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User’s Guide
Prequalification Documents for
Procurement of Consulting

Inter-American Development Bank

April 2003
ii User’s Guide

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User’s Guide iii


Introduction ................................................................................................... 1
Abbreviations ................................................................................................ 3
The Prequalification Process......................................................................... 5
Invitation to Prequalify for Procurement of Consulting Services ................. 9
Invitation for Prequalification for Procurement of Consulting Services..... 11
Invitation for Prequalification for Procurement of Consulting Services..... 13
Section I. Instructions to Applicants .......................................................... 17
Section II. Application Data Sheet............................................................. 19
Section III. Evaluation Criteria .................................................................. 23
Section IV. Application Forms................................................................... 35
Section V. Eligible Countries..................................................................... 55
Section VI. Scope of Consulting Services ................................................. 59

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User’s Guide 1


The Standard Procurement Documents “Prequalification Documents for Procurement of Consulting

Services and User’s Guide” (PQC) have been designed to: (i) simplify the Contracting Agency’s
preparation of a specific Prequalification Document for Procurement of Consulting Services; (ii)
reduce the Applicant’s preparation time and effort; (iii) facilitate and simplify the Contracting
Agency’s evaluation and comparison of applications and prequalification of Applicants; and (iv)
minimize the time required by the Bank for the prior review of the PQC. Another of its important
features is that they can be used with minimum changes, as they do not contain explanations,
footnotes or examples that should not be part of the PQC.

The purpose of the User’s Guide (the Guide) is to provide guidance to the Contracting Agency on
how to prepare the prequalification documents for Consulting Services based on the standard
procurement documents. The provisions in Section I, Instructions to Applicants (ITA) must be
used without any modification to its text or format. Any data and provisions that this section
requires for a specific prequalification shall be included in Section II, Application Data Sheet.

The remaining sections of the PQC and also explained in the Guide are: Section III, Evaluation
Criteria; Section IV, Application Forms; Section V, Eligible Countries; and Section VI, Scope
of Consulting Services.

The Guide includes an initial section on how to prepare the Invitation to Prequalify (ITP). The
Contracting Agency should note that the ITP is not a part of the prequalification documents.

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User’s Guide 3


ADS Application Data Sheet

EC Evaluation Criteria
ICB International Competitive Bidding
IDB Inter-American Development Bank
ITP Invitation to Prequalify for Procurement of Consulting Services
ITA Instructions to Applicants
JVCA Joint Venture, Consortium, or Association
PQW Prequalification Documents for Procurement of Consulting Services
SPD Standard Procurement Documents

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User’s Guide 5

The Prequalification Process

A prequalification process includes six main phases:

• Publicity
• Preparation and Issuing of the Prequalification Documents
• Application preparation and submission
• Applications opening ceremony
• Applications evaluation, and
• Prequalification of Applicants.

The Contracting Agency must announce an upcoming prequalification process in the international
media (the United Nations publication “Development Business”) and in the national media, taking
into account giving enough time for potential Applicants to respond with well-prepared applications.

Preparation and Issuing of the Prequalification Documents

The Contracting Agency and the Applicant should keep in mind that:
• The Contracting Agency is responsible for the preparation and issuing of the Prequalification
• The Contracting Agency shall use the Standard Procurement Documents for Prequalification for
Procurement of Consulting Services issued by the Bank, as this is mandatory for contracts to be
financed by the Bank.
• The Contracting Agency shall prepare the PQC using the published version of the Standard
Documents for Prequalification of Consulting Services without suppressing or adding text in
Section I, Instructions to Applicants (ITA), which does not allow modifications. The
Contracting Agency must provide all information and data pertaining each individual
prequalification process in the following sections of the prequalification documents:
• Section II, Application Data Sheet
• Section III, Evaluation Criteria
• Section IV, Application Forms
• Section V, Eligible Countries
• Section VI, Scope of Consulting Services

• The Contracting Agency shall allow Applicants sufficient time for studying the prequalification
documents, preparing complete and responsive applications, and submitting the applications.

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6 User’s Guide

Application Preparation and Submission

The Applicant is responsible for the preparation and submission of its application. During this stage,
the Contracting Agency shall:

• Promptly respond to requests for clarifications from Applicants and amend, as needed, the
Prequalification Documents
• Amend the Prequalification Documents, but only with the Bank’s no-objection.

Opening of Applications
The Contracting Agency is responsible for the Opening of Applications, which is a critical event in
the Prequalification process. The Contracting Agency shall appoint experienced staff to conduct the
Opening of Applications, as inappropriate procedures at the opening of applications are usually
irreversible and may require cancellation of the prequalification process with the consequent delays
and waste of time and resources.

Best Bid-opening Practices to Observe

The Contracting Agency, in observance of best practices, shall:

• Conduct the Opening of Applications strictly following the procedures as specified in ITA
Sub-Clause 20, for all applications received not later than the date and time of the application
submission deadline.
• Ensure that all applications that were received on time are accounted for, before starting the
Opening of Applications, as applications that are not opened and read out at the Opening of
Applications shall not be further considered.
• Not reject any application at the Opening of Applications, except for late applications received
after the date and time of application submission deadline.
• Examine the application at the Opening of Applications in accordance with the provisions of ITA
Sub-Clause 11.

Application Evaluation and Prequalification

The Contracting Agency is responsible for the evaluation of applications and their prequalification.
Consequently, the Contracting Agency shall appoint experienced staff to conduct the evaluation of
applications. Mistakes committed at the application evaluation stage may later prompt complaints
from Applicants, hence requiring reevaluation of the applications, with the consequent delays and
waste of time and resources.
The Contracting Agency, in observance of best practices shall:

• Maintain the application evaluation process strictly confidential;

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User’s Guide 7

• Reject any attempts or pressures to distort the outcome of the evaluation, including fraud and
• Always comply with the prior-review requirements of the Bank;
• Strictly apply only and all the factors, methods, and criteria defined in the Prequalification
Documents for Consulting Services, Section III, Evaluation Criteria, to evaluate the applications.

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User’s Guide 9

Invitation to Prequalify for Procurement of Consulting Services

The Invitation to Prequalify for Procurement of Consulting Services (ITP) provides information that
enables potential Applicants to decide whether to participate. In addition to the essential items
specified in the Standard Procurement Documents for Prequalification for Procurement of Consulting
Services, the ITP should also indicate any important prequalification evaluation criteria (e.g., the
minimum level of experience required in a similar type of Consulting Services).

The ITP is not part of the prequalification documents and, therefore, it shall not be included.

The ITP shall be issued:

(a) In the international electronic media

(i) Once in the periodical “Development Business” of the United Nations

(b) In the national media

(i) Once in two newspapers of wide national circulation; or

(ii) Twice in one newspaper of wide national circulation.

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Specific Procurement Notice (SPN)

Invitation to Prequalify for Procurement of Consulting Services


1. This Invitation to Prequalify follows the General Procurement Notice for this project that
appeared in the Development Business, issue number ________ of _____________________.

2. The _______________________ ______________________________________ a _________

from the Inter-American Development Bank toward the cost of ________________
___________________, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this _______ to payments
under the contract for ___________________, for which this Invitation to Prequalify is issued.

3. Prequalification is open to Applicants from eligible countries of the Bank. The

____________________________ now invites sealed applications for

4. Interested eligible Applicants may obtain further information from ___________________ and
inspect the Prequalification Documents at the address given below,
________________________________________ from ___________________.

5. The Prequalification Documents, in __________ language, may be purchased by interested

Applicants on the submission of a written application to the address below _________
_________________ and upon payment of a non-refundable fee ____________________ or in
__________________________________________. The method of payment will be
__________________. The document will be sent by __________________. No liability will be
accepted for loss or late delivery.

6. Applications must be submitted at the address indicated in the Prequalification Documents at or

before _____________________. Late applications shall not be considered. Applications will be
opened, in the presence of the Applicants’ representatives who choose to attend, at the address,
date, and time indicated in the Prequalification Documents.

7. The __________________ will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by Applicants
in connection with the preparation or delivery of Applications.

8. In the comparison of applications, only and all those factors, methods, and criteria specified in
Section III, Evaluation Criteria, will be used, in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the
Instructions to Applicants.

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9. Applicants will be advised in due course, of the result of their applications. Only Applicants
prequalified under this process will be invited to bid under the international competitive bidding
for the Consulting Services.


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User’s Guide 13

Instructions for completing the

Invitation to Prequalify for Procurement of Consulting Services
[Loan No. and Title]
[Contract No. and Title]

1. This Invitation to Prequalify for Consulting Services follows the General Procurement Notice
for this project that appeared in the Business Development, issue no. [insert number] of
[insert date]. 1

2. The [insert name of borrower] [has received/has applied for/intends to apply for] a
[loan/credit] from the Inter-American Development Bank toward the cost of [insert name of
Project], and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this [loan/credit] to payments under
the contract for [insert name/No. of Contract].2

3. Prequalification is open to Applicants from eligible countries of the Bank.3 The [insert name
of Contracting Agency] now invites sealed applications for [insert description of
Consulting Services]. 4

4. Interested eligible Applicants may obtain further information from [insert name of
Contracting Agency] and inspect the Prequalification Documents at the address given below,
[insert address at end of document] from [insert office hours]. 5

5. The Prequalification Documents, in [insert name of language] language, may be purchased

by interested Applicants on the submission of a written application to the address below [state
address at the end of document] and upon payment of a non-refundable fee6 of [insert
amount in local currency] or in [insert amount in specified convertible currency]. The
method of payment will be [insert method of payment].7 The document will be sent by
[insert delivery procedure].8 No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery.

6. Applications must be submitted at the address indicated in the Prequalification Documents at

or before [insert time and date]. Late applications shall not be considered. Applications will
be opened, in the presence of the Applicants’ representatives who choose to attend, at the
address, date, and time indicated in the Prequalification Documents.

7. The [insert name of Contracting Agency] will not be responsible for any costs or expenses
incurred by Applicants in connection with the preparation or delivery of Applications.

8. In the comparison of applications, only and all those factors, methods, and criteria specified in
Section III., Evaluation Criteria, will be used, in accordance with the provisions stipulated in
the Instructions to Applicants.

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9. Applicants will be advised in due course of the result of their applications. Only Applicants
prequalified under this process will be invited to bid under the international competitive
bidding for the Consulting Services.

[Insert name of office]

[Insert name of officer]
[Insert postal address] and/or [Insert street address]
[Insert telephone number, indicate country and city code]
[Insert facsimile or cable number]

1. Day, month, year; for example, 31 January 2001.
2. Insert if applicable: “This contract will be jointly financed by [insert name of cofinancing
institution]. The eligibility rules and procedures for procurement of [complete with information
specified in the Loan Contract] will govern the prequalification process.”
3. Occasionally, contracts may be financed out of special funds that would further restrict eligibility to
a particular group of eligible countries. When this is the case, it should be mentioned in this
4. A brief description of the type of Consulting Services should be provided, including location of
project, and other information necessary to enable potential Applicants to decide whether to
respond to the invitation. The Prequalification Documents may require Applicants to have specific
experience or capabilities; such requirements should be also included in this paragraph.
5. For example: 09:00 to 12:00 hours.
6. The fee, to defray printing and mailing/shipping costs should be a nominal amount.
7. For example, cashier’s check, direct deposit to specified account number, etc
8. The delivery procedure is usually airmail for overseas delivery and surface mail or express courier
for local delivery. If urgency or security dictates, express courier services may be required for
overseas delivery.

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User’s Guide 15


Prequalification Documents for

Procurement of
__[indicate name of project]__
Issued on: ___[insert date (day, month, year)]____

Invitation to Prequalify No.:_[insert IFP number]_

ICB No.: _[insert International Competitive Bidding number]

Contracting Agency: ___[indicate name of Contracting


Country: __[insert name of country]___

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User’s Guide 17

Section I. Instructions to Applicants

The Instructions to Applicants (ITA) specify the procedures that regulate the prequalification process.
The ITA contain standard provisions that have been designed to remain unchanged and to be used
without modification. The ITA clearly identify the provisions that may need to be specified for a
particular prequalification process and require that such specifications be introduced in Section II,
Application Data Sheet (ADS).

The Instructions to Applicants are not a contract document and, therefore, are not part of any
contract that may arise subject to the prequalification process.

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Section II. Application Data Sheet

The Application Data Sheet (ADS) contains information and provisions specific to a particular
prequalification process. The Contracting Agency must specify in the ADS only the information that
the ITA request to be specified in the ADS. All information requested shall be provided; no clause
shall be left blank.

To facilitate the preparation of the ADS, its clauses are numbered with the same numbers as the
corresponding ITA clauses. The following explains where to complete the information being
requested and what kind of information should be provided.

Input of Information to be completed by Contracting Agency

Section II. Application Data Sheet

A. Introduction
ITA 1.1 The identification of this Invitation to Prequalify is: ___[insert name and
number of the ITP]____

ITA 1.1 The name of the Contracting Agency is: ___[insert full name]_____________

The names, identification and number of the contracts are: ____[insert the full
ITA 1.1
name and identification for each contract, if applicable] _________________

The name and identification number of the ICB are: ____[insert full name and
ITA 1.1
identification number for the international competitive

The name of the Borrower is: ___[insert full name]________________

ITA 2.1

The name of the Project is: ____[insert name of Project]________________

ITA 2.1

The parties in a JVCA __[insert “shall be” or “shall not be”] __ jointly and
ITA 4.1
severally liable.

[If the parties shall not be jointly and severally liable, insert: “Instead, the
following specific liabilities and responsibilities shall apply to each individual
or firm: [__specify in detail__]”]

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B. Prequalification Documents
ITA 7.1 For clarification purposes only, the Contracting Agency's address is:

Attention: ___[insert full name of person, if applicable]___

Number and Street: ___[insert number and street]_____

Floor/Room number: ___[insert floor and room number, if applicable]__

City: __[insert name of city or town]__

Zip Code: _[insert postal (ZIP) code, if applicable]___

Country: __[insert name of country]___

Telephone: _[insert telephone number, including country and city codes]_

Facsimile number: __[insert fax number, including country, city codes]_

Electronic mail address: ___[insert e-mail address, if applicable]___

C. Preparation of Applications
ITA 10.1 The language of the application as well as of all correspondence is: ___[insert

ITA 11.1 (e) The Applicant shall submit with its application the following additional
documents: [insert any additional document not already listed in ITA Sub-
Clause 11.1, that must be submitted with the application]

ITA 15.2 In addition to the original, the number of copies to be submitted with the
application is: _[insert total number of copies]____

ITA 15.3 The authorization to represent and sign on behalf of the Applicant shall
comply with the following specific requirements: ___[insert the description
of the documentation required to demonstrate the authority of the
signatory to sign the application] ___________________________

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D. Submission and Opening of Applications

ITA 17.1 For application submission purposes only, the Contracting Agency's address

Attention: ___[insert full name of person, if applicable]___

Number and Street: __[insert number and street]___

Floor/Room number: __[insert floor and room number, if applicable]___

City: ____[insert name of city or town]___

Zip Code: __[insert postal (ZIP) code, if applicable]___

Country: __[insert name of country]__

Telephone: _[insert telephone number, including country and city codes]_

Facsimile number: _[insert facsimile number, including country and city


Electronic mail address: __[insert e-mail address, if applicable]__

The deadline for application submission is:

Date: __[insert day, month and year, i.e. 10 October 2000]__

Time: __[insert time, and identify if a.m. or p.m., i.e., 11:30 a.m.]__
ITA 20.1 The application opening shall take place at:

Number and Street: ____[insert number and street]________

Floor/Room number: ____[insert floor and room number and full name of
person, if applicable]____

City: ___[insert name of city or town]___

Country: __[insert name of country]___


Date: __[insert day, month and year, i.e. 10 October 2000]__

Time: __[insert time, and identify if a.m. or p.m., i.e., 11:30 a.m.]__

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E. Evaluation of Applications
ITA 25.3 The prequalification __[insert “will be” or “will not be”]__ for multiple

If the prequalification is for multiple contracts, the methods and evaluation

criteria to determine the combination of contracts for which the Applicant will
prequalify shall be as specified in Section III, Evaluation Criteria.

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User’s Guide 23

Section III. Evaluation Criteria

The purpose of the Evaluation Criteria, Section III in the prequalification documents, is to specify the
criteria that the Contracting Agency shall use to evaluate the applications and prequalify the
Applicants. The Contracting Agency must prepare the evaluation criteria and include them as part of
the Prequalification Documents. The evaluation criteria is not a contract document and, therefore,
will not be part of the contract subject to this process.

The four factors considered to be the most important when evaluating a qualification are:

1. Eligibility
2. Historical Contract Non-Performance
3. Financial Situation
4. Experience

Within each of these factors there are sub-factors, which are specified in the forms presented in the
following pages. In order to make the factor and sub-factors understandable to Applicants, these
forms specify who must provide what information. Blank spaces allow the Contracting Agency to
insert the criterion that will be evaluated.

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User’s Guide 25

Factor 1. Eligibility

Single Joint Venture, Consortium, or Documentation
Sub-Factor Requirement Required
Entity Association
All parties Each party At least one
combined party
1.1 Nationality Nationality in accordance Existing or Forms ELI –1.1
Must meet Must meet
with ITA Sub-Clause 4.2. intended and 1.2, with
requirement requirement N/A
JVCA must attachments
1.2 Conflict of No conflicts of interest in Existing or Application
Must meet Must meet
Interest ITA Sub-Clause 4.4 and intended Submission
requirement requirement N/A
4.5. JVCA must Sheet
1.3 Bank Not having been declared Existing Application
Must meet Must meet
Ineligibility ineligible by the Bank, as JVCA must Submission
requirement requirement N/A
described in ITA Sub- meet Sheet
Clause 4.6. requirement
1.4 Government Applicant required to meet Forms ELI –1.1
Must meet Must meet Must meet
Owned Entity conditions of ITA Sub- and 1.2, with
requirement requirement requirement N/A
Clause 4.7 attachments

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Factor 2. Historical Contract Non-Performance

Sub-Factor Requirement Single Joint Venture, Consortium, or
Entity Association
All parties Each party At least one
combined party
2.1 History of non- Non performance of a
performing contract did not occur
contracts within the last __[insert
number of years in
words and figures]_ (_)
Must meet N/A Must meet N/A Form CON - 2
years prior to the deadline
requirement requirement
for application submission
by itself or by itself or
based on all information
as party to as party to
on fully settled disputes or
past or past or
litigation. A fully settled
existing existing
dispute or litigation is one
that has been resolved in
accordance with the
Dispute Resolution
Mechanism under the
respective contract, and
where all appeal instances
available to the applicant
have been exhausted.

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Factor 2. Historical Contract Non-Performance

Sub-Factor Requirement Single Joint Venture, Consortium, or
Entity Association
All parties Each party At least one
combined party
2.2 Pending All pending litigation
Litigation shall in total not represent
Must meet N/A Must meet N/A
more than _____[insert
requirement requirement Form CON - 2
percentage in words and
figures]_______ percent by itself or by itself or
(____%)] of the as party to as party to
Applicant’s assets and past or past or
existing existing
shall be treated as
resolved against the

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User’s Guide 29

Factor 3. Financial Situation


Sub-Factor Requirement Single Joint Venture, Consortium, or Documentation

Entity Association Required
All parties Each party At least
combined one party
3.1 Historical Submission of audited
Financial financial statements or, if
Performance not required by the law of
the Applicant’s country,
other financial statements
acceptable to the
Contracting Agency, for
the last _[insert number
Must meet N/A Must meet N/A Form FIN – 3.1
of years in words and
requirement requirement with
figures___(__)] years, to
demonstrate the current attachments
soundness of the
Applicant’s financial
(a) Average Current
Ratio: (Current Assets
/Current Liabilities)
equal to or greater than
__[insert a number;
e.g.: 1.0]__.

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Factor 3. Financial Situation


Sub-Factor Requirement Single Joint Venture, Consortium, or Documentation

Entity Association Required
All parties Each party At least
combined one party
3.1 Historical (b) Average Indebtedness
Financial Ratio: (Total
Performance Liabilities/Total
Assets) equal or less
Must meet N/A Must meet N/A Form FIN – 3.1
than _[insert a
number; e.g.: 0.5]_ . requirement requirement with
(c) Profitability:
(Profits Before
Taxes) equal or
greater than _[insert
a number; e.g.: 0]_.

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Factor 4. Experience
Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture, Consortium, or
Sub-Factor Required
All parties Each party At least one
combined party
4.1 General Experience under contracts
Experience in the role of consultant for
at least the last __[insert
number of years in words
Must meet N/A Must meet N/A Form
and figures__ (___)] years
requirement requirement EXP-4.1
prior to the applications
submission deadline, and
with activity in at least nine
(9) months in each year.

4.2 Average Minimum average annual

Annual turnover of __[insert
Must meet Must meet Must meet Must meet Form
Turnover amount in US$ equivalent
requirement requirement __[insert __[insert EXP - 4.2
in words and figures]__,
calculated as total certified percentage percentage
payments received for in words in words
contracts in progress or and and
completed, within the last figures]__ figures]__
_[insert number of years percent percent
(___%)] of (___%)] of
in words and figures_
(___)] years the the
requirement requirement

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Factor 4. Experience
Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture, Consortium, or
Sub-Factor Required
All parties Each party At least one
combined party
4.3 Specific (a) Participation as
Experience Consultant in at least
__[insert number of
contracts] contracts within
the last __[insert number
in words and figures]_
(__) years, each with a
value of at least [insert
amount in US$ equivalent
Must meet Must meet N/A Must meet Form
in words and
minimum minimum minimum EXP-4.3(a)
figures]__(___), that have
requirement. requirement. requirement.
been successfully or are
Above a Above a Above a
substantially completed
specified specified level specified
and that are similar to the
level shall shall receive level shall
proposed Consulting
receive maximum receive
Service. The similarity
maximum points and maximum
shall be based on the
points and proportional points and
complexity, methods/
proportional in between proportional
technology or other
in between in between
characteristics as described
in Section VI, Scope of
Consulting Services.

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Factor 4. Experience
Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture, Consortium, or
Sub-Factor Required
All parties Each party At least one
combined party
4.3 Specific (b) For the above or other
Experience contracts executed during
the period stipulated in
4.3(a) above, a minimum
construction experience in
the following key Must meet Must meet Must meet
activities: minimum in minimum in minimum in
requirement. requirement. requirement.
1. [e.g., Amount]
Above a Above a Above a
specified specified level specified
2. [e.g., Complexity] Form
level shall shall level shall
EXP- 4.3(b)
receive receive N/A receive
3. [e.g.,Methods/
maximum maximum maximum
Technology ]
points and points and points and
4. [e.g.,]
proportional proportional proportional
between between between
5. [e.g.,]

6. [e.g.,]

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Section IV. Application Forms

The Contracting Agency shall include in the PQC all application forms that the Applicant must
complete and submit together with the Application. These forms are as specified in Section IV, of
the prequalification documents:

• Application Submission Sheet

• Applicant Information Sheet
• Applicant Information Sheet for each JVCA Party/Subcontractor
• Historical Contract Non-Performance
• Financial Situation
• General Experience
• Average Annual Turnover
• Specific Experience
• Specific Experience in Key Activities

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User’s Guide 37

Input of information to be completed by Applicant

Application Submission Sheet
Date: [insert day, month, year]
ITP No.: [insert ITP number]
ICB No.: [insert ICB number]

To: __[insert full name of Contracting Agency]__

We, the undersigned, apply to be prequalified for the referenced ICB and declare that:

(a) we have examined and have no reservations to the prequalification documents, including
Addenda No.________, issued in accordance with ITA Clause 8: ___[insert the number and
issuing date of each addendum]

(b) we, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contract subject to this
prequalification process, have or will have nationalities from eligible countries, in accordance
with ITA Sub-Clause 4.2: _[insert the nationality of the Applicant, including that of all
parties in case of a JVCA, and the nationality of each already identified subcontractor and
supplier of related services, if applicable]__;

(c) we, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contract subject to this
prequalification do not have any conflict of interest, and specifically are not participating as
Applicants in more than one application in this prequalification process, in accordance with ITA
Clause 4;

(d) we, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contract subject to this
prequalification, have not been declared ineligible by the Bank;

(e) we are not a government-owned entity, and if we are, we meet the requirements of ITA Sub-Clause

(f) we, in accordance with ITA Sub-Clause 24.1, plan to subcontract the following key activities:
_[provide specific details for first key activity specified in Section III by the Contracting Agency]_
_[provide specific details for n key activity specified in Section III by the Contracting Agency]_

(g) we declare that the following commissions, gratuities, or fees have been paid or are to be paid to
agents, representatives or commission agents with respect to the prequalification process, the
corresponding bidding process or execution of the Contract, in accordance with ITA Sub-Clause
3.3: [indicate full name of recipient of such payment, full address, reasons for the
commission or donation paid or that will be paid, amount and currency. If none has been
paid or is to be paid, indicate “none”]

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38 User’s Guide

Name of Recipient Address Reason Amount

(h) we understand that you may cancel the prequalification process at any time and that you are
neither bound to accept any application that you may receive nor to invite the prequalified
applicants to bid for the contract subject of this prequalification, without incurring any liability to
the Applicants, in accordance with ITA Clause 26.

(i) by presenting this Application, we accept and agree with the content, scope, evaluation criteria
and procedures established in this Prequalification Documents, including any addenda mentioned
in literal (a) above.

Signed __[insert signature of person whose name and capacity are shown below]__

[insert full name of person [insert legal capacity of person

Name _signing the application]________ In the Capacity of _signing the application]_____

Duly authorized to sign the application for and on behalf of:

Applicant’s Name ___[insert full name of Applicant]____

Address ___[insert street number, town or city, and country]______


Dated on __[insert day number]_ day of __[insert month]__, __[insert year]__.

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User’s Guide 39

Form ELI – 1.1

Input of information to be completed by Applicant
Applicant Information Sheet
Date: [insert day, month, year]
ITP No.: [insert ITP number]
ICB No.: [insert ICB number]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

Applicant’s Legal Name

__[insert full legal name]____
In case of JVCA, legal name of each party:
___[insert full legal name of each party in JVCA ]____
Applicant’s actual or intended country of constitution:
__[indicate country of constitution]__
Applicant’s actual or intended year of constitution:
___[indicate year of constitution]__
Applicant’s legal address in country of constitution:
___[insert street/ number/ town or city/ country]____
Applicant’s authorized representative information:
Name: __[insert full legal name]___
Address: __[insert street/ number/ town or city/ country]__
Telephone/Fax numbers: _[insert telephone/fax numbers, including country and city codes]_
E-mail address: ___[indicate e-mail address]___
Attached are copies of original documents of: [check the appropriate box(es)]

1. In case of single entity, articles of Incorporation or Documents of Constitution of the legal

entity named above, in accordance with ITA Sub-Clauses 4.1, 4.2, and 4.7.
2. Letter of authorization to represent the legal entity named above, in accordance with ITA
Sub-Clause 15.3.
3. In case of JVCA, letter of intent to form JVCA or JVCA agreement, in accordance with ITA
Sub-Clause 4.1.

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40 User’s Guide

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User’s Guide 41

Form ELI – 1.2

Input of information to be completed by a JVCA party and/or Subcontractor
identified for key activities
Applicant Information Sheet
for each JVCA Party/Subcontractor as per Sub-Clause 24.2
Date: [insert day, month, year]
ITP No.: [insert ITP number]
ICB No.: [insert ICB number]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

JVCA Applicant Legal Name:

__[insert full legal name]____
JVCA’s party/Subcontractor’s legal name:
___[insert full legal name of JVCA party/Subcontractor] ________
JVCA’s party/Subcontractor’s country of constitution:
__[indicate country of constitution]__
JVCA’s party/Subcontractor’s year of constitution:
___[indicate year of constitution]__
JVCA’s party/Subcontractor’s legal address in country of constitution:
___[insert street/ number/ town or city/ country]____
JVCA’s party/Subcontractor’s authorized representative information:
Name: __[insert full legal name]____
Address: ___[insert street/ number/ town or city/ country]____
Telephone/Fax numbers: [insert telephone/fax numbers, including country and city codes]
E-mail address: [indicate e-mail address]
Attached are copies of original documents of: [check the appropriate box(es)]
Articles of Incorporation or Documents of Constitution of legal entity above, in accordance with
ITA Sub-Clauses 4.1 and 4.2.
Letter of authorization to represent the legal entity named above, in accordance with ITA
Sub-Clause 15.3.
In case of government owned entity, documents establishing legal and financial autonomy and
compliance with commercial law, in accordance with ITA Sub-Clause 4.7.

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42 User’s Guide

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User’s Guide 43

Form CON – 2
Input of information to be completed by Applicant and each JVCA party
Historical Contract Non-Performance
Applicant’s Legal Name: [insert full name] Date: [insert day, month, year]
JVCA Party Legal Name:[insert full name] ITP No.: [insert ITP number]
ICB No.: [insert ICB number]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

[Check appropriate boxes and fill out required information.]

Non-Performing Contracts in accordance with Section III, Evaluation Criteria

Contract non-performance did not occur during the stipulated period in accordance with Sub-Factor
2.1 of Section III, Evaluation Criteria.
Pending Litigation, in accordance with Section III, Evaluation Criteria

No pending litigation in accordance with Sub-Factor 2.2 of Section III, Evaluation Criteria.
Pending litigation in accordance with Sub-Factor 2.2 of Section III, Evaluation Criteria, as indicated
Year Outcome as Total Contract
Percent of Contract Identification Amount
Total Assets (current value,
[insert [insert Contract Identification: [indicate complete contract name/ [insert
year] percentage] number and any other identification] amount]
____ ______ Name of Contracting Entity: [insert full name] ___________
Address of Contracting Entity: [insert street/city/country]
Matter in dispute: [indicate main issues in dispute]
Contract Identification:
____ ______ Name of Contracting Entity: ___________
Address of Contracting Entity:
Matter in dispute:
Contract Identification:
____ ______ Name of Contracting Entity: ___________
Address of Contracting Entity:
Matter in dispute:

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44 User’s Guide

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User’s Guide 45

Form FIN – 3.1

Input of information to be completed by Applicant and each JVCA party
Financial Situation
Applicant’s Legal Name: [insert full name] Date: [insert day, month, year]
JVCA Party Legal Name:[insert full name] ITP No.: [insert ITP number]
ICB No.: [insert ICB number]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

Financial information Historical information for previous _[insert as specified in Sub-

in US$ equivalent factor 3.1, Section III in words and figures]_____ (__) years
(US$ equivalent in 000s)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year… Year n Avg.
Information from Balance Sheet

Total Assets (TA)

Total Liabilities (TL) TL/TA]

Net Worth (NW) [NW]

Current Assets (CA)

Current Liabilities (CL) CA/CL]

Information from Income Statement

Profits Before Taxes (PBT)

Attached are copies of financial statements (balance sheets, including all related notes, and
income statements) for the years required above complying with the following conditions:

(a) Must reflect the financial situation of the Applicant or party of a JVCA, and not sister or
parent companies.

(b) Historic financial statements must be audited by a certified accountant.

(c) Historic financial statements must be complete, including all notes to the financial

(d) Historic financial statements must correspond to accounting periods already completed and
audited (no statements for partial periods shall be requested or accepted).

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46 User’s Guide

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User’s Guide 47

Form EXP – 4.1

Input of information to be completed by Applicant and each JVCA party
General Experience
Applicant’s Legal Name: [insert full name] Date: [insert day, month, year]
JVCA Party Legal Name:[insert full name] ITP No.: [insert ITP number]
ICB No.: [insert ICB number]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

[Identify contracts that demonstrate continuous Consulting Services in accordance with Section
III, Evaluation Criteria, Sub-Factor 4.1.]

Starting Ending Contract Identification Role of

Month / Month / Years* Applicant
Year Year
[indicate [indicate [insert Contract name: [insert full name] [indicate role as
month/ month/ number Brief Description of the Consulting Services performed Contractor or
year] year] of by the Applicant: [indicate performed Consulting Subcontractor]
______ ______ years] service briefly] ______________
_____ Name of Contracting Entity: [indicate full name]
Address: [indicate street/number/town or
city/country address]
Contract name:
______ ______ Brief Description of the Consulting Services performed ______________
by the Applicant:
Name of Contracting Entity:
Contract name:
______ ______ Brief Description of the Consulting Services performed ______________
by the Applicant:
Name of Contracting Entity:
Contract name:
______ ______ Brief Description of the Consulting Services performed ______________
by the Applicant:
Name of Contracting Entity:
Contract name:
______ ______ Brief Description of the Consulting Services performed ______________
by the Applicant:
Name of Contracting Entity:

* List calendar year for years with contracts with at least nine (9) months activity per year, starting
with the earliest year

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48 User’s Guide

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User’s Guide 49

Form EXP – 4.2

Input of information to be completed by Applicant and each JVCA party
Average Annual Turnover
Applicant’s Legal Name: [insert full name] Date: [insert day, month, year]
JVCA Party Legal Name:[insert full name] ITP No.: [insert ITP number]
ICB No.: [insert ICB number]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

Annual turnover data (construction only)

US$ equivalent
Year Amount and Currency

[indicate year] [insert amount in US$

[insert amount and indicate currency]

Turnover *

* Average annual turnover calculated as total certified payments received for Consulting Services in
progress or completed, divided by the number of years specified in Section III, Evaluation Criteria,
Sub-Factor 4.2.

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50 User’s Guide

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User’s Guide 51

Form EXP – 4.3(a)

Input of information to be completed by Applicant and each JVCA party
Specific Experience
Applicant’s Legal Name: [insert full name] Date: [insert day, month, year]
JVCA Party Legal Name:[insert full name] ITP No.: [insert ITP number]
ICB No.: [insert ICB number]
Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

[All applicants and JVCA parties must complete the information in this form as specified in
Section III, Evaluation Criteria, Sub-Factor 4.3(a).]
Similar Contract Number __[insert Information
specific number] of [total number of
contracts] ___ required
Contract Identification _[insert contract name and number, if applicable]_
Award date _[insert day, month, year, i.e., 15 June, 2015]_
Completion date _[insert day, month, year, i.e., 03 October, 2017]_
Role in Contract Contractor Subcontractor
[check the appropriate box]

Total Contract Amount Amount: Amount:

___[insert total contract US$ __[insert total
amount in local contract amount in US$
currency]______________ equivalent]___________
[insert a Amount: Amount:
If party in a JVCA, specify participation of percentage [insert total contract US$ __[insert total
total contract amount amount] amount in local contract amount in
_____% currency] US$ equivalent]
_____________ ________________
Contracting Entity’s Name: ___[insert full name]___
Address: [indicate street / number / town or city / country]

Telephone/fax number [insert telephone/fax numbers, including country and

city area codes]
E-mail: [insert e-mail address, if available]

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52 User’s Guide

Form EXP – 4.3(a) (cont.)

Specific Experience
Applicant’s Legal Name: [insert full name] Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages
JVCA Party Legal Name: [insert full name]

Similar Contract No. __[insert specific Information

number] of [total number of contracts]
___ required
Description of the similarity in accordance
with Sub-Factor 4.3(a), Section III

1. [e.g., Amount] __[insert information]__

2. [e.g., Complexity] __[insert information]__

3. [e.g.,Methods/Technology ] __[insert information]__

4. [e.g.,] __[insert information]__

5. [e.g.,] __[insert information]__

6. [e.g.,] __[insert information]__

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User’s Guide 53

Form EXP – 4.3(b)

Input of information to be completed by Applicant, each JVCA party and each
Subcontractor proposed for key activities
Specific Experience in Key Activities
Applicant’s Legal Name: [insert full name] Date: [insert day, month, year]
JVCA Party Name: [insert full name] ITP No.: [insert ITP number]
Subcontractor’s Legal Name (as per ITA 24.2): _[insert full name] ICB No.: [insert ICB number]
___________________________ Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages

Contract Identification _[insert contract name and number, if applicable]_
Award date _[insert day, month, year, i.e., 15 June, 2015]_
Completion date _[insert day, month, year, i.e., 03 October, 2017]_
Role in Contract Contractor Subcontractor
[check the appropriate box]

Total Contract Amount Amount: Amount:

___[insert total contract US$ __[insert total
amount in local contract amount in US$
currency]_____________ equivalent]____________
[insert a Amount: Amount:
If party in a JVCA, specify participation of percentage [insert total contract US$ __[insert total
total contract amount amount] amount in local contract amount in
_____% currency] US$ equivalent]
_____________ ________________
Contracting Agency’s Name: ___[insert full name]___
Address: [indicate street / number / town or city / country]

Telephone/fax number [insert telephone/fax numbers, including country and

city area codes]
E-mail: [insert e-mail address, if available]

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54 User’s Guide

Form EXP – 4.3(b)(cont.)

Specific Experience in Key Activities
Applicant’s Legal Name: [insert full name] Page [insert page number] of [insert total number] pages
JVCA Party Legal Name: [insert full name]
Subcontractor’s Legal Name (as per ITA 24.2): [insert full name]

Description of the similarity in accordance
with Sub-Factor 4.3 (b), Section III:
__[insert information]__
1. [e.g., Amount]

2. [e.g., Complexity] __[insert information]__

3. [e.g.,Methods/technology ] __[insert information]__

4. [e.g.,] __[insert information]__

5. [e.g.,] __[insert information]__

6. [e.g.,] __[insert information]__

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User’s Guide 55

Section V. Eligible Countries

The Contracting Agency shall include in this Section the list of eligible countries. Only natural
persons and legal entities or firms complying with the eligibility requirements specified in ITA
Clauses 4 and 5, are eligible to participate in Bank financed procurement.

The list of eligible countries depends on the type and source of Bank financing to be used.

For financing provided from:

(a) Ordinary Capital (OC) or Funds for Special Operations (FSO) – the list shall include all
eligible countries of the Bank;

(b) Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) – the list shall include all borrowing eligible countries
of the Bank plus Canada, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the United States.

(c) Other funds under administration by the Bank – the list shall reflect the terms and
conditions of the agreement between the Bank and the donor of the funds. This may include
funds that only permit one eligible country.

The Contracting Agency shall ensure that the list of eligible countries corresponds to the terms and
conditions under which the financing is provided.

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56 User’s Guide

Eligible Countries
(All the members of the Bank)

Argentina El Salvador Panama

Austria Finland Paraguay
Bahamas France Peru
Barbados Germany Portugal
Belgium Guatemala Slovenia
Belize Guyana Spain
Bolivia Haiti Suriname
Brazil Honduras Sweden
Canada Israel Switzerland
Colombia Italy Trinidad & Tobago
Costa Rica Jamaica United Kingdom
Chile Japan United States
Croatia Mexico Uruguay
Denmark Netherlands Venezuela
Dominican Republic Nicaragua
Ecuador Norway

Eligible Territories and Dependencies

- Netherlands Antilles (Aruba, Curaçao, Bonaire, St. Maarten, Saba and Eustatius) participate as
Departments of the Netherlands.
- Guadeloupe, French Guyana, Martinique and Reunion participate as Departments of France.
- Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands participate as jurisdictions of the United States.

Note: The Bank should be consulted regarding eligibility for procurement of the other successor
republics of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

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User’s Guide 57

Eligible Countries
(Under MIF Financing)

Argentina Ecuador Nicaragua

Bahamas El Salvador Panama
Barbados Guatemala Paraguay
Belize Guyana Peru
Bolivia Haiti Portugal
Brazil Honduras Spain
Canada Italy Suriname
Colombia Jamaica Trinidad & Tobago
Costa Rica Japan United States
Chile Mexico Uruguay
Dominican Republic Netherlands Venezuela

Eligible Territories and Dependencies

Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands participate as jurisdictions of the United States.

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58 User’s Guide

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User’s Guide 59

Section VI. Scope of Consulting Services

The Scope of Consulting Services shall provide sufficient information as to enable Applicants to
prepare applications that are realistic and competitive. The Scope of Consulting Services included in
the prequalification documents will not become part of the procurement contract for the Consulting

The Scope of Consulting Services should contain sufficient information as to enable a potential
Applicant to decide whether or not is interested in participating in that type of Consulting Services.
The Contracting Agency shall assign experienced staff to draft this information in a manner
permitting the widest possible competition while, at the same time, clearly specifying the required

The scope of Consulting Services consists of three parts:

1. Description of the Consulting Services

2. Consulting Services Period
3. Site and other Data

The following notes provide guidance on what information should be provided, at this stage of the
procurement process and as part of the prequalification documents.

Description of the Consulting Services

The purpose of the Description of the Consulting Services is to specify the scope of Consulting
Services for which the Applicant must qualify. At the prequalification stage, the Contracting Agency
should only provide a general description of the Consulting Services.

Consulting Services Period

The purpose of the Consulting Services Period information is to provide Applicants with a tentative
schedule for the execution of the Consulting Services described in the Description of the Consulting

In preparing the tentative schedule of the Consulting Services, the Contracting Agency must take into
account the time involved in the process for the procurement of Consulting Services, the
implementation time of the Consulting Services and the delivery date of the project until final

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60 User’s Guide

Site and other Data

The purpose of the information on Site and other data is to provide Applicants with information on
location, dimension, and other characteristics about the site where the Consulting Services will be
carried out.

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