I travel regularly so it is definitely worth buying one. For students it costs only
3000 Forints.

91. How can you travel around in your town? What are the main problems of transport in your

Debrecen has quite an extensive network of public transport. There are buses, trolley buses and
trams. One severe problem of city life is the heavy traffic. It is caused by different factors. The most
acute is perhaps the constant congestion on the roads, traffic islands, pavements, and in the vehicles
themselves. Urban areas are beginning to get choked and traffic has slowed down immensely.
Because of the large number of cars pouring onto the roads travelling about in towns has become
very difficult, and the environment is getting more and more polluted. Debrecen has an extensive

network of public transport (tram lines number 1 and two, several bus and trolley bus lines) which I
think more people should use. A further solution would be to ride or walk to school and work.

92. What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train or car? Which is more
comfortable/expensive? Which one would you choose for a trip?

I think that railway today still carries the bulk of passenger traffic. As petrol prices have increased
over the last couple of years, there are a lot of commuters who cannot afford to use their cars every
day so they choose to travel by train. Others choose the railway because in a train they always have
enough space to move around and they can be absolutely relaxed and calm on a train as opposed to
a car where they have to attend to the road while driving. The train consists of an electric
locomotive, several carriages including a dining car for full meals or a buffet car for light meals. In
Hungary internal trains offer sitting facilities only while international trains covering long distances
have sleeping cars with beds.

I often travel by train to visit my grandparents in Budapest. I prefer it to travelling by car because I
just sit back and do not need to pay attention to the road. I like the non-smoking compartment,
always choose first-class in the InterCity train and preferably a seat by the window. In each
compartment there are luggage racks over the seats where I put my suitcase then I sit back, read a
book, enjoy the landscape, or listen to music. The journey lasts two and a half an hour, the train
usually arrives on time then I get off and meet my grandpa who always comes to take me home.

93. Can you mention some popular holiday resorts in Hungary? Which of them did you visit

Yes, I think we should see our country before we go abroad. In a way it is a shame if you don’t know
your country. For example in Hungary there are many famous and beautiful places like Hortobágy,
Balaton, Dunakanyar, Őrség, Lillafüred, Miskolctapolca and so on. Budapest is, in my opinion, one of
the most beautiful cities in the world. Last year I went there with my parents and visited the
Parliament, the Fisherman’s Bastion, the Castle Hill and the National Gallery.

94. Tell me about the best holiday to remember. Would you recommend it to your friends?

Last year I went to Egypt with my parents. It was first time we’d been to Egypt and I liked it a lot. Our
accommodation was fantastic, we had a huge and nice room, the garden of the hotel was enormous
and a lot of palms had been planted in it. The food was excellent and variable, I especially liked the
sweets. We took part in some trips too, so we did not get bored. I would definitely recommend this
journey to all my friends.


95. How do you prepare for a holiday abroad? How can you book accommodation? Where do
you usually stay when you are on holiday? What do you pack?

I usually book flights and accommodation on the internet and there I can get information about the
places worth visiting. I can even hire a car in advance. I do not need to worry about the documents
either; it is enough to have a valid passport, if I want to travel abroad. I need to have foreign currency
though, which you can get at a bank or travel agency.

When you are on holiday you can stay at a campsite, at a hostel, at an apartment, or at a hotel,
depending on your taste and pocket. You can book a hotel room on the phone or on the internet. If
they have vacancies they can offer you a choice of single rooms, rooms with /without showers or
private baths. While booking, you have to make sure which room you want to take, whether you
want one with a view or overlooking the street, and whether you just want breakfast or all inclusive.

The things that you need for a holiday are always determined by the length, the time and the type of
the holiday. A summer holiday requires different luggage than a winter holiday and similarly you take
different things with you for a camping holiday than for a fortnight to be spent in a five-star hotel.
Anyway, the general rule is that you should try to travel light and take the fewest possible clothes
with you. You must also pack your toilet goods, and do not forget about your camera either.

96. Do you prefer package tours or individual travelling? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of each?

I prefer individual holidays to package tours, because thus I can save a lot of money. If you go on a
package tour, you have to be adaptable, you have no time to look at everything you are interested in
properly and the worst thing is when you have a bad guide. He can spoil all your holiday. Whereas on
an individual tour you can be your own master, you depend on nobody and can always do what you
like, plus you get a firsthand experience of the culture you visit, improve your language skills, make
friends with local people and become more confident and self-reliant.


97. Do you live in a house or a flat? What does your house/flat look like? What is your living-
room/kitchen/bathroom like?

I live in a spacious one-storey house facing east, with a big garden. There are two bathrooms, three
toilets, a hall, my room, my sister’s room, my parents’ bedroom, a changing room, a kitchen, a dining
room, a study, a pantry and a huge living-room. Most of the windows face the garden and two
overlook the street. We have a light, pleasant living-room overlooking the front garden. There are
full-length striped curtains on the windows. The walls are painted cream. A thick, brown carpet
covers the floor. Along the wall opposite the windows there is a dark brown wall unit and the focal
point of the room is the elegant three-piece suite, consisting of a sofa and two comfortable leather
armchairs. The bookcase stands in the corner with the television on one side and the hi-fi equipment
on the other. A small coffee table with a glass top stands next to the suite. Pictures, family photos,
vases, candles, and plants make the atmosphere friendlier. We even have a beautiful fireplace by the
right wall of the room. I like relaxing next to it with a good book in my hands at long winter nights.
The piano is opposite the fireplace. The room is lit by a beautiful crystal chandelier and some spot
lights on the walls.

Our kitchen is large as well, and the various items of kitchen furniture are arranged along the walls.
We cook by gas and we have a gas-cooker right under the window. Next to it is a sink unit with a
stainless steel sink and the draining-board. We have a refrigerator with a small deep freezer, which is
good for keeping our food fresh and cool. We have all kinds of modern kitchen devices, like a toaster,
a food processor, a mincer, a microwave-oven, a dishwasher, a coffee-grinder, a percolator and a
deep-frier. We have a beautiful glass cabinet next to the wall in which my father keeps his glass
collection. A bar-counter with four bar chairs separates the kitchen from the dining-room. Our
dining-room is about the same size as the kitchen. The dining-suite consists of a dresser, where we
keep all the plates and the cutlery, a dining-table and six chairs.

In our bathroom there is a white tub with two washbasins next to it. Both the floor and the walls are
tiled. Between the tub and the washbasin there is a towel rack on the wall. We have two mirrors and
a lot of shelves on the wall. That is where we keep our toothbrushes, toothpaste, body lotion,
shampoo, shower-gel, shaving foam, after-shave, deodorants, perfume, hair-dryer, and hair-

98. Have you got your own room? How is it furnished?

In my room the walls are covered with green and silver wallpaper. As we enter the room we find a
double-bed on the right. Next to it is a bedside table on one side and a chest of drawers on the other.
Above my bed there are bookshelves, which are lit by spotlights. Opposite the bed is a huge
wardrobe with a mirror in the middle. Under the window there is a desk with an office-chair. My
computer is on the desk. All the furniture is dark brown, just like the rug on the floor. The roller-
blinds on the window shut out the morning light and the silver coloured curtains are only used for
decoration. I spend a lot of time in my room. Here I do my homework, study, read books, listen to
music and that is the place where nobody disturbs me when I want to be on my own.

99. What would your ideal house look like?

I would like to live in a big detached house with a huge swimming pool. In my ideal house most of the
windows face the garden and only some overlook the street. It should have a light, pleasant living-
room overlooking the front garden, a well-equipped kitchen, a bathroom with a huge bathtub, a
study, a pantry, a separate toilet and at least 4 bedrooms. There should also be a garden with lilies,
roses and lavenders.


100. Is it better to live in the countryside or in a city? What are the surroundings of your
home like?

I consider myself privileged because I live in a town. The quiet life of the country has never appealed
to me as I was born in the city. My hometown is about 200 kms from the capital and has a population
of 200000. Most of my friends live here and I do not have to travel miles to see them. Life is never
dull in a town, the latest exhibitions, films and plays are within walking distance or only a short bus
ride away. There are more civilized conditions in a town, streets are better kept, and shops are better
supplied. Shopping can even be a pleasure because there is a much wider choice of goods and you
can afford not to make do with the second best. Health services are much more easily accessible. City
life is also better for children because there is a variety of schools they can choose from and they do
not need to commute. Adults do not need to commute to work either as these places are usually
within easy reach. It is, in fact, another advantage that people have more chance of employment and
thus more chance of success. In towns there are constantly changing places and they can provide you
with the best that life can offer. And if I want privacy, the city is the best place for that too. I can be
entirely alone among the thousands or I can hide myself in my home if I feel like it.

I live in a quiet, pleasant street in the suburbs. As Debrecen is a small city our house is located close
to the city centre. Everything is within easy reach. Most of my friends live here and I do not have to
travel miles to see them.

101. What are the drawbacks of city life compared to village life?

One severe problem of city life is the heavy traffic. It is caused by different factors. The most acute is
perhaps the constant congestion on the roads, traffic islands, pavements, and in the vehicles
themselves. Urban areas are beginning to get choked and traffic has slowed down immensely.
Because of the large number of cars pouring onto the roads travelling about in towns has become
very difficult, and the environment is getting more and more polluted. Another problem is that
thousands of people live in housing estates, which are situated around industrial centres on the edge
of the town. Most families live there in overcrowded and unsatisfactory conditions. There is a
tendency, however, for the flats that have been built recently to be designed with more colour and
individuality. The huge blocks of flats are thus changing into a little more welcoming. In villages,
however, people are friendlier, there is a peaceful, cosy atmosphere, the air is fresh, kids can have
pets and people live closer to nature.


102. Tell me about the cultural life in your city.

Debrecen is a cultural centre. The Csokonai Theatre, The Apolló Cinema, The Medgyessy Museum are
definitely worth a visit. The Déri Museum houses the world famous trilogy paintings by Mihály
Munkácsy. The Flower Carnival, the jazz days, the beer, wine and palinka and sausage festivals are
organised every year. Both pop and classical concerts are performed on a regular basis at the concert
hall of The Golden Bull Hotel. The famous band ”Tankcsapda” started its career in Debrecen about
twenty years ago. The city is an educational centre too. Thousands of students come to study at The
University of Economics, Law, Agriculture, Arts and Sciences and the Medical University. Local
students have the opportunity to choose from several high schools, vocational schools and primary
schools. Debrecen is the centre of Protestantism; it is often referred to as ”The Calvinist Rome”. The
Great Reformed Church is world famous. It houses the biggest church bell of the country, the Rákóczi
Bell. The church was built in the seventeenth century on the basis of plans by Mihály Péchy in
classicist style. Many famous people studied at The Reformed College of Debrecen such as Ferenc
Kölcsey, Ferenc Kazinczy, János Arany or Mihály Babits. The beautiful baroque style Roman Catholic
Szent Anna Church is also worth a visit.

103. What would you show to a tourist in your hometown?

I would show him/her Piac Street with all its beautiful buildings such as The Town Hall, The County
Hall, The Small Church, The Golden Bull Hotel and The Bishop’s Palace. The Csokonai Theatre, The
Apolló Cinema, The Medgyessy Museum are definitely worth a visit. The Déri Museum houses the
world famous trilogy of Mihály Munkácsy. The Great Reformed Church is world famous. It houses the
biggest church bell of the country, the Rákóczi bell. The church was built in the seventeenth century
on the basis of plans by Mihály Péchy in classicist style. Many famous people studied at The
Reformed College of Debrecen such as Ferenc Kölcsey, Ferenc Kazinczy, János Arany or Mihály Babits.
Debrecen is the centre of Protestantism, it is often referred to as ”The Calvinist Rome”. The beautiful
baroque style Roman Catholic Stent Anna Church is also worth visiting. The city offers numerous
possibilities for entertainment. Thousands of tourists come each year to relax at the world famous
thermal bath and water park in the heart of the Great Forest. Children like visiting the zoo and the
amusement park as well.


104. What services do you use regularly? What services does a post office/bank offer?

At the post office you can buy stamps, envelopes, cards, scratch cards and so on. You can post letters,
parcels, send telegrams, faxes, pay your bills, transfer money, and subscribe to newspapers or
magazines or buy them.

Banks offer a wide choice of services. They deal with savings, payment services, lending, insurance,
foreign currency exchanges, leasing, giving advice on investments and so on. Nowadays more and
more banks provide telebanking services. It means that people use their phones or the Internet to
give orders to the banks or to complete different kinds of transactions. The customers can also check
their accounts by internet or phone. Bank cards are reissued by banks, too. They allow you to use the
money up to a specific limit. You can use them in all kinds of shops instead of taking cash with you.

105. How often do you go to the hairdresser’s?

I go to the hairdresser’s and have my hair cut every five weeks. Occasionally, I have some blond
streaks in my hair. The hairdresser washes my hair, massages my scalp and puts some conditioner
and vitamins on my hair.


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