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Variable Radii Connected Sensor Cover in Sensor Networks

Zongheng Zhou, Samir Das, Himanshu Gupta
SUNY, Stony Brook. {zzhou, samir, hgupta}

Abstract—One of the useful approaches to exploit redun- signal and thus worsens the signal-to-noise ratio introduc-
dancy in a sensor network is to keep active only a small ing measurement errors. In a simplified model, this con-
subset of sensors that are sufficient to cover the region re- fidence can be specified in terms of a sensing range [6].
quired to be monitored. The set of active sensors should Connectivity, on the other hand, simply describes the con-
also form a connected communication graph, so that they
nectivity properties of the underlying network topology. It
can autonomously respond to application queries and/or
tasks. Such a set of active sensor is known as a con- is often desirable that the network is connected. If the net-
nected sensor cover, and the problem of selecting a mini- work is partitioned, the entire sensor network data cannot
mum connected sensor cover has been well studied when be gathered to a central decision-making node.
the transmission radius and sensing radius of each sensor
It is expected that in most deployment scenarios, it
is fixed. In this article, we address the problem of selecting
a minimum energy-cost connected sensor cover, when each
will be cost-effective to deploy the sensors randomly in
sensor node can vary its sensing and transmission radius; a redundant fashion ([24], [20]). The sensor hardware is
larger sensing or transmission radius entails higher energy cheap, relative to the logistics or opportunity cost of de-
cost. For the above problem, we design various centralized ployment. Thus, it is useful to deploy the sensors redun-
and distributed algorithms, and compare their performance dantly, and employ sophisticated protocol support so that
through extensive experiments. One of the designed central- only a “minimally sufficient subset” of the sensors is actu-
ized algorithms (called CGA) is shown to perform within an ally active at a time – thus conserving energy and prolong-
O(log n) factor of the optimal solution, where n is the size
ing the sensor network lifetime. Also, in many scenar-
of the network. We have also designed a localized algorithm
based on Voronoi diagrams which is empirically shown to ios the logistics for designed placement of sensor nodes
perform very close to CGA, and due to its communication- at specific geographical locations will be very complex.
efficiency results in significantly prolonging the sensor net- Thus, in these scenarios, random deployment is the only
work lifetime. feasible method. This means that the “minimally suffi-
cient subset” cannot be pre-determined. The sensor nodes
must be able to compute this on-line, by executing appro-
I. Introduction priate algorithms.
Wireless sensor network is often deployed for passive In this paper, our goal is to investigate such algorithms
gathering of sensor data in a geographical region. The for energy efficient connectivity and coverage. We inves-
“grand challenge” of sensor network design for data gath- tigate the situation where both sensing and transmission
ering activities is to maintain the fidelity of the gathered range can be varied in the sensors. This uncovers an inter-
data while minimizing energy usage in the network. En- esting design problem, where a minimally sufficient sub-
ergy is spent due to message transmissions by the radio set of sensors must be selected along with the assignment
interface, or due to the sensing activities by the signal of sensing and transmission ranges for individual sensors,
processing electronics. Energy can be saved if these ac- such that both coverage and connectivity are guaranteed
tivities are used only to the extent absolutely needed, and with a minimum total energy cost. The assumption here
no more. is that the energy cost for an individual sensor increases
Two important properties of a sensor network play crit- with higher sensing range or transmission range. This
ical roles in the design approach. They are coverage and is because with a larger sensing range, the received sig-
connectivity. Loosely speaking, coverage describes how nal needs to be amplified to achieve the confidence bound
well sensors in the network can monitor a geographical even with a weaker signal. Similarly, with a larger trans-
region in question. This can include multiple parameters, mission range, transmission power is to be increased to
such as whether every point in the region can be monitored reach larger distances. It is expected that with sophis-
by at least one sensor within a given confidence. The con- ticated sensors that can control their sensing and trans-
fidence typically depends on the physical distance of the mission ranges, the overall energy budget of the network
point from the monitoring sensor, as distance weakens the can be reduced relative to the case where sensors have

fixed sensing and transmission ranges. Note that a simi- with high probability. The PEAS protocol [24] considers
lar problem has been investigated in literature by varying a probing technique that maintains only a necessary set
transmission ranges of sensor nodes for minimum energy of sensors in working mode to ensure coverage and con-
topology construction in wireless ad hoc networks ([21], nectivity with high probability under certain assumptions.
[4], [5], [19]); however, this line of work does not involve Wang et al. [20] present a localized heuristic in which they
any notion of sensing range. use the SPAN [7] protocol to maintain connectivity, and a
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next seperate CCP protocol to maintain coverage. In our prior
section, we review the related work on energy efficient work [12], we designed a greedy approximation algorithm
connectivity and coverage problem. Then, in section III, that delivers a connected sensor cover within a O(lg n)
we describe our sensor network model and give the formal factor of the optimal solution. While prior works on con-
definition of the variable radii connectivity and coverage nected sensor coverage have only considered a nodes with
problem. We start with presenting a fully localized al- fixed radii, in this article, we consider the network model
gorithm based on Voronoi diagram and relative neighbor where each sensor has the ability to control its transmis-
graph in Section IV. In Section V, we present centralized sion and sensing power/radii.
and distributed greedy algorithms, and in Section VI, we
present another centralized Steiner tree based algorithm.
III. Problem Formulation
Section VII presents simulation results.
In this section, we motivate and formulate the variable
II. Related Work radii connected sensor cover problem addressed in this pa-
per. We start with describing the sensor network model
Connectivity is a fundamental issue in wireless ad hoc
used in this paper.
environment, and many schemes have been addressed to
A sensor network consists of a large number of sensors
conserve energy while maintaining connectivity in the
distributed randomly in a geographical region. Each sen-
network topology. One of the most related problem in
sor I has a unique ID, and is associated with a maximum
the above context is the minimum dominating connected
sensing radius S ∗ and a maximum transmission radius T ∗ .
set problem [11]. The work in wireless network research
We assume that the maximum radii associated are same
community ([18], [9], [13], [23], [2], [8], [22]) has primar-
for all the sensors in the network.1 Each sensor I also
ily focussed on developing energy-efficient distributed al-
chooses (or, is assigned) a sensing radius S(I) (< S ∗) and
gorithms to construct a near-optimal connected dominat-
a transmission radius T (I) (< T ∗ ), such that it is capable
ing set. All the above works assume fixed transmission
of sensing up to a distance of S(I) and can communicate
range for each sensor node. The works in [21], [4], [5],
directly with sensors that are within a distance of T (I)
[19] a ddress the related NP-complete problem of con-
units. The assigned sensing region θ(I) associated with a
structing a minimum energy broadcast tree in a network,
sensor I is a disk of radius S(I) centered at the location
where every node can adjust its transmission power/range.
of sensor I.
None of the above described works involve any notion of
The variable radii connected sensor cover (VRCSC)
sensing range or coverage.
problem in the above described sensor model can be in-
Recently, there has been a lot of research done to ad-
formally stated as follows. Given a sensor network and
dress the coverage problem in sensor networks. In partic-
a query region, select a subset of sensors with specified
ular, the authors in [17] design a centralized heuristic to
sensing and transmission radii, such that (a) each point
select mutually exclusive sensor covers that independently
in the query region can be sensed by at least one of the
cover the network region. In [6], the authors investigate
selected sensors, and (b) the selected sensors form a con-
linear programming techniques to optimally place a set
nected communication graph using their assigned trans-
of sensors on a sensor field (three dimensional grid) for a
mission radii (considering only bidirectional link). Our
complete coverage of the field. Meguerdichian et al. ([15],
goal is to minimize the total energy cost of the selected
[14]) consider a slightly different definition of coverage
sensors, i.e., the sum of the sensing and communication
and address the problem of finding maximal paths of low-
energy costs of all the selected sensor nodes. Essentially,
est and highest observabilities in a sensor network.
for a given query region in a sensor network, we wish to
Recently, researchers have also considered connectiv-
select a subset of sensors to be powered ON and assign
ity and coverage in an integrated platform. In particu-
them sensing and transmission radii, such that the given
lar, the authors in [16] consider an unreliable sensor net-
work, and derive necessary and sufficient conditions for 1
This assumption is needed only for the Voronoi based approach
the coverage of the region and connectivity of the network presented in Section IV.

query region is covered and the selected set of sensors Consider a sensor network. Let S ∗ and T ∗ be the maxi-
form a connected communication graph. The query re- mum sensing and transmission radius respectively. Given
gion can also be thought of as a surveillance region that a query region RQ in the network, a set of sensors M =
needs to be monitored by the sensor network. {I1 , I2, . . ., Im } in the sensor network, where each sen-
Motivation for Variable Radii. Energy is a critical re- sor Ij is assigned a sensing radius S(Ij ) (< S ∗) and a
source in sensor networks. One of the key characteristics transmission radius T (Ij ) (< T ∗ ), is said to be a variable
in wireless communication is that the energy consumption radii connected sensor cover for the query region RQ if
increases with the transmission distance. Thus, it is often the following two conditions hold:
assumed that a wireless device can change its transmis- 1) RQ ⊆ θ(I1 ) ∪ θ(I2 ) ∪ . . . θ(Im ), where θ(Ij ) is the
sion range to save energy [4] [19] [21]. In conventional sensing region of Ij , i.e., a circular region of radius
sensor design, the energy spent in sensing has an inverse S(Ij ) centered around the sensor Ij , and
relationship with the amount of signal energy received by 2) the communication graph of M is connected.
the sensor. This is because, if the signal energy is weak, A set of sensors that satisfies only the first condition is
it needs to be suitably amplified for reliable detection, or called a variable radii sensor cover.
suitable noise filters needs to be used to subdue noise.2 The variable radii connected sensor coverage problem
Note also that the signal energy decays with distance of of computing a minimum energy-cost variable radii con-
the sensor from the signal source according to an inverse nected sensor cover is NP-hard as the less general problem
power law. Thus, it is fair to model the energy spent in of connected sensor cover with fixed radii is known to be
sensing as an increasing function of a power of the sens- NP-hard [12].
ing radius.
We now formally define the variable radii connected IV. Voronoi Based Algorithm
sensor cover (VRCSC) problem. We start with a few def- In this section, we design a distributed algorithm
initions. for the variable radii connected sensor cover problem
Definition 1: (Energy Cost) Consider a sensor I with an based based on the computational geometric concepts of
assigned sensing radius of S(I) and a transmission ra- Voronoi diagrams and Relative-Neighbor Graphs (RNG).
dius of T (I). We model the energy cost of I as E(I) = The developed algorithm is a localized algorithm in the
f (S(I)) + g(T (I)) + C, where f (x) and g(x) are mono- sense that each sensor makes decisions based only upon
tonically non-decreasing functions in x, and C is a con- local neighborhood information, and thus, the algorithm
stant that represents the idle-state energy cost. is very communication-efficient. In this section, each sen-
Definition 2: ((Full) Communication Graph) Given a set sor node is assumed to be either active (powered on) or in-
of sensors M in a sensor network, the communication active. Below, we recall definitions of Voronoi Diagrams
graph of M is a graph with M as the set of vertices and an and Relative-Neighbor Graphs.
edge between any two sensors if they can directly commu- Definition 5: (Voronoi Diagram/Cell/Neighbor) Given n
nicate with each other using their assigned transmission nodes in a plane, the voronoi diagram is defined as the
radii. The full-communication graph of a set I of sensors partitioning of the plane into n convex polygons such that
is the communication graph of I when each node in I is each polygon contains exactly one of the n nodes and ev-
assigned the maximum transmission radius T ∗. ery point in a given polygon is closer to its central node
Definition 3: (Communication Distance) A path of than to any other node [1]. The voronoi cell of a node is
nodes/sensors between Ii and Ij in the communication the convex polygon in the voronoi diagram that contains
graph is called a communication path between the sen- the node. Two nodes whose voronoi cells share a common
sors Ii and Ij . The communication distance between two edge are called voronoi neighbors.
sensors Ii and Ij is the weight of the minimum node- Definition 6: (Relative Neighbor Graph (RNG)) Given n
weighted path between Ii and Ij in the communication nodes in a 2D plane, the relative neighbor graph is the
graph, where the weight at an intermediate sensor node graph where an edge exists between any two nodes u,
I is the transmission energy cost g(T (I)) of the sensor v, iff there is no node w such that d(u, w) < d(u, v)
node. and d(v, w) < d(u, v). It is well-known that the rela-
Definition 4: (Variable Radii Connected Sensor Cover) tive neighbor graph contains the minimum spanning tree
of the euclidean graph over the given n nodes [5].
The actual relationship between the energy spent in sensing and
signal energy incident on the sensor cannot be easily generalized, as
In the rest
it is dependent on the sensor technology and electronic circuitry for Definition 7: (l-hop Active Neighborhood) The l-hop ac-
detection, but it is not important for our purposes. tive neighborhood of an active node I, denoted as N (I, l),

is defined as the set of active nodes that are at most R assignment of transmission radii ensures connectivity
at a distance of l hops from I in the unweighted full- of M .
communication graph of the entire sensor network. Voronoi Based Algorithm Description. The V-R assign-
In our proposed localized algorithm, each sensor node ment of sensing and transmission radii is key in the design
I builds its voronoi cell based upon locations of nodes of our voronoi based algorithm. Informally, the voronoi
in N (I, l). A low l can result in construction of inaccu- based algorithm works as follows. We start with all sen-
rate voronoi cells, since each sensor node has only lim- sors in the network as active nodes, and use the V-R as-
ited (l-hop) information. However, a low value of l does signment method to assign their sensing and transmission
not affect the correctness of our proposed algorithm. The radius. At each stage, certain sensor nodes become in-
constant l is chosen carefully – larger l results in better active, and the assignment of sensing and transmission
performance, but higher communication cost. For ease of radii is redone for the remaining active nodes. A sensor
presentation, we will assume that l is a constant in the rest node is chosen to become inactive only if the remaining
of the discussion. active sensors are capable of covering the query region
Definition 8: (Local Voronoi Cell/Neighbor) A local and maintain connectivity of their communication graph.
voronoi cell LV (I) of a node I is a set of points p such We use an appropriately defined concept of “benefit” to
that p is in the given query region and d(p, I) ≤ d(p, J) choose best sensor nodes to become inactive. The algo-
for all J ∈ N (I, l). Note that local voronoi cells of a set rithm terminates when no more sensors can be made in-
of nodes in a 2D plane may not be disjoint. For a node I, active. In the end, the set of active sensor nodes form the
the size of its local voronoi cell LV (I) is the maximum desired VRCSC solution. Formally, our proposed Voronoi
distance of a point in LV (I) from I. Based Algorithm consists of the following steps.
A node J is a local voronoi neighbor of I if J is a 1) Initially, each sensor node in the sensor network is
voronoi neighbor of I in the voronoi diagram over the set active, and gathers locations of all the nodes in the
of nodes N (I, l). Note that the local voronoi neighbor l-hop active neighborhood.
relationship is not symmetric, i.e., I may not be a local 2) Each active sensor node computes its local voronoi
voronoi neighbor of J even if J is a local voronoi neigh- cell, and the neighbors in the RNG over active
bor of I. nodes. It uses the V-R assignment method to assign
The following method of assignment of radii to a set of itself a sensing and a transmission radius.
active sensor nodes in a sensor network forms the core of 3) Each node I computes its sleeping benefit (formally
our voronoi based algorithm. defined later), which is is the decrease in the total
V-R Assignment of Radii. Consider a set of active sen- energy cost of the active sensors if I is inactivated.
sors A in a sensor network. Let the set of sensor nodes 4) A sensor node I is considered removable, if it satis-
whose maximum sensing region intersects with the given fies the following two conditions.
query region be M . The V-R assignment of sensing and • For every pair of communication neighbors of
transmission radii is defined as follows. Each sensor node I, there exists a communication path P in the
I in M is assigned a sensing radius equal to the size full-communication graph of N (I, l), such that
of its local voronoi cell or the maximum sensing radius, all the intermediate nodes in P have a higher
whichever is smaller. Each sensor node I in M is assigned node-ID than that of I. This condition ensures
a transmission radius equal to the maximum distance over connectivity of active nodes, if I is made inac-
all its neighboring nodes in the RNG graph of M . All ac- tive [22].
tive nodes that are not in M are assigned zero sensing and • The region (LV (I) ∩ θ(I)) is covered by the
transmission radius. The following theorem shows that union of the maximum sensing regions of the
the V-R assignment ensures coverage and connectivity of local voronoi neighbors of I. This condition
the query region. ensures coverage of the query region, if I is
Theorem 1: Given a set of active sensors A in a sensor made inactive.3
network and a query region, such that the query region is 3
Follows from Theorem 1 and the fact that if a local voronoi neigh-
covered by the union of the maximum sensing regions of bor J of I also inactivates itself, then it must be the case that I is not
nodes in A, the V-R assignment of radii ensures coverage a local voronoi neighbor of J , and for every point p in LV (I) ∩ θ(I)
of the query region. there is some active local voronoi neighbor K of J that is closer to p
than J . Similarly, if K also inactivates itself, there must be another
If the set of active sensor nodes whose maximum sens- active sensor that is closer to p than K. Eventually, the point p is cov-
ing region intersects with the query region be M . If the ered. In case of unbounded message delays, a node I needs to get
full-communication graph of M is connected, then the V- confirmations from all its voronoi neighbors before going to sleep, as

5) If I is removable and has the most sleeping benefit voronoi neighbors. In such a case, the second condition
among all its local voronoi neighbors, then I be- of removability could result in a cyclic condition in a dis-
comes inactive. tributed setting, and two mutually local voronoi neighbors
6) Go to Step 2. I and J may both delete themselves and thus, possibly
The above described algorithm can be easily imple- render the query region uncovered. To prevent such a sce-
mented in a distributed setting, where the communication nario from happening we require the following. A sensor
model is reliable. To ensure correctness in an unreliable I that wishes to inactivate itself, sends an inquiry to each
communication model, we need to add certain tedious of its local voronoi neighbors; the node I enters sleeping
steps as discussed later. This completes the description mode only after it has received positive confirmation from
of our voronoi based algorithm. Below, we describe how all of its local voronoi neighbors. Inquiries are resent on
the sleeping benefit is computed for a removable node. failures, and a sensor node that sends a positive confirma-
Calculating Sleeping Benefit. The sleeping benefit B(I) tion doesn’t enter a sleeping state. We omit further minor
of an active node I is defined as the decrease in total en- details.
ergy cost of the set of active sensors in the networks due The second problem arises because a sensor node I may
to inactivation of the node I. More precisely, not be able to accurately compute its N (I, l), the active l-
hop neighborhood, because of message losses. In partic-
B(I) = E(I) − (Enew (J) − E(J)), ular, a node may not know which neighboring nodes are
J∈LN (I) active or inactiveWe solve this problem by requiring each
active sensor to send a periodic hello message to its l-
where E(X) is the current energy cost of a node X, hop neighbors. By default, a node I assumes that each
LN (I) is the set of local neighbors (local voronoi neigh- node J in the l-hop neighborhood is inactive, unless it re-
bors union 1-hop communication neighbors) of I, and ceives a hello message from J. This results in an under-
Enew (X) is the new energy cost of a node X after in- estimation of N (I, l) due to possible message losses. Un-
activation of I. Each node I is aware of the current as- derestimation of N (I, l) does not affect the claim in Theo-
signment of sensing and transmission radii (and hence, the rem 1, and hence the correctness of the algorithm. The in-
energy cost) of all its local neighbors. Thus, to compute accuracy of neighborhood information doesn’t cause any
its sleeping benefit, a node I only needs to compute the problems in maintenance of connectivity of the active
increase in sensing and transmission radii of nodes in its nodes, as long as each node initially start with accurate
local neighborhood. information of one-hop communication neighbors and the
Based on the V-R assignment, only the local voronoi active neighborhood nodes are eventually discovered.
neighbors of I need to increase their assigned sensing ra-
dius when I is inactivated. The local voronoi neighbors V. Greedy Algorithm
increase their sensing radii to cover the local voronoi cell
LV (I) of I, and the increase in sensing radius of a local In this section, we present a greedy algorithm for the
voronoi neighbor can be computed using the polygon clip- variable radii connected sensor coverage problem. We
ping method [10]. Note that only the nodes in N (I, 1) present a centralized as well a distributed version of the
may increase their transmission radius due to inactiva- algorithm. In contrast with the Voronoi-based approach,
tion of I, and the increase in transmission energy cost the centralized version of the greedy algorithm provably
of the nodes in N (I, 1) can be easily computed by first delivers a VRCSC whose total energy cost is at most
constructing the induced subgraphs of RNG over N (I, 1), O(r log n) times the optimal energy cost. Here, r is the
with and without I. link radius of the sensor network (defined later) and n is
the total number of sensors in the entire network. The dis-
Unreliable Communication Model. The above described
tributed version of the greedy algorithm empirically per-
algorithm needs to be augmented with certain handshake
forms close to the centralized version, but incurs higher
messages to ensure correctness in a communication model
communication cost compared to the Voronoi approach
where message delays cannot be bounded. Below, we dis-
due to the size of the messages. Moreover, for the greedy
cuss the issues that arise in an unreliable communication
algorithm, we need to make an assumption that each sen-
model, and propose solutions to handle them.
sor has only a finite number of choices for the sensing
The first problem in an unreliable communication
radii. In particular, we assume that each sensor I chooses
model occurs if a node I doesn’t have the updated ben-
from k sensing radii S1 , S2, . . . , Sk = S ∗. The greedy
efit (which is sent in a message) of J, one of its local
algorithm presented here is a generalization of the greedy
discussed later. approximation algorithm presented in [12] for the fixed

radii version of the problem. We start with describing the set of sensors, is defined as the number of valid subele-
centralized version of the greedy algorithm. ments newly (not covered by M ) covered by P divided
Basic Idea. Informally, the proposed greedy algorithm by the increase in energy cost of M due to addition of
works as follows. The algorithm maintains a set of se- P . More formally, the benefit of a candidate path P with
lected sensors M along with their assigned transmission respect to a set of selected sensors M is:
and sensing radii, and increases the covered region while V (M ∪ P ) − V (M )
keeping connectivity of M . At each stage, either we add ,
E(M ∪ P ) − E(M )
to M a “path” of sensors that has the highest “benefit”
or increase the sensing radius of a sensor in M to attain where V (I) is the number of valid subelements covered
maximum increase in “benefit.” The algorithm terminates by a set of sensors I, and E(I) is the total energy cost of
when the given query region is completely covered by the I.
assigned sensing regions of the sensors in M . A more Definition 12: (Optimal Incremental Benefit) Let M be
formal and complete description of the algorithm is given the set of sensors already selected by the greedy algo-
below. We first start with a few more definitions. rithm, and m be a sensor node in M with an assigned
Definition 9: (Candidate Sensor; Candidate Path) Let M sensing radius of S(m). The incremental benefit of in-
be the set of sensors already selected by the algorithm. A creasing m’s sensing radius from S(m) to S 0(m) is de-
sensor c is called a candidate sensor if c ∈ / M and there fined as the number of valid subelements newly (not cov-
is a sensor m in M such that d(c, m) < S ∗ + S(m). In ered by M ) covered by the increased sensing region θ0 (m)
other words, a sensor c is a candidate sensor if c ∈/ M and divided by the increase in energy cost of m. The sens-
its maximum sensing region (corresponding to the sens- ing radius S 0(m) of m that results in the maximum incre-
ing radius S ∗ ) intersects with the assigned sensing region mental benefit is called the optimal incremental radius of
(θ(m)) of some sensor m in M . m with respect to M , and the corresponding incremental
A candidate path is a sequence/path of sensors benefit is called the optimal incremental benefit of m.
<p0, p1, . . . , pl> such that p0 is a candidate sensor, pl ∈ Centralized Greedy Algorithm. We now give a formal
M , pi ∈
/ M for i < l, and the sequence of sensors forms a and complete description of the Centralized Greedy Algo-
communication path in the full-communication graph of rithm. Initially, M consists of an arbitrary sensor I whose
the entire sensor network. Also, to ensure that the se- maximum sensing region intersects with the given query
quence of sensors P forms a communication path with region. The sensor I’s sensing radius is set to the max-
minimum transmission energy cost, we make the follow- imum and its transmission radius is set to zero. At each
ing assignment of radii. subsequent stage, the algorithm finds the candidate path Pb
(after finding all the candidate sensors) that has the max-
T (p0) = d(p0, p1)
imum benefit with respect to M . Also, for each sensor
T (pi) = Max(d(pi, pi−1), d(pi, pi+1) ∀ 0 < i < l m in M , the algorithm computes its optimal incremen-
T (pl) = Max(d(pl, pl−1), T (pl)) tal benefit (as defined above), and picks the sensor mb that
S(pi) = 0 for 0 < i < l has the highest optimal incremental benefit. If the optimal
incremental benefit of m b is is higher than the benefit of
selected P , then m’s
b sensing radius is increased to its op-
In addition, the sensing radius of the candidate sensor p0 timal incremental radius, otherwise the candidate path Pb
is chosen to maximize the benefit of the candidate path is added to M . That completes one stage of the algorithm.
(defined later). The sensing radius of pl , which is in M , is The above process is repeated until the given query region
kept unchanged. is completely covered by M .
Definition 10: (Subelement; Valid Subelement) Recall Algorithm 1: Centralized Greedy Algorithm
that each sensor has a choice of k possible sensing regions Input: A sensor network and a query region RQ.
(corresponding to the k different sensing radii). A subele- Output: A set of connected sensor cover M . Each with
ment is a set of points. Two points belong to same subele- assigned sensing and transmission radius.
ment if and only if they are covered by the same set of
possible sensing regions. If a subelement intersects with BEGIN
the given query region, then it is called a valid subelement. Let M denote the set of sensors selected.
Let I be a node whose maximum sensing region
Definition 11: (Benefit of a Candidate Path) Benefit of a intersects RQ .
candidate path P with respect to M , an already selected S(I) = S ∗; T (I) = 0;

M := I; Each stage of the the distributed algorithm consists of

while (RQ is not covered by M ) four phases as described below:
Let SP be the set of candidate paths, and Pb ∈ SP • Candidate Path Search (CPS). In this phase, the most
be the candidate path with maximum benefit; recently added candidate sensor Ĉ broadcasts a CPS
Let m b ∈ M be the sensor node with most optimal message within a range of 2r communication dis-
incremental benefit; tance. In this broadcast phase, each sensor broadcast
BP = Benefit of Pb ; the CP S message with the maximum transmission
Bm = Optimal incremental benefit of m; b range.
if ( BP > Bm ) • Candidate Path Response(CPR). Any sensor that re-
M = M ∪ Pb ceives the CPS message checks whether it is a new
else candidate sensor (by checking whether its maximum
Set S(m)
b to m’s
b optimum incremental radius. sensing region intersects with any sensor in Pb ). If
end if; so, it sends a CPR message (along with the associ-
end while; ated candidate path formed by the routing path took
RETURN M ; by the CPS message) to Ĉ, the originator of the CPS
END  message.
The above described Algorithm 1 can be implemented • Selection of Best Candidate Path/Sensor. After gath-
in O(n3 ) time, where n is the size of the network. The ering all CPR message, the sensor Ĉ calculates the
following theorem proves the near-optimality of the so- benefit of each of the candidate paths and picks the
lution delivered by the algorithm. We omit the proof, as candidate path Pb new (and the corresponding candi-
it is similar to the proof of the centralized approximation date sensor Ĉ new ) that has the highest benefit. More-
algorithm in [12]. over, it computes the optimal incremental benefit of
Definition 13: (Link Radius) The link radius is defined as each sensor in M , and picks the sensor m b ∈ M
the maximum communication distance between any two that has the maximum optimal incremental benefit.
sensors whose maximum sensing regions intersect. If the benefit of Pb new is greater than the optimal in-
Theorem 2: Algorithm 1 returns a connected sensor cremental benefit of m,b then the sensor Ĉ unicasts all
cover whose energy cost is at most O(r(1+log d))|OP T |, the required parameters to Ĉ new , and the Pb new and
where r is the link radius of the sensor network, d is the Ĉ new now become the new (and current) Pb and Ĉ
maximum number of subelements in any sensing region, respectively. If the optimal incremental benefit of m b
and |OP T | is the energy cost of an optimum solution. is greater than the benefit of Pb new , then the sensing
Since, d = O((nk)2) ([12]), the solution delivered by Al- radius of mb is increased to attain the optimal incre-
gorithm 1 is within O(r log(nk)) factor of the optimal so- mental benefit, and Ĉ repeats this phase.
lution. Recall that k is the total number of sensing radius • Repeat. The new Ĉ broadcasts the CP S messages
choices available to a sensor node. again and initiates a new stage. This continues, until
a leading sensor Ĉ decides that the sensing region
RM successfully covers the whole query region RQ .
A. Distributed Greedy Algorithm (DGA) We make similar optimization as in [12] to reduce the
In this section, we briefly describe the distributed ver- communication cost incurred by the distributed algorithm.
sion of the Algorithm 1 proposed in the previous section. In Section VII, we show that the solution returned by
The distributed algorithm presented here is similar to the the above described Distributed Greedy Algorithm is very
distributed approximation algorithm proposed in [12] for close to that returned by the Centralized Greedy Algo-
constructing a connected sensor cover. The Distributed rithm (Algorithm 1), validating that the optimizations in-
Greedy Algorithm (DGA) in stages, and at each stage, troduced do not affect the quality of the solution.
a candidate path is added to the already selected sen-
sor set M , until the whole query region is covered by VI. Steiner Tree Based Algorithm
M . Throughout the algorithm, the following variables are In this section, we present an alternate centralized algo-
maintained: rithm to construct a variable radii connected sensor cover.
• M , the set of sensors that have already been selected. We refer to this algorithm as the Steiner Tree Based algo-
• SP , the set of candidate paths. rithm, and it consists of two phases:
• Pb , the most recently added candidate path. 1) In the first phase, we construct a variable radii sen-
• Ĉ, the candidate sensor associated with P b. sor cover (not necessarily connected).

2) In the second phase, we construct a Steiner tree Theorem 4: The total transmission energy cost of the
to connect the sensor cover constructed in the first Steiner tree τ constructed by the above described second
phase. phase is at most 24 times the minimum transmission en-
Each of the above phases can be solved near-optimally, ergy cost required to connect the set of sensors M1 , the
i.e., within a factor of the optimal solution, as shown be- VRSC returned by the first phase.
Constructing a Variable Radii Sensor Cover (VRSC). VII. Performance Evaluation
The problem of constructing a variable radii sensor cover We built a specific simulator for the distributed algo-
is similar to that of the well-known set cover problem, rithms, and carried out extensive experiments to evaluate
wherein the greedy algorithm delivers a near-optimal set the performance of the proposed algorithms. The simu-
cover. For the variable radii sensor cover problem, the lator randomly places sensors within a given region. The
greedy algorithm maintains a set of sensors M , and incre- simulator does not model any link layer protocol or wire-
ments the set M by either increasing the sensing radius of less channel characteristics. Thus, all messages in the
a sensor already in M or by adding a new sensor along simulator are transmitted in an error-free manner. While
with an assigned sensing radius into M . In particular, such a simulator models an idealized communication sub-
during each stage of the greedy algorithm, we compute system, it is sufficient for our purpose of comparing the
the optimal incremental benefit of each sensor in the net- performance of our proposed algorithms.
work with respect to M (assuming that the sensors not
Cost Model. The sensing energy cost function depends
in M have an assigned sensing radius of zero), and pick
on the specific sensor type, but is usually of the form
the sensor (for increasing the sensing radius or addition
S(I)x, where S(I) is the assigned sensing radius and x
to M ) that gives the the maximum optimal incremental
is a constant between 1 to 4 [15]. Similarly, the trans-
benefit at that stage. This continues till the whole query
mission energy cost function is of the form T (I)y , where
region is covered. In this phase, the transmission radius
T (I) is the assigned transmission radius and y is a con-
assigned to the sensors is zero. Let M1 be the variable
stant between 2 to 4 [19]. For our experiments, we chose
radius sensor cover constructed by the above greedy al-
x = y = 4. We assume that total energy cost incurred
gorithm. The following theorem follows easily from the
(sensing and transmission) at each active sensor node dur-
approximation result of the greedy algorithm for weighted
ing one data-gathering query is:
set cover problem.
Theorem 3: The above described greedy algorithm used E(I) = αS(I)4 + (1 − α)T (I)4 + C,
to construct a variable radii sensor cover delivers a solu-
tion whose energy cost is within O(log(nk)) factor of the where α is a parameter that signifies relative weight of
optimal energy cost, where n is the total number of sen- sensing and transmission energies. In our experiments,
sors in the network and k is the total number of sensing we use three different values of α viz. 0.1, 0.5, and 0.9 to
radii each sensor can choose from. simulate different sensor types. Essentially, when α is 0.1,
Constructing a Steiner Tree. In the second phase, we the energy consumption due to sensing is relatively much
construct a Steiner tree to connect the VRSC M1 con- less than the energy consumption due to transmission. We
structed in the first phase. We treat the problem as con- measure the performance of our algorithms for all these
structing an optimal Steiner tree problem over an edge- three energy cost models.
weighted sensor network graph G, where an edge exists Network and Battery Parameter Values. We run our ex-
between sensors x and y if d(x, y) < T ∗, where d(x, y) is periments with the following choice of parameter values.
the distance between x and y, and the weight assigned The maximum sensing radius S ∗ as well as the maximum
to the edge is g(d(x, y))4. We use the well known 2- transmission radius T ∗ for each sensor node is chosen to
approximation Steiner tree algorithm [3] to connect M1 be 10. Each sensor can choose from 5 different sensing
in the edge-weighted sensor network graph G. Let the and transmission radius: 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10. We randomly
Steiner tree thus constructed be τ . Each sensor node in τ distribute a certain number of sensor nodes in a query re-
is assigned a transmission radius equal to the maximum gion of size 50 × 50. The total size n of sensor network
distance from all its neighbors in τ . We omit the proof is between 100 to 600, representing scarce to significantly
of the following theorem, which follows from a similar dense sensor network density. In our experiments, we set
result in [19] for minimum energy broadcast trees. each sensor node’s battery power as 12,000,000 units, and
Recall that, g(t) is the transmission energy cost component of a the constant C in the energy cost function is set at 2,000
sensor node with assigned transmission radius t. units. Given that the maximum sensing and transmission

350000 350000 350000

300000 300000 300000

250000 250000 250000

Energy Cost

Energy Cost

Energy Cost
200000 200000 200000

150000 150000 150000

100000 DGA_FIXED 100000 DGA_FIXED 100000 DGA_FIXED
50000 DGA 50000 DGA 50000 DGA
Voronoi Voronoi Voronoi
0 0 0
100 150 200 250 400 600 100 150 200 250 400 600 100 150 200 250 400 600
Size of Sensor Network (n) Size of Sensor Network (n) Size of Sensor Network (n)

(a) α = 0.1 (b) α = 0.5 (c) α = 0.9

Fig. 1. Total energy cost of the solution returned by various algorithms.

25000 25000 25000

Number of Effective Data Gatherings

Number of Effective Data Gatherings

Number of Effective Data Gatherings

Voronoi Voronoi Voronoi
20000 20000 20000

15000 15000 15000

10000 10000 10000

5000 5000 5000

0 0 0
100 150 200 250 400 600 100 150 200 250 400 600 100 150 200 250 400 600
Size of Network Size of Network Size of Network

(a) α = 0.1 (b) α = 0.5 (c) α = 0.9

Fig. 2. Sensor network lifetime for various distributed algorithms.

radius of each sensor are both 10, the total energy cost tion V-A.
incurred at a sensor node during a data-gathering query • Centralized Greedy Algorithm for Fixed Radii
is 12,000 units. In a naive approach wherein all sensor (CGA FIXED) – the centralized greedy algorithm
nodes participate in each data-gathering query, the sen- proposed in [12] for the fixed radius connected sen-
sor network can execute 1,000 queries, for any value of sor cover. We choose the fixed sensing/transmission
α. During the construction phase (execution of an algo- radius to be 10 (the maximum). The distributed ver-
rithm to construct a VRCSC), the energy cost incurred in sion of the algorithm is denoted as DGA FIXED.
transmitting a message is proportional to the size of the
We have conducted two sets of experiments. The first set
message. We assume that each data-gathering query re-
of experiments is to compare the performance of the var-
quires sensing and transmission of 100 bytes; thus, the
ious algorithms in terms of the total energy cost of the
energy cost incurred in transmitting a message of size `
connected sensor cover delivered by the algorithm. The
bytes during the construction phase is (1 − α)104`/100.
experiment results are presented in Figure 1. In the sec-
Algorithms and Experiments. We compare the perfor- ond set of experiments, we compare the performance of
mance of the following algorithms in our experiments. the various distributed algorithms (DGA, DGA FIXED,
• Voronoi Based Algorithm (Voronoi) – The localized Voronoi) in terms of their effectiveness in in prolonging
distributed algorithm described in section IV. the sensor network lifetime.
• Steiner Tree Based Algorithm (STBA) – the central- As shown in Figure 1, we can see that among all algo-
ized algorithm described in Section VI. rithms, the Centralized Greedy Algorithm (CGA) delivers
• Centralized Greedy Algorithm (CGA) – the greedy the solution with least total energy cost. The energy cost
approximation algorithm described in Algorithm 1. of the solution delivered by CGA is almost half of the to-
• Distributed Greedy Algorithm (CGA) – the dis- tal energy cost of the solution delivered by CGA FIXED,
tributed version of Algorithm 1 described in Sec- the best known approximation algorithm for the fixed ra-

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the network lifetime. In particular, our proposed Voronoi
based localized algorithm performs very well.


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